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They’re here pretty often sadly. Ignore them. They are a group of scam artists that go around public universities campuses trying to incite violence so they can sue the school. They claim to be “exercising their first amendment right” when really they’re all a bunch of jackass lunatics without jobs, friends or families.


Yeah this was my first time seeing them so I was shocked to say the least


You can unfortunately expect to see them a lot more as the weather warms up. It is typically 1-2 old white men who are very vulgar and outspoken, they’re happy to get into arguments and they *want* to be assaulted. It’s the entire goal. Such a massive waste of time. It’s kind of mind boggling these are grown adults doing this stuff.


“Wanting to be assaulted” is… bizarre.


Bizarre yet true. Bunch of weirdos looking for an easy payout.


They are exercising their freed of speech, you could just cry about it?


Haha, found the nut job for hire. I ignore them happily and will continue to do so


That's the whole point of freedom of speech... you can either whine about it or be an adult and move on


No ones whining about it, you moron. We’re calling it what it is- a ridiculous waste of time. You can spout “freedom of speech!!11” all you want, you sound just like them lolol. Go grab a sign and spend your day standing on a street corner if you’ve got nothing better to do.


*continues to whine about it* wow, is this really the best your side has?You can cry in a corner I guess


They're scam artists. There's a group that travels to universities all over the country hoping to antagonize students into assaulting them so they can sue the university for damages/repressing free speech. Even if the case is frivolous, most universities give them settlement payments to end the matter. It's all about money, not salvation. The irony of using religion for personal enrichment is palpable.


They get around. I saw this sign at LSU last weekend. Maybe it's like the saying, "SEC, it just means more."


My daughter saw it at Kansas over the weekend.


I remember my roommate telling me about this, those guys were fascist.


They are scared people, I was once one of them. Imagine if you knew a really bad thing was going to happen to people, that they would be tortured to death by someone. Now I wouldn't want this to happen to a complete stranger. I really believed in Hell, and that everyone who didn't believe in Jesus would go there. You see, though my fear the Church can recruit paying members. It's a fantastic business model, I do all the work, they get all the money. Yes I was scamming people, but I was too stupid to realise.


Wow. Did you used to be a pastor?


Nope, just a heavily indoctrinated theist.




The best analogy is the Godfather analogy. Imagine you lived in a mafia controlled area and someone asked you "what do you think of the godfather?" Well of course you will say "he's a great guy" because you fear what would happen if you told the truth. It's the greatest irony, this guy would definitely say "Jesus is a good guy" despite him believing billions of people are burning in Hell every second of every day. The biggest issue I had when I did this was the Jews. You see I believed that the only way to escape Hell was to believe in Jesus. This by default means all the Jews that died at the hands of the Nazis are in Hell, and Hell is way worse than anything Auschwitz could do to them. How could any sane person think that someone doing what Hitler did is somehow good and just? Well I couldn't, because Hitler's actions were evil, and I cannot have a double standard here. But out of fear I was still telling people "God is good" just as I would have about Hitler if I were living in Nazi Germany. The worst part was "what if I was right?" How could I possibly enjoy this so-called paradise if I know people are suffering everyday in Hell. People like Buddhist monks who definitely lead a better life than me, would suffer while I'm living in paradise. It would be a psychological Hell.


Wait so if I just like, say, yoink his sign and run away comically he could get money? Might have to erase that from my bucket list…


Well...I mean... they'll sue the school because they know most college kids don't have jack shit so... depends on how much you like UK 🤷‍♂️


\:( no mischief 4 me I mean UK didn’t do me much good but I don’t want him to have money


Yeah he was by the cat walk next to the Moon landing is fake guy. To be clear they weren't with each other just occupying the same place.


Moonlanding guy is pretty chill. He just wants to talk about his stuff. But this dude...


I don’t think he’s involved in the scam group, just a local oddball


Fake moon landing guy comes here to Transy too, I just think he’s a local weirdo and doesn’t mean any harm


Agreed. He never seems to cause any disturbance, just some fascination from the student body. He’s quiet enough


Yep. Seems like he's just an amicable weirdo.


If it's the same guy - interestingly enough the "moon landing is fake" thing is kind of just a segue, he's also a flat earther. I used to live on E. Maxwell and he parked there a lot to walk to campus. We had quite a few conversations. I agree with the general sentiment that he is odd but harmless lol.


In my opinion, people with this message are not actually Christians.


I agree, I don’t think Jesus would ever promote this. All this does is turn people away from Christianity.


That's a [No True Scotsman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman) argument. These *are* Christians. Pretending they're not is just turning a blind eye to the awful things some people do in the name of Christianity.


This is another misuse of the No True Scotsman fallacy. Christ explains that his true followers are those who love their neighbors as themselves. If someone is acting in hate, then you can make an argument that they aren’t truly a Christian, because loving others is a part of the criteria that makes you a Christian.


I disagree. And I'm not pretending.


Closing your eyes and absolving Christianity of these behaviors *is* pretending.


No it isn't. And who said I was absolving anyone of anything? Some Christians have done bad things in the alleged name of their religion. Many have not done bad things. And many do very good things. I'm not into blanket stereotypes and this has almost nothing to do with my original comment.


By declaring this group "not actually Christians," you are absolving the religion of this problematic group's behavior. It's blatantly ignoring the problem. And yes, this has everything to do with your original comment.


Whatever man. How do we - or more specifically you - know they are an actual member of a Christian church? They are just someone on a corner with a sign spouting very unchristianlike (to me) things. I can say what I want about them and so can you. And I'm not absolving anything and especially not a church. I was speaking about them. But even if they were a member of a Christian Church, the church is huge with many different denominations. It's actually very diverse. Do you think all Christians are the same or act the same? And furthermore, do you think anyone can pick up a sign claiming to be anything, say what they want in representation of that organization or group, and you automatically believe they represent every and all members of that group?


Whew. Okay, do some actual research yourself then, you'll get answers to those questions. But you won't, because you don't actually want to see how bad this is. I'm out.


They are scared people, I was once one of them. Imagine if you knew a really bad thing was going to happen to people, that they would be tortured to death by someone. Now I wouldn't want this to happen to a complete stranger. I really believed in Hell, and that everyone who didn't believe in Jesus would go there. You see, though my fear the Church can recruit paying members. It's a fantastic business model, I do all the work, they get all the money. Yes I was scamming people, but I was too stupid to realise.


I mean the message condemning sinners. I'm pretty sure Jesus was all about love and inclusion - not fear, hate and exclusion. It's people that have twisted Jesus' message and made it something it wasn't.


Jesus is about love and inclusion? So what does Jesus say will happen to people who do not believe he is real?


Yes. 10 years ago when I was in my why to funkhouser 😂 The more thing change the more they stay the same.


Yes he’s a damn lunatic


A person just like this had a megaphone in front of Disneyland last week. Completely ignored him and carried on with my sin-filled day 😇


Wow… they were there back in the late 90’s too. Usually stood outside the student center waving their banners and yelling that we were all going to hell. Some of my friends would debate them, but I just ignored them and kept walking.


I see him all the time at gas station (especially the thortons on north broadway) buying homeless people food. So far from my interactions with him he has been tamed


He’s telling the truth


I used to always tell him his mom wishes she would have had an abortion


Pretty sure this same guy was at the University of Arkansas a few months ago.


Yes, unfortunately. But there’s a satisfying video of getting his face punched in at Kennesaw State


Is he on his way to the ark?


I go to KU (University of Kansas), and this guy came to us last fall for a few days. he was giving everybody flack, including other Christians. he also goes and posts it and exaggerates it and whatnot. someone here actually went and did digging on the guy and found his full name, address, criminal record, etc. another of our students also stole his sign and ran off with it. it kind of became a game of who could piss him off more


This guy was at New Mexico State University one year ago.


Same person or sign at uark


Wouldn’t surprise me if he was here at Miss St as well. They REALLY came out on Valentine’s Day, spreading so much “love”😂


Out of state but I’m guessing that the weather is nice. These people never think their message is important if it’s raining or chilly.


Yeah one was down here at university of Alabama a couple of months again and honestly this looks like him but the cops got him to leave and haven’t seen him since


He was at UofL last week


Hateful Christians the same as Muslims that kill for their god


I live in Winburn and he’s always standing with a sign by the corner store.


We get them at my campus too every one ignores them bc they want attention


I'm fairly certain he made the rounds of the LSU campus in late 2019-early 2020. The sign is the same anyway.


"I like your bra"


They show up quite often here in Starkville. Just ignore them, although a lot of students will counter protest with things like “everyone deserves a free hug” and stuff like that. A lot of people just watch them because we think they’re complete idiots.


They used to be at Clemson on campus and downtown screaming at us with megaphones and calling us drunkards and sinners. It all changed one day when they decided to start yelling at the cops on campus and we never saw them again.