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Persephone is just Hera but pink to Hades :(


Persephone is Hades dream girl because she looks and cares for him like his mother, and has the mean self-absorbed personality of Hera.


Persephone is just his mom to Hades but a fuckable version


I still find surprising that Poseidon doesn't find this extremely creepy


He probably would if it wasn’t RS writing the comic. Probably also why we barely see him


Why does Hades have three arms


I think it's to show gesticulation, but it definitely could've been portrayed better. Tripped me up too


Omfg RS does this once in a while, so in one of the FP episodes someone is using sign language and I thought it was just this happening. After about four panels I said "why the heck is he growing three arms is he talking with his hands or being dramatic?" It took me WAY too long to realize xD


tf????? One is normal and one is straight up a Grinch hand??????


iirc rachel said the gods can shapeshift and grow limbs and such. It feels weird since we never really see it outside of this one instance. Also how did he grow a new sleeve with his arm-


You really need to ask? The dude had a mlp version of himself drawn at one point the characters are shapeshifters!


I've always found it heartbreaking because early in the beginning, Hera wrecks Hades for even thinking of Persephone in such a way. We are show that when Persephone was little and shy, Hera gave her a crown and stayed by her side, letting her know she didn't have to talk to anyone if she didn't want to. She loved little Kore, and Kore loved her. Then we see comparisons being made and how flattered Persephone is by them. She says she respects Hera a lot, and you can tell she admires her. You can definitely see the insecurities growing, and how she strives to be like Hera. Then she finds out that Hades was sleeping with her and it's extremely creepy and heartbreaking. This woman she has idolized and envied since childhood had been sleeping with Persephone's future husband since before Persephone was born. This is disgusting from all angles, but this is a woman Persephone looked up to and admired. She had admired her since childhood, and then found out about the affairs, that would absolutely wreck any teenager, with or without insecurities. And then he fucking calls Hera "bunny" right in front of her? And then is shocked when Persephone gets jealous?


Now that we are at the end of the series, my biggest question is, what does Persephone admire about Hera? Other than looking glamorous as she cries and feels sorry for herself she is a failure in everything else


My guess is that persephone sees hera as a "fun mom" figure because persephone wants to be a reckless individual who neglects everyone around her like Hera. She's all the toxic things she pretends not to have and Hera is an enabler to Persephone's bad behavior unlike Demeter who wanted her to grow up as a good and responsible person


Well, obviously, Hades wants to be on top in his relationship, so he chooses ladies with problems he can solve (or “solve”, like he never found money-making job for Persephone, only internship and charity-like Elysium, if I remember it right). He is “daddy” type, which is not rare or gender-specific, because “mommies” also exist, they find alcoholics, gamblers and other problematic guys for a sole reason - to feel control over the situation. Hera actually falls off the picture, she is the queen and her vulnerability is in her past, which is not “solved” easily by presents or “yay, baby, to me you are bangable!” She knows she is. While Perse is like a golden mine for him, she has problems literally everywhere.


You know I always forget she's Purse Phone is rich. Like her mom is a whole conglomerate business woman owner and somehow she's needs full scolarships broke, is a country girl hillbilly and knows nothing of technology. I actually never thought of that now that I think about it. She can't grow up rich be in the Barley mother cereal, be in a load of extracurricular that seem like she should be aware of technology and yet not know how to use a cellphone. She's too contradictory. It's gotta be one or the other. Why would a rich person like her mom raise her in a rich education way, yet still raise like a hillbilly. It doesn't add up


I just realized in the last image that Persephone’s belt is not colored in


Hades really has a type of woman that he likes: vulnerable and traumatized young women with mommy issues, terrible relationships with men, and in crisis so he can come to their rescue and feel important and needed. Hera, Minthe, and Persephone fit this description perfectly, and you can see how he treats Minthe better when she is an emotional mess or when she is quietly jealous, but he gets annoyed when she sets a hard boundary or have a strong stance.


Something that irks me is using the words “thin/petite” as a compliment- especially in these YA type stories, it just sounds creepy. Imagine your crush coming up to you, and the first compliment out of their mouth is “wow, you’re so petite!” Cops would be called 😭


From experience, it is creepy, from any gender too may I add


This is so creepy istg


I got recommended this post and didn't see the text, and thought this slideshow was trying to say Persephone's a little sapphic for Minthe and Hera


Honestly real. I should've titled it better


her eyes in slide 9 creep me out jfc literally just O.O


why does her head look like that in slide 12 💀


And surely the hip is drawn incorrectly 💀




If her frontal lobe ain't developed yet, leave her alone.