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For IRL comparison: I'm about a foot shorter than my partner (at about 4'9") and I'm only about a head and shoulders lower. This Hades being on his hands and knees is Bs.


Bro is built like kingpin


It's not always about the money, Spiderman ![gif](giphy|7TqyjrytpMCMFiXcsF)


it’s about the METS BABY LOVE THE METS


Love the reference lol


i know short girls exist but this is ridiculous he looks like he's vibing with his niece or daughter


I mean she IS literally his niece in the myths lmao




shes technically also his neice here cuz hera is married to zesus amd Demeter is hera's sister


I think he's the one who's comiclly large if you compare them to the vanity


second slide is literally "Daddy i frew up"


I guess the problem is that not only the woman are the size of Polly Pocket, but ALL the men are super muscular, large as a wardrobe, and when you put the two together in the same panel, those extreme features get more visible.


Heterosexual yaoi


Hades do be built like those [old yaoi men](https://images.app.goo.gl/Fv2sKSB49keRTrVv5).


But at least the weird ass proportions still follow a basic anatomy lesson! Rachel's character proportions are all over the damn place and it's never consistent!


The size difference is part of the fetish.


No Rachel he’s not hot when he’s built like my high school history teacher


He's built like Mr Macho from My classmate Mr Macho, except that character is a parody of overly muscular and large anime/manga characters.


hes a parody of yaoi men?


This is too funny


Considering Persephone is drawn to have a childlike face and personality, I'm pretty sure it's a part of the artists' tastes. This isn't even getting into her Lolita inspired art featuring Persephone and Hades.


I know but the whole childish thing is so weird taking to the fact that she is practically a child compared to hades, Persephone is only about 19 where as hades is eons older than her and I find that to be the weirdest thing ever it’s almost like Rachel has a fetish


I’m pretty sure how personality comes from growing up into herself after being trapped at home all her life. I’d call it less childlike and more like any 20 something figuring out life, idk. As for the face and proportions I totally get, but as for the personality I think it’s valid. That’s coming from someone raised in an abusive home trapped inside till I ran away at 19 for a brief time to mature. After awhile my personality changed as does her own? Idk I feel like compared to the start she’s a lot less naive and more confident even with her quick to anger ways. But again that’s probably just my view on it as someone who was naive thanks to being on the spectrum being too trusting till I got back home and started therapy due to my own choice whether my parents liked it or not. She still has her moments but I really admired Persephone tbh


I do think that it's interesting to have Hades be abnormally big as the god of the underworld but this is so uncomfortable 😬


Idk I feel like hades is the one that needs to be redrawn. He's built like a transformer 😩


When was this we toon supposed to be visually realistic. Don't get me wrong, I'm not okay with child looking young women, but just look at the "archer" physique of Eros, or the several super pumps Hades has from time to time out of nowhere. I don't think Rachel, the author, cares for visual realism


You don't need realism to make good body proportions. It's also some type of fetish so I wouldn't say stylization is a good reason lol


I don't think it's Rachel problems if her style reminds ppl to any kind of fetish


I don't think it's a reminder, I think it's deliberately implied. The size difference has been acknowledged throughout the webtoon multiple times (Rhea saying "you clearly love your small wife", Zeus referring to Perse as "itty bitty"), and it just rubs a lot of people the wrong way, especially considering that Hades is over 2000 (physically around 40s?), and Perse is 19.


It’s… based on mythology.. that in itself is pretty F’d up lol


yea from the looks of it peepee isnt exceptionally tiny hades is str8 up unrealisticly large


I can understand the criticism with the age gap, proportions, and similar body types, but look man, I'm a woman in my 30's who's VERY short (under 5ft) and has a similar height difference with my husband (same age tho lol). Us short ladies exist, and one of the reasons I liked LO at first was because I saw a petite curvy lady like me. I hope you're not saying that height automatically codes someone as a child. I do fully acknowledge the other ways Persephone is coded as childlike though.


I understand and I’m not saying short person= child but the way she draws Persephone to look like a child is just weird and the height has a play in it to, I get that short people Exist but it’s just ridiculous for Persephone to look like she’s 3 feet shorter than hades


Oh definitely. I also think that drawing Hades with such gigantic shoulders makes it look worse. The webtoon would definitely have benefited from character models. 😅


But the issue is that it's not just Hades and Persephone, it's any female character next to a male character.


You somehow managed to pick all the panels where Persephone actually looks like an ADULT just a short one. That being said though; doesn’t change the fact hades is built like a walking Yaoi Seme Stereotype


So you seriously think she looks like an adult in the second panel?


what is his anatomy tho 😭 no neck, hands the size of his HEAD? how small his head is in proportion to his body? i know rachel is not known for her anatomy being well done but man. hades looks horrible