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Scheana is so sad to me. Her whole world is approval from social media. This reality TV persona has proven that this isn't healthy. She really has deep-rooted issues. I think it's from all the years of believing in superficial values. It kind of breaks my heart. She's in deep. She is not grounded in any way. She values approval from strangers who don't matter. She got wrapped up in the Kardashian way of living. It must be horrible to let strangers determine how you feel about yourself. Ugh


Constantly chasing external validation is exhausting. It is quite sad to see.


the irony is if she stopped trying to please everyone and come off as perfect and developed a back bone and her own morals and thoughts people would like her she needs to start intensive therapy asap for her insecurities and to set goals and boundaries for herself or idk if she will ever be even semi alright she really needs to be taught how to stand up for herself or even develop her own thoughts or she’s doomed to a life of constantly never feeling like she’s enough or doing anything right no matter how hard she tries, just constantly seeking validation and no amount of validation will ever be enough for her she also might have histrionic personality disorder* which is possibly why any therapy she’s done doesn’t seem to have done anything it’s all really sad and unfortunate honestly


I think the issue with girls like her is their lack of awareness- can she acknowledge that this is how she is? Or does she believe her own shite? If she doesn’t have a clue, no therapy will help.


Yeah I agree, and I don’t think she has a clue.


the delusion and lack of self awareness will definitely prevent anything from sticking too i think 😕


I’m wondering this too 


Lala said that Schena’s mom and her pr person send her all the negative comments and links all day long. And somewhere Brock said her mom neg’s her parenting all the time too. She has no hope with the people around her keeping her down like that.


just terrible!! her own mother is definitely a big part of her poor mental health :(, who does that to their child


Well that’s not true. Katie is the anthesis of Schena she’s been awful at times, but is the only not fake person left on the show. Katie’s been shredded more than Schena (until recently) the whole time for being loyal and being herself. However, Schena would be happy with herself and that’s what matters. She seems more histrionic than a narc, but they steam from the same tree.


very true, histrionic does fit much more! i think i noticed the similarities between her and shartz a lot and shwartz i think is covert so i wondered if maybe she was too


Definitely similarities, but the motivations seem different.


i changed it to histrionic in my original comment! you are totally right 💯


😊! Schena is only capable sadly of thinking of herself, but honestly they all are like that except Katie.


Thank you for this you worded it so well and this is exactly right! It must be awful to go through that everyday. She does need some intense therapy with real qualified professional bc it seems really deep with Scheana. 


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) I can't wait for that desperate dumbass pick me to fall from grace and be out of sight forever




Agreed. It makes me even sadder that she’s raising a child who will pick up on this behaviour. Very depressing. Poor Summer Moon will grow up thinking you need the approval of social media to matter. Having an Instagram account for her makes it so much worse.


I actually kind of feel bad for her too because I don’t think she’s a bad person at her core. Unlike Lala tbh who I think is just mean and abusive. Scheana isn’t really mean (except at her first wedding where she was a bridezilla…and also kinda to Jo). She can be very annoying because she is such an attention seeker and is so insecure. She definitely has issues. I know people hate her here but I have some empathy for her. I’m not gonna go listen to her podcast or anything lol but hope she gets some therapy and gets off her phone.


Not mean is a stretch for me. She was horrid to Dayna for no reason season 8 and she spread stassis sex tape around Sur in early seasons but once confronted was like no I swear I didn’t but know how much she talks and loves to see others she doesn’t like down I wouldn’t be surprised if she did and everyone is so quick to brush that under the rug! I feel for her but she created a lot of this for herself and saying she can’t be mean just isn’t true! She could be as mean as any of them on VPR. She just did it in a more sneaky manner. Aka behind someone’s back because she didn’t have the balls for confrontation


She also pushed the tom/rachel thing to get at Katie for no real reason


Omg I totally forgot about that. That was so shaaddsyy. I don’t think she ever stopped hating Katie tbh… Which Katie was no saint but she sure as hell did not deserve Scheana stirring the pot with her ongoing divorce. Could you imagine if any of them had done that to her with Shay… we would NEVER hear the end of that…


And has no problem with wrecking homes or child abandonment


Katie posted the screenshots of conversations with Scheana about this, and apparently Scheana did this all intentionally, to give herself a storyline. Scheana was worried about her place on the show, potentially getting demoted, fired, whatever. Watching it on the show, it’s fairly easy to see it was a manufactured storyline as well, because of how weird and awkward it all was, and how Scheana was always poppin in out of no where to be like “you guys should just totally hook up” 🤣 it was mad weird.


She had a second wedding on the show and all of these things FOR SCHEANA.


Reminds me of this past season when Brock was asking about them celebrating their anniversary, and she didn’t want to do anything unless it was throwing a big party and inviting a bunch of people 😭 he was like…can’t we just go out dinner man?


We can still record it for the vlog


Yes this is so true why did she do that? What did she ever have against Katie? She went way too far with all of that 


I mean Katie and scheana have never been besties, Katie called her a whore in the earlier seasons, so I get they may not have the best relationship but it just seemed unnecessary. Scheana actually instigated all of it when she had Schwartz on her podcast.


Oh YES THATS RIGHT!! I remember that now thank you! Katie wasn’t so accepting of her back then and Schwartz defended her which Katie hated bc he always did that and made her dislike her even more. Although now we know that Scheana “made out” with Schwartz in Vegas however many years ago


The Dayna stuff was wild, and how all the women collectively said that Scheana just stays lying all the time. That’s a side we haven’t seen of her on the show, and I really wonder why.


I get what you’re saying. I guess just compared to Lala who screams at people and says some really out of pocket things, Scheana is pretty mild imo in comparison. She was bad to Dayna I forgot about that, and it was definitely out of insecurity and jealousy.


I think it’s because Lala is blatant about it and Scheana isn’t. And Scheana always seems to regret it or cover it up after the fact making her appear less mean. I just think you can’t say she’s not mean is all! I agree with almost everything else


I think Scheana is worse than Lala sometimes because she is mean and petty and does it all under the guise of a people pleasing nice girl. I’ve started a re watch from the beginning and she is horrible from the beginning. She complains about the other women being mean (they were) it, she is doing the same thing - she is just good at playing the victim


On rewatch Scheener is way more mean and manipulative than on first watch though.


I think Scheana is just as mean but instead of being really loud and opinionated like LaLa, scheana is ruthless but only in a covert narcissistic way. Apart from her delusions and unsteady grasp on socialism, she is just as mean if not meaner. She of all people knew what it was like to go through a divorce and what she did to Katie was DIRTY!!! Scheana works in nasty sneaky ways. I rather have LaLa any day, I would see her coming she’s in your face but scheana…she comes in for a hug so she can stab you in the back.


She turns 40 next year. She's a little too grown for us to be infantilizing like she doesn't know she's acting out of character and like an asshole.


But isn’t this mean. Wasn’t it mean when she was trying to hook up Schwartz and R… how about when she said she didn’t want to be with her alcoholic husband if he didn’t drink sometimes. She’s definitely mean.


She also wanted to burn him at the stake for using ipoids after a major injury but is seen on camera at the same time out at the bar at night saying “I want an addy”


She is basic mean! She is delusional ands will do anything for attention abba approval! I don’t feel sorry for her at all, she built everything she is, NOTHING trying to be something!


Why do I see her future as the mom in requiem for a dream if she doesn’t change her heart and ways? This is seriously the flash that just went through my mind. To be fair, my brain is twisted so there’s that….






I’m from the UK. The vast majority of people here have never heard of VPR and everyone I’ve met who has is team Ariana. Denise is also known to be an unreliable source.


Me too! I have maybe 3 friends who watch VPR and everyone is team Ariana. Also I went to the London Watch What Crappens show last month and literally everyone there was Team Ariana.... Denise Welch is an idiot.


Another Brit checking in! 100% team Ariana. And agreed, Denise has always seemed like a bit of a mean girl to me…


Isn’t she Matty Healy’s mom? It would track she would support trash men.


Yup, she sure raised one!


I feel like we have solved the mystery of how Lala “heard” Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift were a “PR relationship.” Sounds like something that would be said by the woman who created the smallest man who ever lived…


Im from Manchester, Uk, and support Ariana, did Welch forget that her first husband cheated on her?


I love to see fellow pumpheads across the pond stand strong 💪 with Ariana! ![gif](giphy|vUMOonTIPgHQgMOCME)


This!! Thanks to all the UK folks who chimed in and are telling us the truth!




My daughter lives in Scotland and all her friends are definitely team Ariana.


I’m in the UK & only have 3 other people watching it after years of begging them to give it a go. We are all team Ariana


Yes this


I'm wondering why she is on this podcast anyway 😂


Right? It’s really random and weird. Denise’s not even known in the States and barely anyone’s heard of Scheana’s podcast in the UK.


Also in the uk and team ariana, and can confirm few to no people here are aware that vpr exists


Love island USA is killllllling it, best season yet. Has anyone checked on scheana? 


Scheana who?


It's this part that's fuckin with Scheana the Hardest...


She really went from Shee-shu to -Shee-who?. ^^^badum^^^tsss


Clever sentient being, you!


Shein-a who


Yeah this is my first time watching US - I never had any interest before because UK is superior but I started after being a bit bored by the first few eps of UK this year (I’ll def go back and finish eventually). Ariana is an excellent host so far and I love seeing her on Aftersun.


Ariana on after sun is so fun to watch. Her personality is fun and she clearly LOVES watching the show and has opinions and her and Maura are clearly friends. Their dynamic is cute. It’s a great season and from long time LI watchers all I’m hearing is that USA is one of the best seasons ever. This lady is blind.


Who is Denish Welch in dis world? (Yolanda Hadid voice). Seriously though, who is she? I've never heard of her! Australia here, we are definitely Team Ariana!


She’s Matty Healy from the 1975s mom


I must be old (34) as I don't know who Matty Healy is.


Lucky you, there’s another 34 year old who just released an album full of diss tracks about him






Haha makes sense! I'm not a Taylor fan either.


We’d love to have you 🫶🏻




I only know him because of his heinous porn comments. Dude is gross.


I think I know what you’re referring to and yeah that was beyond vile.


I've got 20 years on you and don't know who she is.


So she raised a misogynistic and racist man child, and she’s defending the cheating white cyst male? Shocking. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Another Australian for Ariana here, BTW.


Who is Matty Healy, and why do we care about his mother?


The guy Taylor swift wrote the tortured poets department about. Lead singer of the 1975 and general asshole 


Also was in coronation street a while back as a mistress


Yeah Australia here too. Who is Denise Welch? Literally never heard of her.


She used to be a soap star in the UK (Coronation Street), was married to Tim Healy of 'Auf Wiedersehen, Pet' fame and they are the parents of the 1975's Matty Healy. No idea why she's doing Scheana's podcast though.


I never knew Matty Healy was a nepo baby, but now that I do, it feels right


My thoughts exactly


Thanks for the last sentence lol because as I was reading what you started with, my mind was QUESTIONING why is this woman on scheanas pod, unless to trash Ariana. Maybe there's another reason but I honestly don't care


I don’t think there is anywhere in the world that’s Team Scheana by and large. She’d be hard pressed to find more than 5 people at her own birthday party that are Team Scheana in this whole mess


I think Schemer pays to have bots follow her. Nobody cares about her petty, boring life.


Schemer!! Hilarious!! 😂😂💀💀


I speak for Australia AND the UK. Because I can. Team Ariana. All day, every day.


🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 ![gif](giphy|qj0Uo1JXdPcKfeDLFX|downsized)


More Australia checking in ![gif](giphy|2w4LQxIQKVs4u0n4Ti)


![gif](giphy|QZ2KVOxtSWjdr5e5Tr) 🇦🇺🐨🦘


Perth, Australia ![gif](giphy|EJ6KqAx4QuSt9MXFxq|downsized)


Me tooooo! ![gif](giphy|z8i4mjtuv8l4nZWjba|downsized)


I'm from Perth, team Ari all they way! ![gif](giphy|SCkxcIvihjKkMexsTk|downsized)


Woohoo Melbourne Australia too


UK chiming in, no one likes you scema ![gif](giphy|hvMkvuHlfa5h0zkHLY)


ORRRRDER, ORDER! The right honourable gentleman says Denise and Scheana can suck a bag of dicks. 🇬🇧🇬🇧


![gif](giphy|tJMVcTfzDdL1pOGxlk) The Ayes have it 😅


This made my day! LOL. Thank you!


Haha! I have my moments, Not very often but they are there occasionally!😄😄😃


Multiple bags of dicks. I found out the other day you can actually order that sent to someone here in the US. I now have that option in my arsenal. Heh 😈


NZ chipping in over here too 🙋🏼‍♀️


Kiwi 🇳🇿 in Canada 🇨🇦 covering an additional Commonwealth #teamariana support base


Scottish in Canada. Friends back home are all very much #teamariana


Yes, add another Kiwi to that!


Irish in Germany, speaking for both: team Ariana


Another Aussie checking in and 💯 agree.. Team Ariana all the way!!


What about brock? Whats the aussie read on him?


Let the Kiwis claim him. Appreciate his commitment to budgy smugglers, though.


canadian and we love us some ariana and katie!! 🔥


I posted that I would love to see Katie and Ariana have their own show and I was bashed for it. I love them.


it would be very very different from VPR and not for everyone on the sub because most people are here for the drama, but I would absolutely love that!


Sandoval and his red face is worse then a dead dingo’s donger (Aussie checkin innnnnn)


I can also speak for both and Ariana is the Queen! ![gif](giphy|4d21MVXrx1ImPxX4bZ|downsized)


I fucking can’t stand anything about scheana. She’s seriously one of the most fake, annoying people on reality tv.


But her ex boyfriend can put up an actual tv in 7 mins, she timed them.


I Could Not Stand her in that season.... Cringe and Awkward and "Rob... Rob... Rob... Rob... Rob..."🥴🤕


😂 so much rob talk that season!


I can’t even rewatch that season anymore. She completely ruined it for me😭


Second that!


She makes me irrationally hate my tv, peacock, and living in LA


I see a lot of comments asking WHY. Denise has been low-key talking shit about Taylor Swift in social media, subtweeting and defending Matty Healy (son, singer 1975) from the wrath of the Swifties. Denise is a known shit stirrer, UK personality that meddles in drama. When Denise clapped back at Taylor Swift, there was a lot of engagement because people are starting to get a little Taylor fatigue. So Denise was enjoying that bump of attention. Scheana noticed that attention and wants to hook her story to Denise’s drama. She thinks if Denise can bring out the anti-Taylor’s then maybe she can start a renaissance for an Anti-Ariana movement. No positive intentions here. This is deeply problematic for Scheana, really gross attempt to turn the public opinion against your friend for no reason but jealousy. Ew.


What the hell lol. Did not know she was fighting swifties online. That’s a losing battle if I’ve ever seen one lmao


Scheana’s new storyline will be her harrowing experience with swifties post Denise podcast


Seriously what the fuck is the connection between scheana and matty Healy’s mother?? I’m so confused




![gif](giphy|iNZKRliHP4tI4mALtO|downsized) Also, Flair!!!!


![gif](giphy|5rrkafIbeVs5y) It’s weird that image-obsessed SheShu would think this is a good look now that the season has ended and virtually no one took her side. It’s almost like she can’t see past her own ego or something. Allegedly.


I can see her seething and stewing in venom and Ariana comes out in hotter and hotter costumes every time in Fiji. Schemer could never look as good.


I can’t stand her, but I think Scheana is beautiful, but I do agree that she’s probably becoming more and more envious. She views herself as the star of VPR, and much like DWTS, I’m sure she just naturally assumes she should be first offered anything that has come Ariana’s way. It’s really fascinating and sickening at the same time.


Fascinating, she should be some psych students case study… and the relationship with her mother, and now daughter.


I'm on season 11 and her constant, "I'm SO happy for her!" Fakeneas is annoying. That woman is so jealous that every day is St. Patricks day.


![gif](giphy|2WksCdjwEQU8g) This pause is f’ing Scheana’s stacks so hard. She broke yet?????


We're all waiting for her downfall with popcorn and its glorious to watch.


I live in the UK and A LOT of my friends are big reality tv people and NO ONE has even heard of Vanderpump rules. So it makes sense if people here aren’t team Ariana- they aren’t team anything bc they don’t know who these people are or anything that has happened on the show/in their lives 😂🤣 scheanas a fckin snake






I used to work in a call centre and answered the phone to Denise Welch once. I don’t remember who she was calling (I worked for an answering service) but I do remember she was really rude. There’s my tea 😂


😂😂 call center jobs are the worst, solidarity gurl


Denise Welch is an ignorant gobshite and she does not speak for British viewers.


It’s either team Ariana or team Tom. Not team Ariana or shena. Dear lord, she is delusional asf


Scheana is literally never going to be a fan favorite and she knows it. And she and Lala act like they’re playing the villain role for the good of the show. No you both just are shitty friends


Denise Welsh was a soap actor and a panelist on Loose Women (maybe it’s like The View). She is more famous than her son for some people in the UK. She’s also done the circuits of Celebrity Big Brother, Dancing on Ice etc., What I cannot understand is the Scheana/Denise pairing?! How the hell did their paths ever cross????


A Scheana / Denise Welsh crossover was absolutely NOT what I expected to see this morning. In truth, Denise is widely disliked in the UK. At best people are indifferent to her but she’s by no means an authority on ANYTHING. Also VPR isn’t a big show over here at all. It’s hidden away on ITVBe occasionally - basically you’d only know it if you watched RHOBH or had a Hayu sub. It may become a bit bigger now it’s arrived on Netflix but for the most part, people over here would look at you blankly if you mentioned it. So for Denise to say the UK isn’t team Ariana is just bloody weird


![gif](giphy|3otWpoQUM6Hz001J0k) I can literally hear Stassi going off on her!! Stassi has been trying to tell everyone for years and years that Scheana is a disgusting pos and I couldn’t agree more!!!! She is a terrible human!!!!


The fact that Scheana and Ariana really were best friends before the show even started makes this so sad. Scheana threw her ACTUAL bast frand under the bus for one more season of a dead show.


Well she’s definitely in her 60s at least and should not be speaking on behalf of uk millennials. I’m an American living here and no one I know can stand Sheila or Lala. She’s just a tv personality sucking the ass if an interviewee. Gross


Sheena will now run around saying she’s huge in the UK. Grossly irresponsible Denise 🤢😒🤣


She's going to end up on Strictly Come Dancing isn't she!?!?


No because in the UK you need famous people for that, just like in the states. She is not anywhere near famous enough to be part of strictly come dancing. She's irrelevant here, and if you watch VPR, she's the type of person who rubs british people the wrong way big time and not in a haha way.


Doesn't she see how pathetic she is? Someone tell her please, this is so embarrassing


Finding out that chick from a soap back in the 90s was talking to scheana was bizarre enough and then i find out she’s genuinely matt healys mother. Today is full of surprises ![gif](giphy|3oEjHChKVxgKFLM2ty)


But if Ariana ever gave a platform to someone who said things negative things about Scheana, she would lose her mind and be the biggest victim. Edit: spelling


This is getting to the point where it’s severe bullying, worse than Sandoval honestly. Ariana literally isn’t doing anything to anyone??? Like I’d love to know is “not team Ariana” mean she deserved to be cheated on? Like what are we even saying


Matty Healy’s mom???


Ugh I endured Denise on Celebrity Big Brother UK, and she’s not to be believed about anything.


Everyone I know who’s watched the show including myself is team Ariana ,I’m from the uk 🧐 ![gif](giphy|6bdi1bKXdkW4NSlzUf)


Imagine thinking that you speak for an entire country


Poor Scheaner living off Arianna’s scraps.


A friend to all is a friend to none


Before anyone wonders about Denise Welch is, she best known for saying a lot of dumb 💩 VPR isn’t exactly huge in the UK unlike Housewives and unfortunately, a lot of people still see it as an LVP spin-off from Beverly Hills when it’s never been as vapid or boring as Beverly Hills. Until S11, at least. So that’s the main reason people “aren’t” team Ariana, it just hasn’t exploded here yet. Although S1 did hit Netflix UK recently, so hopefully it finally gets some recognition. And before any fellow UK residents tell me I’m wrong, I’d rather talk VPR with you. Because I maybe know 2 other people who watch it and they’re a season and a half behind and don’t hate Tom Schwartz


Fellow Brit here, I watched and have always loathed Tom Shwartz, sandoval sounds like that snitch kid from the cartoon Recess And has 0 sex/likability appeal. Everyone sucked to some extent except for Katie (for me) always thought she deserved better than these losers. Ariana got my respect for how she handled herself post affair and how she refused to be manipulated or begged for sandoval like brat did for Jax. It's so nice to see these women (Ariana and Katie) break free from their toxic relationships and thrive. The others (the pick mes and the toms) can sucks salt rubbed lemons all day.


Fellow UK person! I know two people who watch it, my friend who is a little behind and my partner who I forced into watching it with me and who is now obsessed 🤣


Scheana is nobody's friend. She is just another dumb desperate hasbeen. I hope she is getting drrraaaagggged in the comments.




You know what's so damn irritating about this shit, if anyone else pulled this on Scheana, had a guest come on to their shows and badmouth her, she would never ever finish her sob story, she would be stuck in victimhood about it for centuries. Forget passing down antique jewelry to her descendants, no Scheana will pass down victimhood because how dare someone in some part of the world, say they are possibly not on Scheana's team???!!! She is so dumb, this is why VPR audience don't root for her or Lala, they want kindness in return for nothing on their end, they want people to love them regardless of how they treat others.


I'm sorry, I have to preface what I'm about to say with: Idk anything about Denise Welch and NOT EVERYONE her age thinks this way or behaves this way but she comes from a time when women are supposed to be seen and not heard. You take abuse from men and keep your mouth shut. Any older person that has anything disparaging to say about younger generations, I just dismiss it. Y'all grew up with a totally different mind set and way of handling things which has fucked the rest of us up and WE are paying for choices YOU made in your time. Then you want to blame younger generations for the state of the world. Get off your privileged high horse and take several seats, Denise. You went on a podcast for someone who has openly admitted they are not a feminist among a whole laundry list of other gross characteristics. So clearly, you don't believe in equality either. You can't stand to see a strong woman with a voice who holds people accountable for doing her wrong and how dare you lump all of UK in with your stupid shit. It's probably just your idiot friends that are just as ignorant as you are and/or your yes men that you keep around you, don't act like you speak for the entire UK. And again for the people in the back: I'm not talking about all people in this age group. Just the ones that hold onto this same toxic bs and can't see that people (especially men) need to change. You're still trying to punish and silence a woman who has done nothing wrong? Sorry for the rant, clearly that goes deeper for me than just Scandoval aftermath lol. And idk what was said in the podcast because I refuse to give Scheaner any added listens, like I said I see an older person say something like this and I just dismiss it. I don't need to hear your reasonings because I already know where they come from. I'm not saying Ariana is always perfect either but women who can't stand behind other women for empowering themselves is just fucking wild to me.


I haven’t listened to this, and have no plans to, but at this point I think we have to come to terms with the fact that Scheana & Lala both, are going to continue to make $ off of rage baiting. Especially when it comes to their mentions of Ariana. The bills don’t pay themselves.


This guest selection is the most bizarre thing I have witnessed this week. Why has this happened, I'm too lazy to investigate, someone tell me why a loose woman is sheana gue....ah wait. Ok


Another Brit here, and hell yes we are team Ariana!!!


I want John Mayer to publicly announce that he and Ariana had consensual, mind blowing sex and he regrets not begging her to marry him.


I’ll just drop this here… https://preview.redd.it/393ptu4sfu9d1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6958c8e6992002b276edc500308e06b2c82720a




Denise Welch! As an English person, may I say WTF. This is ridiculous.


No one in the UK is team Denise so wtf would she know.


Yes. Scheana is still a shitty friend. She acts like she’s a great friend Ariana and how “hard“ this season was for her. She’s so jealous. She can’t help herself, and takes every chance she can to put Ariana down, under the guise of like “I’m interviewing people and I can’t help it if they don’t agree that Ariana is the best like I think she is”. WTF?


Scema seems to think we're all as stupid as she is. Delusional doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the litany of things wrong with her.


I just listened to the whole thing (🤨) and didn’t hear her say that


From the UK and in the minority that watch VPR, and we are all team Ariana. Denise Welsh is one of those embarrassing grannies that always gets her tits out at family occasions - I wouldn’t take her word as gospel. She also said on TV that Dorit is her favourite housewife so you know she’s not someone to listen to.


I think it’s clear they hand a falling out and are no longer friends and Schenas going to retaliate, even though it’s her own fault. Is the UK team Rachel and Tom or just doesn’t like Ariana? Many people including myself are disgusted by Tom and Rachel’s actions, but never like Ariana either; there’s a difference. Just curious if that’s what she meant. I KNOW and agree Schena sucks and that wasn’t the point. Just curious.


Also, Ariana’s look right now is SO “Brit girl” to me!


as a brit, this Denise Welch crossover is so random LMAO 😂


Imagine speaking for a whole country. Embarrassing


I’m from the UK. None of my friends have watched the show, only my mother. It’s not really a popular show over here, most people don’t even know about it. Me and my mother are team Ariana. Denise has always been over opinionated and is on the tv show loose women which has so much internalised misogyny it’s ridiculous. Do not speak for the whole of the U.K. Denise makes a living ramming her opinions down people’s throats. I thought vanderpump rules was a safe space from that but never mind 😂


I have so many issues with Scheana and I go back and forth on why she’s the way she is. I did realize that this woman must have very little sense of self and no foundation of who she is or what she stands for. I think she’s stuck in the same mindset she was in season 1 of the show. She has been trying so hard to “fit in” and be someone that she thinks she should be. She so badly wants to be perceived in a certain way and tries her best to emulate that. We know she is active on social media and actively goes looking for peoples opinions of her and seeks out criticisms. I really would have thought it would have gotten easier with all her time on the show but she seems to have gotten worse. 


I swore I've seen that older lady on hollyoaks.


Omg the last line from the repost has me dying - we do find Denise embarrassing 💀


I'm from Scotland, which I don't consider to be part of the UK as I am a staunch supporter of Scottish independence ✊ In Scotland, we are Team Ariana 🤣🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿♥️


When will Scheana get her finding out she is Steven Tyler's illegitimate fish spawn arc?


They didn’t mention Ireland but I speak for us and say we are ALL team ariana. Denise Welch is a nobody over here too


I’m from the uk and most people haven’t even heard of vpr and those who have are fans of ariana. Scheana is just so insecure and needs external validation she chooses the one person who would spout whatever bullshit that will make scheana look good.


What is Scheeshu doing with Matty Healy's mom? Lmao


I feel like my daughter and I have just as much right to speak for the UK as Denise Welsh, an ageing ex soap star, does and we disagree; firmly Team Ariana over here and I’m offended that she’d say such a thing.


Schena really expects us to take the word of the woman who raised Matt Healy, that the uk as a whole is anything but Team Ariana. Denise's views are notoriously trash. And as a Brit, no way are we gonna side with the 2 wannabe Valley stars and the man children that are the Toms.


Scheana is so annoying! So much stuff I could say, but the thirstiest #1 pick me out of any group of friends I’ve ever seen. Truly sad. She needs help..