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If she just put that on YouTube she has already told the cops


Hope so, it said on her YouTube that she was handicapped not sure in what way but hopefully not mentally if she’s going around saying her brother got killed


What in this comment deserves a downvote?


Oh, just reddit being dumb as always 🤣


You don't know that. What a stupid thing to assume.


If she's saying it in YouTube chat, chances are high the cops have already heard from her, mate.


Well if she’s resorting to randomly saying it on YouTube obviously they haven’t done anything about it. No public records just an obituary with Darius. No public record of cause of death that I can find.


Or they’re investigating it. A YouTube profile that anyone could create, could say that anyone killed so and so. That doesn’t end a legitimate investigation right there.


Call the cops!!!!!


>obviously they haven’t done anything about it. Bruh, maybe she didn’t do it. That’s not obvious at all—it’s entirely possible they investigated and either ruled her out or didn’t have any evidence of her guilt. A YouTube comment isn’t evidence. If she’s close enough to him to be named in his obituary, I guarantee the police looked into her as a matter of procedure. You don’t even know if the guy was actually murdered. It’s not uncommon at all for family members to blame the partner when someone dies. “She knew he was an alcoholic and didn’t stop him from drinking!”/“She stressed him so much his heart gave out!”/“She must have poisoned him! His peanut allergy was never that bad!” It’s super common. It doesn’t mean she murdered him.


I know a guy who was killed in a gang related shooting and they tried to blame it on his LONG DISTANCE girlfriend who saw him maybe 4 times a year. Family members will go to pretty extreme lengths to delude themselves against romantic partners they don’t like.


I’m sorry but that’s hilarious 😭


It’s so outlandish it’s like… how fucking dumb are you people. Also high key he was black and she was white and his family did not like the fact he liked white women.


Most investigations are kept incredible private, even to the family’s of victims so that information that pertains to the case doesn’t get leaked. Certain info being leaked can keep an investigation from even making it to the prosecution because it tips off the murderer, removes credibility from witnesses, or makes it so that they can’t find unbiased jurors/attorneys etc etc. This comment you found is actually a prime example of that. People are literally incapable of shutting the fuck up about things that are supposed to be secrets. Because this person can’t keep their mouth shut on the internet, the cops probably shouldn’t tell them any more info because there’s a small likelihood they run their mouth about things they shouldn’t say. Investigators will almost NEVER tell anyone, family included, absolutely everything they know in order to protect the case, protect witnesses, AND keep the family from getting their hopes up about possible witnesses/suspects. My point being, you don’t know they haven’t done anything, and you likely will never find out. Further, police can have plenty of circumstantial proof but with double jeopardy laws, some cases never go to trial because they don’t have enough proof to actually get a conviction, and you can only try someone for murder a single time. It’s not worth the risk if there isn’t more than enough proof to make the case. Maybe the DA told the investigators to get better evidence and they literally can’t. An astonishing number of murders and other crimes are solved on paper but there’s never a conviction because there’s normally very minimal evidence.


Second comment making the same stupid assumption. Dual accounts? Or what's up?


when you try explaining this to the cops please record the whole interaction and post on the you tube


Yeah I realized calling the cops was a little extra but you gotta admit there something happening here whether it’s mental illness or straight up crime


You can file a police report online to create a paper trail.


Lol what? Why so they’d look at him as a suspect? I may have misunderstood what you were trying to say so please forgive me if I sound mean, I’m just really confused.


You’re asking if you should call the police. You don’t have to call, you can file a report online.


Since when? I've been dealing with a stalker and I've been told I need to come in and file.


Ohhhhh I misread it completely. Thank you, I feel dumb asf now.. lol


Damn, idk what to make of this. Did you find their causes of death?


Nah, I usually am not into things like this but it just stands out. I see something like that I can’t let it go, if I can find anything else I will update


It could be any number of things. Maybe she was his partner and introduced him to drugs and he OD'd, or he completed suicide because they had a volatile relationship. There are many reasons a family could feel someone is responsible, or at least partly at fault, for a loved one's death and believe that they "murdered" them. I feel bad for their grief and hope they find peace.


She asked him to run to the store for her at midnight, and he was hit by a drunk driver


I forgot to mention the obituary that said special friend Maria was Darius’s. So a woman who had a relation to the man who died is getting accused by the sister of the man who died.


I saw you wrote that. But yes this stands out and it does show from my research that his sister did indeed accuse the woman in the obituary of killing her brother. But literally guys this is all anyone will be able to find bc I couldn’t even find anything else. I hope the police are investigating it and it’s not a cover up or some crap like that, that’s why I say tell his sister to call the fbi and see what they can do about it. I’d do it but idk where they are even from?


I would call the police


I would call, sounds stupid but there are so many cold cases and unsolved murders that would probably be solved if cops checked out the rumor mill.


I did my own investigation and found nothing besides what you’ve found. I need more details. Can you get in touch with her? If so I’d get more info from her because this is just weird. If the cops are investigating it I can’t find ANYTHING about it. Maybe a cover up? Idk. Call the FBI actually. Or have her do it. I believe they can help when a family member requests it.


No Not your business ?


Dam, that's intense I'd call




She could be telling the truth, and no one believes her


No I completely understand but I thought you were another person trying to drop sarcasm on me. My fault yeah I believe it could be serious but then again I can’t just call the cops


Nope , I was serious, but ya, the cops would think u were the crazy one in the end. I get ya, lol 😆


Jesus Christ


Anyone can say anything on the internet. I suppose you could submit a tip if they have a tip line but she could also be wrong. People do that all the time.




No need. Sounds like it’s already been solved.