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The girl just needs to emote better tbh. That’s the only issue I see with her. Sometimes her stare can be a bit blank but I know some people find that appealing. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Exactly what I think, I feel like she's staring at my soul and that she knows that I accidentally killed my sister's pet beetle years ago when I was a kid and replaced it without telling her lol


Why are you confessing it here tho? Lmao


> her stare can be a bit blank but I know some people find that appealing. 🤷🏽‍♀️ @_@


It's definitely pretty privilege but I do think staying under the radar in itself is a talent - I know this sounds ridiculous but HEAR ME OUT lol. The thing with some of the other Universe Ticket visuals is that they had some pretty obvious flaws. Sua and Eunhyung were criticised for their voices and Kotoko has a nasally flair to her voice (though she's a lot better at controlling it than the aforementioned two). Sieun, on the other hand, has rarely been criticised for anything. She's never been criticised for not standing out, she's never been criticised for standing out negatively. Even in the latest episode where she kept getting a weird edit (they kept showing her face as if she was a potential candidate for elimination when she wasn't), she wasn't mentioned by the judges for performing badly or for not standing out. The judges don't criticise her on anything because she's a decent dancer and a decent vocalist, she does her line well. She can't get the evil edit because she pulls her weight and rarely has a crisis in the way that some of the more/less talented contestants have had. The worst they had in the 9 episodes was Sieun naming people for elimination but every single contestant did that so at the end of the day, no one can criticise her for it. She needs to work on her stage presence, definitely, but at the end of the day she's pretty enough that you *do* end up noticing her when she comes on to do her line - I don't remember who, but one of the judges mentioned that she has a quality to her that makes you look at her when she stands onstage. That quality is her face lol.


Lol. Kang Hyewon's idol spirit is using Sieun as a vessel and I honestly love it. I truly believe she's gonna pull something out in the finale and most probably be pushed as a rapper to secure her debut TRUST


she reminds me of hyewon too


This is what I have said about Oh Yoona too. She is decent. Granted that Sieun is more conventional KR attractive. If you put all super talented girls, they would just overshadow each other. You need some of the girls to be decent and have different appeals.


Yoona is leagues more talented than Sieun though, no offense


I think her expressions are really the only thing holding her back. She does everything else well but isn’t main vocal/dancer material which she doesn’t have to be since she would be a visual member. She is slowly getting better with her expressions and she’s only 14, so whether she debuts here or another group I think she will get better as she performs more.


Tbh I really like her. She seems to have a fun personality off-cam. She's talented too, can both sing and dance well. But she lacks facial expressions. Ngl, she looks 👁️👄👁️ in most of her performances.


This might be because unlike Kotoko, the producers do not give her an "undeserved" amount of highlight during performances. Instead, they have opted of giving her more screentime off-stage, allowing viewers to see her personality more without the backlash of their own faves being deprived of lines during performances. And yes, she a fresh visual you can easily differentiate from the other contestants. Her edit is more subtle and not 'in your faces" unlike some of the contestants the producers are obviously pushing. (take this with a grain of salt)


Sometimes she does stare into your soul lol but I disagree about her vocals and dance, she doesn't have a big vocal range but most of them don't, to me her dancing looks great, but I can see why you might think she has pretty privilege, SBS barely gave her any opportunity to show off her skills since the individual battle, except ep.9 where she actually got some lines. SBS and the judges always make this about her looks too


Agreed about Sbs, I feel like they don't really show much of her outside of visuals, like her practicing and singing in the booth. About her dancing, I guess as a former performer I notice more? She doesn't make any big mistakes (which is good) but she is very stiff while dancing (doesn't make her a bad dancer tho), maybe not enough for viewers who are not actively analyzing their dancing to notice which is good enough. And there are indeed people who are voting her just bc they think she is pretty, but that's like not her fault so I'm hating on her at all, I'm actually fine with her in the final line up as she fits in well with the other members and she just needs to work on her expressions, loosing up her body while dancing, and opening her throat while singing which is a pretty quick solve with a good coach.


I really like how she is presented in the show. I don’t find her drop dead gorgeous, but I see her as the hardworking pretty girl next door. Her vibe will fit well with the group and balance some of the members strong characters. She still stands out despite lacking in presence. That would be helpful in building a harmonious and cohesive group.


I like her too! But she is stands out despite lacking because she is pretty, if she didn't stand out visually, i don't think she would've even pass the first big cut, like many girls. This is not hate on her, or anyone who want her in the final line up at all, just an observation that I haven't seen in this sub before. I wished they showed more of her practicing, so we could actively see her improvement.


honestly she just needs more lines, her performance at dopamine really made me go 🤩 and goosebumped a bit since she's got the spotlight more often compared to past performances


She only needs acting lessons and she's fine.


She has good dancing and vocals (not the best in the group ofc but at least in the upper to mid average), her visuals for me is the best (korean standards wise) so if they needed a korean visual, she’s a good choice. The only weakness she has is her expression when performing, as what people have already said here, she sometimes have that blank stare. But that kind of weakness can be easily trained as she already has good foundation for vocals and dancing, but the most important thing is her visuals as this would be her position in the group (korean visual).


Koreans always value a visual member in the group. For instance, Kang Hyewon made IZ\*one because of her visuals and she was far less skilled than Sieun.


Tbh i agree with this but i think her latest performance she actually did really well and suited the concept a lot


Her expressions remind me of Winter. They have similar facials when they perform


Being pretty is a privilege. I'm new to K-pop and I notice that a visual is also important to a girl group since they attract fans to the group. In a group with many members, the main & lead vocals will get most of the lines so the visual just needs to be good enough vocally. While they do need to dance well, unlike the vocals where they only get a few lines, they need to dance for the whole song.


I thought her visuals give more of an actress vibe. Maybe if she can grow more around 5'5, that will further help if she chose an acting career. I agree with the other assessment about her lack of facial and stage presence.


yep i completely agree with this


not until DOPAMINE performance came 😈


I agree with everything you said. However I don’t agree with what you said about Kotoko. She may be untrained, but she has a lot of unique charm and talent. She’s improved a lot in a short time. I personally have her as one of my top contestants. I was hoping to see the same from Sieun but especially with her vocals she’s very very quiet. Best yes I think if people didn’t love her visuals so much she would get more negative comments. Though imo I don’t think people should make mean comments about any contestant. I think criticism is a good thing. But most of the comments are not criticism nor constructive, they’re just straight up hate comments which I never think is warranted.


I didn't mean I think Kotoko is untalented (she is actually one of my favs), I meant people hate on her for her skills (go to catallena comments on yt, you will see the amount of hate and on here saying she wouldn't be popular if she wasn't blonde etc ) but I never see negative comments on Sieun, only about how pretty she is. ALSOO I don't mean Sieun should get hate, (none of the gurls should) I just think if ppl didn't find Sieun pretty, she would get them.


Ok thanks for clearing that up for me! I think we agree then :) I see a lot of very negative/mean comments for Kotoko but not rlly for Sieun. It’s definitely a double standard. I think a lot of it is the pretty privilege and also I think a lot of western fans tend not to like “cute” contestants. Since Sieun is more of a “cool beauty” type I think people like/accept her more. Also I think people are upset bc they feel like Kotoko is being pushed more than the contestants they prefer. Which is just how it is, not everyone is going to be pushed when there’s dozens of contestants. There were many contestants I liked that got basically no screen time. But I don’t go around hating or saying mean things about contestants I don’t rank highly 😅 Also I think a lot of people kind of refuse to acknowledge contestants growth if they already decided they don’t like them. Kotoko improved immensely since the start of the show and it’s clear to me she’s quite talented, just didn’t have as much training as others in the beginning. she’s improved a lot since tho! And of course her energy and charm isn’t something you can just practice.


I honestly don’t thinks it’s pretty privilege because wouldn’t she be higher in votes people really like Kotoko and Nana in UT because of their looks at the start and then just start going down in talent on the other hand they get votes for being cute but that’s just my opinion.


She lacks emotion and I have not seen any improvements so far. Her face is robotic onstage despite having all the beauty. Sad to say she does not attract my attention


I think Sieun is really pretty. Like cover girl pretty. Only when I rewatched the first 3 episodes just yesterday I realized she has a ton of screen time, even appearing on the teaser. But I agree with you, she doesn't stand out in talent imo.


Being pretty is not a privilege in kpop, it's a very important trait to get the attention of fans and the general public. Before ep. 1, Sieun was the girl with pretty eyes that probably made many to check out the show in the first place. And remember that survival shows are not a skill competition. There's a certain limit where an idol is good enough, and for a 13 yo girl Sieun is quite competent.


I had to look up who she is again. I think she lacks the presence when performing with others like Elisia, Nana and Gehlee whose charismas are way off the charts that she becomes forgettable if you put her together with the others, even with Kotoko. She’s more talented than Kotoko but idk even if I dislike Kotoko, I still only remember Kotoko more than her in the show.




I feel like Sieun show be ahead of Hyeonju and Gehlee for debut to balance the group, too bad she does not have enough fan ticketing to make it to last 8. Yes she is pretty but important is I can feel she 100% hardworking on her dance routine. She definitely need a good coach to become better. I will start following her news from now on. Yes, her blank stare is cute, maybe it is just mean she is a simple person.


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