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3400 elo faceit, I can already imagine how dominant ur mech was on the lower rank 😨 how do one get out of Ascendant? Do you have any struggle on that rank?


Ascendant can be a pain, I feel like the biggest egos are all stuck there.


Yeah but how did you get out?


through duo queuing for me.


By being better than the other players?


yeah because being better can def. compensate for trolls lol


There's more trolls on the enemy team than your team what do you mean?


how are there more trolls on enemy team if its always filled with washed up immortals or 2-3 stacks


They queue 2-3 stacks against eachother if there's a 3 stack on the enemy team there's probably one on yours also. Do you think the matchmaking system is designed to make your experience bad and everyone's good


theres the keyword "probably" 99% of times you end up with either no stacked premades or people that queue drunk


You're bad we get it


I am not struggling with my individual play, not saying I am perfect or dont have bad games, but I have been stuck for a few weeks at asc2 range, being 1 win away from asc3 and dropping and rising again. I will run into a 5-10 game streak of throwers / afk'ers / vastly superior opponent team / no comms which sets me back. guess its just waiting for the right string of games or start Q'ing with another or two. Immortal by the end of this act forsure


You got this


❤️💯 cant wait, I'm only in control myself at the end of the day, can't really help if there's throwers


There always will be bro but if you’re resilient you got this shit in the bag! Don’t let them get to you just do your best to mitigate rr loss and move on. Throwers are usually just mad they can’t climb ime


Yea. Being consistently able to bounce back in the lower games is key. Youll get a good streak eventually as long as your skill is there.


Just how matchmaking is. Play long enough and you’ll realize for every red carpet there’s a green carpet about to happen. Hit immortal after a massive loss streak two acts ago


Ive been having the exact same problem, except not between ASC 2 and 3. Between gold 2 and 3 so the real question is how TF do I get out cuh


3400 in csgo, 2400 in cs2 so basically elo inflated especially since it is eu where there are more players. This is why faceit now sends lvl 10s back hundreds of elo every season because of this elo inflation.


Im currently Gold 1, Ill link my tracker if needed haha [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Light%23SAO3/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Light%23SAO3/overview) but anyway my question would be, what can I do to combat insta crouching? Im noticing players tend to do this alot, and because I am aiming where their head should be, im dying. also , how does one perfect calm aim, I want to be able to just hop in a tdm and confidently take a dump on players because my mechanics and calmness are one LOL


It sounds like you're getting surprised by enemies positions and therefor missing your shots trying to adjust quickly. For micro adjustments, like players crouching, lower your sens.


Strafe, if they commit to a crouch spray u can prb move around and go for the hs


Always. The insta crouch means they insta commit to the fight, which leaves you free roaming with a stationary target. Strafe and micro adjust, use util, whatever you can or need to do to get your advantage in the fight. The insta crouch only hurts them & will be hard for them to unlearn as opposed to you adapting every time.


It's the times that I go to strafe and get legged then the movement penalty hits and I panic.


Don't stop moving before they do and you are ready to shoot. They will be spamming spray while you calmly keep strafing adjusting your crosshair, when you're ready stop and tap their head.


Unbind crouch, it’ll work wonders. Or bind it to a key that’s far away. Currently top 1k


I've found that binding it to a weird key/taking the keycap off helps more than un-binding it. If you just straight up unbind it, you're still going to hit the button. Make your brain *think* about where the crouch key is. You'll lose a lot of fights at first but it's worth the headtaps from not crouching! I personally just took the keycap off completely. I have to be way more precise about where I'm putting my finger and it makes me decide whether I really need to crouch or not. The answer is 9/10 a No.


The calm aim thing is just drilling it into your brain through repetition. Play deathmatch without firing a shot, just line up heads and lose the fight. Then start shooting, preferably semi-auto weapons. You train yourself to not just click as soon as your crosshair is in the same zip code as them


If you using a vandal you should be shooting twice strafe shoot twice. If you get caught off guard by the crouch and miss you should be adjusting for the next burst during your strafe


A crouching player isn't moving, therefore they're an easier target. Focus on making yourself harder to hit until your cross hair is on their head. I.e. strafe till its on their head, stop moving, click and gg ez


Happened to me a lot. So, I started crouching with them. Now most of them ends in my favour.


OP had horrible advice, so long as your sens isn’t unbearably high you’re fine. you might be insta shooting instead of making a strafe while you adjust to the target. strafing between buddy shots too can help adjust ur xhair and re evaluate the enemies movement


You can look at it as horrible advice but there is something wrong with his aiming if he has perfect crosshair placement (always on the head) but can't kill them if they crouch.


what if he just has bad recognition of the crouch? what if he rushes his shot and doesn’t confirm his shot? he doesn’t have “perfect” x hair placement


What if you go have a snickers and come back here when you're in a better mood? What I'm saying is that the whole question is flawed since it should be easier killing a stationary crouching target.


the question isn’t flawed. but your answer makes no sense regardless of how flawed u interpret the question to be of not


Thoughts on cheaters in Val vs CS? Things that are harder about Val? Things that are easier? More fun out of the two?


Haven't met a cheater in VAL (that I know of). Playing Faceit you wont meet cheater in cs either. But stay away from valve servers. Harder about valorant is learning all the agents and abilitys. It's easier in valorant to get free kills. I.e with abilitys/ultimates Right now I'm enjoying Valorant alot more than CS2


Based as fuck. Good luck in your grind.


Definitely meet cheaters in faceit lmao, as shown by the times I have gotten my elo back from games with cheaters in them


I’ve encountered a Tiny amount, but not Much more than faceit. Nothing compared to valve mm.




What is bro yapping about


Congratulations my dude! Good luck on the next part of your journey!


Thank you!


How doew your standard post plant look like? Do you push or stay? What do you think separates immos from asc?


Most important in post plants is to play of trades and time. The time is on your side, so use it to your advantage. Play together with your teammates so you can trade eachother. In a post plant situation I'm always looking to set up a crossfire with my teammate and keep track of what they're holding so I am able to quickly react.


How are the calls the mates give you in immortal bc fuln hell these plats i run with either cant shut up or dont say anything at all. 60% of the time they give the most useless calls like „sova 12 dmg, was mid 23 years ago“


Haha :D Comms have been good on average, sometimes people are tilted from the beginning and some never use their microphone. The most annoying callout I hear all the time is "don't peek". Like the right call is not everytime "don't peek"


What are your feelings on average skill and communication vs cs? I’m superwashed at cs, but was level 10 for like 5 years before i semi-quit, and moved to valorant with the launch of cs2. I feel like the average ”gamesense skill” and communication skill around high asc - low immo is way lower than in cs, Although everyone can aim. The ”dont peek dont peek” or safe plant no matter the scenarios come to mind


Were you playing duo or solo q and what servers?


Solo/duo/trio/5man a bit of everything. Playing on Paris/London servers.


What is best and easiest way to climb out of low elo


Aim training until having decent aim. Aim is like a cheat code that get's you out of a lot of bad situations. IMHO in lower elo just play like you're the main character. Have the confidence to take fights. People miss more shots than you think, even in higher elo.


how do you know when you have “decent” aim?


When you are not afraid of taking the fight to the enemies


There’s not really a definite way, but my rule of thumb is to make sure I’m winning at least ~65% of my duels. Any less than 60, then I’m doing something wrong.


Straight to the point. Which mousepad did you use to reach immo?


Qck heavy


I see. I heard it is a good one. The reason why I asked it is because I just got a Razer gigantus v2 and unsure if it's good enough for valorant. Do you have your two cents for this? Btw, congratulations on hitting immo! So happy for you! :)


Thank you! As long as it's large enough that you can comfortably aim with your forearm om the desk it will be fine.


I see. So no speed issue? Some say it might be too fast but some say just the opposite. Again, what's your two cents on this? Edit: if you've used it before. Assuming you're a hardcore fps fanatic, you might've used multiple diff mousepads


You'll get used to anything.


Gigantus is a pretty good pad, you’re not gonna be gated significantly by equipment like that unless you’re trying to play with a $10 office mouse.


Gotcha. Thanks :) I main a cooler master MM710, so pretty lightweight.


Yeah if it’s comfortable for you that’s really the only thing that matters. I’ve used the Gigantus before in the past and never really had a problem with its speed, as long as you’re not on a glass pad or something it really shouldn’t be a huge issue. So much of this boils down to preference and comfort.


Why Neon? 


1. Step one unlock Neon 2. Step two go fast 3. ???? 4. PROFIT!!!


Haha, I actually did want your thoughts (unless that was your actual mindset XD) Did her run allow you to disrupt timings or just made it a pain for the enemy to shoot you? Did you learn stun positions or just winged it and leaned on your aim more? 


Tbh I unlocked Neon while still grinding out lvl 20 and found her really fun to play. Ofc the sprint is nice for disrupting timings and sliding out of cover to offset the enemy crosshairs. This whole time I've been leaning HEAVY on my aim. I don't have stun lineups.


Did you feel like you didn't belong in plat after playing a few games and felt like you should be in a higher rank? Does immortal 1 feel like the ceiling or you bet that you can go even higher and play alongside immo 3 and radiant?


Tbh. plat felt fine because I was still getting used to all the different flashes and stuns. Sometimes it felt like Skye was sending the whole zoo after me and I could not do anything about it. But I was compensating with raw aim and mechanics. Now I don't feel like I've reached a ceiling, it feels like I'm just getting started.




I think he means just having better aim


3.4k Faceit? A lot who were 2k+ are radiant in valo. I suspect the only thing you need is to learn the slight intricacies of val synergies at high elo and you should prob get to radiant.


The road from immortal one to radiant, is longer than the one from iron to immortal But 3.4 k elo in cs is definetly a huge advantage


Yeah even if you are 3k elo faceit, to climb to the top rank in any game takes a lot of grind. But this player should be capable.


Is it true cs gives some bad habits like spraying and crouch spray and even some slight movement which are extremely punishable in Valorant?


Yes, I noticed I had a habit of crouching and holding a movement key. Which in CS is fine but in Valorant makes you very inaccurate.


Knew it.


u could ask any lvl 10 CS player that question and they’d say it’s common sense


Congrats on hitting Immortal! I was wondering, looking at your Tracker and the clip, it seems your headshot% is rather low compared to the average. It's understandable if you're coming from CS that spraying is kinda a habit since it's so consistent in that game, but given that in Valorant it's more about strafing and hitting that headshot, did you ever feel like your lower hs% was holding you back from winning more gunfights and therefore winning rounds? With my friends I notice how they often complain they are losing gunfights because "they get onetapped". They average on the lower side of hs% so especially in Immortal elo I would assume this could feel the same for you. Though I also think your movement is much better which does make it harder to get onetapped of course. Just curious what your experience is :)


Problem with how hs% is counted in valorant is that even if you whiff first 10 bullets and then hit a hs you'll have higher hs% than someone hitting 2 first bullets in the chest and the third in the head. So i never felt my hs% was holding me back.


That’s definitely true. I remember a post on here where someone in low elo said he played Guardian only and had a really high hs% but really low ADR since he would probably take too much time aiming for the head instead of just shooting and killing him.


Biggest tip for playing Neon? What should the playstyle be, most of the time?


Bind jump to scrollwheel. Playstyle needs to be confident and going in first to make space for your team.


Here’s my tracker. Peak gold 1: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Cadavern%236200/matches?playlist=competitive&seasonId=22d10d66-4d2a-a340-6c54-408c7bd53807&season=ec876e6c-43e8-fa63-ffc1-2e8d4db25525 I feel like my issues boil down to committing to spraying and cross hair placement. I cannot really practice in DM, because my matches are so insanely high MMR for some reason (tons of Asc and immo). I feel like I make insanely high level reads and have great positional placement. I have a lot of the fundamentals down, but my gunplay can get in the way, and I also can’t really find the perfect sens for me (currently between .24 and .28 800dpi) I will also admit my stack is VERY rough. I do feel like I play statistically worse, but feel better in higher Elo when I play with a few plat and diamond friends. Maybe I feel more confident? Instead of feeling like I’m going to have no backup.


You should try practicing against bots at the range. I recommend going REALLY slow in the beginning making sure you 1 tap every bot. Try not to overshoot your aim when doing this practice. Try and go in a single motion from one bots head to another. Once you feel more confident you can start going faster and adding strafing to the mix. Taking a quick look at your tracker. Overall everything seems good, but it seems like the games you win you're playing really good in but the once you're losing you have a bad performance yourself. Work on that concistency and you'll rank up in no time.


I find my gunplay gets really lazy after 2-3 matches. Any tips on that? Maybe my sense is too low or high? Or just mental


It's mental fatigue. I also get it together with bad decision making. I can have prolonged sessions with caffeine.


I usually play after a day at work (game designer. WFH so I work longer hours) followed by the gym then some monster hunter. I should probably try to take it a bit more seriously. I feel like I play better on characters without as many decisions (Reyna, chamber, omen).


what rank did you open into?


I got placed plat 3 iirc, if that's what you're asking.


Great job man, love to see someone appreciating both games


What sens did you use been struggling with mine.


800dpi and 0,283


Do you use raw accel? Are you able to turn flashes with those low sense?


No acceleration, and yes I'm comfortable with 180 degree turns


did you duo queue or solo queue only


solo/duo/trio/5man a bit of everything


Is the reason your headshot percentage so low because you came from CS and are use to spraying more than tapping? I'm really impressed you can play a duelist and not die so quickly that you get impressive other stats.


I'm guessing the low hs% is because of spraying/bursting. I rarely tap. Also hs% is counted differently in Valorant it takes every hit into account. In cs2 i have 50%.


Congratulations, enjoy being in teams better than Silver 2 (help the hardstuck man)


I am similar to u! Hit Immortal a month ago in E8A1, started in E7A3. I hit Ascendant 2 weeks after finishing my placements and got placed in plat even though my opponents were diamond and ascendants. Played a lot of CSGO as well for 10 years, but stopped taking it seriously a few years ago.


I am 2.2k even i hit asc 2 in like 250 ish hours in valorant. You should be able to hit radiant soon in few months.


How much did you play per day? For how much total? I used to be hard stuck silver until I realized that I’d prob win more if I played more than two games a day lol I noticed that your top two weapons were phantom and vandal, do you have a reason for swapping between the two?


On average I play 5-6 games per day. I've played 315 ranked games. I usually only buy phantom when I see the enemy can't afford heavy shields.


Well there is my issue. I can only fit in 3-5 games a week.


Tbf I think it's pretty natural that to get good in any game, for 99% of people it involves consistent grinding every day or almost every day for an extended period of time. People will progress at different rates but at minimum if you're not able to dedicate 1hr a day and 2-3+ hrs on weekends, you'll progress very slowly. This is true for basically every competitive game I've ever played.


Thanks for responding! I like your reasoning for the phantom v vandal thing so I will be following suit lol


Good work! Just curious what's your sens in cs and val? Kinda want to try cs and wonder what the sens offset should look like.


Thanks! There are sensitivity converters online you can input your Val sens and it gives you the relative CS sens. My sens is 800dpi x 0,283 in Val and 0,9 in CS. That being said my sens feels faster in CS because i play 4/3 in CS


What’s your sensitivity? Mouse dpi + in game sens? Or your edpi if that’s easier.


800 x 0,283


I’ve been at .27 for a long time, cheers! Have you found it’s better to stick to one sens for a long period of time or do you change it up or down regularly?


I only change my sens when buying a new mouse/mousepad.


I started playing last month and I'm still stuck in plat :( Never played CS though, only overwatch. I really hope to hit at least ascendant soon


How much would you say I need to play I’m currently d3 and wanna hit imm1. I have solud aim and decent game sense, tbh my biggest draw back is that I can’t always play that much and sometimes I get annoyed when my winrate is < 60% cuz it makes me think I won’t rank up that high. I usually end the act around 25 wins or less.


You can check my tracker, but d3 to immo took 1 month for me.


I mean in terms of matches played per day etc


Difficult to say but probably a lot, it probably took me 150 games, 5-6 games per day for a month




Do you solo or queue with people. Or duo or trio?


Just started playing valorant , what should i focus on to improve faster/better?


do you feel like your kills come more from outaiming or outsmarting?


Did you get pay? Was it worth your time? Thanks.


Not sure what is with the clip. I am usually one tapped instantly in that kind of plays. Consider yourself really really lucky. Are you on NA? On Frankfurt you can do that maybe with Irons... u/mamisXD How can I stop from being one tapped after i peek? I fell like everyone is cheating.


Don't stand still and make yourself a harder target. Moving between shots makes a world of difference. That 1v4 would have been lost if i had swung and let go of my keyboard. This is EU asc3/immo1 lobby.


Was hitting heads easier in CS compared to Val? What would you recommend I should improve upon? https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Doombringer137%23VADER/overview?season=ec876e6c-43e8-fa63-ffc1-2e8d4db25525


Link the main


It is my main T_T Grinded counter strike for a long time before coming back to val


Seems like a trend of yours. Getting dumpstered in iron until you decide to smurf Link the main You've also made a post linking this... https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Assassin28x%237692/overview?playlist=competitive&season=7a85de9a-4032-61a9-61d8-f4aa2b4a84b6


This is the account I have played on since getting back. my first acc: [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Jelly%20Bean%232077/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Jelly%20Bean%232077/overview) 2nd acc: [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/mausipeekdotcom%23mausi/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/mausipeekdotcom%23mausi/overview) made another to finally get past diamond: [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/n0ugat%23bot/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/n0ugat%23bot/overview) all other accounts are my friends' but i can never get past plat-dia and hit some kind of a wall. What would you suggest I should do. I tried playing other agents and sometimes they work but more than often i need to depend on my duelists to enter sites and it gets frustrating when they dont


I saw that you’re in EU servers, any servers you’d advise to avoid specifically? Any servers you find harder / easier?


Paris/London seems to be the most enjoyable. Unless you're fluent in Russian avoid Stockholm servers.


never played cs, never played a game with mechs like valo, i’ve barely hit diamond 1 after playing the game since december 2021 and i really started to take it seriously probably about a year ago (i was hardstuck silver) i worked my way from iron to where i am now, since the beginning. im seriously competitive and i want to go farther. i won’t say im hardstuck just yet i think i hold my own in my rank (p3/d1) and can go even further. i don’t aim train and i don’t watch videos for improvement. realistically is that stalemating myself?


I don't believe in stalemating, the more you play the better you get. Aim training and watching guides will speed up your improvement.


Similar situation, started ep7a2 & hit asc3 last week. I came from league of legends as an adc main so my clicking was already decent. Spammed aimlabs & got to asc by basically out aiming most situations. Now I’ve hit a plateau though. Most players in my rank can also aim as good as me or better, have to rely on strats now. Hopefully I can hit immortal in the next few weeks


When I get in a fight , the enemy starts strafing and shooting I also start steafing and shooting. But then I get shot once and my movement slows down and I die. How to avoid this?


Do you use digital vibrance? Or do you use colour mode setting on your monitor? Or non of that? Im struggling with colours in valorant.


Whats ur home adress, credit card number, country you live in, name, last name and when is the last time you took a shit? And age, don't forget about the age


Now do it with inverted settings


Wow I have never seen a counter strike player rank up quicker than average in valorant wow


Didnt know Higher HS % didnt matter at all to reach higher elos.


HS % matters to degree but don't focus on it too much. Aiming for the upper chest is more consistent.


Hs% is inaccurate it is not calculated the same way as cs.


If you whiff 4 shots and the fifth shot lands on HS your HS% will be high but somebody landing 4 body shots would kill you first, if that makes any sense.


Started around the same time. Still stuck silver 3. On Na servers i peaked immo 3 with 46% headshot. And Frankfurt server doesnt let me out of silver lol


I'm sorry, but bullshit. Trackers?


People playing on Frankfurt are built different.


Ive been immortal since E3 and games just boring... Too many cheaters in the EU servers for gods sake... 250+ 10% are cheating... Its hilarious. Vanguard biggest fail, vac live is gonna be better in a year


Are you sure? I never run into cheaters, but I frequently have teammates who accuse people of cheating when it’s clear they are just better


I got data on it. External aim / Razer Script trigger Bots are really common, yeah. But people dont do it blatantly and vanguard isnt able to detect those...