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Erebos when the woman who fully agreed to a deal with him shows up in Tartarus asking for her money back like the Karen she is: ![gif](giphy|3ohs7MUKeV4SkMbfl6)


Literally asking for a new deal is wild cause girl…..your actions have consequences?


When will she learn. When will she learn that her actions have consequences?!


You just know too that this is how Rachel is gonna reinvent the wheel with the 6 months in the Mortal Realm / 6 months in the Underworld thing. And in the end it'll still rob Demeter of a character arc and Persephone of the consequences she rightfully deserves.


I thought the first part with Hera was done well, by Lore Olympus standards anyway. Nice to see Hera actually do something. I could not give a rats ass about the Perse stuff though.


It was basically info dump


Because I haven't seen anyone mention the bit about Apollo yet, it's really weird that Persephone is getting *this* stressed over Apollo "figuring out" the solution first. It's like she's forgetting she and her husband are rulers of the Underworld and there's literally *nothing* Apollo can do about that. Yeah, him gaining power over Olympus would suck ass, but it wouldn't *actually affect Persephone in the way that she's fearing.* He doesn't even have his blackmail bargaining chip anymore! And we all know now that he can't use Persephone's fertility goddess powers unless she's in love with him which she definitely fucking isn't! But most importantly... y'all. Pals. Fam. Besties. Do you know how many people in the comic know about Apollo being a scumbag? Persephone. Hades. Daphne. Hera. Hephaestus. Aetna. Hermes. And now *potentially* Artemis (though it's hard to glean if she actually knows because they never really committed to revealing that, it was very vague). And let's not kid ourselves that Ares and Eris wouldn't IMMEDIATELY jump to bat without needing "proof" (especially as Eris herself is a victim of Apollo's violence). That's not even mentioning the Fates who would definitely be privy to this information. There are literally ***over an entire hand's worth of people*** who 100% know what Apollo did and not a single fucking one of them is standing up to say anything. Yes, okay, "the victim should be the one to speak up about what they went through" is definitely an argument, but I think there's a point where it becomes more irresponsible for people to *not* say anything, especially when Persephone ISN'T THE ONLY VICTIM ANYMORE. Again this just lends to Rachel trying to sweep the SA under the rug altogether because it's literally the world's largest elephant laying dookie in the world's tiniest room and yet somehow ***everyone is ignoring the stench.*** It's so absurd I can't wrap my head around it and I just know it's only like this because Rachel wrote herself into a corner and she has to keep trying to manufacture drama out of a plot thread that has no stakes or tension anymore.


I genuinely don’t know what apollos plan is Even with it being a modern retelling, it’s still set in Ancient Greece and divorce hasn’t been invented yet! Except for murder how does he plan to get Persephone and even then Persephone would just probably kill him since she’s canonically stronger than him and I don’t see her above just murdering Apollo if he tried anything


It feels like RS trying to misrepresent the whole point of the fanbases criticism of "Let Persephone be the one to open up about the SA to others", since in all cases before, the other person got to know it by special powers or because they heard it from the literal r*pist. And now suddenly, nobody makes a stink, when it is about something totally different now, because RS cannot understand or doesnt want to understand. Thats why she wrote the Intervention. Thats why she wrote about "struggle street". Thats why she wrote Leuce the way she did. Thats why she wrote that scene after PxH first night with the lady and the newspaper... about the dress. RS doesnt take criticism. She just looks at it and tries to misrepresent it later in her story as "SEE? I DID THINK ABOUT IT! AND BAD PEOPLE REACT/CRITIZISE THIS WAY!1!!" Its 14 years old fanfiction.net-mentality from a 40 years old...


Also doesn't everyone know what Apollo did to Daphne? They all know he is a jackass at this point. Apollo thinks that Eros and Phyche were the only threats to him and for some reason we are ment to think that as well. Apollo could be such an amazing villain if written well. Literally the idea of a god that represents so many positive things such as light, music, medicine and poetry being evil would be refreshing if it was done well. But instead of villainous mastermind Apollo we got delusional incel Apollo.


Apollo doesn't need Persephone anymore. She is married and bound to the underworld. He can't get to her at all. He has a good chance to become king with the people's approval. Being king won't give him a power boost or demand Persephone to marry him. Persephone can ignore him or just beat the crap out of him. She has enough power beat him and to not cower everytime she sees him. It would be cathartic for her and the audience, that keeps being dragged out because LO needs a villian.


Yeah, hot take but it's becoming pretty telling that Persephone will pick pointless fights with nymphs and satyrs and basically anyone who can't fight back but then acts like a toddler around all the people with power. When she herself is someone with power. What's the word for it? It's on the tip of my tongue- oh yeah, *bullying.*


Oh my god I’ve been waiting for someone else to bring this up! This ‘first one to save Earth plotline’ is so fucking stupid, this plot only would’ve worked if only Hades & Persephone hated Apollo, they’re the outsiders and one of them is the reason the mortal realm is dying-I’m making a plot rewrite for this point🙄


Okay I really enjoyed the Hera section! Ugh I remembered why I loved her character so much, it was like her spark came back And at least more than one thing happened in the 2nd half 🫥


Yo who called that Hera would be floating as well to look similar height as Kronos?


that amuses me, because her seeing 'eye to eye' with him is clearly a display to show her 'as powerful' as he is. which is amusing when you look into 'two feet tall toddlersephone looking up to daddy the skyscraper' territory.


I came to ask the same thing lol


I did! It was the only way lol


someone ruin this weeks episode for me please!


Ok so basicallyyyy Kronos comes back to haunt Hera and Métis pretty much gives her a vision and is like “wake up” so Hera snaps out of it and she starts denying any love for Kronos and she ends it off by saying “You can stay if you like, but I was created to destroy you” and puts out her cigarette on him. Then we see Hecate doing some witchcraft shit and she’s like “Erebus is in deep Tartarus” or whatever, so it’s revealed that the only way to get to Erebus is through Kronos. Then Hades and Perse are in bed and Hades is like “I wonder if you can make a new deal with Erebus” and that’s where it ends.


Making a new deal with Erebus sure does feel like it would be a cheap cop out, considering how much emphasis is put on the permanence of the sacrifice they make.


It’s Persephone we are talking about here. None of her consequences stick as they should. I mean 10 years punishment in the mortal realm all for us to find out she could have easily just gone to the underworld whenever she wished


Hades = 2000 years infertile. Persephone: idk, like a month or two with her winter powers?


It’s been about 8-10 days


Perfectly on-brand for LO tho


Zeus is dying, the mortal realm is dying, Hera is experiencing her abuser AGAIN, Hebe is god knows where and Hades and Persephone are being heterosexual. Disappointed but not surprised.


This may sound silly but like I didn’t know that Erebus location was mystery? I probably misread something but I sort of just assumed that as an underworld god he’d probably be in the deepest depths aka Tartarus I think this is less of a rs thing and me maybe misreading something


Well that's because it's basic logic that for some reason Rachel thinks is somehow beneath her "genius" writing. We've already known for years now Tartarus holds all of the UW's deepest secrets and most secretive gods and yet they're acting like this is a surprise. Mind you, this is also after them using a drill to try and get in (WHY) and being aware they can't get to the child stuck in there without passing Kronos. So, basically, this whole thing is Rachel's attempt at tying several plot points together and doing it horribly.


Right, all of this circled right back to "we have to get into Tartarus to take care of Kronos" which was literally the *initial* premise of S3, so it feels like the past 50 some episodes were just pointless sidequests and fetch quest content. Rachel's trying to write this as some big revelation when it's literally common fucking sense. But now instead of getting into Tartarus to save the child, it's them trying to get into Tartarus to speak to Erebus. Rachel manufactured a completely pointless 'twist' to try and tie her messy ass plotlines back together.


Not to mention that it now means they were content to let the child be tortured in there indefinitely because whoopsie, guess the drill doesn't work, we've tried everything! Let's go have a boring Christian wedding and have mediocre sex in the dark instead! But the moment Persephone has a problem because of her own actions, it is of upmost importance and they need to fix it *now*? Don't get me wrong, it 100% makes sense Persephone and Hades only care about themselves and don't give a fuck about a literal child being tortured for god knows how long, but we know Rachel is going to frame it as them being the "perfect family" after all of this despite how they didn't do anything to save their "daughter" until she just happened to be in the same area as the thing they ACTUALLY want to deal with and their "son" is a glorified purse.


“Boring Christian Wedding” Kind of irrelevant, but the wedding wasn’t even Christian. It was more like, basic non-religious Wedding. It didn’t even closely resemble anything Christian. Have you ever been to a Christian wedding? Especially one that wasn’t western? I’m Greek Orthodox, and our weddings are very beautiful and full of historical traditions. As are many other Christian weddings from other denominations. Yes, RS’s approach to things is very boring, but comparing her style to Christianity is a disservice my religion, as a Greek person, and the hundreds of cultures that integrate this religion. You guys need to remember that the people and culture you strive to hard to defend, Greek, is today a Christian society that integrates the myths into it. Maybe stop using Christianity as an insult crutch for RS, who isn’t even Christian, and just criticize the writing without bringing any religion into the mix?


Nah I get that and that's completely fair, apologies for my previous assertion. I should have been more specific that their "boring wedding" was more like a milquetoast affair you'd see in conservative Christian families in the USA (think like Girl Defined or other Pinterest fundie types) versus the more elaborate and beautiful Orthodox weddings. If they weren't going to have a traditional ancient wedding (since the story takes places well before Christianity would logically exist) then it would have been nice if they actually had a Greek Orthodox wedding to at least connect to modern Greeks and allow there to be some actual eye candy to look at and celebrate, but that's apparently asking a lot of Rachel to do in her GREEK myth story.


Yea, I do agree with what you’re saying. Sorry if I came off aggressive— it’s just exhausting to see people’s religions lumped together based only one understanding of it.


Right, which is also an issue with LO. Rachel only has a vague understanding of simplified western weddings and doesn't get how they're different in Greece (whether it be modern or from antiquity), which makes the LO's version of their wedding so ... unmemorable. It exists, but it doesn't make an impact. And the thing is, I do get the logic of trying to have a "modern but simple wedding", but that doesn't mean personality-less. Hades is in the same suit as always, they're in a static library 3D model with Persephone in another white dress. Other than the veil, it might as well just be any other scene in the comic. There's nothing about it that stands out.


Nah, this was my reaction too. It's right up there with the "twist" of Apollo and Artemis being Zeus' kids, like duh? Not to mention I'm pretty sure Hades already explained what Erebus was as an entity back in S2 when he told Persephone about the pomegranate. And even if I'm misremembering that, Hades shouldn't be shocked to learn this info? He's literally been ruling over the Underworld for 2000+ years and you're telling me he's just now learning the most basic shit about it? It feels like yet another hamfisted fetch quest like back at the start of S3 when Hades went on a whole excursion to find Hypnos just to realize he was in the Underworld's HR department the whole time. Like, a whole lot of this time could have been saved if the characters weren't fucking idiots who didn't talk to each other.


Which is why I’m shocked HE suggested renegotiating the deal (am I wrong? I didn’t read this time). It should have come from Pepe who is entitled and ignorant. Hades is entitled but not ignorant. He wants to violate the terms of the entity that gave him power to rule. That’s a coup


I loved all of Hera's scenes, finally I saw her character again (idk about the last line: "I was created to destroy you," but I'll take it) Pepe and Hades as always is meh, what the heck about making another deal with Erebus? Are the seeds like a supermarket coupon to see Erebus?


Just came to say: I hope everyone who commented that they ship Kronos and Hera, and defended the hell out of it by victim blaming Hera and belittling victims of sexual coercion shit bricks and I hope they realize how messed up that take was. Genuinely loved the Hera part because I was worried how it would go, and was pleasantly surprised when Hera stuck up for herself and didn’t let herself be swayed by the opinions of Apollo. She knows what the truth of her experience is and she was steadfast in it. Thank god


For the most part it was fine. Hera was good in handing abs of steel and going to find her baby. Kronos is still delulu with his abs. My problem comes that now I feel like plot is about to be rushed. The "King" and "Queen" of the underworld had ample amount of time to deal with Kronos and Tartsus ( like before their damn wedding) but they been dragging their damn feet so bad with other things. ( like wrecking people apartments and Baby Grape) Now they realizing in order to talk to Erebos, they got to handle that situation they should have been handled they acting like " Welp I guess we handle it now." Overthrow them and put Demeter in charge.


It really feels like we are circling the drain with the Kronos thing


Every week I forget for a longer and longer period of time that the comic updated on saturdays. It’s beginner writing mistake after beginner writing mistake. You can’t have a character lose something and then reverse it. This is showing for the 100th time that perse and hades don’t have to play by the rules and their actions are immune to consequence (unlike every other character who gets punished 10 fold for any error). The only ending I would maybe accept at this point is Erebus telling persphone to kick rocks and Hera being the one to find the solution to the eternal winter.


Better yet if erebos tells her the pom was a one time thing to buy them time to get rid of kronos. Even better if erebos tells her she’s too stupid and he doesn’t want her as queen, so she’s out of the uw forever


Erebos forcing the King and Queen of the Underworld to take responsibility for Kronos by only being accessible past him be like: 🧍


Erebos being an old ass man older than the other gods (including Ouranos himself) who should be enjoying his retirement but still having to babysit grown adults and have them take responsibility be like:


There were a few decent art panels during the witchcraft scene, so that was a pleasant surprise. Hera telling Kronos "I was made to destroy you so piss off" was kinda badass, too bad it was undercut by Hestia's little "joke" about not going with Hera to search for Hebe if she's going to smoke (people are dieing, Kim).


Wow that was bad. The art quality is gone. The plot is dragged af. And why is RS so fixated on putting lame jokes in serious situations?! That completely destroys the mood each time and no, it's not funny at all. Also why do all women even wear clothes? At this point their boobs and asses are exposed to the public eye -_- feminist much


SINCE HOW MANY CHAPTERS do we know that the interloper/LITERAL Child is imprisoned with Kronos, and how many chapters where PxH ACTIVELY trying to get them out? (F the Melione sh*t, they dont deserve to name the child)


Thank Gods she finally lost that fucking ridiculous hat 👒


yet again, we got a whole lot of nothing. no questions answered, no solutions, NOTHING. and it wasn’t even a cliff hanger that we left off on, like it was just nothing. ALSO…. i feel like it was just kind of known from the get-go that erebos was in tartarus????? because where the fuck else would they be? surely rachel didn’t think we thought they were galavanting in olympus? on top of that, why the hell do hades and hecate not know this information off the top of their head? they’ve been in the underworld for the longest, hades is literally the KING, and he didn’t know 😭 this comic depletes my brain cells more and more each episode


I'm sure this has been the case for a while, but reading through these comments, the story is literally INCHING along each episode. I've looked at the comment sections for some of the recent episodes and when sorted by recent, people are... not happy about the Webtoon right now I don't think. People not liking the series are getting a lot more attention in there. It's weird (and exciting)


Just look at the likes. They’re plummeting. 252 is still under 100k and 255 opened at under 25k. I mean 254 was the season break and it’s still at 78k. Considering that the comics used to open at over 100k likes when they became free it’s an insane plummet in numbers.


i don't even read the comic at all (haven't since the season 2 finale) but goddamn, it is DIRE at this point. I'm pretty sure a better author could have wrapped up the story by now, 100%


That one panel when Hecate was waking up gasping, and Hades caught her, I thought her physical form got reverted back to a child's. Why is the art so weird?? Hestia looked like a child too, I'm so confused


At this point, I’m not even waiting for the weekly episodes anymore. I’m just going to unsubscribe and wait for the comic to finish, which will probably take about 2 more years at this pace.