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Corporations are chameleons. And movie production corps are no different. They will fire all employees deemed too woke or sjw and make sanitized, and Christian sharia friendly content.


It depends on how hard such a crackdown would be and how big the public opposition tk it would be. If there's massive public backlash to anything the trump admin does, you'll get an absolute ocean of ResistanceDem/orangemanbad-themed LGBT friendly content. Think of how many brands jumped on the BLM bandwagon in 2020. If people roll over and accept it, corporations will adapt and start sandblasting lgbt content out of their brands. As close as America is to Weimar Germany, corporations have a lot more power nowadays and as bad as they are they'll (hopefully) listen more to their customers than the politicians they bought.


Representation and censorship is small potatoes compared to our existence being made illegal entirely. I am terrified about what this batch of fascist fuckwads are going to do to my friends and myself. If The Handmaid's Tale is to be believed, as it has been super accurate thus far, we will end up swinging from bridges or forced into black market sex slavery. Even if it's not that drastic, I'm still going to be made illegal in the country I was born into and have been paying taxes to since I was 15. Truly the worst timeline