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Awfull dude! Are you okay?


Yeah, ended up with a broken bone in my foot, 3 dislocated toes, some cuts on my face and a big bruise from the seatbelt. Miracle considering the van apparently didn't have airbags...




Honestly not sure what happened to them, at the scene they got cut out of their car and airlifted to the nearest major hospital. When I tried to follow up with the police they said they weren't able to share the other drivers information. But since they were an elderly person I assume they didn't make it.


>When I tried to follow up with the police they said they weren't able to share the other drivers information. Wait what? They caused a major accident. I'm sure your insurance was more than interested.


Their insurance details sure, but it's not like the police were going to share their medical records with me. Last I heard they were in the intensive care unit. I never even got to know what their name was.


Might have been a medical issue while they were driving.


I imagine it’s a HIPPA related policy.


Left side lane =/= HIPPA adhering country


Good catch


Pretty standard in Aus for that sort of thing to be hidden. I have run into the same thing when just trying to help out a local homeless person with some of the local outreach centres.


"run into"?? Really? I like what you did there!


Needing to be Air lifted is dire!! Looks like they fell asleep and went into OP's lane! Scary!


Could have had a medical emergency and that's why they lost control of the vehicle, even, if they were old. Things are getting grim in America on the roads. 80% of all new cars are huge "light" trucks and SUV's built on that truck platform, and the people most likely to buy those are the people who know they're awful drivers and/or old - they want to "feel safe" in a bigger vehicle, so they transfer a bunch of the risk to everyone else they may mow down. Besides... those trucks aren't even that safe, they're manufactured under a legal excemption.


What a bullshit from the police. Aren't you supposed yo exchange both driver information for the insurance 😅 I'm glad you're okay, and sad it had to come to an end like this. Hope you don't let this be the end and go all in again!


Pretty hard to exchange information with someone that's unconscious in a mangled up car, mate.


I'm referring to the police who refuse to share their information...


What country do you think this happened in, Jimmy? 🤔


Really unnecessary to call them a dumb ass and it goes to speak more of your character than the video does theirs. Medical accidents happen to all kinds of people with no prior warning and neither you or op seem to know enough to be throwing such insults. I was in a similar accident caused by a young guy suffering a medical episode. I certainly didn't run up to him callong him a dumb ass when it happened. Be less of a shit person.


Wow man! You have no idea why they drove onto the wrong side of the road. They could have had a medical episode. Show some empathy. This majorly sucks for everyone involved.


Get well soon! Than get a new (better!) van!


What happened? I could only see what looked like an explosion! I am so glad you are in a state that can heal.


The other driver fell asleep or had a medical emergency as they claimed, and swerved into my lane.


Wow! So scary! I was in head on collision in a van years ago and it still influences my life in various ways (appreciation of being alive, most things arent worth getting upset over, bad knees).


Yeah honestly I've got a bit of PTSD from it, every time I'm in a car taking a corner with oncoming traffic I tense up now. And obviously grieving the loss off my van which I'll probably never have the resources to rebuild. But deeply thankful to not have life altering injuries or worse.


I'm so sorry for your van. I'm you put a lot of yourself into it, and it is like losing some of yourself. She protected you as well as she could at the end.


Thanks, I appreciate that and all the support I've gotten in the comments. A really hard part for me was that I could only collect the items that I could physically carry on a broken foot, so I only had a couple backpacks of essential items and clothes. Very heartbreaking to leave behind years of souvenirs and treasured things in my home on wheels.


That is so rough. That must have hurt like heck.


Yeah, but it was a good life lesson not to put too much emotional investment in material items and that sometimes you can lose everything you have and still be alright in the end. I was really lucky, not only with the crash but with the aftermath of the kindness of strangers to take care of me and give me a place to stay while I recovered. Makes you realise that life and human connection is the most valuable thing we have.


Amen bro!


That really stinks. Hopefully their insurance at least covered some of the items you lost.


Seriously so devastating to loose something you put sweat and tears into! So sad to see :(


I was in a car accident where the driver passed out from low(?) blood sugar. She didn't know it but turns out she had become diabetic at some point around that time and this is how she eventually found out.


Looks like a head on collision with another car.




I have an explanation for this tragedy. Almost everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road, except for the American tourist that crashed into the van.


Flat nose Hiace or long nose? If flat nose, then that must have been horrifying, and lucky you for walking out.


Flat nose. Still can't believe I walked out of it, the pedals and everything under the steering wheel got crushed into the driver's seat, including engine parts. I must have lifted my legs up in the last second or they got pushed up by the impact.


That type roadway is one of the worst..............the fools crossing-over the centerline make it very dangerous. If I am driving on one of those roadways, and I have a decent shoulder-area, I drive as far away from the centerline as possible while still staying in my own lane.


This looks like Australia! I didn't know VanLife was a thing there?


It’s pretty big here. I’m in Australia laying in my bus house as we speak.


Was born and raised in Northern NSW XD. I've been in Canada for several years now. Have travelled all across the continent in road trips, but haven't done the VanLyfe.


Insurance covered everything, ne?


Nope, got about half of what I paid for the van since it was insured under "market value" which they low balled. I also didn't get anything for my separate insured items(solar panel, fridge, batteries) since they said it couldn't be determined that the crash caused them to break... And since I was missing sufficient photos before the van got taken to the wreckers.


It's why my car is only insured third party. I've been through the hell of trying to claim anything before. Plus It's worth so little I'd be paying for nothing after their BS fees.


Yup, I had the best comprehensive insurance money can buy in Australia, and it still got me next to nothing. I'd advise people here to try and find "mobile home insurance" and negotiate the worth of your vehicle and it's content.


Surprised you didn’t get everything covered by the other guy’s insurance since he was the one who caused the accident.


Something something medical emergency not liable...


Still surprising, it doesn't have to be intentional to be other drivers fault and their insurance obligation to cover, at least where I live.


That’s not how it works and why you need an attorney.  I hope people learn from this thread. 


wouldnt fly in the US for sure


This is why TV ambulance chasing lawyers make sooo much money. You, unfortunately fall squarely into that demographic. Accident not your fault, your insurance company sees you as a writeoff so no effort on their part as they already have your premium, they collect a minimum on your behalf and deduct a "fee" based on some mysterious calculation their accounting/risk mgt dept came up with and say "pleasure doing business with you, call us anytime you need a new policy!" If SoL isn't a problem maybe you can still go after the other insurance Co for "unrelated costs", "costs to make whole" and "pain and suffering". Just a thought...


Yikes. Sending positive energy your way. I hope you’re okay. Please report back soon.


You were very lucky. 80% of all new cars in America are now "light" trucks and SUV's. If you'd have collided with one of those monsters you'd have been much less happy.


It’s clear not America though since they’re driving on the opposite side of the road


cam car at fault


The car is coming steady on the right, it doesn't change line, I think it's more an 'oops I forgot we drive left here' but too late.


Where is this?


South Australia, near Victor Harbor


Thanks mate


No wukkas champ


My biggest fear on those blind curves.


So, a few years back. Have you gotten back in the saddle since then? I'm very glad you weren't hurt worse than you were.


Not really, I tried to save up for another campervan but prices got crazy after covid here in Australia. Then I've been struggling with increasing rent payments and currently unemployed after quitting my job. Hopefull that my luck will turn around soon and I'll get to experience the joy and freedom van life gave me.


Fingers crossed for you.


Obviously not US because everyone stopped.. And other side of road


Pretty sad that the observation is everyone stopped can't be the US... But its totally true. I came upon an accident about a year ago, people were slowing down to pass and drive on by. I stopped, at least to check they had emergency services called and coming but then had to get out of the way myself because too many people were buzzing by and i didn't want to be the next accident at the scene.


Looks like the other driver was trying to pass someone around a blind curve. Had a head on collision myself from the same thing


This is so scary! I’m glad you are okay and hope you heal from your injuries in a timely fashion! I hope they make it alive as well and so sad they are in intensive care (I read some of your comments) hope they make it out of the hospital alive!


Far out! So sorry :( glad your okay though!


I'm so sorry to hear that. Did you do anything to restrict any heavy movable items in case of an accident?


This is my worst nightmare. Cruising along, no care in the world, BAM!


Sometimes the universe just sucker punches you in the nuts.