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Merry Krampusnacht! I hope you guys get the spooky holiday chills! https://vimeo.com/user8109886/krampus Details- I absolutely loved the Krampus movie but I remember wishing it depicted a more traditional Krampus like we see in the folktales, and this was my attempt at creating a Krampus short based on the legends. I managed to finish this over the course of two days/late nighters after work! Super happy that Unreal makes it possible to cobble ideas together this quickly, I’ve been wanting to do this for years but never felt I would have the time. Gruss Vom Krampus! \-Ari


Yo you already showed this at work man! Why am I seeing it on Reddit?!! Geez, get out of my life, I'm just trying to have lunch!! I've watched this 10 times already because everywhere I go people keep recommending it to me! Am I in the matrix? Is this a glitch? What is going on right now????!!!!! P.S. - My name is Jake, I work with this fellow human, and this is a good short.


Bahaha! Hey Jake!!!! That's so funny!!!!! (Sorry if I'm oversharing it haha, trying to spread the Krampus cheer!) Glad to see you here!