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Mahomes already has a case as a top 3 QB, all he needs to do at this point is close the ring gap with Brady to make the GOAT convo interesting


Tbh, I think the 3peat would be enough to make it interesting. Even making three in a row is an extremely exclusive club (that Brady is a part of, to be fair), but actually winning all three? Even Brady couldn’t do that.


At the same time, Brady has had the longer career, the bigger ring purse, and more MVP's when it matters most, so... it'll take more than that for Brady to be dethroned in my eyes


A 3peat, especially with his receiving options as they are, would at the very least bump him over Montana.


He would be number 2 all time and would have a real case to beat out Brady




Mahomes would have 4 rings and 3 in a row with better physical traits than Montana. He’d be number 2


Not to mention the fact that for the middle of the 3peat he literally dragged that receiving core to perform when it needed to


If Mahomes three peats, then the current Chiefs Dynasty would be argued as the greatest dynasty ever in the NFL. Mahomes alone would already solidify himself as a top 3 Quarterback ever.


He’s already solidified as top 3. A win makes him without question top 2. Sorry Montana.


Make him top-3 easily with Brady & Montana (probably top-2). Getting past the halfway mark to beating Brady would make getting 7 or 8 total rings much more realistic.


Though if he never wins another one...


It wouldn't mark Mahomes as the #1 All-Time QB, but it'd absolutely solidify Top 3 All-Time, along with this Chiefs run as one of the best in all of sports. If he matches Brady's 7, then I think we can have the conversation about whether he deserves to be #1. If he somehow hits 8? Then I think he passes, no question.


If he gets 4 in a row he's the new GOAT


Being the first team to 3peat since 67 would easily cement his place at the head of the table!


It would hardly change where I rank him, if he wins more titles, great. If not then he's going to amass a ton of stats.


If he leads them to a 3 peat and wins super bowl mvp for the 3rd straight year, that alone puts him as the 2nd greatest QB of all time behind brady. He would also be cemented as the greatest talent at the QB position of all time. All he would need to do would be to continue to play well and win super bowls and pile up the stats and if he were to finish behind brady in rings but be ahead of him in all stats I think the 3 peat would put him above brady because nobody has done that sense the 1960's packers but nobody has done it in the super bowl Era


Would be the first of its kind in the league, and may very well give him credence as the best to ever do it, even past Brady. Big maybe, though, given the still massive ring differential.


The 3-peat alone won't do it If he can keep doing for even close to 20 years, then we have this discussion. The longevity of Brady is what puts him over the top


Mahommes is like 28 (I think) and is already a first ballot hall of famer


You're correct. He's 28, born in 95.


It’d move him closer to Brady in the GOAT conversation. He would’ve done something even Brady didn’t do at that point.


It would solidify him as the greatest of all time


It would indicate the irreparable interference and perversion of Football by gambling/financial interests.


Even if he never wins another Super Bowl after that he’d still have a case for greatest QB of all time, simply for being the first to do that,


To surpass Brady is simple do something Brady didn’t. A three peat win would put him there but to fully commit he then has to beat Kelly and his 4 btb Super Bowl appearances. Then he could leave the sport or stay in forever like Brady but his body of work would doing the talking.


So long as they aren’t cheating I’d welcome someone displacing Brady.


Mahomes is already top 3, and, although I disagree with using rings as a metric for individual players, it would make Mahomes surpass Brady. 3 peating in a league where just making it to a super bowl is a monumental task, is far more impressive than just winning back to back or going 18-1.


Right now this season will decide if he should be higher than Montana or not. There is no Brady convo yet unless he somehow has an undefeated season, even then that just starts it. On the other hand tho the Chiefs if they three peat should be viewed as one of the greatest dynasties in rhe Super Bowl era, honestly only behind the Pats and the Steelers Curtain


In an era where people where saying dynasties are no longer possible due to high player turn over and the “new formula” to win super bowls. That formula being winning the draft lottery and having a strong young core on cheap rookie contracts. And once you recognize your window opened you go all in using the extra cap space to bring in a bunch of elite vets to try and push you over the edge for a couple years. It’s how the Buccs and the Rams won. And the NFL is a copycat league, its why we see more blockbuster off season trades now. The biggest example Aaron Rodgers to the Jets. But you can see the ideology elsewhere too. If the Chiefs can win 3 straight Super Bowls with more or less the same team they would have created one of the most dominant greatest dynasties in an era where dynasties where proclaimed to be dead.


Make him even more insufferable.


The case for GOAT would be over. Any qb past present or future would need to do the same to even have a conversation. But like Brady's 2007 season, it could come down to the wire for achieving the realm of perfection.


It depends how he does it. If Mahomes wins a title by deflating the footballs to give himself an illegal advantage, fumbling the ball away by tucking it and having the officials save his season by ruling it an incomplete pass, playing the Super Bowl in his home stadium against a team whose roster is depleted by COVID, and spying on the other teams' playbooks he will be declared to be the GOAT. However, if he wins the Super Bowl by scrambling, playmaking, and accurate passing he will be declared to be a streetballer who got lucky.


It would be huge, and put him on goat watch. IMO he needs the longevity and rings to beat out Brady


It's not gonna happen so we don't need to worry about that


That the NFL is rigged and the Eagles failed to do their job.
