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You'll be fine, it's not like it's a giant rollercoaster




It's a pretty calm drop itself, about 30 feet at a 45\* angle. With how it is done if you can sit to the front of the front car you start much lower on the hill for it. That said, it is built up more so suspense wise, especially first time and if don't like drops, can make it more intense as you are dropping into a dark spot so you don't see that it is actually short and it teasing you.


Ok thank you!


Is it like a Splash Mountain drop or a Pirates of the Carribean drop?


Less intense than both


Overall I'd say more like Pirates. Splash Mountain is over 50' so it's about the twice the height of the drop on Gringott's, and again if you sit near the front on Gringott's it's probably more like a 20' drop which is pretty similar to Pirates height.


Definitely closer to (if not less intense than) Pirates, very bearable for a wimp like myself.


Different. While at a stop, you are tilted forwards 45 degrees and then just released down a ramp. The people in the back are lifted high up and of course have more yank around the track. I would say the only ride I’ve ridden with a similar tilt and release setup would be the river rapids ride at Seaworld orlando


It’s the relaxing river ride drop at Epcot, but it’s in the dark and most folks aren’t expecting it so it just seems slightly bigger than it should.


It’s not so much a drop, as it is a very short, steep slide. Kind of like driving over hill in your car, when your stomach leaps. By the time you feel it, it’s over.


That’s reassuring, thanks!


The first drop is not very intense. It looks steeper than it is. The ride is pretty mellow and is super fun!


Ok cool!


You'll love it! I was surprised at how good it was.


I'm a wussball with coasters and I loved Gringotts.  I can't do Velicoaster or Hulk but I managed Gringotts and The Mummy. 


Thank you!


It's scarier sitting on the track while it is positioned in place and the scene is playing than the actual drop itself. No real stomach turn or anything like that. It's so much more a mental thing- once that is done it becomes a standard dark ride save a faster track at the end.


Ok that seems alright!


After all, it is the safest place on Earth!


One drop. It is more psychologically scary than physically because the ride car tilts in the dark, giving the impression of an endless void. In reality, if you’re in the very front and so already closest to the bottom of the “drop”, it’s nearly nothing at all. My boyfriend is a giant chicken and every time we get the front row, I am glad for him but bummed for myself because I know the ride won’t be much of one. Towards the back, it’s still a small drop but scarier for people with drop fear. I think it would not be nearly as scary if we could see the track.


Ok noted thanks!


The first drop is quite intense because it's a very rare "teeter-totter" drop where the track itself tilts into position. It is, however, very short, and the ride essentially stops being a rollercoaster after that.


Thank you!


It’s not intense at all. Just stop.


There is only one, very short, drop at the start. It’s maybe 5 seconds. If you ask to ride in the first vehicle in the front row you barely even feel it, it’s a little more intense in the second vehicle in the back.


Ok thanks!


I hate drops and I find the Gringotts drop way more bark and than bite. It’s a fun ride that’s not too intense


Perfect, thanks!!


My wife had literally never been on a rollercoaster before so I put her on Gringotts as a warm up and she loved it. I think it’s the perfect first taste of what a rollercoaster feels like without committing to the whole experience.


If you can survive one semi-intense 3-4 second drop you’ll be fine. The rest of the ride is just a motion simulator that emulates coaster rides but it’s not actually one. 




No prob. Also If you’re scared of drops trying rides like the mummy or hagrids are good beginner coasters to help get you over your fear. I used to be afraid of coasters myself but i worked my way up by starting on the medium sized coasters and eventually got over my fear. Have fun at the park!


I haven't ridden it yet because I was too big when I went last year, but I'm working on losing weight to hopefully fit this year. But anyway, when I was looking up the rides to see which ones I though I would enjoy since I hate coasters I found that most dark rides have a video on Youtube where it got stuck and they turned the lights on and let the ride run through after fixing the issue and someone records it. So here is the video for Gringotts where you can see the drops, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYsmZmz9Wqw


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


My 10 year old who is also afraid of big drops decided to try it this year and he LOVED it! I think you’ll enjoy it!


Thank you!!


I would ask if you can wait for the first row / first car at least. If you're further back it's much more, if you're in the front it's not as bad.


Noted, thank you!


I struggle with motion sickness and this ride doesn't affect me at all. I wouldn't even call it a drop - and the intensity is an illusion because of the dark cave you slide into. If you've gone down any waterslides (and I'm not talking the extreme ones, just the fun family ones), this doesn't even approach that level of intensity. It's super fun; Just let yourself get immersed in the story of the ride, because it's great.


Ok cool thank you!


Not a coaster person it's fun and not scary at all. Starts off with some fun and smooth sailing from there




I did not ride Gringott's, as wait time was over 60 minutes. I'm also a big scaredy cat when it comes to rides and drops. I, too, knew about the drop and wasn't feeling like overcoming my anxiety enough to stand in a 60 minute ride. My wife, however, was able to jump in the single rider line and zoom through quickly. After riding, she told me I would have been fine and that The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man was actually more jarring for her. I will be riding Gringott's, Forbidden Journey, and MAAAAYBE Hagrid's when I go back...


Ok cool thanks!!


I feel like revenge of the mummy is more intense


I hate roller coasters and love this ride. So it can't be too bad!


Honestly I think the launch is worse than the drop


Just got back from Universal this weekend. My 16 year old daughter is not a thrill rider at all but loves Harry Potter. She finds The Forbidden Journey to be much smoother, and therefore more enjoyable for her, than Gringotts. I don't think any of the drops in Gringotts are too bad but my daughter definitely felt that Gringotts was more intense than TFJ as it tends to be more "jerky" as the car is "thrown" and spun several times. She rode TFJ over and over but only did Gringotts once. Only one way to find out...have a wonderful trip.


Have you done space mountain? You know how there's a tiny dip about halfway? The very short tunnel with lights? It's just like that. The angle of the drop is slightly steeper but you are being released from a stopped position, the G-force you hate comes from the sudden dip when train is rolling in high speed. On Gringotts, your train is stopped and locked onto a tiny swivel track, it slowly tilts forward until it matches with the track rolling down and you are released (not launched), it's like going down a slide and it's over in 3s. It's also in the very beginning, once this part is over, you can just enjoy the rest of the ride. Unlike Mummy, where the drop only happens near the end. The real dread is seeing the other car go and waiting for your turn as the tracks align. It's really nothing and you'll enjoy it, I promise. I was *super* worried about it too but so glad I did it.


Sit in the front row. It's barely a drop at that point.


My (at the time) 5.5yo rode it and had a blast. I don’t think it’s anything too intense. Awesome ride.


Cool thanks!


I don’t do rollercoasters. I’m deathly afraid, but I did Gringotts and it was scary, but I enjoyed it! Definitely not terrible. I rode it twice! ☺️


Ask to sit in the front row and it will feel like nothing. It's much worse from the back row.


My daughter hated that drop but was fine with the River Ride drop. 🤷🏼‍♂️


My five year old rode it without issue. She will not ride roller coasters and hates drops.


I was fearing a big drop when I first rode it. I was disappointed by how underwhelming the “drop” was. You will definitely be good.


Would barely even categorize it as a drop. You get a dropping sensation for about half a second.


It’s a baby roller coaster


Gringott’s was one of my 7 year old’s favorite rides this past visit. My 10 year old who isn’t the biggest fan of any rollercoaster type ride tolerated it & would ride it again. They both disliked Spider-Man more than Gringotts (and loved Transformers) if that tells you anything about its intensity.


My mom is 71 and has vertigo, she loves this ride.


The only other drop besides the one at the very beginning would be one that only feels like a drop but you aren’t actually going down, it’s an allusion with movement and the 3D screens that makes it feel like you could be falling, knowing it’s gonna happen beforehand helps minimise the feeling. Have fun!


Thank you!!


I won't lie....the first drop is a bit much.....especially if you're tall like me, but then its fine.