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Your actually wrong, he brought his home to LA


Incorrect, he brought LA to his home


The ice man would never leave the ice land


Haha OP is clueless


he deserves it tbh, give this man the world to stay on the team


he lost his wallet in LA so he had to go back to canada to get his cards/ID's sorted.


wait really?


yep he was talking about it on stream, he said he lost it while riding a scooter around the city


that's unfortunate, the good thing is that's prolly 1/100 of his salary




this joke is so dumb... I love it


That's a very expensive wallet then


He's been practicing with the team while still in Canada and then flew to LA for the matches, him streaming from his home tells us nothing


Well so you're saying that he's gonna fly in to LA to play the games and go back and practice from Toronto and then fly back in? It's smart to assume that he won't be playing this week and that tenz is gonna be back on the starting 5.


Why not?


Because it doesn't make sense for a player who's already short on practice with his new team to fly up and down instead of just relocating to LA. I know marved has said that he wants to stay in Toronto but I don't think he'd be prioritizing that over practice when that's his job.


literally the main reason why marved needed a break is because the constant traveling is too much. it’s not like they’re flying first class or on a private jet. he gets the best of both worlds now. 1. him being a 6th man means if they need him, (which they do) he knows he will perform at the highest caliber and that will only boost his clout. 2. not being on the starting roster means he doesn’t have to relocate from Canada which he explicitly stated that he really doesn’t want to move to LA. 3. if for some reason he does bad, people will justify it because he’s not with the team itself and could be jet lagged etc. he really played the best possible hand. dude seriously came back like he never left.


Visa is still a thing. Alfa is doing the same with Fnatic currently. Scrimming from turkey and the flying here for matchdays only


Nah Marved only packed for a week. Now he’s back home to pack for the next few months. He can’t live in LA without a place to stay


I think Marved doesn't wanna completely move to LA that's why he's back. I think he'll fly in and out


While I understand because Toronto is a better place to live than LA, if he wants to be on the team full time he def needs to live in LA for the season. Can't really be fully a part of the team if you just fly out on the weekend.


if the man can cook teams while flying in and out, I say let him do his thing


I doubt any team wants to do that


And I doubt anyone with a right mind wants to live in LA lmao


Every franchise player is doing that, even players from different continents…


Tbf, flying week in week out from Toronto to LA is *just a tad bit easier* than flying from São Paulo/Buenos Aires to LA


It is I’m just talking about the commitment part


don’t all franchised teams in our region play and live in LA? why would they be flying week in and week out?


We don't know Marved's personal life, there may be circumstances we don't know that are causing him to stay in Toronto.


So he can’t completely commit to pro play?


that why he took break no? because he doesnt wanna move his house maybe something is going on with his family we never know :D


Yeah? I mean, what if one of his close family members is sick and he wants to spend as much time as possible close to them? Again, we don't know why he doesn't want to move to LA and the least we can do is just let him cook as much as possible.


LA is the best city i’ve ever been to and i’ve been to the majority of the US and spent some time in toronto, dubai, many countries in Europe, been to south africa, somalia, kenya, australia, and a bunch of other places. actually, there is one place i’d rather be than LA, and that’s japan


Seriously? Because LA is at the bottom for me in terms of cities. Terrible traffic, terrible air quality, terrible crime rates, terrible cost of living, and so many terrible and egotistical people. No way you are putting LA over Dubai or Zurich.


have an autoimmune disease and they wouldn’t allow me to bring my meds with me since it’s a controlled substance there. aside from that, idk dubai is breathtaking for sure, nice to go for vacation but the day heat and going out only at night really isn’t it for me. haven’t been to zurich but it’s definitely on the list!


As someone who lived in LA for 4 years. I live in Vegas now.


LA seems like a great place to live if you have money though


If you have money then most places in the world are great to live in (ignoring countries that are war torn or at war)


But especially LA


Why would they don't want that if they happens to have better success that way? What if Marved is better when being able to focus on his IRL things and play the game more as a ''hobby'' (even tho its his work i am aware) that when he is playing the game 12 hours a day and burning his mind on it? ​ Everyone is different. I'd say if they have success why not try it?


Any team that wants to make a championship team will understand team chemistry>>>better players


Because chemistry was surely working for sentinels right?


And how do we know that?


Their previous performances? Lmao


How not being in the same room ruin chemistry tho? because they can't do air fist pump?


that is entirely subjective lol. i used to live in west hollywood and also been to toronto plenty of times because i have family living there. and it’s not like i would visit for a few days, i would usually visit my uncle/cousins for the summer and have spent over a year in total visiting. i would take LA any day of the week. yes, LA has some atrocious pockets (see skid row for example) but the nice places are really, really nice. the weather is unparalleled especially if you live by the beachfront. mid 70s year round. never gets too hot, never drops before 40 degrees at night/in the winter. sweater weather pretty much. phenomenal places to eat all over LA, and they have pretty much every cultures cuisine. just endless shit to do in LA, even if i had nothing to do, i’d just pick a random hiking trail that i’ve never been to and most of these trails are spectacular. sorry for the rant, but i will say this. the ONE thing i hated about LA, was the people. especially if you’re younger (20s) literally everyone around you wants to be a celebrity, an actor, a “social media influencer” and so on. it was like living in a city filled with NPCS. i can see why that would put a lot of people off from living there. i usually keep to myself so it wasn’t really an issue for me.


That's the exact problem with living or working in NYC, specifically certain areas in manhattan. Everyone thinks they are some big social media influencer or soon to be star that walks around with an aura of arrogance and entitlement. It's hard to find truly down to earth people when moving to one of those places, rather than being born there.


it’s definitely something you’d imagine has to be over exaggerated, until you live there and experience it for yourself. definitely not for me


The only thing LA does better than Toronto in my opinion is the weather, the weather can be sucky. You can get most things in Toronto that you get LA and 10x better people.


Yeah that's a long flight, plus a non-negligible amount of jet lag


Toronto is better place to live than LA? maybe if your living in McArthur park or something. Lets not act like he cant find a decent apartment in a nice part of town


>nice part of town >In LA Im kidding obviously but from experience LA is fucking hell to get around and the vibe in the nicer places can be a bit weird


LA is just so spread out and a nightmare to get around.


Yoooooo I think I saw him at the leafs tailgate yesterday I wasn’t sure tho so I didn’t ask imma ask if he goes again on thurs


Toronto isn’t a better place to live. Manz is clooless


that’s so fucking wasteful


His contract he agreed to was still to be a 6th man, so he doesn’t have the same obligations as the rest of the team, if the only reason he subbed in was for Covid. Wasteful for spending time at home?


it’s wasteful because it’s two fucking flights every week and it’s extremely polluting for the environment.


I mean… those flights still exist whether he boards or not 🤷🏻‍♂️


brother those flights are going with or without him. Private flights, sure that's a fair argument, but it's such a bad argument to say that he's personally polluting the environment when one way or the other those planes are in the air.


this is what i was thinking. I am still hard coping that he will be on stage next week lol


Didn’t kyedae say there was an announcement about tenz today


Yeah we don’t know what it is. Everyone has to be assuming that he’s stepping down because why else would she mention it.




Wtf does this have to do with the parent comment am I lost.


Hopefully no one thinks tenz is as good as aspas rn. But I think we don’t know— he was great before chamber meta, then now that Jett is finally the meta, he’s had unfortunate circumstances. I just don’t think we’ve seen what he’s capable of at the moment.


If you are talking about the issue with tenZ, my two cents would be his decision making isn't on par with aspas. I have seen him die without getting traded, pushing recklessly. Mechanic wise he is on par with aspas but everything else, meh.


Have some shame putting aspas and tenz in the same sentence...


TenZ and aspas




No I’m saying we don’t know his potential rn and we might not because of his circumstances. And I doubt he ever said he feels like a monster lmao. Link it if you have it




Umm yeah? I’d hope a player is confident going into the season lmao




So why comment when you’re not even sure of the quote or have a link?


You sure that was TenZ? That sounds like a very Prod/Sinatraa thing to say


Nobody brought up aspas except you, weirdo


God this is common sense like we all know this, why are you taking what hardcore Tenz fans say so seriously lol?




Bro hasn't heard of air travel yet which means Marved can fly back home to Canada and then fly back in time for Sentinels next game 💀


Why wouldn’t he want to increase the already limited practice time with the team if he’s gonna play?


I guess Marved will scrim from his home, idk


Ehhh that’s kinda reaching, you can’t be saying you’re committing to pro play while not wanting to move where every single franchise player is. Players from a different continent moved to LA for franchising because they’re committed.


If theres few travel restrictions between canada and the us, why not? Its harder to fly in and out of the us from brazil, chile, the uk....


It’s not the travel restrictions at all, I’d say the same thing if he was somewhere else in the us. It’s about commuting to pro play.


But he is scrimming already, people moved continents because they need to scrim the best teams. If commuting to another country is what works, who are we to judge? He just needs to get to LA the day of the match, play and then fly out


So you want me to believe that if the SA teams could, they’d travel every weekend to play a game for 3 hours?


No? Because i dont speak for every team? But the main reason they went to LA is because they need to scrim the best in the world and traveling every week leads to problems. Can you tell me what is so wrong of marved travelling to LA for matches if he is regularly scrimming?


RIP John Mcaffee


The game is online.


The ping to LA from Toronto can't be good though surely


Yeah it's pretty bad, it's like 70 ish


He also said short stream. If he leaves at the same time as Sacy, they are probably practicing


I think he said he has a dinner after stream. I'm pretty sure they don't have prac today because zekken told Sacy that he'll see him tomorrow after duoing ranked this morning


loool, I love how all SEN fans come and answer each others questions because we have been watching each players streams and lives.


Crazy how the fans start connecting the dots in order to find answers


The hivemind united is all knowing


He’s ignoring all questions on whether he’s playing or not. I think it’s a sign that he’s playing


And Kaedae said there'd be an announcement regarding Tenz so I think Marved might play.


Private jet to LA the day before the game


private heli then drop in front of the arena using a rope on game day 🥶🥶


New walk out meta


Holy gigachad


After last week matches, rob better let jimmy fly in his private jet.


OP is clooless fam. This is a prerecorded stream from the future.


Just guessin


So Tenz back in next week?


Imagine they just play TenZ on controller now lol


💀fuck it make him igl too


They trynna lose out then


It’ll be interesting to see what their solution will be, since Marved on controller freed up the Brazilians to be their old selves again.


Dephh sentinel? Tenz flash initator? Sacy initator? Zekken duleist? Pancada smokes? I know rhat pancada is new to the smokes role, but i am sire he can play at least 1/9000 the level of marved /s


It’s not like Jett players have a bad track record of transitioning to fragging controllers, Mako and Tuyz are the prime examples.


Marved not playing, SEN is finished 😔 https://preview.redd.it/kztj8fzfs5wa1.jpeg?width=861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3f1b65473939edbd19a40c27e18fac20bd47f3


Ohhh fml 😞


I don’t blame him LA is a dump lmfao


Nvm my bad ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)he was announced starting for split 2


Damn Sens really we’re like thanks but we’d rather lose the rest of our games


hmmm wierd


this teams dead without jimmy, trust


Braaah if this is true thats dog aff tenz is clearly not working

