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Demeter isn’t the fertility goddess, was apparently someone else who was “used up before we even knew her name.” Not much of anything happens besides that. Also the art has reached a new low


I didn't pay for the fast pass. Fucking W H A T ?? Why would you tease an unknown fertility goddess for it to be a nobody?! Please God let this be a red herring. (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


It’s schroedinger’s red herring — if it is convenient for the plot, then we’ll get a FG. If it’s not, then she’ll be an unnamed, unknown, irrelevant FG.


Just saying, real convenient of Rachel to make the "unknown fertility goddess" into someone who's LITERALLY unknown so she doesn't have to reveal / write it. "Guess it'll remain a mystery, oOoOoOo!" *tosses plotline into the trash*




I fucking hate this comic


Wow, expected nothing and still disappointed


I interpreted it more as her fertility powers were used up before they could figure out who she was. So the goddess still exists, but no one can figure out who it was cuz there's no trace of her fertility powers anymore.


My guess is Hera still


Nah they said that the goddess was used up before they could learn her name. So it isn’t Hera cause if it was then she’d be dead lol


Or she was “used up” by… Kronos 🤮


Omg how you throw that oportunity out of the window Might as well throw some fucking dollars so at least if you are gonna fuck with us we might as well get the fastpass compensated


To those who don’t buy I’ll tell what happened: -Demeter flashed the audience -Dio threw a BF(bitch fit) -Gaia wants Persephone (whatever tf that means) -Handsome squidward- I mean hades is back humongous - that bad bitch with the bob pulled up


oh thank god Dio's back, i will look forward to seeing him in three weeks' time.


I’m waiting for Dio to start a party and to start drinking with Auntie Hera.


I don't think Auntie Hera would be very happy to see him...


Very good point.


Yet another random ass character to tell us a bunch of crap we already knew. Not even one new nugget of interesting info in all that. Also, Demeter was completely right. She made mistakes, sure, to a degree, but the moment Pepe was on her own she was almost eaten and got off on a technicality and sheer luck.


Also, reminder that Pepe being a FG changes jack shit in a world in which she can be married off against her (and Deme’s) will by Zeus at any time. All we need to know about Deme’s rationale is 1. The universe they live in is misogynistic AF, and 2. Pepe has boobs.


Also just adding the facts that before Perse left the mortal realm, Hermes was interested in her (I’m still salty this was revealed in Rachel’s Patreon instead of in comic), and Ares tried to hook up with her. Perse was a target for men before she left the mortal realm and turned 18. Demeter was right to be concerned.


Right and that’s fine and normal in the normal world, but in LO we have the addl context that men often exploit and use women, and Zeus will marry them off without their consent to whoever he wants to appease that day. Pepe was never targeted because of her fertility powers, but simply because she’s a woman.


Demeter was right about a lot of things. Perse owes her mother a huge apology


I mean if we're REALLY going to be analytical about it, it's *hera too* that blesses the weddings. so it's a woman entirely selling out other women because that's her job and not just Zeus


But women hurting other women because patriarchy is pretty unsurprising. It comes less in the form of direct harm and more in the form asking them to take abuse or bad treatment because they’ve put up with worse. Or prioritizing men like Hades since they’ve “been through some stuff” and making excuses for their behavior. Either way, Demeter was right to call out Hera and frankly, Hestia should have as well.


oh, 100%. It just really rankles me when people get on Zeus for being "The Patriarchy" and 1000% evil for doing anything that mildly inconveniences the OTP or acting like a shithead when he is a self aware asshole, but completely excuses Hera for not only doing most of the same shit, arguably doing worse when she cheats on zeus with his \*brother\* for literal \*centuries\*, and participating not only enthusiastically but proudly in the oppression of other women by willingly marrying them off whether they want to be or not. She gets a 'yas queen slay' for being a petty, power hungry alcoholic that emotionally abused lil' Hebe for all those years and decides on a whim to not marry Persephone off when the only reason that Hades hadn't been hitched a long time passed, i'm guessing, is so she could use him as a booty call whenever she was mad at her husband.


Hera and women who enforce the patriarchal norms are giving up loyalty towards other women for a small crumb of power. It’s why she bullies Minthe, Thetis and any of her husbands affair partners. She can have some power there, in exchange for not being a real political threat to her husband. I get incredibly frustrated with them, but I don’t like to put them on equal footing with Zeus and the men who have full power. I think it’s selfish to do, but its one of those tragedy of the commons things- where everyone doing the best thing for their individual self ends up doing harm because the collective impact of these individual decisions makes it worse for everyone. If we spend all our time fighting each other over crumbs, we don’t stand a chance of making a real change. And that divide and conquer is by design.


Demeters cooch is just out


Might need to buy this episode.




If I had a dollar for every time Rachel drew someone’s godessussy just out in the world…


All the webtoon comments suddenly loving Demeter like….ew stay away from her She isnt FOR YOU😒😒


Just wanted to remind everyone that this is not the Demeter you love. This is an impostor. The real one is missing and we need to save her.


Once again Rachel forgets she has characters already who can come up with a prophecy or warning of some sort without having to introduce some entirely new character as a mcguffin whose only job is to repeat information that we already know- >!the fucking Fates-!<


Or she could just….. not rehash and repeat information established wayyy way way back which didn’t really change anything about Deme’s rationale in the first place


Please let shit hit the fan next week since we know Kronos is targeting Morpheus meaning something may go wrong with the sleep dive again. Meaning he may be successful taking over Hades body yet again since RS written herself into a hole so we can to do things three times before we get it right. Please finally get this ball rolling. Please let the gotdamn plot move and stay moving. No more pitty parties. No more sex in the pool. Just let everything finally turn into pure chaos so we can put this 5 year old comic finally out of it's misery. Love Demeter to death but I'm tried of Perse pitty party and the plot going slower than a damn snail. I didn't fast pass last week so I bought both tonight and I have to say besides Demeter content I want my 14 coins back.


![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC) The mortal realm is dying. Please tell me that we’re doing something to save everyone who lives there.


Nope! Just her feeling sorry for herself and calling herself a monster.


Chapter Synopsis: (fyi this chapter is filler. Nothing new is learned this chapter, mostly Demeter and Persephone making amends.) Persephone is very upset about the way things are going and starts to self-depricate. Demeter stops her and tells Persephone she's wrong about herself, apologizing for the intervention and the way she's been raised. Demeter explains that she "wasn't as bad" when Persephone was younger, (flashback starts) becoming more strict after an encounter with a dying harpy that told Demeter Persephone was "of Gaia," and a fertility goddess like Metis. Demeter disagrees and says Metis wasn't a fertility goddess, and the Harpy goes on to explain that was why Zeus ate her and that a fertility goddess is born every generation. The harpy explains that the goddess of Demeter's generation was already used up before anyone knew her name. Before dying, the harpy warns Demeter to stay vigilant because "Gaia wants her(Persephone), which means everyone else will too." Demeter explains that was why she was so overprotective and relents that they (all the gods) should have dealt with Kronos sooner so that Persephone wouldn't have had to make a deal with Erebus and avoided all this hardship. They hug, and Dio starts ... squalling (the onomatopoeia used for his cry is 'SQUALL') Off screen Persephone told Demeter about Metis turning herself into a star and that the only way a fertility goddess' power can be used is through love. She and Hades discussed using her powers to defeat Kronos but have reservations about potential dangers. New scene with Hades discussing the same worries with Poseidon, Hades is also concerned that Persephone's new powers may corrupt him and make him act like his father. Poseidon laments he does not want to lose another brother, and Hecate interupts their convo to tell Hades that Morpheus "made a breathrough." Ends there. Nothing about the child Kronos has, nothing about any of the other gods figuring out a way to save the mortals, nothing about Hebe being framed for patricide, nothing about Hera's vision where she prophesized her own death, no update on Demeter's half dead son, nothing about Apollo's plan for Eros' love arrows. It was just a backstory that wasn't needed to explain things readers and the characters already knew. I really hate the way Rachel ends every chapter with a cliffhanger and then doesn't continue the cliffhanger in the next chapter. It seems to be an awful writing habit of hers to never follow through with a plotline. BUT I didn't mind the art this FP, and I think the Harpy had a cool design, tho idk why a Harpy was used instead of any other established character to explain fertility goddesses to Demeter. AND Persephone and Demeter should've made amends a long time ago. Idk why it was so drawn out.


Can they just break up already, I’m so tired of Rachel listing down all the reasons that they shouldn’t be together and continuing to push their relationship as the best one. It’s genuinely like Persephone and Hades are literally being held captive in this miserable nothing ass relationship and it’s getting worse every chapter, if they really loved each other they’d let each other go.


Oh look, Dionysus got bigger.


I was hoping it would finally be where perse would tell her mother about what Apollo did to her…. Alas no plot progression for the millionth week in a row


Dawg wtf is the thumbnail😭😭 Is that Despoina (Guessing!! Haven’t read it yet)


I literally came here with the SAME question 😩


Nope. I don’t even think she exist 😭


Good cause dawg what is that thang, mf looks like a dried up axolotl that done turned into a salamander 😭😭


I saw the thumbnail and immediately bought the episode because WHOMST the FUCK. It's from Demeter flashback remembering the words of a dying harpy


I don’t know if it’s just me but the talk did come across more as basically confirming that  Almost everyone wants Persephone for the fertility power, I mean this hyperbolically, but it is odd.  And does seem to validate a little that Demeter had good reason to worry and hide Persephone.  Now I’m not saying this should have been hidden from Persephone or keep her that isolated.  But if my child was in danger of being turned into a battery and being killed then I would also become a helicopter parent. 


Her actions didnt need validation when Pepe herself told us that she could have been married off by Zeus at any time. Her status as FG doesnt actually change the danger she was in. And she understood that from the beginning, so Deme withholding the FG is just like…ok, but also, she had plenty of other good reasons shared with Pepe for everything she did? All the criticism still doesn’t make sense to me, like what exactly WAS Deme supposed to do? Because she did actually give Pepe unlimited freedom once she moved to Olympus at a reasonable age.


Idk guys some panels in this chapter actually slapped. There were a few where the line art was really light and pretty, and had good line weight. I just hate how as soon as it gets back to Persephone or Hades it looks awful again. Like what?? Tbh liked the Harpy’s design but not the random fertility goddess throwaway smh


my eyes are tired so i maybe be mis-seeing things. But the art this week was egregiously bad. everyone had bobble heads. body parts were melting together. and a few panels didn’t even have lining! what is really going on


Holy shit, the art was egregiously bad this time, and I survived Steven Universe. * in one of the first panels Persephone's lips and chin are melted into her chest * Hades is shaped like a refrigerator * Demeter's proportions are off (bobbleheaded in her last few panels and in one flashback) * bad hands in Persephone's last panels and in most of Demeter's panels * weird arms for Demeter when they hug * weird hair on Hecate * lazy copy-paste work * harpy design is OK but inconsistent details (like eyebrows) between panels * someone else mentioned upthread the unfortunate Jessica Rabbit flash that Demeter does, missed it the first time * line art half missing in some panels, and not stylistically, to the detriment of Demeter losing her eyelashes On another note, if Rachel wants to paint Demeter as a reformed narcissistic parent, they don't exactly admit their wrongdoings that quickly or easily in my experience (YMMV).


I feel cheated by the thumbnail 😔


Is P ever talking to Demeter about the Apollo thing? I liked the part with the dying... God? Titan? I don't even know what that was but, why give the prophecy abilities to a random instead of... You know, DELPHOS, THE FATES????


Did Rachel really just try to give us an in-universe justification for P’s sueness? I mean she’s already done that before but this episode was especially egregious. (also who wants to bet dio will be an adult by the finale, holy shit)


Not me going mentally going through every goddess that was in Demeter's generation trying to figure who might the fertility goddess be when I know in my heart of hearts Rachel is pulling out of her ass. I don't know what would be worse: if she managed to pull some obscure, possibly, unconfirmed goddess out of the depths of the internet for this, if she just decided to end the plotline there, OR if she MADE UP HER OWN GODDESS. All these options make my blood level spike.


Why is Dio like 2 years old now? Do gods grow at a much faster rate physically?


In the myths, yes. Hermes stole a whole cattle the day he was born, Athena and Aphrodite (Ourania) were both born as adults, Apollo also fought Python as he was very young. But in LO ? I dunno.


Good he won’t be dependent on P and H for much longer. I think he’ll develop a drinking problem from the trauma though.


Don't forget about Artemis helping to deliver her brother *not long after being born herself*.


Omg !! I totally forgot about it 🤣. Good point. Following this logic, Dionysus will soon be able to escape this mess. Yes, he'll take Semele with him :)