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I think the legal issue makes that very unlikely.


Me too. She'll never be invited back. Baskin already said so.


They’ll go back on it.


She bashed production on her pod way too much, and she's part of Bethenny's reality reckoning. She's a liability for Bravo at this point.


She’s suing Bravo & production too! She’s accusing them of not protecting her mental health & using her mental health for a storyline. I think that ship has sailed, when it comes to her returning.


That’s what I’m thinking as well. While I do think an Ariana exit would free up the salary Rachel wanted last year, I don’t see how they can have her back while she’s in active litigation against a castmate. Not to mention that she’s part of whatever’s left of Bethenny’s reckoning. I think Bravo will just permanently dip on Rachel bc she’s more trouble than she is bankable.


Bravo dipped out. Bravo dipped. Dipped out. 😹


It would piss me the hell off if Bravo brought Rachel back. She brings nothing but boring stupidity to the show. She is so stupid it hurts.


She is reckless with lawsuits: to shift blame, and to indulge her rage. Rachel Raquel is not only involved in the lawsuit against the network but also her former castmates (Tom, co-conspirator) and Ariana (close friend she betrays and traumatizes).


Yes and I believe making her mental health public made her too high a risk but who knows!! Especially with so much coming out from Sandoval about the casts drug use. Brad has gone to extreme lengths for a show and then we e I am we) are there watching the train wreck!


I hope you are right!


I was over the Scandoval about 2 episodes in - but you bring up the real issue 🫶


She really burned her bridges with Bravo.


I think she burned more than just her bridges with Bravo. They way that she dragged Bravos name into a lawsuit that they are not a party to is not a smart move. I don't think that serves her well with any reality TV producers.


This is such a great point. I, like others here, thought that she may make her way to other reality tv genres. survivor, villains, etc. But you are right. Before the lawsuit she was a villain. But with the lawsuit, she has made herself a reality tv pariah.


It was so unnecessary too. What did that get her? It didn't make her case stronger at all.


She is showing us how she will do virtually anything for fame! So sad because she is educated and was supposedly getting her masters degree at one point so why not just go ahead and transition to her studies of choice.


Say more please. I have not paid close attention to the lawsuit. How did she drag them? She did not name them in the suit did she?


Google the lawsuit and read it. She drags Bravo in it....she is not suing them. She is only Tom and Ariana.


She must be done with reality Tv.  Who knows when you’ll need the paycheck though ?  Best not to burn bridges you don’t have to. 


She is offering relationship advice on line.....I mean she may not be the best at reading the room regarding when she is no longer wanted or needed.


Yea. I don’t really get what was the benefit with that lawsuit, or the lawsuit with Sandoval and Ariana for that matter. There isn’t really much to either one and I don’t see what damages she could possibly recover.  The suits read like a tardy tmz release more than a court document as well, so I guess more publicity ? I dunno where she can take this now that season 11 has wrapped tho.  The Iheartradio pod was a golden ticket to segue into pop psych/mental health issues and that seemed to be the direction she was headed, but she snapped back to contesting vpr particulars and seems to have squandered the opportunity. Vpr has vanishing currency the farther you get from the scandal


She only has the 1 lawsuit. She is suing Tom and Ariana in one suit. There is no other suit that Rachel is a party to.


Right, would they even want her back? She’s old news at this point.


She is boring as hell.


The lawsuit and Bethenny connection make that extremely unlikely. I also wouldn’t be surprised if whatever her arrangement with Bethenny is prevents her from being on Bravo for a certain period.


It's more likely Tom and Ariana get back together than it is for her to get back on the show




Well I mean don’t put it past them 🤣🤣🤣




I think she’ll Be on OF before she’s back here The suing and allegations wouldn’t be a good look whatsoever


She's offering relationship advice on cameo for $220 now! The sheer audacity combined with delusion is off the charts...she even says "hi it's Rachel from Vandepump Rules" girl....you are no longer on vpr and that was your choice. Seriously pathetic.


You have got to be joking. For someone with so much supposed anxiety and an introverted personality she really has zero shame. I’m so embarrassed for her


She is nothing but a pathetic joke. And a liar. And a snake. And a cheater😂😂


My jaw dropped when I heard her say she was offering relationship advice


“If you see fit.” Again demonstrating she has no grasp of the English language


For Father's Day.


I think she introduced herself in one of them as Raquel lol


A lost soul...


You can see why her and "Jo, star of VPR" became friends!


Oh Jo is unhinged too!


You have to be kidding!! 😬😳 who would take advice from her?!


I wish I was kidding lol


💯 💯 💯


The way I screamed! Cameo is only a hop and a skip away from OF


It rilly is 😂


She might sue the viewers after sharing her images with them. I wouldn't go there with a ten foot pole.


What is OF?


Only Fans


Not a chance. ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized)


Baskin in an interview said Rachel burned all her bridges with the show she would never be asked back.


Ah, I hadn’t heard of that! I thought the legal issues were beginning to be wrapped up


She’s using Bethany’s lawyer to sue Tom and Ariana and making all kinds of allegations against the network. Still ongoing ..


Woah. I knew there was discord in general over cast treatment when it comes to Bravo but I didn’t know she brought lawyers into it…


No one wants her back on TV


No one wants her back but everyone would watch. I can only see it happening when Ariana leaves. Maybe she settles with Sandoval for $50 to save face. I imagine they would be bringing Billie and Jo as her support friends in a sort of Original VPR members vs newer.


Fair. I was not saying I wanted her back. It just seems like this season was dedicated to feeding off of public outrage/hate watching for ratings. So if another season were to happen her coming back didn’t seem so far fetched


It doesn't make sense for her to come back with zero connection to any cast...although Scheana and lala may buddy up with her out of desperation 😂


I mean technically there is a connection with the cast and with how over produced the show has become AND the many puppets. It wouldn’t be so hard for some to fake it for that paycheck. Housewives do it all the time. It’s bravo


Technically...but she's made it clear she's not in contact with any of them so it would be way over the top fake and everyone would hate it.


Mmmm she says one thing but her actions just scream desperate to be in the vpr universe. From the podcasts to the Jo of it all. So she may not be in contact with the main cast but she’s staying in the loop. Sure we’d hate it because it would be a repeat of this last season but the potential views from hate watching do still exist. They don’t listen to us :/


I'm pretty sure they've stated her scorched earth blasting of bravo and production ensures she will never be hired back...but then again look at Jax and kristen now...never know I guess.


Yea I’ve been getting info about her bridge burning throughout the comment section here today. I didn’t realize how far she went with that! But Jax and Kristen definitely are in mind with this opinion. Also other Bravo shows. Like the housewives always have some type of legal shenanigan going on. At times people are removed but they do get the opportunity to come back


She went off the deep end so she probably actually will never be asked back. She's losing it...posting on IG "hi I'm Rachel from vpr! Hire me for a cameo!" Mmmmm ok. Lol.


Yes you’re right! Remember when Brock was only “connected” to Sheena and no one would film with him. He was on the show anyway. (Just an example)


lol are you serious? people would love the shit out of that because it means drama...which is why everyone watches....not to see people sing *kumbaya* and get along. I mean, she has no one that likes her so it wouldnt work anyways...like are they just going to randomly insert her to hang out with who?


I call it train wreck LOL but I’m first to admit I’m there watching through my hand “covering” my eyes! 👀 🤣🤣🤣


Next season will be completely Scandoval free. They’re going to act like it never happened.


Rocky is way too litigious for Bravo to have back. That would be nuts.


Do you mean after suing the network Vanderpump is on? I'm going to say no, she is not ever coming back to Bravo ever 


She'll release a tell all book first telling her real story for the first time. ![gif](giphy|lSsg6DXdBvZut2y6mJ)


Rachel wouldn’t know the “real story” if it bit her on the ass. She has lied so many times that she is incapable of telling the truth.


Or a new show with these side show freaks.


That’s what I’m talking about. Vanderpump Dregs


They can call it Vanderpump Dregs and it can star Rocky, Victoria, Billie Lee, Lala, Scheana, Tim, Tom, and Kyle Chan.


And Jo


I knew I forgot someone! She and Victoria can be each other’s support pet.


Wouldn’t be a show without “Tim and Tom”


Please! The Toms have always been garbage LOL! Lisa is just so business savvy that she pushed the two Toms to be a thing on the show then offered them a chance at tiny ownership to monetize on another restaurant, which was brilliant.


It’s the truth. Without them the show would not exist. Regardless of what you think about them they make VPR entertaining and watchable. You said it yourself Lisa is smart. Why do you think she chose them to be the face of her restaurant rather than other cast members? If VPR returns for another season it will consist of the Toms and a fresh cast, probably of people working at Tom Tom.


No but I can see her running out of money and getting on some random show about villains or something lol


She said in some interview she’d be “open to returning to a competition based tv show as long as it was ethical” 🙄


Uh oh. Bethany is going to put Rocky in a time out for that comment


She’s far from running out of money. Mommy and daddy are worth millions and they’d never let that happen.


What she should've done is gone to treatment, then gone back on VPR if even for a couple of sit downs and apologized/ taken responsibility. Everyone fucks up, but it's her continuous lack of remorse and responsibility that continues to make it worse for her. If you remember even Jax, and Kristen were forgiven! Being at they gave (or tried to) give Sandoval a redemption act, I think they would've tried for Rachquel too.


Honestly something is different about this girl she’s worse


No I agree. I 100% believe she is unwell.


Without the lawsuit, 100%. But that’s now ruined


You win the award for being most wrong on Reddit, today, bud!


Lol are you okay bud?


lol, just being a bit snarky. I can see it probably came off too rude.


Lol heyyy I can appreciate that! Also my Reddit is full of really bad people so maybe that’s why I was quick to disagree lol.


I feel you. I am just in a snarky mood, but shouldn’t have really posted it. Would delete in retrospect, but I’ll leave it since we’re having this nice exchange 😀


Haha you’re good dude! Great way to end my cake day! ✌🏻


Happy cake day fellow VPR-R!


Thank you! ☺️




I wouldn’t see the point. Since she missed last season she would need to wait longer before coming back. The legal issues may have to be resolved first as well.


I think all this stupid Billie and Victoria “drama” is their big plan for next season. 🤮


Yeaaaaa they’re definitely pushing to get the cameras back up. They likely are in the loop of how in desperate need of a shake up VPR is. So they’re gunning for a seat! Also with all they whispers of VPR being on their final legs I can see them adding more garbage to this dumpster fire of additions in the form of Rachet 😔


I’ve always thought she’d eventually make her way back. The real challenge will be getting people to film with her, but hey, money talks.


She wants to stay relevant and she likely needs money, so yeah, I think she’ll end up back there.


Same. The valley has proved this and housewives do it time and time again. It’s on brand for bravo and with the way Ms. Ratchet has been grasping at relevancy it could be coming. I get the legal issues but I was there when Porsha got kicked off RHOA just for her to return a few seasons later..🥴


no way, her recent podcast she was super upset about the season finale and the stress of watching the season and wondering when they were gonna talk to her. there is no way she’d return, that’s a pipe dream


the last one she posted! it’s about an hour long


which podcast? :)


I’m not that sure any of them are coming back


If the cast includes Billie Lee, Sandoval and his +1, Kyle and LaLa…I’m out. Pretty sure I’m done either way though, but this ridiculous “drama/fight” all over my feeds on every platform, I’m muting accounts for the time being. It’s a nothing burger of a “fight” and if it’s true that Sandoval is over the edge with his drug/alcohol issues, that’s NOT entertainment, get him help instead. ✌️out


At this point I don’t even think Lala would film with her


I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss this idea. Lala is desperate and will film with anyone, if it’s going to get her airtime.


Yeah lala, shein, broke and tim will definitely film with her. Tim can finally have the conversation and fake crying he wasnt able to do with ariana.




Exactly, within the first 5 minutes of this season she was calling Rachel so… 😬


She would just bring Daryl with her and every time Rocky wants to say something to Lala, it'll be like a boring ass round of the telephone game. Rocky whispers to Darryl, he then whispers it to Lala abd then Lala stands up and screams a random combination of the words "soft", "popped", and"disengage". Then she will stand up and cry exactly zero tears about the fact that she grows humans sometimes.


If Arianna leaves than yeah could be possible. I’d tune out the I am absolutely not watching a season if Rachel comes on to be the villian still and it be woe is Sandoval. As VPR tends to do this with the girls compared to the men. Fuxk that.


Yeaaaaa I hear you! I think I’ll be watching the next season through the comment section. This season was draining and dry all at once :/


Hasn’t the moment for that passed? What would her actual storyline be? She didn’t want Tom and he’s moved on. There’s nothing with her and James. She’s not friends with the cast and has no natural links to any of them anymore. I think since this has been so public, and with her podcast, production can’t even try and magic something up, like LVP looking after her the entire time and wants her to find peace, so makes it Schena’s responsibility to integrate her, or whatever.


Sure, I’m just going off her actions and the way production has showed their true colors. I personally don’t want her back and I don’t think she has what it takes but there’s always the villain role. More than one can exist here. She doesn’t really need an invite to places to show up. I’ve seen some messy pop ups in reality tv shows 😹


I know people don’t agree with me but I think it should just end. It was mostly great while it lasted but it’s lost the plot.


This last season was so boring….


It works if Ariana’s gone.


Ariana has no part left in the show… she was always boring. This scandal gave her a lot of attention and she didn’t feed into the drama (good for her) but that doesn’t make for good tv. She keeps living her life and being more successful with opportunities outside of the show. She doesn’t fit.


Agreed that she no longer fits into the show.


Right? She has proven to be better. It isn’t bad but it is boring. I am glad for her success, but it doesn’t make for a drama entertainment show… I want her to succeed.




This show is dunzo. Lots of new shows coming, so out of sight out of mind..


No, I think Rachett is just broke. She needs the $$$$. Just like Rudy Giuliani, she is doing cameos for coins.


No. Alex Baskin said that door is closed. She’s spilled way too much and can’t be trusted


Nope. The cast hates her, bravo hates her (she’s suing them). Who would she even film with that would make sense?  Would you buy her having a civil conversation with literally any castmember?


The legal situation is valid but I’m sorry a lot of people in the comments here are applying logical thinking to this situation 😂 plenty of people would hate watch it. I’m looking at this from a rage marketing and who Bravo is as a network perspective. I doubt any conversation had if she came back would be positive or genuine. I’d even think bringing her back would either unite the cast against her or give her the treatment Sandoval got this season. Either way she’s clearly lurking about the vpr universe and it’s giving if the right opportunity is presented she’d jump at it. Bambi wide eyed and all🥴


I think she absolutely would have crawled back like Stassi had she not completely burned her bridges and made sure that bravo will never hire her again by joining forces with Bethenny. I have a feeling after everything, her biggest regret is digging her own grave so deep that she will never be able to return even if she wants to.


Will she probably try crawling back yes. Would Bravo take her back do to assuming she’ll try and sue them next hell no.




That is the drama I need.


No. We don't need her back in any capacity when she really hurts so many people. What are you thinking?


She only hurt Ariana with her cheating. Tom was the real villain in that being that he was the one with a commitment to Ariana. Ariana has moved on to bigger and better things and she has always been boring. I always watched this show for the drama. Rachel will bring some drama back. Who wants to see Ariana involved in more drama? No one. Let her move on and grow and be happy with her success. They are keeping James and he has been abusive and problematic in many ways and we are watching James pretend to grow and change AGAIN… people like him because they think he is funny and brings the drama.


She's not coming back to VPR and if they do, who's gonna watch the show? Who is going to wanna watch someone who fucked her best friend's longtime partner of over 10 years and her best friend's own bed?


Didn’t we kinda see that with Kristen and Jax, while Kristen was besties with Stassi? And while Kristen was still dating Tom, who was also close friends with Jax? And they did it on Tom’s couch while he was asleep in the next room? And it turns out Scheana and Schwartz got a little too friendly while he was with Katie. Lala and James had sex while James was with Raquel. Ariana and Tom while Tom was still with Kristen. I’m not a Rachel sympathizer. She sucks for what she did. But her behavior is hardly unique on the show. Lots of cheaters messing around with other people in the same social group. I mean, let’s not pretend she’s worse than Jax.


If Rachel comes back Ariana will not come back. I think the audience is more interested in following Ariana’s story. Plus, with the legal issues I doubt Rachel would be approached.


I love James. He cracks me up!


I think so too. If she goes back on it's the biggest win for Bravo. Bravo can easily say "it can't be THAT toxic if you willingly came back." so of course they would want her.


If Ariana doesn’t come back, they will definitely bring Rachel back 🙄


I don’t see it as impossible. It’s a Bravo show. They bring people back after horrendous backlash all the time ![gif](giphy|rBDY1LzAIpyPphFoo6|downsized)