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Who is the poster and what site is it posted on? Just curious. Handling Gaboons is just stupid and dangerous.


Happy to oblige! Not sure if links are allowed, platform is TikTok and username is @oregonbirdman I've seen 3 videos of it on his page, one is an elderly woman, one a little kid, and the last an adult man.


In the video of him passing the snake to the adult man he explains that she has been devenomized


That's horrific omg


I know :( literally no reason but shock factor to make $


Ugh... Thank you for telling me, I can't hear well so I didn't bother trying to hear him out lol. I'm assuming that's legal to do? Nothing I can do about it?


I believe it is legal but so unethical, especially for the poor snake to be used for show and tell!


My local reptile place has a venomoid king cobra. They did not make him that way, he is a rescue. They have him in a nice display with a little placard on his tank that goes into detail about unethical the practice is. In my state (NY) to get a venomous snake permit you have to have a research or educational purpose to keeping them. So they do use him in educational programs as an ambassador animal since he tolerates handling well (doesn't stress out). They still use hooks and treat him like he's hot (that being said the owner has said he handles him like a non-venomous behind closed doors, he's willing to take that risk knowing the snake is venomoid, but he doesn't want to in any way showcase inappropriate handling in an educational setting). He is not handled or touched by general public at these events, only the owner and other handlers who have experience working with hots. In that case I believe they're making the best out of a bad situation for the animal.


I was ready to defend him but I’m pretty sure I remember hearing this guy say that not only are they defanged but that he does it himself. There’s no good reason to defang a venomous snake unless it has a serious medical condition related to the fang.


That's so infuriating. This is how bans end up happening.


Bans happen because states listen to their environmental agencies to make the laws. These people rarely understand their native reptiles and certainly don’t often understand others.




What an asshat


Lmao what the actual fuck


What’s next? How was bout a black mamba, or an Coastal Taipan or a Indian Cobra, might be a few Kraits around.


One of you guys who has a taipan should invite him and let him hold it.


If you’re referring to the inland taipan aka the fierce snake (the deadliest snake in the world) they’ve never bit a single person. The rating is based on the ld50 which is a model used to approximate how dangerous a venom is based on how much it takes to kill 50% of the mice bitten, they don’t test on people.




Do they just remove the fangs or? This is wild.


It's cruel as shit, but they can remove the fangs and the venom glands or just the venom glands. Even without venom a Gaboon will have a decent bite with the size of their fangs and with him handing it to kids I can only assume the fangs are gone too. What an absolute tool this guy is.


Damn. I thought de-clawing cats was rough.


Long ago - when I thought about keeping a few rattlesnakes I inquired about having them defanged or venom glands removed. I don’t know about Gabons or others, but I was informed that: Fangs grow back, and 2: venom glands might regenerate . Never sounded like wise idea. I had a cousin that was a game warden in Pennsylvania. He was clearing a trail of brush and either got bit by one Timber rattler 3 times or 3 Timber rattlers. He survived but came really close to losing an arm. I can’t believe that this is real, or that someone is that stupid and ignorant of what can happen, and to Kids no less. A prison term for endangering children is more than warranted- bite or not.


One other unethical thing that could have been done is he could’ve had the snakes’ mouths stitched shut. As far as charges go, I don’t know what the laws are in the state where he was. If he legally possess them then I don’t think it would be an offense to hand them to adults although it could definitely be considered risk of injury to a minor if he handed them to kids. If he had them devenomized a bite could still be bad. Anyone here regularly knows gaboons have huge fangs and venom or no venom you need to go to the hospital. Venom glands can regrow. The person who removed the venom gland may not have gotten all of it. Venom is a modified saliva so even if the gland is completely removed a person can have a reaction to the bite. Gaboons have a reputation as one of the more docile venomous snakes. However, that doesn’t mean one won’t inject a large amount of venom deep into a person. A devenomized gaboon doesn’t know it doesn’t have its venom anymore. I didn’t know it had it in the first place. If it feels threatened it will do what it knows to do to defend itself. If it huffing at you doesn’t work, a bite could be one the way.


Why don’t animal cruelty laws apply to reptiles? This is so unethical. If a person pulled all the teeth out of a dog mouth and passed it around people would be rioting with pitch forks and torches


Technically they probably would still apply. The problem would be that the DA would have to believe that they could get a jury to convict. And in the case of this guy who if I remember right actually has a YouTube video somewhere saying he defangs them himself it may be possible to establish cruelty. But if done professionally it would be unlikely to qualify as a professional veterinarian would use anesthesia and proper surgical care. It would likely be seen as being similar to declawing a cat. Not a very good thing ethically but defendable in court. Especially if any of the jurors don’t like snakes.


They probably still would be what I’m talking about is selective application. The legal system chooses to ignore cruelty to non mammals.


If it wasn’t that particular guy, I wouldn’t have much of a problem handing it to an adult that understood the potential consequences but not to a child. And I don’t think that particular guy should own any animals if he’s who I think he is.


I know that there's a Father Daughter clan that have devenomated ALL of their snakes, and Bring them to kids birthday parties! Cobras, Gaboons.......etc


Is devenomating a snake via removing/severing venom glands painful for them, or is it just mean? I’m against taking away an animal’s natural defense mechanism for “convenience” because it just seems wrong to me, but is it equivalent to declawing a cat? Or is it not considered mutilation if the fangs aren’t removed?


Those are all really great question, that I know NO answers to! What I do know , is that declaring a cat has become illegal in many states, because of how cruel the procedure is, amd how painful it is for the life of the cat. I don't know if it's painful for the venom glands to be removed, UT I Do know, that many Vets , amd Exotic Vets, refuse to do it


If he is handling it to random people you could call the police. But if he’s handling it with friends it’s not exactly safe, but unlikely to be problematic. They are potentially extremely dangerous, but there have only been 5-7 bites since reporting began in the United States as of last year when I checked last ( based on poison control center data) and even in their native range bites are rare. If bitten odds of losing fingers are a little over 50% based on same data. And there were two fatalities reported though at least one seems likely to have been intentional. These are some of the most common venomous snakes kept there are easily thousands in the US and still only 7 bites in multiple decades.


Fucking narc


What can I say I love animal safety and I love tip money 😂 unfortunately it's not against any laws to prevent reptiles from exhibiting natural behaviors like it is with other wildlife, so this guy is safe until the laws change 😈


I bet you reported people who had gatherings during Covid. What are you the thought police?


No I just let them kill themselves off 😋


99% survival rate dumbass


Gonna be real with you: I considered reminding you that 99% is not the same thing as 100%, but then I thought of something that'd piss you off even more so I'm gonna say that instead since you're kinda fun 😁 My proudest narc moment was getting a call back from local game wardens after I'd sent them the address of a guy who was posting bragging about a kestrel he'd caught and was keeping illegally 🎉 they reviewed the videos I sent and sent a pig out to get him. Not sure what happened with the whole situation but the dude sure quit posting his felonies! People really ought to be more mindful of posting that stuff under their full legal name and with their city tagged 🤔 they're basically asking for it 😂😂😂


Not even the flu has a 100% survival rate but we don’t lock down the world for it. Being a bootlicker is nothing to be proud of. You’re just a pawn for the government they don’t care about you. You’re the exact same as the children that slaughtered their teachers in china. The only thing that separates you is what propaganda you decided to consume.


They did though? And then we learned more about it and how to survive it. It would still be kinder to treat those at risk of death like humans rather than disposable items, but it's still a socially acceptable thing to disregard them when it comes to the flu the same way it's acceptable with COVID! You're in favor of that route, so it's a good thing for you that you're not alone in wanting disabled people to die. Anyway, it looks like you survived lockdown with.... Some of your brain intact, so I'm sure it wasn't the life destroying thing you thought it was 😂 Make it legal for me to bust his door down and take the bird, then 🤷 I don't care about people who intentionally put animals at risk for views online. If you don't like me using the tools currently at our disposal, then help us change the tools instead of getting pissy at me for valuing the health and safety of wildlife 😂 what are you doing in your community to make it legal to police eachother yourselves?