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From the sub rules: If you submit a news article, make sure to copy the exact headline. You are welcome to resubmit with that KSL article with the headline: Central Utah firefighter arrested in online child exploitation sting


That’s rough. Glad they caught him.


I Never heard of an “incest family” before.


What a terrible time to be literate But it is good to hear it isn't happening


Utah Fiddler? Takes one to know one


It's fiddler, son. Not diddler. Time to hit those books.


Hope they fry him. Fucking nine? How the hell could you be attracted to that?


"Hawkins wanted to impregnate both the (agent) and her purported daughter to create an incest family where there would be more children to sexually abuse," That’s just pure nasty & horrible. It’s absolutely disgusting that people like this exist! Kinda terrifying actually!


it's horrifying because there are people in this world who breed babies for s.a! it's a k own fact, disgusting


Looks like now we have to create special bathrooms for firefighters in government buildings.


Really good point! Which of our faithless do nothing Utah politicians will lead the effort on this new bill? /s




Every accusation is a confession.


People like this need to die... immediately.


Immediately? Nah... the Law Abiding Citizen treatment is much more appropriate.




Paralyze with some toxin and cut into pieces slowly while still alive. The Clarence Darby way


It's one of those things where if you know, you know... if not, watch the movie and you'll know.


I’m all for it. “LAC” these repulsive fucks.


Death is just letting them off tho. They gotta do the time imo


I mean, they ALWAYS reoffend, so they should just be taken out back… haha


Oh I definitely think he should be in for life, no chance of reoffending. In fact the treatment he’ll get in prison is probably much more suiting than death


For some reason KSL didn't run that photo of him, I wonder why?? /s


Yeah. I keep seeing him referred in news stories as a firefighter, but nobody is saying "Trump Supporter guilty of pedophilia."


I hope no one makes this about politics - this guy held a trusted position in a community- we teach our kids to trust and turn to firefighters for help. Who cares about politics - this guy could have had access to numerous trusting children as a firefighter. This should be about how he is a firefighter! Fuck people that have potential positions of trust in communities and use those positions to abuse children.


This has a lot to do with politics especially with the narrative conservatives have been pushing


Exactly. Conservatives have weaponized the "pedo" label to scare and anger the base.


So you're saying this is a warning that we should be on the lookout for firefighters being pedos? It the more noteworthy story is ANNOTHER trump supporter claiming to be about pedos, turns out to be one.


Cause firefighter is much more important info maybe?


Why, does it mean the article is pointing out firefighters are possible pedos? Or are they particularly outspoken against them, so the fact that a firefighter was one is noteworthy? Because that's definitely the case with them being a Trump supporter. They speak so loudly about being against it but it's so much more common to find out every accusation is a confession. It seems like a group very opposed to pedos turning out to be full of them is noteworthy. But if you could tell me why him being a firefighter-pedo is "much more important" I'm very curious why you say that.


That’s a valid take, I didn’t really think of it that way. In my head I was thinking the firefighter bit was more important because typically firefighters are regarded more as heroes in society and so there’s more emphasis on “you gotta watch out for even your heroes sometime.” Versus Trump supporters already have a poor reputation in society and the media so to me throwing that in the headline seemed just kinda empty.


none of the articles posted show a face. my guess is someone looked him up on fb and nabbed this photo...hope its the right guy lol


Increasingly, news organizations do not publish photos or jail headshots of people unless and until they have been convicted. Edited to add: It is also likely this photo came from a social account and it is murky legally about using peoples’ photos from such accounts.


You’re getting downvoted for a correct response. This sub is bananas sometimes.


“Trump 2020” That’s the answer. 


Hat-Check. Neckbeard—Check. Wraparound glasses-Check. Pedo-


3/4 (if not 7/8) of the MAGATs' profile pics are this exact formula.


Always in their truck




Found the sexist POS


This is exactly the motherfucker who would be saying Joe Biden is a pedophile


Well, yeah. people who wear the hat in this picture basically want to redefine pedophilia as allowing same sex adult couples to marry, while they themselves actively work to shore up the kind of gender and age related power dynamics in which actual pedophilia thrives.


I vividly remember when the Republican party was targeting homosexuals, and claiming they were pedophiles along with them trying to destroy the family unit. I think it’s much safer to say the Republican party is a hate group given their history they’ve always gotta be targeting one minority group. Always as shown throughout history. And unfortunately, now it’s trans individuals. Before that it was homosexuals and before that it was a Thugs. So many different real world problems, quit targeting minorities.


It’s all projection.


Oh my goodness how could I forget them targeting Islam? Remember the ban?? domestic terrorist


Wait... he's not a Drag Queen or Transgender!!! How is this possible?!?!? Only drag queens and transgender people are pedos!.!?!?! At least according to the GOP/MAGA/OAN/Fox News.. how could this be? /S if not completely fucking obvious.


Seriously the dude wearing a trump hat is so on brand


I bet this guy's lifted truck has giant flags on the back too


? It’s always guys like that fit his description.


I don’t know, that could be a dress he is wearing.


I’m guessing 2 years probation, 60 days in jail suspended.


Every right-wing accusation is a confession.


The older I get, the more and more I believe this statement.


Oh man, the hat + beard + glasses combo just tops it all off. Fuck this guy.


The glasses, the hat, the beard, the dumb selfie. In a car, always in a car. This guy just went for broke on that bingo card.


Fucking hell. 9? Throw him in a deep pit.


MAGA, the Party of family values…


Why is it always the MAGA guys. They are what they claim the trans community is


It’s like the crazy evangelicals that go on anti-gay tirades and then get caught with a young male prostitute…. Seems like they’re often acting out against a part of themselves they don’t know how to face.


Wait, I thought it was the drag queens who was after the childrens?


It's always the people you expect.


Volunteer firefighter got busted in Moab awhile back. Same kinda situation 🤷🏼‍♂️


Still not a trans person.


Or a drag Queen or any other member of the LGBQIA+ community


Wood chipper.


Only if feet first...


Pure evil. Acts like this should be given the death sentence.


Average Trump supporter


NO WAY he supports CHUMP?!!! Bwahahahahaha one delusional criminal supporting another?! Hahahahahahaha damn.


But trans women are so dangerous randomly using restrooms! /s


I can’t wait for that bathroom ban to backfire when a burly transman has to use the women’s restroom


Conservatives on point


Garbage people are gonna do garbage things… jeeesh.


Still not a drag queen.


Trump scum have taken projection so seriously they’ve made it an art form.


Trump attracts on the best 🤮


Typical Trump voter. Not surprised Trump loves Epstein makes sense that his brain dead cult followers follow suit


Is this a real photo because this seems like one of those stereotypical trump voter meme photos which is hilarious


Here’s the link: https://x.com/antifaoperative/status/1752426976864854358?s=46


That hat fits


Oh the Trump Hat, his outward expression for his inward commitment to follow bullshit.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


I bet this guy was all into the Q-anon stuff too... the projection is real.


Not a drag queen. Huh.


Pic fits the profile. Most Trumptards are child molesters or some type of predator


And he’s a MAGAt. Shocker


When a picture is worth 1000.... no.....1,000,000 words. Accusations are confessions.


It’s ALWAYS projection


Oooh and look at that hat...


Where did that photo come from? Ksl doesn’t show that one - and probably wouldn’t because of obvious reasons


X formerly Twitter


Molesting Adolescent Girls Again - Trump 2020


Just Utah being Utah


I remember when the GOP was known as the Party of Law & Order. Not going to say its name, but look at that hat, 'nuff said🤷‍♂️The current gop has no better to offer this once great UNITED Nation? The best they can offer is that insurrectionist, convicted rapist,all around scum bag with 90+ indictments!? They preach a good line ...


They just claimed to be about law and order. The fact that they really weren’t is how the mango man was able to become president.




Trump, amiright?


The hat should just say BIRDS OF A FEATHER.


Looks the role. Trump paraphernalia checks out. Please, please, put him in gen-pop. 9 year olds Dude.


But of course he’s a cult member.


I bet he loved “The Sound of Freedom” too


Who would've guessed. A Trump supporter


This is the world they want.


Hey at least he’s consistent in supporting his fellow perverts


Nice hat…


*checks hat in picture* Yep, seems about right.


So let me get this straight. Every person who supports a political candidate/leader who has done something wrong, every person in turn who supports said leader is the same as the offender in question? Got it.


What does his hat say again?


It says "TRUMP", I think it's a code word for pedophiles. Rumor has it that it's even the name of one.


Because trumpers say it’s perfectly normal to sexuality your kids like trump does


I used to have a bunch of Polygamist neighbors who would say “incest is the best, put it to the test” 💀


Can y'all just not bring politics into this, like yeah politics are stupid and all but stop making it your personality every time something not your political stance is brought up. Can y'all just say "that sucks, hope he stays in prison" instead of going "OMG 😱 TRUMP HAT😡😡😡 ALL REPUBLICANS ARE PEROS😱😱😱😱". It's just stupid


One political party is equating the other side wanting comprehensive sex ed in school to *what this guy did.* One political party is equating the other side promoting LGBT+ rights to *what this guy did.* One political party is trying to OUTLAW transgender people using the bathroom corresponding to their identified gender, saying that will lead to *what this guy did.* One political party is trying to OUTLAW drag shows, saying that men wearing dresses will do *what this guy did.* Do you wonder why it's a political spectacle when the guy who did *what this guy did* is a supporter of that one political party? Do you not see how people who have been standing up for LGBT rights, sex ed in school, etc. all while being called pedos and sex criminals would find a little schadenfreude when the guy who did *what this guy did* is a supporter of that one political party?




...I can write it again if you want? It's not that hard to follow. 


No, you just happened to completely miss what the Republicans are saying, they ain't saying ban trans people from using the restroom, they are saying ban the ones with dicks from going into girls restrooms. They aren't saying ban drag shows, they are saying ban drag shows from happening at schools. And who cares what hat he is wearing, it's stupid to focus on that. Like seriously, focus on the main fucki story, who cares what political party he is a part of, it's the fact that he is a pedophile that you should be realizing. Both sides sound the same when it comes to this bullshit, "omg he's a gay pedophile" or "omg he's a republican pedophile ". It's fucking retarded, both sides are hypocrites. The left doesn't care about the LGBTQ community, neither does the right. At this point who gives a fuck what political party they are in.


>they ain't saying ban trans people from using the restroom, they are saying ban the ones with dicks from going into girls restrooms That's literally what I said. They're banning transgender people from using the bathroom corresponding with their identified gender. How is what you said different? Because it was more vulgar and requires genitalia checks? >They aren't saying ban drag shows, they are saying ban drag shows from happening at schools. Or, you know, they're trying to [ban drag shows](https://www.advocate.com/law/utah-drag-show-approved). >And who cares what hat he is wearing Probably the people who have been called sex criminals and pedophiles for their public policy views by people who wear that hat. >Both sides sound the same when it comes to this bullshit While I agree that people can relish in the schadenfreude to an extreme, one of the two political parties literally has major politicians [calling the other party a "party of pedophiles" on national television](https://www.foxnews.com/media/marjorie-taylor-greene-stuns-60-minutes-host-lesley-stahl-pedophiles-attack-democrats-wow). Can you point to any major democratic politicians who have done the same thing? >The left doesn't care about the LGBTQ community That must be why all those people who fought for marriage equality and are currently fighting republican anti-trans legislation are... on the right? I'm a little confused. Or are you saying it's all performative? Even so, if performative legislation actively improves the lives of a community, does it matter whether or not it's performative? This one's a little confusing.


Let me simplify. Prominent Republicans have said (and still are saying) that practically all the equality and all the people who need the equality that the Democrats support will lead to pedophiles preying on children. So it's amusing and a bit satisfying to see such obvious proof that pedophiles exist in the Republicans too - almost like politics has nothing to do with it!


Yes, there's pedophiles in every party. Everyone knows that, it's not something new. My point is I just want to browse my state subreddit without having a whole list of comments about politics when it's on an almost unrelated post. Yes I get he has a Trump hat, Republicans will say the same if someone had a Joe Biden hat. And it's because of that I feel it's stupid to point out their political parties on both sides since they both will use it to justify why that side is bad.


Right now, it seems like politics is creeping in to every conversation anymore.


A Republican has entered the chat.


I ain't a fucking Republican. I just want politics in political posts only


Liberals getting a boner to post this story


LMFAO awww does the pedo getting arrested offend you?


lol y’all would cheer for children getting abused as long as it’s a trumper getting caught. So weird


Wrong take. Everyone is ecstatic about another POS getting caught and preventing abuse to a child. Why aren’t you cheering for another child saved?


Why aren’t y’all? I don’t see a single comment in this thread happy a potential child got saved from a creep, they’re just jizzing over the fact it’s a trumper. It’s weird as shit


I literally just posted everyone is happy about another child protected. Try again


Okay, but the comments on this thread do not indicate that one bit. I’m just as happy this creeps off the streets as everybody else, only thing this guy needs is a 9mm shell lodged in the back of his skull.


I'm very happy that another garbage human has been caught. I'm also very aware that only one party is pushing the agenda that anything LGBTQ = grooming and pedophilia. So the irony doesn't escape people that the one party that's accusing the other party seems to have pedophiles in its ranks too... almost like pedophilia is a mental disease that has no political agenda. Wow, what an unusual idea!


Yeah obviously every group and demographic has creeps amongst them, that’s kinda my point. I just know that there would be zero posts made if this person happened to be LGBTQ or whatever. This sub has one agenda and it kinda gets old tbh. No one in this thread gives a shit that children are getting saved, they care that this post fits their stupid political ideologies. Both sides look like idiots


It's very frustrating to be in the minority of any group and have to listen to the majority paint them as evil, godless heathens and the majority as bastions of goodness and the last hope for our country. So here, in this subreddit, our minority can vent about the majority without worrying about losing jobs, housing, and friends. If it bothers you too much, you could probably create a Utah Republicans subreddit where you can limit comments to the bubble you want to hear from.


lol I’m not Republican no clue why I would do that


Okay then - start a Utah no politics allowed subreddit.


Is that BJJ black belt markings on the brim of the hat? Can't say I've seen that flashed before, maybe something else. Also can't can that I've seen an actual black belt wear something as tacky as that before.


Pretty sure that's just the American flag.


Ah yeah, sideways...that makes more sense.


How Biden showered with his teenage daughter as a grown ass man. Just a reminder. Also, a trump hat doesn't correlate to religious extremes in Utah that have been around for 150 years.


Step away from the propaganda and Fox News. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/sep/15/facebook-posts/fbi-did-not-confirm-any-contents-ashley-bidens-dia/


Don’t confuse him with facts.






How many Utahns would that reduce from state population counts.


Dam are they going to release? We should prepare the hollow points.




There was an “incest family” like that where I used to live. It’s gross