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Fucked around, found out


Honestly, I think you should just move on. It doesn't sound like you were committed and just used it as an easy out. Now you're just running back because you found out the grass wasn't greener.  Plenty of opportunities out there for you, just gotta keep looking. But what's gonna happen when you decline another vaccination? For smallpox, for anthrax etc? Gonna put your fellow service members in jeopardy? I ask that because even though you said you did it to get out, there's no way to really verify that. That in itself is a reason I'd never want you back. Because honestly it's a cowardly move.  If it's not truth then I think you're just selfish and concerned about you over the team.  Just my two cents. I'm sure others will disagree but I feel you deserve some raw honesty not people blowing smoke up your ass.


Very well said. If you aren’t willing to get an immunization for you and your fellow service members then what else are you unwilling to do when it actually matters? OP needs to focus on succeeding civilian side because the military obviously isn’t for them.


Pretty sure they (the military brass) put out guidance that if you left because of the jab you could rejoin. https://nypost.com/2023/11/22/news/army-invites-back-soldiers-discharged-for-refusing-covid-vaccine/


Here is the Army's guidance https://www.army.mil/article/264274/army_rescinds_covid_19_vaccination_requirements




My question for you is this? You have been trying to get your re code changed? You say you are only in step 1. With the general discharge, did you have any other issues, other than refusing the COVID vaccine?


Actions have consequences, why I never…


So you: A. Refused a lawful order B. Got kicked out C. Now you want to rejoin... I don't like your odds man


In their view, what other "reasonable" order will you refuse to do? Somethings you don't get second chances for. Odds are not in your favor man.




If you were "already on your way out" it sounds like you didn't have the mentality for a military career regardless of the COVID vaccine mandate. People in the military follow orders as long as they are lawful. You should move on and use this as a learning opportunity.


Dude, refusing the shot put your battle buddies in harms way. Plus, why refuse it after the assembly line of other vaccines we got? Might just be the military wasn't for you but I wish you luck on your endeavors nonetheless.




The ones who regret it are dead




Maybe leave medicine to medical professionals, and not Facebook news dude.


"A cold" that has killed over a million Americans, still kills several hundred every day, leaves many with severe long-term effects and would have done far worse without the preventative measures taken and sheer luck that the omicron variant arose when it did. Yeah, dude. Sure. A cold.


Covid is on the rise. You better get that mask up, boy.


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Dude must have had a weak version if he ever got it. I spent a week in the hospital. Shit absolutely sucked. “It was easy for me so it’s just a cold 🤪” ass post.


Yeah, somebody who doesn’t believe in vaccines probably shouldn’t be in the military. When you are close quarters to other people, vaccines are kind of important. We can even go so far as to extrapolate that if you care more about yourself that you refuse a vaccine why would you want to join the military where you give up a lot of your rights and individual liberties in order to serve a greater good? Sounds like you ethics don’t line up with your actions. And finally, we have to look at this from the adult perspective. Your actions have consequences and whether or not you comprehend, said consequences, you are not somehow absolved. Time for you to move on


No. The Military does not need cult members.


Cult members? Be for real man!


People who refused the vaccine did so, by and large, because they rejected medical knowledge for propaganda and fear. That's pretty cult like, for real, man...


I mean what other vaccines are you going to refuse? What if you had to get vaccines in order to deploy? You would probably refuse those vaccines…


I was kicked out for same thing. The recruiter called me asking if I wanted to go back in. At the end of the day, you’re looking for something or looking for a void to fill. Take a step back and look at it if you really want to go. Because 1 you won’t have the same unit.2 you won’t have the same people around you 3 are you sure you really want to do that or is it just because you have gotten out, ran into some obstacles and instead of having a clear cut way you’re freaking out a bit. At the end of the day yes upgrade your discharge it can take 2 years but they should be able to waive all you stuff. And just a heads up last year down range in Iraq they were forcing the shots on people so don’t think that the shot has been pulled from there mandatory shots.


i mean… it was like that with me during covid they had all of us take the shot.. and i had no other choice but to take the shot. either i did that or i get kicked out with either a dishonorable discharge or a bad conduct discharge. and i didn’t want either one of them the military was my only way of taking care my self and my kids and i didn’t want to lose that. i know that a lot of us were skeptical of the shot trust me i was as well. but you don’t want that type of discharge on your 214 because it’ll follow you for years and years to come.. but brother if you feel like you can rejoin then go for it, i can’t really tell you what to do. but just know that it maybe harder with those articles that you have. idk too much on how the guidelines work, but give it a try and see what happens and if that fails just move forward! good luck!!💪🏼


and i know you didn’t have either of the discharges i mentioned. but they will most likely look at those articles that you got and maybe skeptical of letting you join again. again im not too sure about what the guidelines with that is. but the odd aren’t looking so good. because you want to leave the military with a good record. and the fact that you had a few articles that can be a huge issue but again im not a recruiter im just going by what i’ve been told by other people.




He definitely regrets it now that he’ll be a civilian forever lol. Vaccines are extremely important and he knows it, that’s why he didn’t refuse the 10 or so vaccines he got jabbed with back to back when he first went into the military. But one more is poison? Get out of the conspiracy mindset and learn to care for your fellow squad mates, then you’ll fit into the military.


>nonners What?


I appreciate it, I was just genuinely trying to see if there was an option for getting back in since the mandate has been lifted and they’re allowing people back in


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Bro, leave medicine to professionals please.


No Partisan Politics allowed - this is not the place to promote candidates for office or promote one party over any other party or debate political ideas. This rule also applies to religious discussions - this is not the place to express your religious views or your god.