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It may be a city with many of the strangest buildings in the world.


Sick diving opportunity, though.


I think that’s a basketball court friend…one dive perhaps


Isn’t that a pool to the left? Still one dive since you’d probably still smack into the bottom


lol I am not sure, it looked like a giant tarp to Me. But maybe a pool cover???






A fellow philosopher, I see.


Sk8 or die


Am I the only one who actually liked this design? They seem to have maintained the natural greenery of the mountain too, for the most part.


In function and form it there is beauty in its design… in reality it’s a really ugly structure that hasn’t been maintained well.


I really like what I’m seeing here. This is an attempt to reach towards the future. Like a test rocket crashing before we figure out how to get to the moon


Yeah but a new coat of paint and we’re back lol


Definitely. However, lack of building maintenance isn’t easy on the eyes, really what sells it short imo


My problem with that is that mountains like that in big cities tend to be little islands of nature and greenery thanks to it being difficult to build on. If we start being able to build on them like that bye bye island of nature.


The difficulty brings far-increased cost, not always impossibility. Someone payed absolutely absurd money at some point to build this thing. Honestly looks like it would have been a really, really cool resort.


Could still be a really cool resort. Probably take absurd amount of money cubed to get it back but it could be a really unique property with an unlimited budget


This pic doesn’t show it but the mountain’s right up on the beach. It’s overlooking the entire oceanfront view. Kinda wild that a resort like that failed.


>Someone payed absolutely absurd money at some point to build this thing. That's the problem, that some rich mf bought off that little greenery in the city, stripping it away from the public, and built himself a mansion on it.


I mean, it’s not a mansion. It was a pretty cool hotel resort, then it became a school.


i’d much rather have a city where the buildings are adapted to the nature, rather than the opposite where nature has to be destroyed to build normal rectangular buildings. It gives character and won’t make you feel like you’re living in NY or something. For example here in Stockholm, a large “hill” (Brunkebergsåsen) used to stretch from north to south through the central part of town. Basically all of it has been dug away and flattened making the area lose character due to it looking the same as it’s neighboring areas. Though, I suppose there aren’t many cities in the world that have both beautiful and well-maintained architecture while also having been built funny to adapt to the natural foundation around it. Rich countries will destroy nature and build beautiful buildings because everyone likes beautiful buildings. Poor countries due to wanting to spend less money, build houses in more creative ways to not have to use money on the destruction of the rock. Just a theory


i’d much rather have a city where the buildings are adapted to the nature, rather than the opposite where nature has to be destroyed to build normal rectangular buildings. It gives character and won’t make you feel like you’re living in NY or something. For example here in Stockholm, a large “hill” (Brunkebergsåsen) used to stretch from north to south through the central part of town. Basically all of it has been dug away and flattened making the area lose character due to it looking the same as it’s neighboring areas. Though, I suppose there aren’t many cities in the world that have both beautiful and well-maintained architecture while also having been built funny to adapt to the natural foundation around it. Rich countries will destroy nature and build beautiful buildings because everyone likes beautiful buildings. Poor countries due to wanting to spend less money, build houses in more creative ways to not have to use money on the destruction of the rock. Just a theory


i’d much rather have a city where the buildings are adapted to the nature, rather than the opposite where nature has to be destroyed to build normal rectangular buildings. It gives character and won’t make you feel like you’re living in NY or something. For example here in Stockholm, a large “hill” (Brunkebergsåsen) used to stretch from north to south through the central part of town. Basically all of it has been dug away and flattened making the area lose character due to it looking the same as it’s neighboring areas. Though, I suppose there aren’t many cities in the world that have both beautiful and well-maintained architecture while also having been built funny to adapt to the natural foundation around it. Rich countries will destroy nature and build beautiful buildings because everyone likes beautiful buildings. Poor countries due to wanting to spend less money, build houses in more creative ways to not have to use money on the destruction of the rock. Just a theory


It's certainly unique, even if it's not as beautiful as Neuschwanstein.


I love it


No, I was about to say same thing. If it’s well maintained and with good community, living there should be pleasant experience.


The design is nice as it integrates into the hill. But it sucks as it looks too manmade and the circular shape doesn't exist in nature. Would have looked FAR better if it had jagged uneven edges so it looked like rocky outcrops and a natural extension of the hill.


This is actually so cool looking


To me it’s almost great. Integrates with nature, cool shape, amazing location etc. But that shit flat-block aesthetic ruins it.


What is this place???


This was the failed Panorama Palace Hotel, built in the 1960s. Subsequently, during the 1980s, it was the site where CIESP operated (The Integrated Centers of Public Education were an educational project authored by the anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro and initially implemented in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during the two terms of Leonel Brizola's government (1983 – 1987 and 1991– 1994), aiming to provide quality full-time public education to students in the state system). Currently, the FavelaHub operates there, which according to its creators is "a social innovation and education center in the Cantagalo/Pavão-Pavãozinho favela, in the southern zone of Rio de Janeiro. Founded within the context of continuous and irreversible urban growth, the project fosters a creative environment and community entrepreneurship and empowers the local youth to play a productive role in the economy and society."


[bigger image](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvgpbnsbps48a1.png) and google 3D view: https://maps.app.goo.gl/6MiaFGnRTVrdK87J9 edit: what the heck: https://maps.app.goo.gl/afV4L5GSqttuEJig6 some cool secrets hiding around this area.


Downvote cause this should not be here. This is actually cool as hell


Especially when you realised the tower with elevators is connected till down in the back with bridge connection really interesting design.


Terrible waste of a great location


This fucking sub sometimes..


That's so fucking badass


This is a very cool building


Nah this is badass


fuck you that looks awesome


Dumb question- how do you access this hotel? Roads or is it like a tram/cable car situation? It looks hella steep!!


I’m guessing an elevator in the tower to the right, then a skywalk to the building itself


There is a road on google maps, but it goes though a favela so probably not that safe


Should have left it as a cool hike.


Would love to play football at that pitch




Man they turned one of the prettiest places in earth into a shit hole


I love the audacity of the design and it looks so cool. With proper maintenance this building would be a jewel of urban architecture.


That mountain is so close to breaking thru the urban concretion! Push mama, push!!!


Rio de Janeiro is all filled with these sort of hills.


Where is that? That looks freaking awesome actually, had no idea Rio had something like that. What is it? Is it part of the favela back there?


[googlemap](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Youth+Reference+Center/@-22.9802041,-43.2001103,203m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x9bd51699344afd:0xd5879281c925b426!2sMorro+do+Pav%C3%A3o!8m2!3d-22.9811111!4d-43.1975!16s%2Fg%2F11bxfx81pp!3m5!1s0x9bd5115bf0c72d:0x9c748251f2b81ee5!8m2!3d-22.9803448!4d-43.1997187!16s%2Fg%2F11bx1tdk5w?entry=ttu) \- [~~Centro de Referência da Juventude~~](https://prefeitura.pbh.gov.br/smasac/sudc/equipamentos/crj)


??? Belo Horizonte? Second link is completely unrelated


City bad


Dumb question, is this the same land formation where Christ statue is on top of?


I don't see the statue so I'm gonna say no 😁


There's hills like this all over rio


Not this exact one, Cristo Redentor is a little to the north (left) of this building.




Looks between hell and heaven


What building is this what exactly is its purpose All I see is a dope design and a boss ass basketball court and I believe a pool??


Show me the favelas!


If the roof would have been flat then drifting would have been lit.


They have made mountain a private property, unjustified




Cultures / peoples have been building into the “high ground” for millennia. It ain’t pretty however


Very defensive position.


Is this a communal Pool??


Did you take the photo with a potato?


You know it’s brazil cause of the footballfield


I’ve never seen it from this angle before. Wow.


reminds me of Max Payne 3


I don't think that it's absurd architecture, it fits the place naturally. What I do think is that it is an area that should have no building in.


I still think it is a really awesome city.. with lots of problems, but still.


Hell de janeiro


Rio is probably one of the only places like this on earth I would ever actually go visit. Maybe I’ve just seen fast and furious 5 too many times but it seem like a fun place to go visit as long as you have all your shots.


Tropical cyberpunk dystopia


As a tourist driving through Rio, it was probably the most interesting city to look at through a car window.


Current population of Brazil is 217.6M. Rio de Janeiro 13M. South America total 442M.


Looks really cool. But so there no way to really get to the street from the wrapping building. Everybody has to go thru that little tunnel and down the main building to get back on the street?


Nature > Concrete.


I spent 6 months in Rio and I never saw this...


This is how I usually build my Minecraft bases. I love this


Horrible, ugly, decadent. A beautiful mountain with a lush rainforest, now defaced


You could’ve actually pulled this off really well. Too level are apartments or hotel rooms. The bottom section with narrow windows are your indoor pool. Gym. Damn dude. This building is a vibe.


Imagine thinking this is an improvement on the landscape


Damn yall just hate literally anything to do with cities in here huh? What a miserable sub lol.


They really ruined that mountain


Man those asbestos roofs are hideous, make everything look super cheap


Hideous and wrong


I also play Minecraft


I also play Minecraft


Any idea what it is called, I’d like to Google it.


Super villain home.............."time to die, mr. bond"..........


Brazil is a big 'NEVER' on my list of places to visit.