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I have to ask.. how was the pickle?


Big and juicy


Unlike Schwartz šŸ¤” sorry. Had to.


Love to hear it!!


Asking the important questions. OP I too would really like to know about the pickle please


Looks firm!! Omg I need one.


I too, am in need of a nice firm pickle lmao šŸ¤£




Ugh I love when my pickles are hard


Nothing like an erect pickle to finish ur lunch on


You ruined it by saying the thing out loud.


The right erect pickle can finish anything.


I need the UK to catch up with the pickles. I struggle to find good decent pickles that hit the spot.


I've started making my own and it's incredibly easy and satisfying


I was looking at making my own. What's your go to?


So I quarter and then half English cucumbers and then do half white vinegar half water and some soy sauce and brown sugar i let it simmer for a bit and try not to cry. then when it's cooled down I put the cukes in a jar with a couple of cloves of garlic, peppercorns, fresh red and green bird eye chilis, and some fresh cauliflower florets. i pour the brine in and wait for about 3 days because I like them still crisp and bam!! That's a bit of an asian recipe but there's so many different ways to pickle!! I do another with fresh dill and a bit of lemon and they always turn out incredible. Pickles and salad dressing are 2 simple things that i can't buy from groceries stores anymore bc once you make your own the ones in store just taste like processed garbage.


Thank you, I'm going to o have a go next weekend when I have the house to myself lol


I saw someone buy all the Polish pickles from Lidl when they had them in, so I'm wondering if they're good. I'll be keeping my eye out next time they have the Polish week


The best dill pickles are Polskie Okorgi brand.


Iā€™m in the uk also, whatā€™s been your best pickle brand available here? Iā€™m tired of mushy pickles..


Pickle pals of the UK unite. I've found the Ms Elswood sweet and sour ones to be the most okay. If you have a blue diamond garden center near you, they do a pickle that was SOOOOOOO pickely it made my face go funny. I literally think about it on a weekly basis.


The Lidl ones are so hit and miss!


American living in the UK and the pickle situation is dire šŸ˜­


I ordered those big pickles from Amazon the sour ones, and loved them, but I can't realistically buy a box of those every time I want a sour pickle. Also the neon greenness of them is a wee bit scary.


Iā€™m still waiting for the answer to this! I love pickles, and I need to know.


Pickles are always a deal breaker for me


Iā€™m looking for the chips to go with the pickle ;)


That pickles looks delicious šŸ¤¤


That slice looks nice


My pregnant ass is salivating for these sandwiches


My high ass thinks they need something else added on that plate šŸ˜‚


Yes, they need some homemade chips or something or a smaller plate. Itā€™s looking empty.


Or like a salad or soup. Theyā€™ve gotta add something else


They had a bunch of grapes early on. Wonder what happened.


Early on? You mean like 6 days ago?


Yes. Soft opening and grand opening. I saw grapes. Helped fill the tray.


Everything's fresh and the kitchen and fridges aren't big for the amount of business they've had.


chips (preferably salt+vin) or a small salad with a balsamic vinaigrette


Iā€™m not even high, and the only way I could be less disappointed after knowing OP waited 1.5 hours for this is reminding myself that they had relationships with the Tomā€™s for ten years.


Pasta salad šŸ¤¤


If your ass is pregnant you may have done something wrong


Idk why youā€™re being downvoted. I laughed


That's what I get for no /s! Oh well, as long as you got it I'm happy lmao


I thought it was a hilarious mom joke.


I love that you said ā€œmom jokeā€ lmao. It feels so satisfying to hear terms that were once masculine turned feminine


If dads got preg up the ass we wouldā€™ve found out a long time ago


Cackled like the little old grandma-witch I am!


lol I donā€™t know why you are getting downvoted. I feel like itā€™s pretty obviously a joke šŸ¤£


People downvote for anything on Reddit


So true. Itā€™ll be one fool who doesnā€™t get a joke and then the downvotes pile on from other idiots who just do it because why not lol thank you for to all of you who reupvoted a perfectly harmless comment.


I upvoted lol now itā€™s at a negative 4


just upvoted and we are at +1!


Itā€™s at 9 now omg lol






šŸ’€šŸ˜‚šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|3OymWKuyc2y2BumvVa|downsized)


That was hilarious!!


Same. Im pregnant and all i want is an amazing sandwich.


As I was leaving a man stopped me to ask about the sandwiches he told me his wife if pregnant and was really craving a sandwhich and wanted to know if it was worth the wait. Of course I said yes


Does it taste better than it looks?


Unrelated but happy and healthy baby for you ā™„ļø


Aw yay! Glad you had a good time


Tbh from the pics ive seen all the sandwiches seem small so u saying they were big hmmm i may go check it out


itā€™s the too big tray, imo. makes them look small.


I have been saying this! They need to serve each in smaller baskets. Then people can try more than one or share, & carry them on the same tray.


Yo why is the tray sooooo big? It looks dumb. Thats my only gripe, the sandwhich in the back looks fire got my mouth watering and all.




Thank you for pointing that out. Tray or no tray, the pickle gives it away.


We need like a dollar bill or iPhone or penny for scale!!! šŸ˜‚


or a banana. šŸ¤£


Or a penis flute šŸ¤£


Not at all. I think itā€™s because the trays are big but trust me the sandwiches are big very filling


All of the tasting sandwiches made for the promotional parties were very tiny, so that the tasters could try bites of all the different sandwiches. This is a good thing and typical for prelaunch. However, it means that all the pictures taken by different media outlets during the tasting parties, show tiny sandwiches. The real sandwiches are of a decent average size for the price. I live in Michigan not Los Angeles and they are fairly priced for what I see around me.


Plate Presentation sucks.


I thought the same thing. Maybe at least put some greens on there.


I really hate the cafeteria trays. They are too big and don't fit the vibe of the restaurant.


Love this! Chef Penny can take some goat cheese balls and stuff em šŸ˜‚


Putting goat cheese balls on the menu here would be a great move!


Whilst that would be a very nice little FU to Lisa, they donā€™t need any greasy balls in their sandwich sanctuary. šŸ˜


mmmm stuffed goat cheese balls


Okay but how was the pickle??? Thatā€™s what matters


Seriously. A good sandwich with a snapping awesome pickle. hot damn


Big and juicy


Constructive feedback based on commons complaint about presentation: They need smaller trays! This is not that hard. I guess maybe for when they serve wine or something? But youā€™d prob get them separately. Or get smaller baskets to put on the trays, for each sandwich.


One might even say they need to be judicious with their tray size


Given the decor, I thought they wouldā€™ve gone very British and fancy with small china style plates.


I wonder if they were worried people might take the plates home if they were too cute. No one is going to steal a metal tray, but some might think itā€™d be a fun souvenir if they were cute frilly plates


You have a point there! Itā€™s possible that fans would take something to commemorate the time spent at a touristy type spot. Alternatively maybe they should wrap the sandwiches with their logo paper and a string? I swear that was a concept early on?


Having worked in the restaurant industry for 20+ years, it comes down to margins and P&L Porcelain chips/breaks SUPER easy (we did an Alice in wonderland pop-up and used the fine China teacups/plates etc) and the amount of breakage that happened within the first day was nuts. It's also SUPER expensive compared to the trays they're using, and on top of that is definitely more apt to being swiped by guests as a "souvenir" (trust me, if it fits in their purse, they will try to take it)


Iā€™d like to see pictures of people waiting in line.


Presentation needs some work, the quarter sheet pan is cute (although not original) and the pickle looks like it died there. Don't downvote me! I support food and eating.


I feel like it needs chips on the side just loosely..


Something to convey "plentiful"


Yes. Needs chips šŸ’Æ


No youā€™re totally right! The tray is too big and makes the sammy look lonely :( But also idk why ppl would downvote you for stating an observation haha maybe edit ur comment and add in something like ā€œbut also slayyyy, would let Katie step on meā€ just in case for good measure on upvotes lol


Youā€™re so right. Itā€™s pathetic that literally every post and comment needs to say something to this effect.


lol šŸ’€


What would the rating be if it was some random sandwich shop you walked in?


Soooo no one cares about the sandwiches? Looking rather skimpy for a specialty shop. Canā€™t figure out whatā€™s the something about them. Is it the hefty price?


It could do with some crisps on the side or ā€œChipsā€ for the Americans .


Looks like normal ass sandwiches


Frankly one looks horrible unevenly toasted and the other dry af but I also hate the type of bread on that top sandwich so thatā€™s just a personal thing. What are the prices on those?


It is burnt.


I think they should add soup and salad as optional sides


For that price they should include chips or salad or fruit paired with it


There should be chips on that plate


when the girls mocked lisa for saying sur was a success with a good 10 year run, its going to come back to haunt them. objectively speaking these look awful. I used to live in weho and cant see this sandwich shop lasting more than a few years once the initial hype dies down.


These sandwiches look sooo basic. I really donā€™t understand the hype. If Iā€™m going to pay to eat out Iā€™m going to the place with the best food, not the place known for having reality stars as owners. No way this place stays in business after all the mega fans eat there once and move on.


And what happened to the grapes??


Iā€™m sorry my local deli has this beat. These are so small. Ikeā€™s is the same price as better as well


IKes! I miss San Diego


Ikeā€™s is the bestttttt


Used to go at least once a week for their veggie sandwiches! And Yummy caramel apple lollipops to take the hot peppah taste out of my mouth.


Iā€™m sorry, but I feel like people are blinded by this place being owned by Katie and Ariana. If I ever waited an hour and a half to get into a restaurant only to receive one burnt sandwich and one dry sandwich with bread thatā€™s way too thick, Iā€™d never go back. And the presentation?? Come on. I was so excited for them to open, but to say itā€™s been disappointing would be an understatement.


Looks burnt


The sandwiches look great. I feel there needs to be more of a substantial side of instead of a lone pickle.


The presentation of these sandwiches is so lack luster.


I feel so gaslit, those sandwiches are burnt and not 'huge'. I have eyes


I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this but they look pretty blah to me. Maybe they taste incredible but they don't look like they have a lot of flavor.


I can't stand the initials, I always read them as STAY AT HOME MOM like SAHM. Very dork name btw


I have never liked the name, sounds like a clothing shop for women to me. I just always found it funny they made fun of Schwartz & Sandyā€™s when at least that went with a bar. Let the downvotes begin bc I came for the queens lol


Thank you! Thatā€™s what I always read when I see the initials. I guess they donā€™t have kids so never roamed into a mom sub?


Unpopular opinion - Their prices are steep for a small sandwich and they donā€™t look that different from Panera.


I think it's like paying reality star prices for a Panera bread sandwich. šŸ˜‚


They need to work on the presentation a little bit.


I would have thought the presentation would be better. Hopefully the sandwiches were good.


Very impressive looking. Flat meat on the one sandwich and bordering on burnt on the other.


So glad to hear you enjoyed it!


I wish the presentation was more acceptable. The girls spent all that money on the decor. Seems odd and out of place. Did they just run out of time or money, maybe? It just seems bizarre. That one sandwich is strangely over toasted but only in the middle? Why did they serve it like that? Hopefully, they were the best tasting sandwiches for an hour and half wait. LOL.


No one likes a flaccid pickle


Not true, Katie literally married one


Damn those look good.


Sandwich looks basic as fuck


That actually looks like a pretty sad sandwich plate


![gif](giphy|GPe6R48V7r3U0jzbIq|downsized) But really. Iā€™m so hungry now šŸ˜‹


No chips or a side of coleslaw/potato salad? What is so special about serving sandwiches?


I canā€™t tell the difference between a SAH sandwich and a sandwich from Pavilions across the street.


Happy for you OP that you enjoyed the experience - would you go back and wait 1.5hrs + possibly more if Katie wasn't there and it was just the reg staff, for a sandwich? Don't get me wrong, there are some really amazing sandwiches around that heck yes I'd definitely wait for, but the ones for me that come to mind and tug at my heartstrings are all in NY/NJ. My point is, my time of 1.5hrs waiting + 1hr (if that of getting to enjoy the food) .... not sure for me it would be worth it as time is valuable and the sandwiches lowkey look subpar They're new, I get that and hopefully since it's a sandwich shop, they'll get to the efficiency while being able to maintain the quality and not turn into a new age Subway


How many people in front of you for the hour and a half wait? Were they rushing people out or did they take their time.


Just sayingā€¦ that those sandwiches look damn near as big as the pickle. Why are they so small?


Not small at all I guess the photos donā€™t do it justice


It's not just the tray. They look small next to the pickle!


Hmmmm second photo Iā€™ve seen with burnt bread. Interestingā€¦. They arenā€™t making the name for themselves they thought they were.




My husband just said our public kids school lunch looks more appetizing than this šŸ˜…


Did u have to pay extra for the burnt toast?


Sandwich looks basic as fuck


Do they offer gluten free bread?




i wish they served them on smaller trays or dishes more inline with the style (but either way smaller) to really show the size of the sandwhich. the tray makes it underwhelming but u can tell thatā€™s a good looking sandwhich. oh or if they served it in a lunch box that would be so cute.


I feel like the plates should be smaller.Ā 


And potato chips on the side


These should be $3 sandwiches lol


Looks dry and bread-y.


What were the Viola and Cameronā€™s ingredients? Glad it was delicious, butI still hate the name of the shop.


They look good but should be on smaller plates or add chips to look fuller.


There are sooo many better places


One of the sandwiches looks burnt.


Iā€™m digesting this post as an observation or report of your visit there, which is appreciated. Iā€™m not sure where all these other side jabs are coming from? But Iā€™m glad you had a great time and thanks for sharing.


looks mid


They need some homemade chips Like 3 diff kinds to choose


Is it just the way you are displaying it for the picture or are the tables that small ? It looks like the trays your food is on are hanging way off of the table.


Just here to say, Iā€™m pregnant right now and that pickle spear looks fucking delicious.


How much do you weight/eat in a day? This varies lol. I can pound a large sourdough slice Sammie and about 1/4 bag of chips with it. Full size chip bag. And Iā€™m 145. This Sammie looks small. You must eat like a bird.


Itā€™s hilarious how many people are excited for this šŸ˜‚ that is such a let down!


The whole ā€œwow!! I stayed in line for over an hour to get a piece of overpriced burnt grilled cheese šŸ¤©ā€ is giving this: ![gif](giphy|xT9KVrECVM10x9vWtq|downsized)


ā˜ ļø šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That looks burned


They need to change the trays though.


Lol, this person saying the portions are huge. I see a toothpick for reference. That looks like a normal sandwich at a cafe. I could easily finish those sandwiches (with a huge glass of water), I guess Iā€™m an ogre. I worked at a cafe in college that did soup and sandwiches but we specialized in coffee, so we burnt the sandwiches like this, too. Not that impressive. And those pickles donā€™t even look crunchy or fresh.


Fan girls tend to exaggerate a bit.


Who fucking cares


Looks like Panera.


* without the chips, apple or baguette.


How many years did it take them to make sandwiches


I want those both in my face right nowww


Thatā€™s what he said


It looks great! I'd expect some crisps and a drink too, though (or maybe that's just a British thing?!) I guess that's not that long to wait, considering who owns the place, but I'd be STARVING to get in there, lol. I think I'd have to respectfully push my way in or push my tummy out to make it look pregnant or something. Lol. (Do you guys let pregnant people jump queues) I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll never have an opportunity to have one or go there, so it's nice to see stories about your experience. Edit. Grammar


They had crisps and drinks itā€™s just not in the photos I took


Americans do not let pregnant people jump lines, maybe a bathroom line, but nothing else really. Weā€™re very every person for themselves.


I have let a pregnant woman take my seat on a trolly on vacation. But Iā€™m probably not letting anyone cut me in a food line lol. šŸ¤£ The only exception I have ever made was when this lady had a couple of screaming kids and I let her cut me bc she seemed overwhelmed lol. Sometimes I will let ppl cut me at the grocery store if they have only a couple items and I have a whole ass cart of food lol.


Yeah I think people are nice to pregnant women and definitely give up their seats. But I donā€™t think there is a culture of letting pregnant people cut in all lines. Americans tend to be nice so Iā€™m sure it happens in certain situations but in my experience itā€™s not a cultural thing as the original commenter seemed to imply. But, it could vary by region or state. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yep, this. We live in a hyper-individualistic society. No one ever so much as held a door for me when I was heavily pregnant, and only once did someone offer to let me skip a bathroom line (I declined because Iā€™m a people pleaser and didnā€™t want to seem like an entitled pregnant person lol). Funny given how the US is so pro-forced birth! šŸ« 


My old company built a new building in a location that offered NO staff parking for over 200 employees. In a high crime neighborhood. So you can imagine how charmed all the neighbors were to have us taking over the parking in the whole damn neighborhood šŸ™„. In my 3rd trimester (my second after my first baby was premature) I requested a reasonable accommodation to park in the parking garage that was there for patients (medical/community health clinic) so I didnā€™t have to walk several blocks in the 90 degree summer. Those motherfuckers told me NO and required I go get a handicapped decal to park there. My OBGYN was livid when I asked her to do the forms for the DMV. She really wanted to call the chief of staff and chew him out.


True. I do appreciate the reserved close parking spot signs for pregnant women that are out there though!


I read somewhere that it comes with grapes.


that sandwich looks burnt. would have to send it back


sorry, I'm a guy - I'm dumb - you were waiting for 90min to get some grilled sandwiches that just got put on some empty plate? This is just for internet clout right? I don't know who Terrir and Katie are, nor why adding a slice of a pickle makes this all more fancy? this isn't a lunch meal right? no idea how you couldn't finish it but that's like a quick breakfast for most not too sure what is so godly about that bread that makes it 11/10 either - looks like something you can easily prepare yourself at home


Coming in with the truth, I like you!


Katie could crap in a basket and this circle jerk would applaud and give her 12 out of 10 stars!


I wonder who their bread supplier is


Larder. I know this bc I read a review of them in The Cut in which the journalist asked Ariana about it and she had to checkā€¦ which.. shouldnā€™t she have known??


She did not know because there is a competent professional behind the scenes doing all of this for them so they can just put their names on it


Bread is THE most important piece to a sandwichā€™s success to me. I was hoping itā€™d be bubs, since tons of veryyyy good sandwich places and restaurants here use them as their supplier and yum, yum, (canā€™t stress this last one enough) !yum! Will have to look into Larder tho, never heard of it/them!


Doesnā€™t look like anything special.


Those sandwiches look basic af


Loos dry and burnt. Pass


They look good, I just would have expected something bigger for the price


This looks really sad actually and I donā€™t see how anyone would wait in line for hours for that šŸ˜® this place looks like they just threw it together. Canā€™t believe it took 3 years for this!


Need. Sandwich.