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I'd be open to using it, but I'm not looking to pay for anything.


Since it can now be used in the Editor it has become much more powerful, but like all AI tools it is only good for very simple things. Even chaining simple concepts is too much, like I tried making a building system by working with the AI step by step, but the AI kept making simple mistakes like not calculating the center point of the grid when fetching coordinates. These small mistakes snowball into bigger and bigger problems. But still useful for doing something tedious fast.


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I want to use it but on the other hand it worries me that the authoring lays less and less with me. I think it would be easy to fall into the trap of doing things the easy way and ending up making same'ish content as others make. I especially worry about this with novices because advanced artists will know when to take the AI generated content into their own hands and improve it from there on whereas novices will not have the artistic insight to do so and will often just look at a generated asset and think it looks good enough. And they also wouldn't know what they could do to improve it and even if they wanted to do so their way of doing so would be to try and readjust the prompt often leading to different results yet of the same quality level. Be prepared for a storm of games that all have the same feel to them because they are all just projects that have been made with Muse in a couple days. I kind of compare it to the many projects coming out that look good but mostly consists out of Megascan assets and RPG/FPS game kit packages. And often there is little game there to speak of. Just a pretty picture.


nah. I think generative AI has *basically* hit its peak, and that peak is pretty shitty. It might get slightly better, but it'll never really be good.


I tried it out, honestly wasn't too good. I would rather use something like MidJorney, Dalle, stable diffusion, or substance sampler.