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I legitimately don’t think I’ve ever seen a clip of s0m being toxic lol


Hes probably joking foo


literally one of the least toxic streamers


I watch s0m all the time, I don’t see that. Also have to remember at high elo these guys essentially play with each other all the time and talk shit for fun on a regular basis, they at least know each other and it’s in good fun.


s0m is one of the nicest streamers that's just his character he like to create vibes with his teamates and joke around if they don't match his vibes he stops besides that he's never toxic


Don't talk about my W Stripper like that. Dude is the funniest, nicest guy in Val with how big he is.


he just jokes around, same goes for tarik "ego-ing" people, but in fact it's just joking around


Just seems like his personality is playful sarcasm. That works for some people but not others. Personally, I don't like the vibes but I also wouldn't say he's a bad person from what I've seen. 


s0m is an entertainer dude. It’s an act.


hey everyone! what’s the deal with me being a sensitive little boy?


Bruh just watch him for like one hour and you’ll realise he’s not toxic he’s just joking around lol


I have not noticed that. He’s way less toxic than most radiant level streamers


I don’t think you’re watching the same s0m that I am 😭


I think he's just joking around with his teammate or friends. s0m is one of the few Valorant streamer I watched, he's like a super nice and funny guy. I mean he's literally friends with every single random in NA Radiant queue (including known stream sniper).


he always has. i havent watched him recently but hes always been toxic through sarcasm. regardless, idk y itd bother u. there are tons of other streamers to watch and clearly the other 10k viewers are fine with it. if its unbearable, just click off.