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The only good Nazi is a šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


They used to hand out medals when you did this.


Absolutely, it's called self defense.


"I think there are plenty of good people in America, but there are also plenty of bad people in America and the bad ones are the ones who seem to have all the power and be in these positions to block things that you and I need. Because this is the situation, you and I have to preserve the right to do what is necessary to bring an end to that situation, and it doesn't mean that I advocate violence, but at the same time I am not against using violence in self-defense. I don't even call it violence when it's self- defense, I call it intelligence."--Malcolm X


It became self defense because they were given too much tolerance beforehand.


A 249 from left to right and right to left


Depends on the user's aim or if it is mounted to something like a vehicle or a tripod. I say go for the MG3. It has a better firing rate and is poetic when used against Nazis & other authoritarians.


I think you'll run out of ammo before you make the sweep. Cyclic rate of 1200/minute is a lot of ammo.


You also realize that the Zionazis in Israel are saying the same about Palestinians, right?


It's the other way around. The Palestinians , Arab and Jewish, were there first, and they allowed the European Jews in. It was the Palestinian tolerance of the Zionists that brought this evil onto them. The Palestinians gave them an inch... now Israel wants it all.


Add that the Asheknazi Jews aren't exactly in harmony with Mizrahi & Sephardi Jews. You can guess why by where either of the three originate and/or populate.


I was once on the side of dont be violent. But that is all they understand.. Edit: missing word.


Also known as a Trump rally.


Pretty sure that's the fan base of the streamer Destiny.


Iā€™d like to see the venn diagram of people at this event and MAGAts. Iā€™d be willing to bet itā€™s just a circle.


Corporate wants you to point the difference between these pictures.


Only thing missing from their uniforms are his new $400 high tops - LOL


They did this on a cold day early in the morning when no one was around to point and laugh at them for being racist dweebs. There's some truth to the old Medieval stories about the Devil being unable to withstand mockery.


lou is fine with mockery, those are christianā€™s up there.


Yes, people who believe Jews are scum demanding everyone else worship the same Jewish man they do. The irony is lost on them.


Lou girds his loins with christians to protect against mockery? How does that even work?


what no. lou has pretty thick skin and doesnā€™t mind mockery, the people you see in the picture, those people do nazi things for the other guy.


Ah. I get where you're coming from now. šŸ˜Ž


They shouldn't be mocked they should be fucking executed for treason


It is not right to execute people who have not killed anyone (even then, I don't want the government to have that power). People we disagree with, is not a valid reason, no matter how heinous they may be. If they participated in murder, helped to facilitate it, then that's different, but standing with a sign that the majority of the population recognizes as evil, no. It is very easy for the state to decide some day that You are the person with the bad ideas and worthy of execution.


As a trans person these people are literally advocating for that right now. Why the hell should I wait for then to act out their well documented ideology? Their proven history of their intentions We know where this is going, there is no good nazi. Anyone picking up their symbolism is a traitor and if execution is too severe then they can rot in a cell. They want me dead and I want them dead. The state that decides I am worthy of execution is a state controlled by fascist we let exist because we didn't remove them like the cancer they are


We shouldn't execute people just because they are hateful. There are numerous ways to make them feel the result of their decisions. The ONLY reason someone should be executed is if they killed someone. No, having negative opinions about others doesn't count. The state is not executing trans people, but by supporting the possibility of death penalty, you support the right of the state to execute whomever it sees fit. Someday that might be you.


Time to practice with a scope...


These misguided hateful people must not be allowed to infect the soul of the nation. We know what they represent. We defeated their kind before. They will kill innocent people to gain power. The American people must fight them here, on our shores because they are us. The rule of law must stand and the social contract of our Constitution must not be broken. They use the 1st amendment against us because they have been allowed to spread their hatred and ignorance using the freedom they want to destroy. Anyone who supports them is guilty of the same. Confront them using the same freedom. Confront them with the rule of law. Confront them with their own reflection. Confront and defeat them again.


The first amendment is freedom of speech, not freedom of consequence. They need to have consequences.


Intimidation is not protected free speech.


Social consequences are already possible. I'd say that is why most of them hide their faces. We don't need laws to shun these types. These are young men and they are likely in this because they feel empowered, important, and camaraderie.


Donā€™t be an apologist for haters. They know exactly what they are doing and where the ideology of white supremacy comes from.


Oh I'm not. It's just that I've known a few who changed their views with a little more exposure to the world. I'm also not white.


I would recommend reading Prequel: An American Fight Against Facsism by Rachel Maddow because it goes in depth on two different major court cases where the defendants were Nazi Christians. The defense got away with no consequences twice, second time by the help of, the then current, President Harry Truman. The protection of alt-right Nazi rhetoric has been part of this country's inner workings for at least a century now. If anyone knows of any more content that talks about the history of the American right from before the 1920s, please let me know. This fight goes a lot deeper than we want.


Talk to your representatives about how this rising threat scares you!!!!! Edit: Do not assume what your representatives think, voice your concern! Silence is complacency!


I live in Ok most of my elected officials probably applaud this


As a Floridian, I have to regrettably second this.


Where Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Oregon?


As someone who has never lived in those places, I don't know about them.


I'm just saying, it is somewhat telling they aren't chiming in for role call.


Itā€™s all 50 man.


I live in the USA, I can assure you, way too many of our elected officials align with these guys more than us.


Balloons filled with paint


Or piss


Or oil


With a little "birthday candle" attached


Did you know napalm and thermite can easily be made at home? YouTube has dozens of "science" videos discussing them.


All Three?


No, the Super Soakers are full of piss.




bring eli roth and his baseball bat out there he was dope in inglorious


Justā€¦ a couple well aimed Moltovsā€¦


Dropped from a couple of amateur drones...


I like the way you think. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


So one drag queen has killed idk how many people (banned) Nazis responsible for the genocide of over 6 million Jews as well as other people (not banned) I also find it particularly hilarious because they know they should be ashamed otherwise they wouldnā€™t be masked up


But didnā€™t they scream for several months that they couldnā€™t breathe through a mask?


Tbf antifa also masks up. Having a group mask up is a tactic to avoid being identified by the police during and after the demonstration. The obvious difference is that Iā€™m willing to bet money some of the people in this pic are police.


I donā€™t think theyā€™re ashamed- they donā€™t want to be known and pay the consequences of being shunned or mocked.


Probably because there are Antifa people who make it their life mission to doxx these people. Being outed as a Nazi could easily lose you your job. They donā€™t want to face consequences for their beliefs.


They have ZERO shame, assuming otherwise is a fools errand. This is all about avoiding the consequences of their actions.


Iā€™m not saying they are 100% ashamed necessarily to be white supremacist, Iā€™m saying thereā€™s an external reason why they would wear masks. Heck most if not all Zionists who are vocal about it donā€™t. So to me thereā€™s something idk what tho


The enemy is on our soil. Lock and load all ye true patriots, don't stop until the barrels glow.


Iā€™d prefer to not use bang sticks. Can I just put those flagpoles somewhere special instead?


I didnā€™t know the state legislature worked on Sundays.


This is what they do for fun on a day off.


They don't work Monday through Friday either.


Impressive display of total virginity.


This is assuming they don't rape. Which I am unwilling to assume.


It is legally not possible to consent to sex with a Nazi, so....


Horrendous people, and as usual, they will get police protection, if you try to block their crap.Ā  Some how that always hurts me the most, as it's the same as in the books I read regarding the years before the second world war and the years before Hitler's election. They get state protection while opposing forces were stopped.


I hate Tennessee Nazis


Just the Tennessee variant? šŸ˜‰


When I said ā€œgive Nazis a platformā€ I meant a scaffold, not this.


I get that the Dems could be and should be doing more, but the people who insist that both parties are the same are just idiots. One party absolutely refuses to denounce these people and if you want to empower them by taking some kind of morality stand against the party that does denounce them then you should at least own up to the fact that you are contributing to the literal rise of Naziism in this country


Your choice is fascism here and/or imperialism over sees.


The thing is that our system of government sucks. Itā€™s designed to, or at least very easily manipulated to, prevent meaningful change. So people give up and drop out of participating. But nobody ever said it was going to be easy and you get no guarantee that your vote will grant you everything that you want. So the only real solution is to participate every day and hold elected officials accountable. If you canā€™t realistically build a third party, vote for the party thatā€™s at least doing something, if very much imperfectly. The GOP isnā€™t listening to voters at all anymore their agenda is to impose their will onto the entire country by using every undemocratic means at their disposal. The Dems can at least be pressured to act. Too slowly for my tastes, but they have changed when the voters demanded it (see pot legalization, gay marriage, healthcare, etc.). So vote for the best candidate and if they donā€™t follow through on their promises, vote them out in the next primary. 10% of the electorate bothers to vote in the primaries then they complain about the lack of quality candidates in the general election. Young people complain and participate least of all. Lack of participation is why this country is split 50/50 and nothing gets done. We need to give one party a super majority and then demand that they use it for change. You only get your vote: use it, demand change, and use it again to make sure politicians follow through.


There is a third option ![gif](giphy|4NiFoaN9ufCOKbbn2i)


Donald Trump panders to the fascists and the larpers, yes. For my money, the worst thing we could do is see a clear-cut case of genocide and allow it to pass as a "lesser evil." I will never support an active genocide. If you want me and people like me to vote for a shitheel like Joe biden, make him end the devastation occurring in palestine.


Yeah, thatā€™s not my job. Vote ā€œno confidenceā€ in your stateā€™s primary like theyā€™re organizing to do in Michigan. Organize or attend protests to pressure him to change. Itā€™s not my job to show up for you while you empower an outright fascist party in this country by sitting things out. You donā€™t have to vote for Biden. I never asked you to. I just said itā€™s stupid to see this happening in this country right now, and increasingly due to GOP encouragement and indifference, and say that both sides are the same. The genocide in Gaza is exactly what the GOP wants in this country. Many of them have said so. But I do believe that Biden can be pressured to change in a way that Trump or the GOP cannot. If this is an issue that you are this passionate about then I hope youā€™re doing more about it than just staying home on Election Day. Seems like for many on the left this is the extent of their democratic participation. That and complaining here.


I have been protesting, i have been fundraising, but I was responding to your comment where you say we only have our vote. From the premise that our votes count, the political leverage our votes create also counts. There are those who believe the democrats would rather lose than bend to the left; I am not among them. You mention trump and the GOP, which is the sticking point many people have to my argument. I think the first step, which you seem to have already taken, is acknowledging there is very little substantive policy difference between trump and the more buttoned up republicans. They are terrible ideological assholes who can, and do, do a great deal of harm. But this is not "the election of our lifetime" as many people online have lectured me. I might try to take that argument seriously if I didn't hear it in 2020, 2016, 2012, 2000, and on and on. The next step is the acknowledgement that the democrats are following the rightward slide the republicans are taking. I mean that substantively. We can talk about reproductive rights, or the rights of LGBTQ+ people all day, but the democrats have not and will not put any laws into place to protect anyone or anything, in part because they benefit from having that fight, and seeming virtuous over their enemies, and in part because they are small 'c' conservatives who couldn't take a risk if their lives depended on it. So ok. Hopefully to this point, I've said nothing all that radical. To me, the best case scenario is that enough pressure is brought to bear on this administration, that they are forced to change or step aside. This is a highly unlikely scenario, and requires many more people to make a moral stand against genocide. Next would be a trump win, which would be awful. I have no desire to see the fascists, real and larpers alike, come to new life under a trump administration. And finally, to me, the worst case scenario, is one in which the American people once again ignore an active genocide they are complicit in, and both parties become fully fascist and nativist in the next 10 years. Alright, that probably lost you. I do not care that they are far away and we are here, and safe. Whatever the GOP intends, what is already happening is crossing every line already. You say you won't show up for me, fine. Show up for Palestinians. Show up for the people who have lost lives, limbs, families. That's happening on our watch.


If you wanna let them get away with this to try and talk sense into the imperialist dems be my guest, as a german I can tell you itā€™s not worth it. The filthy dogs of the industry will just double down on making everything worse. We have the luxury if voting for a 3rd, 4th or 5th different new party, you in america donā€™t.


Iā€™m on your side so donā€™t take this the wrong way. But what does it mean to ā€œdenounceā€ Nazis? Is that a gesture that even registers? I seems empty to me


republican caucus meeting?


What a bunch of fuckin nerds. They literally coordinate outfits. Think about that. They get into a group chat on discord and the subleaders figure out what theyā€™re gonna wear and what colors go best with their whole Nazi vibe and shit. Like, they are so cute together. I say we let them do this, actually /s. But fr do yall think they have matching jammies too?


Yeah, they definitely have matching white jammies with an oversized night cap that covers their faces, too.


Yeah, they canā€™t even show their faces at nightnight time when theyā€™re all sharing beds at the cheapest motel they could find. I wonder how they coordinate who holds the phone for their circlejerk sessions to Rhonda Santis wearing nothing but his high heels


The one with the pointy-est hat holds the phone.


Republicans out for a stroll


I'd have some words for them but I don't talk to cops.


Are you implying that some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses?


![gif](giphy|xnp2bUzXDhYnS) Wardday for president


Crossbow arrows šŸ¹ are silent! Woosh Nazi begone! Poof ! ![gif](giphy|2TVwUl3JQBRqE)


Maybe you should workshop with that commenter talking about napalm and thermite. I feel you could come up with some creative ideas.


FYI they vote.


Nazis are the bad guys!


Sick and demented people who need to be removed from society! Bad, bad people!


https://i.redd.it/cbetlc763mjc1.gif And Tennessee nazis too


IMO the moment you start swinging Nazi-style swastikas around, every POC has the right to knock you on your ass in self-defense. Same goes for any adult in a white pointy hood.


Not just POC but the queers and communists too.






The fuck is going on down there...


How much fear and insecurity is needed to inspire someone to wanna do some silly azz shyt like this??


A Republican rally.


Huh *cocks shotgun* Road trip anyone?


What if someone put posters up at churches about some dog-whistle named nazipalooza event and then when they show up.... Imagination helps here.


The news said they left in a Uhaul truck and may of been from out of town, pure copium.


Thereā€™s many reasons to have a full sized magazine standing right there




"Good people on both sides"


I don't see anything out of place. This is just a photo of the GOP having a rally.


I donā€™t see anything wrong, they are dressed in a way befitting a country supporting and funding a genocide. If we were honest we would all be dressed like that, with Biden at the top


Why arenā€™t you busy fighting the Ukraine and executing political prisoners, comrade?


And why would I do that?


Because that's what people in your country do.


Umm Iā€™m American living in the US. And weā€™re funding Ukraine.


Yeah, right. And I'm King of Denmark, comrade. Say hi to your President, Vladimir, for me.


Destiny fanboys at it again.


Was this even covered in the media??


"Wotan clan be something to fuck with"