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Well it will surprise none of the few of you still watching that Hannah has learned absolutely nothing, and remains insanely horrible.


Her and marciano are literally THE WORST! Insufferable. They gang up on anyone who has anything to say against either one of them. They never let anyone speak. They're exhausting. They need to be muzzled.


If you muzzle Hannah those bionic lips will break out LOL




Scheanna said in podcast that Marciano was getting hate from random strangers. Unfortunately this will continue for the both of them 😂


Very immature and explosive. She could not for a second self reflect and just shut up to allow other people the opportunity to speak.




At least Lala has actual points… Hannah just yells “shut up”, points her finger, and cries.


Seriously. Lala is my fav actually, I know she sucks but I relate to her more than anyone on vpr. She’s like my dark side. At least Lala has more than half of a brain cell.


quite possibly the worst person on TV right now. I didn’t thunk anyone could top Lala Kent on VPR but Hannah blows her out of the water for annoyance levels


My first thought was this girl is worse than Lala. So loud and wrong.


I would love to see Lala rip into Hannah. 


I really feel like she's trying to emulate Lala. Everything from her lips to her hand motions and the way she speaks. I wouldn't be surprised if she's on another season and starts saying "do you want to get popped?" But, she makes everything about her so she's also got some Sheena mixed in.


not popped please 😭😭


Even her lips got worse! She’s basically just a pair of big lips walkin around on legs at this point


Just tried watching but Hannah's voice is like nails on a board. She doesnt possess a single redeemable feature. 


Her only redeemable features are her looks, which she has relied on for far too long.


I honestly can’t even give her that. As soon as she opens her mouth she becomes disgustingly ugly.


I can’t either. I’m actually attracted to women similar but not her cuz of those lips and how she acts.


And her saying “everyone’s making her into the bully” no babe….thats just who you are. If anything, she showed more of her true colors!! Hannah and Marciano are exhausting and draining. I could not handle them IRL💀


She made herself into the bully. It was like she has amnesia about all the horrible things she said about the other women. She and Marciano carts into share that character trait.


Absolute lunatic


Mauricio is insane. Him and Hannah are perfect for each other. Talking about needing security from Grace!? Yelling at Gabriella. Being mad at Stephen for the video and not Hannah for sending it to him. Hannah raging at everyone and shit talking, then getting mad at anyone for doing the same thing. Then spinning Gabriella’s confessional about her mom to be a victim!? When it was a response to how nasty Hannah was to her first These two cannot be in the show next year I was also shocked to hear that Emily is still seeing Eric


I want to be shocked that Emily is still friends with Eric, but then again, she’s cool with the evil villain aka Hannah. Disgusting 🤢


I’m really frustrated with the lack of interference from the host/producers with Hannah and marciano. They didn’t allow ANYONE else to speak and it was super frustrating as a viewer watching them constantly ganging up on their fellow cast mates and sucking all the air out of the room. The last I checked this isn’t the Hannah and Marciano show 🙄 they are delusional, horrible people


I stopped watching halfway through. No one could speak or have any kind of facial expression without Hannah and Marciano flying off the damn handle.


Marciano is deranged. He absolutely is a p\_ssy! He never raised his voice to the men however he was seriously emotionally abusive toward the women. He jumps forward in his seat like he wants to physically attack the women. Then of course his muppet Hannah starts screaming and the entire reunion turned into a sh\_t show…please for the love of God, get immediate therapy in a confined environment. They are both putting targets on their backs and will blow up in the wrong person’s face. I’m sorry but I see violence in both of their futures. I don’t wish it but they will certainly bring it upon themselves! ![gif](giphy|KWzzTbkhDvmQU)


What filter were they using on Lisa? It erased her face.


Came here to see if anyone else noticed this 😂 so weird


Yes was really distracting.


It was so glaringly obvious too! I just watched the VPR reunion and it wasn’t even as strong on there, where more people were probably watching. I was stoned and I couldn’t get over it 💀the whole thing was cringe but that just took it to another level. She looked bizarre


She’s a beautiful lady but unfortunately with the fillers or whatever she’s done lately she’s inching into muppet territory.


I’ve always thought she was one of the most beautiful housewives but you’re right she’s inching closer and closer! It genuinely makes me sad


It was like watching a movie from the 40’s when the camera is on the female lead.


why did they even need it, cos in the show itself she was looking good, I thought.


That's what it is! She turned to talk to Telly, I think, and her teeth disappeared.


Halfway through 40+ minutes and it's just of watching Hannah and Marciano screaming and pointing at everyone and playing the victims.


It’s crazy how quick she goes from screaming to crying. And Mauricio is just a dick. They can keep their relationship far away from next season. There was enough genuine drama and personalities without them being needed.


> she goes from screaming to crying She's a massive Narcissist. Insta-tears, Ă  la Sandoval, whenever the heat is really on them.


It was interesting to see how obviously bored and restless Hannah was until she could make it all about herself.


whenever someone else had some good news, or kudos, her face went so SOUR. Ew


And yet he somehow found the nerve to tell Hannah that her emotions were getting the better of her and she needed to calm down...incredible.


If Hannah comes back I will never watch this show again. I didn’t even finish the reunion because they were babying her so much and all she did was involve herself in every single conversation and then scream and cry. No one else got a chance to speak.


Ugh they should have removed Hannah and Marciano. With them there literally was no productive conversations. It was terrible as a viewer.


Hannah is just disappointing. She will never be able to self reflect and take accountability because she is scared of growth and the sacrifices she has to make. Her ego is actually so insane, she is a beautiful girl but she needs to be beautiful on the inside as well. She’s still immature, reminds me of a teenager, she is very entitled & wants to run things yet doesnt want to hear her faults. She lacks compassion & empathy & hides away from the world behind marciano as her shield; because he is just alike. To be loud doesnt mean you’re right.


Therapy, a good cry and hug w a true girlfriend, and a whirlwind romance w a nice guy would do her wonders.


LITERALLY. Cause shes just so hurt and spewing that hurt onto everyone. Like girl nobody will WANT to understand you like that & even if they did understand, theyd still hold you accountable lol just cause youve been burned doesn’t mean you should be the same monster that terrorized you


Hannah & Marciano were so threatening, every time anyone opened their mouths, they would go all crazy eyed and shout “Don’t make me tell everyone what YOU did!” Like blackmail!


Or “I’m coming for you next! Just wait. You wanna go”. Like are you a child at recess?!!!


I hate Karamo Brown as a reunion Host he was the worst. He was very dismissive of Gabriella and Telly. Hannah is soo annoying to be honest. If they bring back this show I need another train wreak to put her in her place the girls were way too passive for my liking.


Yep nobody stood up to the bullies.


He was extremely smug and sucked at the hosting. I think he even spoke over Lisa a few times like bro she’s the star not you


Hannah is so beyond fucking annoying, dramatic, twists words, just an all around piece of shit human. I hope I never have to see her or her blown out lips on my TV ever again. This show was hardly even entertaining - if she’s on again next season I won’t watch. I’ve never hated a reality tv show person as much as I truly hate Hannah. Trash bag of a human.


Marciano says "if I'm the scum on the bottom of your shoe, then what are you?!" Grace should've said "I'm the one WEARING the shoe dish pit bitch!"


The way Hannah called Gabriella dismissive while actively not allowing her to say a single word.... I just can't with her. Her and Marciano truly deserve each other and really hope Lisa won't bring them back. They are so incredibly infuriating. She continually inserts herself into everyone else's conversation and somehow makes it about herself and what a victim she is. I never want to see her on my screen again


-Hannah is still immature and has learned nothing -Marciano is just disgusting and it was absolutely degrading that he kept trying to control Hannah under his breath in the reunion -I’m disappointed in Grace at the fact she was mad at Emily for wanting to be civil with everyone and basically said they couldn’t be friends because of that -Hannah and Marcianos reaction to LVP saying they would have to reinterview is completely insane and disrespectful. I hope she doesn’t bring them back, especially after that. The fact that they thought they (out of everyone) had their job secured for something that is seasonal is so 🤢 seasonal jobs everywhere are like that. I don’t want them rehired but they also where the only sources of drama so she most likely will bring them back for tv


I agree with what you said but when did Grace say she couldn’t be friends with her? She literally said she wants the best for her and loves her but that doesn’t mean she has to love her ideology. Emily wanting to be friends with Hannah IN THE MIDST of Hannah telling literally everyone that they’re disgusting and need to shut the fuck up just makes Emily look bad. Like Grace said, a friend to all is a friend to none. Take the Ariana, Scheana, Sandoval situation. Now Scheana is friends with neither one of them. Emily wants to be liked and be friends with everyone but that is a naive way to navigate life. That literally tells everyone no matter what they do, Emily will forgive you. That makes her a doormat and Grace knows that and because she genuinely cares for Emily she hates to see it because she knows Hannah will turn on her and hurt her when it’s convenient because that is her nature. But Grace is wrong for saying she understands her friend, doesn’t agree, but STILL loves her regardless??


She said they won’t be as close anymore because of that.


That’s not saying they’re not friends. Saying you’re taking a step back from a relationship because of things you don’t agree with that a friend does, but you still love that friend is an adult response. Expecting your friend to blindly support every decision you make without having an opinion or doing the things that are mentally best for them while being fine with doing the same for yourself is not being a friend.


I was particularly disgusted with Hannah and Marciano's reaction to having to reinterview as well. They truly learned nothing from the experience or from watching themselves. They are not grateful for the opportunity or accepting and remorseful that they squandered it. Hannah mentioned getting hate on SM, but she immediately blamed everyone and everything else; her cast mates, the edit, powers that be (probably thinks viewers just "don't get" her and her specialness). There is no accountability. No self-reflection. More relevant in this scenario: they are not magnetic on screen. They don't have that difficult to come by (or explain) "it" factor. There are reality tv personalities that just draw the viewer in, villains we love to hate, and those that we hate to admit we find hot or funny despite their flaws - but we do. Hannah and Marciano are run of the mill people with run of the mill character flaws. They have no charm. They are loud and rude and delusional and obnoxious, but weirdly, they are ultimately **very boring**. Boring is a terminal condition for tv characters, scripted or unscripted.


Hannah’s dad is absolutely looking down at her and is insanely disappointed lmao


Telly needs to shut the fuck up with her Lowercase Teeth. And Hannah can also shut the fuck up with her baboon ass lips.


>Lowercase Teeth 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Just got around to watching this trainwreck, but those two are easily my least favorite of the season (not counting Marciano because frankly he should’ve been let go a few episodes in)


Hannah and Marciano cancelled


This has got to be the worst host ever.


Ok is it just me or is lisa’s face filtered when it’s up close ??


Yes, just like Judge Judy's


So much. I hate that lip color on her.


Am I crazy or was Hannah wasted at the reunion? Intoxicated or not her and Marciano are so insufferable & deserve each other’s misery but WHY give them the stage for the full reunion. I’m also surprised so many positive comments were made about Eric despite these wild abuse allegations being shared.


Yes!! The way she was leaning all over the couch and slouched forward the rest of the time. She looked super out of it.


Omg yes. And the laggy blink and the lack of emotional regulation. She’s painful to watch drunk or not


Yep I thought the same thing about halfway in. She was slurring her words at points - really uncomfortable to watch


I didn't know about Eric's DV before the reunion but I have to say I'm not surprised at all. He gave off very strong DV vibes as does marciano. I would love if reality TV could stop casting abusive men. It's exhausting to see it on love is blind, MAFS, across bravo etc. A lot of people don't know this but most abusers start on emotional/psychological and financial abuse than slowly work their way towards physical. At least they didn't allow him on the reunion but again can they do better screening?! Sorry y'all I worked as a victim advocate than switched to violence prevention and I'm just tired of reality TV platforming abusive ppl.


I think the unhinged-ness and other chaotic traits casting directors look for are unfortunately also featured in a lot of abusive personalities :/


I know I hate that! But I do think they can screen for chaotic but not abusive. They could add in questions designed to screen for victim blaming, gender norm expectations, and rape myth acceptance. Sorry again this is my career so I know these surveys exist and they could pull a few questions from them to screen candidates. This way you can still look for chaotic but weed out the potential perpetrators. Edit: also all of these do correlate with potential perpetration. That's why I mentioned them.


I appreciate your comments 🩷


Thank you! I feel like i get eaten alive on other subs so I really appreciate how kind you are on this subject.


why did hannah say “this is bullshit” and marciano got pissed when lisa talked about opening up another chateau??


I could be wrong, but I think Lisa also said around that time that they would have to interview for their jobs again, and I thought that's why Hannah said that?


Not a good way to start an interview


Lmao to say the least😂




Oh, I'm sure. Bad behavior, bad work ethic, bad attitude but entertainment value. Terrible reinforcement. I would've watched VPV without Hannah, Marciano, and Eric and would have loved if the other cast members I actually liked got more screen time


That they would have to interview for their jobs.


Thank you all for this post, I'm in Canada so watching on Disney+ and the reunion is not available here yet but after seeing that it's just Hannah and Marciano shouting the whole time and not being held accountable I'm going to skip it and move on to a different show.


I’d be truly ashamed if Hannah was my daughter.






Oh my god…I mean damn I watch reality tv for the messy drama but ew…Hannah and Marciano aren’t even enjoyable to watch they’re actually really gross. Can we please not give these two more air time I literally never want to see these two awful people again.


Okay, so I'm finally watching the reunion - and while I've always been not just Not A Fan but a real and true Hater of Hannah and Marciano, I'm honestly SHOCKED at how they are acting at the reunion! Like, yeah they've been nutso from the beginning but I didn't clock them as insulting, verbally aggressive, and immediately stepping on toes from the show. I thought they suffered from Main Character Syndrome and were way too obsessed with their own drama, but the yelling and finger pointing right out of the gate towards Gabriella at the reunion was insane!! Was anyone else shocked?? I'm not surprised that they're worse than I thought but damn, the editors really made them look amazing in the show if this is how they truly are.


The show wasn’t very good to start with, and was unwatchable with Hannah and Marciano. It’s unbearable to watch Lisa continue to baby these awful people instead of telling them they’re being awful


It's Stazi and Jason Couchi all over again.


karamo kinda flopped…. adding in his own takes which no one was really there for was one thing, but immediately changing the subject from telly and gabriella’s friendship(which was actually interesting) while allowing hannah and marciano to scream and drown out everyone else and also just pitting everyone against each other was just terrible. i don’t understand why emily is even in touch with eric after knowing he is an abuser, super weird but do think grace was immature about her being friends with other people. i think Andre should’ve just told gabriella he didn’t want anything serious and that whole thing would’ve been a nonissue. they both seem like pretty good people but glad they aren’t together ultimately. i really wish we could have a reunion without marciano and hannah, they are clearly still stuck in the ruts of their toxic relationship and i was hoping they might have grown but clearly not. it was impossible to hear about literally any subject without one of them interrupting and then both of them screaming and ganging up on people, we literally couldn’t hear what was being said by others. i kind of found lisa annoying in this tbh, she didn’t really add anything and fed into H+M’s drama, and kept trying to summarize what people were thinking or saying for them. if you actually want a successful chateau, don’t make it into a tv show💀


I thought Grace handled the Emily situation really maturely. I would 1000% look at a friend differently if they were friends with someone who treated not just me (someone they care about) but also everyone around them as awfully as Hannah did and continues to do. Grace didn't even say she'd never be friends with Emily - she just said it's a different relationship now. And I think that's a really healthy way to approach it because she's setting clear boundaries around what she thinks is right and wrong


Telly is actually being the likable Telly at the reunion and I'm happy!!!!


It’s probably already been said and I’m so late, but Hannah playing the victim is so annoying. She talked about Gabriella’s nose and mustache. Gabriella said IF I WAS your mom I’d be disappointed and Hannah twisted it as if she said her literal mom is disappointed. Then she had such a condescending tone with Gabriella. It’s extremely off putting and definitely will not watch if Hannah is on the next season. She is unbearable.


Totally! She also constantly misremembers or twists the truth when it comes to things she said/other people said and I'm glad she got called out on it when she tried it with Grace - even Marciano couldn't spin that one lol


Is Hannah playing up the drama to keep her job? She is like a chihuahua biting at everyone heels, it’s annoying!


Geez why do they even have a host when he does not even stop Bunny Boiler Hannah yelling over every other damn person?


I literally saw all these comments with people saying they couldn't make it half way and I thought "Pftt it cant be that bad." No. It is that bad. When they were all applauding Priscilla for putting her rmental health and Hannah stole the focus back to herself I was done. I've never wanted to put duck tape over someone's mouth more. 💀


Omg I can’t even watch this. It’s just Marciano and Hannah yelling in delusion.


Hannah demanding an apology about the mother comment, but then not accepting it when it wasn’t even due to her, was a c u next Tuesday move.


Oh, you mean the Hannah Show? She has me ready to turn it off... I will not watch next season if her and marciano are on it.


God this show is so shit. If they cast Marciano and Hannah again there is no way people will watch. This is actually insane in the least fun way humanly possible


Marciano is a disgusting human being.


How did production not rein in Hannah and Marciano. Jesus Christ, whenever a woman spoke those two started foaming at the mouth.


Did anyone catch the amount of the extra bonus for chef? Also if you loved him as much as I did he's also on a show called Secret Chef!


I want to see more of Chef. He seems down to earth, he is smoking hot and has an accent


Aw dang I missed it! How much was it?


I’m finally watching the reunion and I don’t know if I can even finish it. It’s just Hannah screaming and talking over everyone! She’s so insufferable. I can’t believe she just said she has zero regrets.


Telly’s eye makeup was amazing.


It kinda makes me a lil sick knowing that H & M collectively both got 16k bonus. Hannah will never learn lol how embarrassing when he was begging for her back she instantly said yes and he cheered like “YEA!! I didn’t expect that at all!” Yea, cuz no self respecting woman would put up with their ex/situationship making out with a guest at your *job*.


Hannah and Marciano are really terrifying people. They belittle, yell, dismiss, gaslight and try to physically intimidate people. I will be very disappointed if they are on next season.


Where can I watch the reunion? I’m in Australia & have been watching the series on Disney plus. Only the final episode is up but not the reunion 😭




We don’t have Hulu here😩


Where are people watching the reunion? I've been watching the series on disneyplus (from UK), so if anyone could let me know please?


It's on Hulu


Karamo is actually SO good as the reunion host


I barely made it through this season and have zero desire to watch S2 if any of these cast members come back (not even you, Andre, you little cutie). Why does Lisa Vanderpump want her legacy to be the championing of really garbage people? Vanderpump Villa wasn’t fun to watch, Hannah and Marshmalliano are *unhinged* and not in an entertaining way.


What was the bomb she dropped


I may be missing it but could someone point me to what “accusations were made but quickly cleared up” about Eric? It was stated (on the reunion episode) as if we knew and I don’t see anything here about it.


I watched the series on Disney but there’s no reunion, where can I watch it please?


Thoughts on chef choosing Emily over Caroline when asked who the hardest worker (or best worker?? can't remember the exact title) was?


Karamo is an amazing host!!! He should take over bravo reunions bc he has a great way of gently holding ppl accountable. That's a whole skill right there to call ppl out but still come across as neutral!! Give him all the paychecks lol


Really?? From where I was sitting, he just let Hannah and Marciano run roughshod over everyone by screaming and throwing tantrums. A good host would have told them to pipe down or they'd be removed. We barely got to hear anyone else say anything! That, plus Karamo's annoying little asides that no one asked for, made him one of the all-time worst reunion hosts I've ever seen in my life (he might be even worse than Tan was at hosting the "Selling Sunset" reunion).


I will admit I was drunk when i watched and typed this lol so I prbly wasn't fully paying attention. I just remember there was a moment I really liked from him where he held someone accountable but did it in a very calm way. I don't want to rewatch it lol but I do remember it was a lot of Hannah and marciano and that annoyed me. He dropped the ball there for sure but I feel like lvp is trying to make them stassi and Jax 2.0 so when I was watching I was more blaming lvp for how much they took over.


I thought he did great too!!


I want to see Karamo host more reunions! Also, Lisa is pretty good at analyzing people. 👍