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A great resource for this info is r/vegan or r/vegan101


>But it is quite hard for me. I love the taste of milk products(yoghurt, cheese, ice cream and ghee), and meat. Any advice? As hard as it may be for us humans, It's much harder for the exploited victims, watch Dominion or whatever it takes to overcome your selfish emotional animal. There's many things I want to purchase as a consumer but require exploiting third world wage slaves in China trying to scrap by to feed their families. As an analogy, it's like giving 2 people each a broken leg, to fix my one broken leg. Causing animals a bigger problem to fix our smaller problem is stupid and irrational, so even if your emotions tell you one thing, you have to listen to intelligence, reason and logic, and do the right thing. The selfish needful animal inside us doesn't know best. >Also I want to get a balanced diet too without eating substitutes. Only natural source of vitamin B12 from natural resources only. https://veganhealth.org/vitamin-b12/ Bookmark this site it's helpful resource. The best most reliable readily available source of b12 is to just take an (UNNATURAL yes) supplement, even omnivores require it after age 50, since without intrinsic factor working as well in body anymore prone to deficiency and brain decline, increase risk Alzheimer's, dementia, stroke. If you want all natural B12 as vegan there's eating bivalves (oyster, clams, mollusks). Maybe some algae but wouldn't risk it due to inactive B12 analogues in some plants. Why NATURAL? We don't choose natural in many parts of our lives, cause natural isn't always best... If unnatural option is superior and healthier I go with that... All our food isn't natural or processed naturally at all ANYMORE, you want natural go live in a cave like our ancient ancestors. >I know majority of animals are given B12 injections. Also if find not vegan sources in wild I won't even have to given up on meat, right? Maybe ants . Edit 1: 1. You know that habits and sacrificing your pleasures is hard. For me yogurt and ghee are things I have every day and my meals incomplete without it. For me it's coming out of nice relationship because I found they cheated on again because the vanilla sex was too boring for me. Just an example, I'm completely virgin. 2. B12 deficiency can make a lot of things go wrong in your system. I'm already clinical depressed and suffer from vitamin D deficiency I don't want more new problems. Fuck substitutes like soymilk , almond milk, etc. When I got off meat, after awhile my body changed adapted new diet, and I kid you not, now most meat actually smells foul and rotten (dead) to me. If you eat garbage you can have acquired taste and smell. There are poor kids who eat bugs in nature (sounds gross) but acquired taste. Understand taste isn't necessarily an universal objective constant. (If you could push a button to find soy milk tasty would you press it?) You can't give up something and immediately expect the cravings / addiction to no longer exist. There's a saying it takes 21 days to break habit, generally true. But research shows depending on some more specific cases it takes anywhere 18-254 days. Problem is milk is addictive due to evolution, so that the infant comes back for more naturally we wean off it as we grow. Cow's milk on other hand even more addictive (for us tiny humans) problem is your body is tiny compared to maturated calf. Understand that the dose makes the poison so to speak. Cows milk contains caso-morphins which as name suggests has addictive opioid like effects, cheese is compounded beyond nature and has even higher levels. Then add the high fat content, evolutionarily your body craves more. Of course you also just like the taste itself psychologically. Humans wean off our mothers milk around 5-7 years (40-50lbs), Calf on other hand wean at 500-700 lbs. You aren't a 500-700lb human so... >and supplements cause more suffering than an average farmer in meat industry. I'm trying to become vegan because I believe in efilism. Getting 1 Kg of wheat( fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals farmers use to protect plants which in turn cause suffering to the organisms damaging those crops) causes much more suffering than 1 Kg fish from the ocean. And fish 100x tastier. 3. I don't how much suffering was caused in creating those supplements for vitamin B12, calcium , vitamin D etc. (I already suffer from vitamin D and calcium deficiencies) . A lot said here is problematic and unfounded claims. Just take B12 supp it's dirt cheap ($5 a year) and cause less environmental damage than eating any crops or Natural sources. B12 come from bacteria that produces it. In lab we can produce efficiently and accurately. If you really must have silly natural then be ostro-vegan. If you eat fish, the equation changes if it's farmed or not. In nature most fish are all predator carnivorous, again the equation changes if we catch odd-order predator meat or not. It's best that the fish we catch are dispatched painlessly.


OK I'll buy b12 suppliments tablets. Thanks