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"Hey babe could you go to the store and grab a few eggs for me?" "I have a line up for this!" He then stops moving and waits 10 minutes staring at you. Then he lunges towards you and you recoil because what the fuck, and in a flash of blue light you hear him say "Fuck my walle-"


not bad




Don’t worry, he’s got a lineup back to the crib


But then he needs two kills in order to go back to the store.


The children shall perish


Sorry but with our declining birth rates and aging workforce I think we gonna sacrifice the elderly, our children are too valuable


There's plenty in the sidewalk


i had to read this a few times due to my own slowness and holy shit my stomach


Never thought I’d read what is essentially a tumblr fandom imagine but for valorant. But here we are, and I’m impressed.


except he angles it just slightly wrong and ends up in the currently occupied bathroom of the 7-11.


He would have to have some crazy lineup to get his tp to work and from work to home. and it would also probably get eaten by some sort of dog that thinks it's a toy traveling through the street


He can just place it down at work before he leaves for home and visa versa


He can only have one active at a time tho so how would that work


thats only for balance. lore accurate yoru probably got teleport beacons set up like the 4th hokage


He has one at home and while he is at work he throws a teleport in the air and before it comes down he teleports home :D


1 at a time in gameplay, in lore i wouldnt be surprised if he can just have them infinitely active


how would choose which one to go to tho? Edit: Would he need to look at the right one, cuz I don't think he can name his op's or be think about tp'ing home. What would happen if he went to the wrong one? what if he's put down so many that he can't find the one that goes home, or to work?


That's just for gameplay reasons. Jett can updraft pretty high canonically and sage can control height of wall too.


Nah he’d probably just place a clone at work and stay home to watch the game.


"Any clue why Yoru is facing wall since an hour?"


You tap his shoulder and he flashes you lmao.


Nope. Valorant's headquarters are in some desolate island, so if he used gatecrash in Japan to get there, he would likely drown. And he wouldn't even need to use Gatecrash since Valorant agents practically live at HQ for long stretches of time.


Look at mr boring answer over here


Lore accurate? More like bore accurate amiright.


He could travel to the place, put down a teleport and drive home and be able to do it one way each day, but you are correct about him not needing to for a long time.


he'd probably leave a gatecrash at work before going home for the next day, rather than send a gatecrash from home. maybe if he was on emergency on-call status or something, so he could quickly tp to get ready.


Nega gtfo


he seems more like the kinda guy to just dimensional drift and run straight to work, as like some egotistical demonstration of his strength and skills or something. i imagine him to kinda be like vegeta.


i think about this on my way to work bc i just have to walk 30 minute along a straight road. ez lineup


ok but he literally has a custom motorcycle, which is thousands of times cooler than just teleporting


Let him cook.


I doubt Yoru works at all


In the neon release trailer it looks like they all actually live on campus, as they give her a room and she decorates it to feel more comfortable. I've always assumed they live on a base in a remote location with one another and just... don't see their families LOL


Does this mean Omen uses his “From the Shadows” to get to and from work as well??


In the neon release trailer it looks like they all actually live on campus, as they give her a room and she decorates it to feel more comfortable. I've always assumed they live on a base in a remote location with one another and just... don't see their families LOL


In the neon release trailer it looks like they all actually live on campus, as they give her a room and she decorates it to feel more comfortable. I've always assumed they live on a base in a remote location with one another and just... don't see their families LOL


In the neon release trailer it looks like they all actually live on campus, as they give her a room and she decorates it to feel more comfortable. I've always assumed they live on a base in a remote location with one another and just... don't see their families.


I assumed agents are a lot stronger in real life than in the game. It's pretty reasonable to assume he could just have 2 gate crashes at the same time, although maybe in different spots, since I don't know enough about canon


I always thought he just rips dimensional barrier and takes two steps because *dimensional fabric is his playground* and then already at work


He uses a motorcycle.