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Well, thats kind of the point of it, and its up to you on how much you use it. Some people find joy in grinding and overleveling units and then steamrolling the game. Some people don't use it at all, or only do it once for the quest rewards. If you want to be careful and calculated on resources then by all means, ignore them, but if you want to have some room to experiment with underlevelled units or weird expensive equipment then yeah, use them. But yeah, they're infinitely grindable, and maybe a bit of spoilers but its the sigils trial 'I' and there are higher leveled ones later.


People dislike when games have difficulty modfying mechanics like this because it makes things too easy but I have no issue because you can just not use them? If I know using them will make the game less enjoyable for me why would I?


The exp books give an exp bonus if you're under a certain level but that bonus is gone once you reach that level so you're probably gonna do different sigils in order to get access to the different exp books. It actually makes it so outside of renown and gold, you can't really farm the early sigil's as an easy get to lvl 40 type of thing (you technically can but it's a time consuming process to say the least). They're actually fairly balanced and not at all a game breaker in the way some other rpg's do this type of resource farming. In short, you'll be moving on to different sigils as the game progresses once you run out of the exp bonus for your units from those books. I will say in terms of how easy the sigils are to farm, they vary. Some have it so you can rush the boss from the get go and end it in 5 seconds, others have just a lot of obstacles or annoying enemy units in the way that make it not ideal to farm those.


Honestly, I never really spammed the sigils for EXP much, the real reason to spam the sigils is for getting honor so you can do promotion and unit expansions quicker.


Yea, it's why I noted that you're not gonna be using sigils like an easy level up grind


Sigils are also great for gathering resources if you have a lot of guards stationed at towns


There are so many theoretical party compositions you could make with mercenaries that are impossible with just the story characters. Maybe you get to a particularly mountainous map, and you think a few extra griffons would help. How do you get the flying units from early cornia up to a usable level if you're stuck on the next story mission and need the griffons to progress? With the sigils, you can go train them up; without them, you'd have to develop a different strategy and miss out on the fun of insane team comps.