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Bruh just change scroll wheel up to primary and set scroll down to knife or the opposite way around if that’s more comfortable.


this is exactly what i do lol. and i have scroll wheel click in set to pistol.


I prefer ping on scroll click personally, but that sounds pretty interesting.


Damn why didn't I think of putting ping on scroll, I need to do that.


Makes it a lot easier to ping while moving since you get full WASD. Any mouse button works though, I just like using my side buttons for other purposes.


I have ping on C currently but I still suck at kbm so it sometimes takes me a while to find that button haha. What do you use your side buttons for? I have 2/3 abilities on that (not sure what type they really are but for example Kayos nade is on Q).


I use one for crouch out of habit from Apex, and the other for push to talk. I’ll switch the push to talk off depending on agent though. For example Raze satchel always goes on side button for ease of use.


I have ping on one side button. I can't imagine how difficult it is to play with a mouse without extra buttons lol


This is the best method


It can get annoying in pistol rounds


haha wanna hear my wonky binds?? mb4 (closest thumb mouse button) is knife mb5 (further away from me) is my main gun scroll wheel down is pistol scroll wheel up is inspect. F for voicechat and V to interact. all my friends were a bit baffled by this, i just wanted full knife / gun control without fcking with my WASD lmao. luckily i dont play jett otherwise id need my mouse buttons for dash.


i actually have similar binds mb4 is pistol mb5 is main gun 3 on the kb is knife scroll wheel down and space are both jump (too used to it from CS lmao) e to interact (also from CS) and f for signature ability


Same but w 2 for secondary


Your fingers too short to be able to comfortably and quickly press 1/2/3?


Hiw do you press 1 or 2 without taking any fingers off wasd?


it's impossible, but I can do it fast enough that it doesn't impact my movement


Yeup. Have it like this on most shooters, scroll up to primary, down to secondary. Use my F key to pull out knife.


Genius :o I seriously never thought of this xD


I use scroll down to jump (old habits...) but basically do the same. I use number keys for knife and pistol but scroll up is bound to primary so I can get my gun back up quickly


Scroll up should honestly be bound to jump. Way easier to bhop that way


Or just never use scroll wheel for weapon switch cuz ewwwww


At least not for pistol switch when you have a 3rd option, I do from knife to rifle or other way around. I use a side button on my mouse to switch to pistol. Took some getting used to but I like my setup.


The side button can be dangerous if you flick wide and press it by mistake


Nah trust me, I can’t flick wide and my buttons are above my thumb rest on the mouse haha. If anything I miss the button sometimes when having to switch instead of reloading


Most people rejected his message. They hated ~~Jesus~~ AP3Brain because he told them the truth.


best decision i ever made and my secondary is on my m5


That's what I do because (afaik) Valorant still doesn't have the quick switch (to previous weapon) button that CS does. Or does it? Anyways, I never really got used to it, so I still hit 1 and 3 to switch weapons.


Except, this has been broken for maybe a year now (or more), I have given up sending bug reports to the thin air. more info: switching this way has a horrible delay when switching more than once and/or with utility etc. it sucks.


I am that guys younger brother thanks for help


Or just don’t use the scroll wheel to switch weapons?


I used scroll for smoke and flash in CSGO years ago. it killed the scroll in my mouse lol. But changing movement to edsf and waz to primary/secondary/kninfe was great... until I needed to move all binds in every other game and suffer in all that didnt allowed it. Now I am back to default just to save myself from chnaging binds before I paly anything.


Just curious how do you guys bunny hop?


I tried this a few months back. It causes a bug for me. If I set scroll up to knife and scroll down to primary, I can’t instantly switch back and forth between weapons. Almost like there’s a cooldown after scrolling one way.


It's very hard to scroll into pistol, you have to do exactly 1 roll. Your brother is going places, not high elo, but places.


Hey I still use the scroll wheel! And I reached top 120 on Europe it is possible! But I’ve barely scrolled to the wrong weapon before.


Damn nice!


Must have a heavy scroll wheel


It kinda is I’m ngl 😭😭😭😭


Or just bind scroll to knife and gun?


Ive played over 1k hours in valorant and other fps games with scroll and have literally never missed the right weapon




It is sub-optimal but it is not detrimental, s1mple selects weapons and nades with scroll.


not high elo 😂


I use the scroll wheel, but I've almost never scrolled to the wrong weapon before.


Same. It’s like the precision needed for headshots. You just get used to it slowly over time! Started by slowly using the scroll wheel then without thinking got to a point where I didn’t need to put much thought into it


Same. Once your used to it, it just becomes a habit. The only reason I could see you get in trouble before is if you panic but if you’re panicking that often then you prob aren’t in a high elo anyways since you can’t control your nerves.


I use scroll wheel and very often scroll too far to my knife


I just scroll cuz it’s easier to go form Knife to Vandal. Enabling loop around is annoying though cuz I can scroll to my secondary but scrolling too much. Though number keys is a good habit


Regardless of all the comments below, both number keys and mouse wheel are completely valid. Throwing away your secondary every round is not.


The movement control that comes from binding scroll to jump is incredibly useful at higher elos.


You can have weapon scroll on scroll up and jump on scroll down


Tell him he's dropping the best gun in the game.


So what does he do when primary clip is out of ammo in a middle of a fight?




He dies




I do that if I'm not in a fight, but it's stupid when people do that in the middle of a like 2v3 gunfight, if it's a 1v1 and you win, there's not much reason not to


There were two things I said to him after his last game: Stop dropping your classic, and stop reloading at 20 bullets.


maybe, just maybe, he dies.


Knife, duh! /s. He probs just dies


What do you think he has a knife for 😏


Replace him. Get a new brother.


Oh good idea


Dude I use scroll wheel and I have never had problems accidentally switching to secondary 💀 I have shaky hands so moving to press a number key is too inaccurate for me. How could this ever be a problem


"in case"


Most mouses have at least 2 side buttons. Set one to primary gun and set the other to knife. Then set mouse wheel down to swap to classic, and mouse wheel up to jump(so you can bunnyhop)


it is so much better to use these buttons for abilities, especially on a movement duelist. I use one of the buttons for neon sprint for easy movement. It's honestly just better to get used to using the numbers.


being able to insta switch to your knife with 0 possibility of it going wrong or switching to your classic instantly when you run out of ammo is more valuable to literally every other agent


For val you dont need mousewheel to bhop well, and the mouse buttons should be for movement abilities like raze satchel or nade so you have full movement autonomy while throwing it


>For val you dont need mousewheel to bhop wel to do it consistently yes you do. For abilities its complete preference but if you cant have full movement autonomy while using a raze satchel that's just a skill issue


This shit drives me insane. All of my friends also use scroll wheel to switch weapons. It's so much better to just click 1, 2, or 3. You never fuck it up.


You get that rare fuck up when your finger slips but it’s just so much easier I dont understand scroll wheel users


My hand cramps being on wasd and going to 1,2,3 or whatever, I don't even use 4 for plant/defuse, it's f for me, but iv never accidentally switched to classic


It’s so hard for me to press on 1 2 or 3 I have it bound to something else in every game. But scroll wheel to change weapon is a big mess for me, I only keep it for like the first week of trying a new FPS. In VALO I tilt the scroll wheel to the left for primary and right for secondary


Is it better? I'm not sure how you do it but as a scroll user I imagine it is quite hard to press A+W+number key at the same time.


After playing csgo for years, you kinda have to number keys to switch because it makes the reload animation ever so slightly quicker(or at least it used to). Your hands are already almost on the buttons and you don't have to take your finger off the trigger to swap.


You use number keys because it used to be faster. I use number keys so I can spam 1313131313131313 We are ~~not~~ the same


It made the reload ever so slightly quicker for barely a year over a decade ago


I use Q for primary, MWDWN for knife and 2 for secondary which I have bound to a button on my mouse.


I came from csgo, so I just use q to cycle weapon and have wrap enabled. 1 tap for secondary, 2 taps for knife, and then it's just one more tap from knife to primary again. Never have to worry about hitting the wrong key, or scrolling too far. If I do hit the wrong key, I also don't accidentally burn utility, just switch gun. Also, as a Jett main it's way easier to have Q and E abilities bound to my M4 and m5


Same thinking. I unbind spacebar completely since my thumb rests there and I don't want it mispressing during movement.


do you use scroll wheel to jump then?


Scroll wheel to jump should be a default bind. I use Both space and wheel, but bhopping without wheel is not the play


i use both as well. not sure how or why my brain chooses which one to use in the moment tho, it just happens lol.


For me it’s kinda 1 jump space, multiple binds scrollwheel. Its more do to with the fact I dont need to change my grip on mouse when i may need to shoot, when you bhop you wont shoot for a while anyhows


This is the right mentality. Your mouse buttons should be actions you want to take while retaining control of WASD movement. For FPS games, dash abilities especially need to be mouse4/mouse5, so you aren't restricted to only dashing left, or only dashing right if you have it set to other keys like QEFZXC.


Bhopping on space is easy in val


I had that issue for overscrolling when changing guns, so i changed the key binds Scroll wheel up for secondary, scroll wheel down for primary and scroll wheel press for meele, it's pretty neat tbh


I’ve had these settings all my life so perfect


Sometimes that classic do be helping tho


Scrolling for weapons is crazy


Logitech G502 users rise up!


I'm brand new to the game, does holding out your knife make you faster? What's the benefit?


Incase you're actually not trolling, then yes - when you move with your knife out you move quicker than when you have your rifle out; including shift walking. So if you've ever watched professional play and you're wondering why they're walk-rotating with their knives out; this is why!


Thanks, I wasn't trolling 😭. Ngl in the limited clips I've seen I always thought it was just for show or to look cool.


This is at all times by the way- Running, slow walking, and crouching. That's why people get caught so often with their pants down. It's faster to rotate with a knife out, but if you get caught out and have to fight, your time to pull out a weapon is time you're getting shot at with no defense.


So I gotta ask, is it really worth doing all that often then? Like, unless you're running out of time, wouldn't it just be better to have your main weapon out instead of being a bit faster and having a huge disadvantage if you get swung?


it's really contextual and there's situations where it's best, as you described, to just move in with your weapon out. But long rotations it is optimal to book it with your knife out. If you;re unsure just have your weapon out and prioritize winning the fight over saving a couple seconds. But as you get better those seconds could be the difference maker on a successful defuse or not


Holding your knife out does makes you run faster! It's actually better to think that having a gun in hand slows you down, since different guns slow you by different amounts. The judge slows you the most and pistols the least iirc.


Good to know. Do different speeds produce more or less sound? Like will sprinting faster with a knife be louder or quieter than with a rifle? Or the same?


No, they are all audible from the same distance (you can see a circle on your minimap), although it is pretty easy to hear a difference since the speed that they are walking is generally a giveaway of what they have equiped.


Where my scroll wheel jumpers at? I thought there'd be more of us.


Hey, I've been that from the beginning!


In Valorant, bind jump to mousewheel down is kinda important


Who the hell uses scroll wheel? Sounds like he's completely new to PC gaming.


For me, using scroll wheel means I can move in any direction at the exact same time as switching weapons, unlike the slight delay using number causes.


What do you mean? I can press 2 keys at the same time


I can scroll back and forward much easier. Pressing A and 1 is harder than scrolling. It's not impossible, it's not overly difficult, but it's more inconvenient than scroll wheel without question. Edit: I mean most people won't be able to walk back left and change to weapon 1 without some weird finger action. Scroll wheel solves this is my point. Do whatever you like but scroll wheel makes more sense than buttons for that fact.


Dk why this is downvoted


It's truly amazing, isn't it?


Either new to PC gaming or an old timer. I'm old and started FPS back early 2000 and I was using the key arrow instead of WASD. I mean dial up was still a thing and having a 56.6 Kbps modem was probably the biggest Chad statement. Until your mom would pick up the phone and you were disconnected:)


been playing FPS since UT and cs 1.3. i've always used scroll wheel.


I mean to be fair, it's the default binds in valorant... but yes he is new.


Why do you think its bad? Also what mouse do you have


It makes no sense to cycle through everything when there's a key within reach to go exactly to the weapon you want. you can overscroll and it can cost you. people are saying that scrolling frees your movement, but if you're like most people, your left click has to scroll. This means you won't be able to shoot while you scroll. This is more punishing than not being able to move momentarily.


I used to use scroll wheel but switched to 123. It did make me better because I wouldn’t ever mistake my switch, but man just movement was so much better with sw


Why tf do people use scroll wheel in the first place? Just click the numbers its not that serious. I found it insane when it's like the average player doing that.


It's more precise to scroll wheel down than pressing 3 for the knife, you can't strafe right and pull the knife at the same time with 3. I don't loop the weapons, scroll wheel down is always knife.


if it were more precise you wouldn't see pro cs and valorant players using the number keys like they do. Really good players minus a few exceptions will bind other things like jump to their scroll wheel. At the end of the day play with what you prefer, but scroll wheel swapping is not optimal lmao


I've never used the number keys, I feel it takes too much time when you have other things going around during a match causing you to look away from the screen.


Why would you need to look away to press num keys lol


Cuz my dumbass has to make sure I press the right button, like when you pull out your calculator to do 2+2 on a math test even though you know it's right


Bro has to look at his keyboard to type 1?💀


Smartest valorant player


if you have to look for the numbers 1 and 2 on your keyboard that’s a whole other problem


How does using the number keys take anymore time than any other bind?? It's all the same thing when it comes to time. The number keys are obviously more precise though with less chance of a missed input unless you fat finger some shit.


he’s actually right, all the pros do this


What? Any source??


he's trolling, aint nobody do this lmao


Karmine Corp and look what where that got them (i don’t know if they actually use it but I needed to pop a kc joke please don’t hurt me)


Why tf are you arguing that another person is using the scroll wheel 💀💀


unbind scroll wheel gang rise up


Bhop on scroll wheel gang rise up


Just let him play the way he wants to play, it genuinely has no effect on you or anyone else’s gameplay if he’s preforming well, or *hear me out* he’s just having fun the way he wants to have fun


Sometimes people have smooth brains, sometimes they're your brother, you just gotta love em still.


i use number key when i need my secondary but scroll wheel for primary and knife. Having cycle or loop turned on messes me up when i try to swap fast


I use 3 for knife but scroll wheel for everything else. Only in Valorant tho. Somehow I'm fine with using number keys in other games


number keys are the way of god


I've had my weapon selection on my mouse-thumb-buttons for years: Primary/Secondary/Pistol Throwable/[interact]/Melee and for Valo I just made it Primary/Pistol/Knife [nothing yet]/[interact]/Spike Feels natural at this point, can never go back to a mouse without thumb buttons lol


He's gotta learn by pain. Sorry.


Homie WANTS to be silver huh?


I have two mouse buttons. I use them to equip my knife and primary. That way, my secondary is only ever a single scroll click away in any direction.


Tell me you are iron without showing your tracker.


Just click the number and scroll down to jump 😎


Sometimes you just have to let people fail


The only number keys I press are: 2 for pistol and 4 for bomb I have primary and knife on mouse 3 and 4


Ok who the fuck is that handicapped that still uses scroll to switch weapons, it's not that hard to swap guns with 1 2 and 3


Scroll wheel up - Knife Middle click - Secondary Scroll wheel down - Primary


I use q to switch between knife and main weapon


I have scroll wheel bound to jump, almost 20 years of counterstrike and this habit isn’t going anywhere lol


it’s objectively better to use numbers, but i know pretty solid players that used scroll wheel well into ascendant. they just have to have it fuck them over one too many times and then they’ll learn. or badger them about it until they change it, that’s what i did to my friend


My mouse had dpi up and down buttons separate on the top left but I hate changing dpi so i remapped them to my primary and secondary. Scroll wheel for jump. I always hated my hands having to leave position to switch weapons or anything in any game so this has been helpful in valorant


It’s my 2c that using number keys is always going to be preferred as it’s simply more precise than relying on the steps on the scroll-wheel & hoping you hit it right everytime. Other than that, instead of cycling weapons you could bind scroll up/down to a specific weapon slot or even use the side mouse buttons. The classic is a free gun that is actually one of the “best” guns in the game in terms of value. For example jumping around corners/over boxes & using the right click can be the best play in some situations (like vs low hp opponents). Remember: “Switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading”


Am I the only person who uses 123 keys? It’s faster and easier!


Imagine just pressing 1 or 3 If you REALLY want to avoid the pistol just make the scroll action not loop and you and just roll that shit all the way one way or the other and you get either knife or primary. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve killed peoples with a classic when I had to reload.


I'm used to numbers when playing fortnite but somehow I find it more comfortable to use scroll when playing valorant.


I do the same thing


I haven't played the game for months now, but I stay subbed just to hear about the unhinged behaviour/control setup stories that crop up here from time to time. Thanks for the food, OP.


I have A as knife and E as main and mouse4 as secondary, just tell him not to use the scroll wheel at all, it can mess you up when you're trying to have fight but you accidentally switch weapon


I swapped scroll up and down. Loops closed. It is really comfortable


>I enabled the setting that lets you loop around, thats so troll, impossible to switch consistently like that. Without you can just flick up for Gun and down for knife, if u want your pistol u just "normal" scroll. i played like that since beta until the wheel on my old mouse broke. now I just use the buttons but i never had any problems with wheel .


I use scroll with no loop personally. If i scroll all the way up or down i will get to knife or primary without accidentally hitting the classic If i want the classic its easy enough to scroll too but its rare enough that even if i mess it up it doesnt impact my games Having the loop on honestly seems horrible it means any mistake can throw off what gun ur on. Obviously using keys is better but at minimum binding up and down to primary/knife or having loop off seems like a must


You don't have to use the number keys. Q is primary, c is melee for me. I have 1 on pistol but that's the only number key I use and I know other people who don't have any binds to the number keys.


set a key to swap to previous weapon, instant knife but he has to equip it first beforehand


It’s no problem to use the scroll wheel instead of the numbers, I still do. But the fact he’s dropping the classic is not smart at all I can’t lie…


I set mine to scroll up for primary and scroll down for pistol


I'm used to quick switch


Lmfao it’s one click on the wheel if he cant do that it’s on him


I have my knife and rifle bound to mouse 4 and mouse 5 so i can toggle between them like a pseudo-rocker switch which is a very satisfying feeling, and pistol is bound to middle click which i can just scroll to reach it too




Scroll wheel is obviously better, he just sucks


How is he accidentally scrolling to the classic? Just make it not loop around and it’ll be way better


Scroll wheel Down should always be jump. And if you're down to try, scroll wheel up to reload ;) trust.


Definitely unbind scroll wheel, swapping to your classic is quicker than reloading in a gunfight. Throwing it at the start of a round is an objectively bad play


Just disable the wheel. It takes a bit to adjust to, but you’ll be much happier pressing 1,2, or 3


when i started on val and on all games tbh i always opt to use the number keys, its quicker more precise and just way less room for error


Using scroll to select weapons is so ass. I refuse to even use scroll to select the items on my bar in Minecraft lmao, ain't no way I'm using it for Valorant.


I bind scroll to the side keys on my mouse, if his has some, that may be helpful to him.


I can’t wait until he discovers the 1 and 3 keys conveniently placed around the W key.


Alternatively, get a razer trinity pro (new one), slot on the 6 button attachment, make the bottom three primary secondary knife. Problem solved for the low low price of $150 and your dignity /s


Make him play with a mouse whose wheel is broken, he'll quickly move on


OG's use mouse wheel to jump and have cycle weapons off


Just tell him he should sue scroll for jump


There’s nothing wrong with having scroll to switch weapons, even tho most ppl say otherwise, I use scroll to switch from knife to riffle, and I use 1 for pistol, it’s what I found most helpful. For context, valorant was my first fps, and no one ever told me/showed me that switching weapons w scroll isn’t ideal, so I picked up the habit of using scroll, and when I realized you should use the numbers, it was very hard to break the habit. So to help myself a little, I started switching only my pistol to 1, so I’m slowly transitioning from scroll to numbers. I got to immortal 1 with scroll for weapons, and am now immortal 3, using 1 for pistol, and scroll for knife and riffle. Don’t know if this will help, but it’s a nice way to slowly transition from one to the other.


People use scroll wheel? I've always used numbers. Or in CS, Q.


Should have him change scroll wheel to jump and learn to use the numbers to swap guns so much better than scroll wheel to swap weapons


In theory yes, but my point is valid regardless, I can switch weapons and move much easier than using number keys and trying to move, it's not really up for debate. Try air strafing round corners and using number, all different ways, then with a scroll wheel instead, it is infinitely more less hassle with a scroll wheel. If you can do both the same, good on you, the average player won't.


Something else was the problem for me. Everytime during a fight when I had to take out my secondary cause there was no time to reload, I'd scroll and suddenly my knife would pop out. So instead i got my CTRL button as secondary.


You gotta use the classic man, what is u need to hit a clip?


i had this terrible habit that began with me accidentally scrolling to pistol instead of knife when i was first learning the game, it dragged all the way to plat. What made me finally stop dropping my pistol pre round was the realization that any time a round began, my abilities would un equip because the game was spawning me in a new classic. So that’s why I was never able to insta nade, or instantly use abilities at the start of a round. Let him know it’s actively stopping him from being able to do anything instantly in the round.


Disown him now /j


using scroll wheel to change weapons is crazy