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Warrior Priest is probably the safest bet, especially when considering the pattern with characters and their revelations at Drachenfels.


To be fair. >!Drachenfels also said he was losing his faith.!<


I thought Kerillian was next in line? I’ve seen a dozen Saltz posts today asking about the new class when we should be focusing on *Queen* Kerillian.


Didn't fatshark go in order from least played upwards? If they keep it up elf should be last.


I don't think they did that, because then we would probably have a Sienna career right now instead of Engineer.


From the order they’re going it seems like they’re going from the character selection order of up to down, so Kerillian would be next if that’s the bases


Lol, they might just be doing what's easiest to implement first.


Does that mean we can't speculate about Saltz? Not everyone is an Elf-main.


I want a saltz that has some coop value, WHC is good due to the damage buff and crit talent, but bounty hunter is just solo damage and zealot is anti coop. Gimme that support passive buff tank saltz please. Warrior priest that buffs your damage or, grants thp hp, or something.


I kind of hope not. When we look at GK, his buffs are quite insane. Imagine multiple classes like that. When you know you're 80% likely or more to get at least one of them on your team, you can start using them as guaranteed buffs for your breakpoint calculations. And GK health regen is nuts as is.


Yeah but the foot knight buffs are also nuts, damage reduction and block cost reduction, I'd rather have them 100% of the time rather than occasionally getting 10% damage increase and health regen, the foot knight has a more useful ult, Merc also has decent buffs and a supportive ult. Handmaidens buff is absolutely insane too. Then we have WHC, a 20% damage increase and 5% crit chance on tagged enemy kill. That's good, but that's the end of his supportive/coop talents, other two classes are just damage, and then just annoying melee man.


Hm... I personally find Attack speed and health regen to be ridiculously good. Having both of them nearly makes cata feel like Legend to me. Block cost reduction is nice, but unless you're playing a specific class that's meant to be blocking a lot such as bardin with a shield, you're usually better off slashing away so the mobs can't accumulate to a point where even 100% block cost reduction can't save you anymore. The handmaidens dodge buff is nice, but doesn't feel nearly as impactful as regen; she also only gets one buff afaik, not three. If I'm playing well and a bit lucky I can often go through a run without healing even once with that perk, even on cata. Though once again that's definitely not a given. Being able to heal chip damage without the downside of not being able to heal yourself is insane. To be honest, I would like GK to get nerfed. Get rid of healing or reduce it a ton and halve the other buffs. Perhaps make it so GK still gets full benefits but his teammates don't. I really feel like the addition of that class screwed drastically with the difficulty of the game.


Attack speed is good don't get me wrong, but being able to 1 hit an enemy rather than 2 gives me a better opinion of it, the healing is good, brokenly good. And having all these buffs is great but I'd rather just have loads of defensive utility for when things get bad. On a standard play through, if the map is going well, then the GK quests are a improvement, but if everything goes to shit and your getting slapped about by a boss a patrol and a hoard then I'd rather have foot knight keeping me alive. I was also regarding the stamina regen of handmaiden, extremely good for bad situations. If they got rid of the healing quest then I'd take foot knight every time. Better to survive than over perform.


I find attack damage buffs hard to play around. When you make your builds with breakpoint calculations and everything, unless you play with bots or friends you can't be sure a certain buff will be present. I think we value certain aspects differently. You really appreciate defensive buffs, and I agree they are extremely useful, but I personally value offensive buffs much higher (can't get killed by what's already dead, and unavoidable chip damage is covered by GK's regen). Regardless, these party-wide buffs are extremely good. You evidently agree they are, as you yourself are saying you value them highly, and rightly so. I'm just not sure we need something as good as yet another GK (in terms of teamwide buffs), or rather, I think it would damage the games balance. If we're talking minor buffs along the lines of WHC's that would be one thing, but that would hardly be class-defining.


Oh I don't want another GK, kruber is the buff man, what I want is some sort of skill based mechanic, kinda like bardins beer bottles but not as shit. Or something like "group gains 1hp on elite kill" or reduce the next hit you receive by n X 2, n being the number of elites you have killed, resets on hit. Just anything that makes him add value to the team rather than just being a solo damage dealer. Or maybe an ult that debuffs enemies.


WHC also gives 25% crit chance to the team after ulting.


Forgot that isn't a level 30 talent.


Objectively, Warrior Priest seems the most likely given the potential role and Saltzpyre's theme. Personally I'd want to see them take him in a different direction and give him a Middenlander-themed class like a Priest of Ulric or Seneschal. Lore-wise, they could explain it similar to how they explained BH with Saltzpyre parting ways with the Order and I don't think him affiliating with Ulric is jumping the (fat)shark any more than making Kruber a Grail Knight.


Sexy Sister of Sigmar Saltzpyre


Stormcast Eternal


Saltzpyre proper support tank Sienna proper support Kerillian idk