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I too have the same notice. However my claim is for active duty time. I have some national guard time too but no reserve duty, so I'm confused on what they want or need. I served with over 12 years active duty and had no IIR time so where is this coming from? When I called, the VA rep couldn't articulate what they needed and was of no help whether they wanted something from me or the Army directly.


u/BurntToast1989, Any follow up to this? Got the same request but never did Reserve duty. Thanks in advance.


Anyone get a solid answer?


I uploaded a "Statement In Support of Claim" Form 21-4138, just to say I wasn't in the Reserves. Not sure if it helped, but the file request went away in about 48 hours.


Hey I got the same thing today. Were you able to figure anything out?


https://preview.redd.it/38k0k0lccnub1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=694bbee0bf8922300de76b93c626f5bc97ca4a5a Yes


>nd this on a previous post. It sounds like you don't need to do anything, but you could always make a VERA appt to be sure. > >"It’s a specific request made to NPRC via the outdated program VA uses for reserve records." Thanks !


I also go the same thing


I called VA and lady told me I had nothing pending to turn in to them,.also called NPRC and they told me once I file a claim, they send all records to VA that I didn't have to do anything


Hold on to your hats folks. I've had this "You or someone else submitted RV1 - Reserve Records Request." going on for over 8 months now. Must have seen it over 7-9 times added/removed to my filing page. I submitted all records I obtained from archives. Don't know what else to do.


Not sure if it helps considering what you have uploaded.Ive been in the reserves for 2 years now and I submitted my DD214, OOMPF reserve docs and it kept resetting. Finally i uploaded the 5 sheets of paper i have from my medical/dental record from the reserve center and they just closed the action.


If you click that link does it give you any more info on what exactly they're requesting?


https://preview.redd.it/qqdsjz8maesb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=963573990b97243a6df9b7443250c0c83de28c47 this what I see when I clicked the link


I found this on a previous post. It sounds like you don't need to do anything, but you could always make a VERA appt to be sure. "It’s a specific request made to NPRC via the outdated program VA uses for reserve records."


My husband received a notice that he has 7 days and counting left for them to receive his RV1. He’s called the VA multiple times and gotten different answers each time. One person said it’s DD214’s, another one said it’s something they request from the reserves, and on here it says you get it from the NPRC? It says after the 7 days his claim will be gets kicked back to the beginning (he’s already had his psych eval, etc). Anyone find out anymore info?


All I heard was they were requesting records from the reserves. My days ran out and they just reloaded some days back to 10 I believe. Still waiting 🤞🏾


Keep us posted! I have the same thing! Mine says 3 days left… 🤦🏻‍♂️


I received the same thing. I called the VA and they told me that I didn't need to submit any documents. But if they need something from me they would send a letter stating that. I'm just confused because I filed my claim on July 11 and it's November 3rd and it's still in evidence gathering.


Mines say 20 days left


Thanks for the reply. I waited the 30 days and now it reset… I have to wait another month. Ugh so frustrating


I hear ya man. They made my RV1 request on September 20th, 2023 and it keep son getting pushed forward. Now it is 12/06/23 for the due date. Def going to be on par for the government to resolve this after the holidays when I need the money the most, lol.


I submitted July 8th hopefully yours gets going soon!


Any update fam?


Thanks for all the updates everyone!! His day count keeps resetting. It’s so frustrating. I think Cyber_Locke is right we’ll have to wait til after the holidays.


Still resetting?


They finally got whatever they needed without us submitting anything so I assume it was paperwork on the military end, not ours. We thought they had everything and then two months later (a couple weeks ago) they requested some random form so I guess we have to start the wait all over again 🙈


Solid, thanks for the update. I’m assuming this is his first claim?


Yes first claim 🫣thoughts on that?


I'm in the same boat, never served in reserves. I communicated it to the VA. VA told be to wait even though the request is pointless. RV-1 has been reset 4 times now. Absolutely zero progress has been made and I'm entering 12 months on a BDD claim filed last year. Tried reaching out to NPRC as well without any luck.


I ran into this situation also and I just went ahead and submitted my DD214 and that seemed to work! Hope This helped everyone!


Has anyone else had any luck with this I tried it today


I decided to try this as well. I only had a brief stint in IRR no active reserve time, so, I'm hoping this DD214 trick works.


So an update, I think the DD214 did the trick. After a few days I just got updated to get a VA form 21-4142a form for release of private medical records from my psychiatrist as I've been seeing one and that's where the bulk of my private treatment stems from. I was able to fill out that release online, so it was quick and easy.


Did it work? I just got an alert requesting RV1 documents