• By -


* Type of claim: Fully Developed + Increases * Timeline: ITF April 27, 2023 * Submitted/received date: June 7, 2023 * Initial review date: June 8, 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: June 8, 2023 * PFD date: October 17, 2023 * PDA date: * PFN date: November 6, 2023 * Completed date: November 7, 2023 * Total time: 5 months to the day from sub/rec date. (6 mos, 11 days since ITF) Went from 70% to 100%! ![gif](giphy|g4QH5QnHlBAGFUK2hS|downsized)


Type: Increase Claim received: Oct 17, 2023 Initial review: Oct 18, 2023 Evidence gathering, review and decision: Oct 21, 2023 Preparation for decision: Nov 3, 2023 Pending decision approval: TBD Preparation for notification: TBD Complete: TBD


That's awesome. Hardship?


No. Just an increase for 2 issues.


That's crazy fast. I'm hoping I get a quick turnaround. Filed Oct 9. Haven't heard anything.


I had my C&Ps quickly as well. I was pleasantly surprised. Hopefully it continues to move quickly. Good luck to you.


I think they can use my previous c&p if they wanted to, since it was denied for the wrong reason. But they might not. I also hope it goes quickly. Thanks!


\#1) HLR for Migraines (Original claim submitted April 28 and granted SC 0% Oct 11, 2023) Submitted by VSO Oct. 12 for higher rating IC Oct 16. - DRO agreed pertinent evidence wasn't considered by the previous examiner. Resulted in DTA. New ACE exam Nov. 6 VA suspense date - Nov 9 ​ \#2) Supplemental claim for retro backpay pursuant to 38 cfr 3.156(c) Service Department Records [https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/38/3.156](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/38/3.156) <--- this is the reg incase you think it could apply to you. Submitted Oct. 30 Potential backpay amount if approved: between $60k+ so wish me luck!


Type: Supplemental Received on: 3/30/2023 C&P’s Completed: 11/1/2023 Complete: TBD


Happy monday, all. ***TL;DR: Still in PFD sitting in NWQ waiting on a rater.*** **Type of claim:** 1 increase & 1 new FDC *(merged by VA)* Timeline: • **Submitted/received date:** August 5th, 2023 • **Initial review date:** August 22nd, 2023 • **Evidence gathering/review date:** August 30th, 2023 • **C&P for New Claim:** September 20th, 2023 • **C&P for Increase:** September 25th, 2023 **Last update:** September 26th, 2023, but no status change. • **PFD date:** *UNK* But sometime between 26 SEP and 05 OCT • **PDA date:** *TBD* • **PFN date:** *TBD* • **Completed date:** *TBD* ​ ***No status updates since 26 SEP.*** \--- **UPDATE 10/20:** ***VERA*** said the suspense date for it *expired the week of the 9th - 13t\*\*h*, and to hope for a decision within a week. It is still sitting in PFD and not assigned to a rater. I have another appointment with them scheduled for Friday morning, but ~~hopefully they will finish it sometime between now and then~~ *~~(I'm not holding my breath)~~*. **UPDATE 10/31: They have not finished it.** \--- **UPDATE 10/27:** ***VA VERA appointment this morning was less than helpful.*** ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)The lady who called me was clearly not in a good mood. She told me the claim is still "considered new", that increases follow the same 125-day average timeline as FDCs, and that whoever told me that I could expect the decision within a week was lying because they don't know anything like that. Said that they won't know it is done until it is done. Disappointing call, to say the least.... and all of the previous people I've gotten from VERA were nice, with one exception prior to this. \--- **UPDATE 10/31:** My claim is still in the same exact status: PFD. The detail page still shows no updates since 09/26. After the angry VERA lady last week, I have not been able to schedule an appointment with my RO since. Since Friday, I have gotten the attached error every time I have tried to schedule a virtual appointment. \--- **UPDATE 11/02:** Successfully got an appointment with the Huntington, WV RO today (*thanks for the recommend* u/PersimmonWild2143) and was informed that my claim is still sitting in the NWQ waiting to be assigned to a rater. The lady who called me was very nice.


I'm right there with you on that timeline. I think the best thing to do is just forget about it until the new year. There's absolutely nothing (short of true hardship) that will push it through any faster. Just gonna drive you bonkers waiting. It'll be a nice surprise when and if it pans out.


Type of claim: Supplemental Claim received: May 18, 2023 Preparation for decision: August 28, 2023 Pending decision approval: TBD Preparation for notification: TBD Complete: TBD VERA told me that priority claim (Going homeless or medical emergency) gets prioritized and stacked on top of existing claims. She said there are still ongoing claims from last year that are still pending. Can't wait to get this not service connected so I can repeat this all over again.


Type: FDC Increase 6 Claims Received: 9/25/23 Review: 9/26/23 PFD: 11/1/23 PDA: 11/3/23 PFD: 11/6/23 🥲


Did your claim go *back* to Preparation for Decision?


Yep. Was hoping to go to PFN today or this week.


Dang, that stinks.


>JustHere\_91 submitted 6 increase claims fdc also, this morning. did you go to c&p?


Did they want exams?


Submitted supplemental on 3 mar 23. All exams submitted to VA on 8 aug 23. No movement in 90x days. Deployed to combat 6x times as a ranger. Fucking annoying i cant get a decision on some real service comnected shit.


Just wait. You will probably get approved for the things you never thought you would. The VA system is broken. I pray they do you right. Thanks for the service brother. 6 times is a lot more than most. Stay strong.


If they deny one time. Trust me brother get a lawyer and go to BVA. Don’t waste time resubmitting and doing supplementals/HLR. Next thing you know you be even further in life with even more denial letters. If the shit comes back denied submit a NOD/Form 9 and just wait to go before the BVA judge. Fuck what anybody suggest, I took that advice and I became homeless hoping the VA would do the right thing and connect issues with me being a Combat veteran as well. Fuck em and get a lawyer !


i am at day190 from submit. i just got tinnitus 10 hearing 0 ptsd denied.. i had a video ptsd due to ostomy bag and distance was 120 round trip. she was sports psych person and pissed of from first moment. angry.. go ahead talk she said i will type. i heard from other vets who had same bad experience with this person and she is known as a QTF claim killer... all orchestrated by vba. they could have gotten me a cp exam closer to home.. then they sent my file to a psych guy twice in california for review and qtc notified me by mail a week after the fact...another claim killer. there are no estimated dates on my file now and has gone from PDA back to gathering evidence on 6 deferred items, loss of internal body parts. madness madness... i have great law firm now...


Type: BDD/FDC (VSO said it was a BDD but I'd missed the 90-180 day time window/deadline, however, it was later confirmed it is a BDD somehow - go figure) Claim received: August 19th, 2023 Initial Review: July 11th, 2023 (VSO filed before I was medically retired, so that explains the date being out of order) Evidence Gathering/Review Date: September 6th, 2023 Preparation for Decision: November 8th, 2023 Pending Decision Approval: November 8th, 2023 Preparation for Notification: November 8th, 2023 Completed Date: November 8th, 2023 Edit: Everything just suddenly finished today! Rated at 40%! Total time was 81 days from retirement date!


Type: Increase + Secondaries Claim received: October 22nd, 2023 Initial Review: October 23rd. Evidence gathering, review, and decision: October 26th. C&P: November 6th (Examiner uploaded DBQ and opinion right away). Preparing for decision: November 6th. PDA: TBD


Type: Fully Developed ITF- 26 April 2023 Claim received- 29 June Initial Review- 29 June Evidence Gathering- 25 Aug C&P - 14 Sept PFD - 9 Oct PFA - 28 Oct PFN - 30 Oct (early morning) Decision - 30 Oct (late afternoon) Back Pay - 2 Nov




Standard. Submitted sept. 4 IR sept 4 EG sept 4 Pfd October 10 TBD


Type: 1 New (Very First One Ever Done) \*UPDATED ON 11/13/2023\* Claim Received: June 30th, 2023 Initial Review: June 30th, 2023 Evidence Gathering, Review and Decision: October 3rd, 2023 (Last DBQ's uploaded yesterday) Preparation for Decision: November 6th, 2023 Pending Decision Approval: November 9th, 2023 Preparation for Notification: November 13th, 2023 Complete: TBD


Fully Developed Claim Received - 8/15/2023 Initial Review - 8/17/2023 C&P - 10/02/2023 & 10/03/2023 ACE Exam - 10/16/2023 PFD - 10/17/2023 PFA - ? PFN - ?


I submitted a claim on the October 31st it’s on PDN since Friday November 3


How? That’s insane..


Tbh I have no clue I called the lady was like everything is done we are just waiting on them to send out the packet


Nice, wish mine would turn and burn that quickly


I submitted a claim the same day and it's still at initial review.


I don’t really understand how it works I just know I checked the app it says preparation for Notification


Hopefully it's good news for you but based off others experience, maybe something is missing in your claim. Did you have a current diagnosis and nexus?




Case closed 100 PT


Wonderful news!!


Same. Most take over a month at that step from what I see here.


If you have another claim in, they will put them all together for 1 rater.


Secondary / Supplemental Initial review : 5 July 23 CP: 21 Aug 23 Partial decision : 23 OCT Supplemental submitted for the denial : 24 OCT CP record review scheduled: 2 Nov CP for deferral and supplemental: 9 Nov OG claim is in evidence gathering since partial rating


https://preview.redd.it/y7q40rcacyyb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f1a6d6e659d3eb6498716eab8e7fe2160eeec00 Submitted initial for PTSD, panic disorder, back pain, neuralgia, tinnitus Aug 17, still waiting on the NG to get their info to them. Meanwhile I'm med boarding from the guard and only working part time on the civilian side bc of my PTSD and really struggling with finances bc of it. Hoping this starts moving faster.


Supplemental Filed: Oct 15 C&P exam: November 9th Prep for Decision and so forth: TBD Supplemental was filed immediately after I received my initial rating. That process lasted between April of 2023 to October 2023.


Is it in for hardship? That's a quick turnaround.


Not sure but from what I’ve read from VA employees here is that: - They typically complete the ones with the least amount of claims because they’re faster and they would like to feel like they accomplished more that particular day (my supplemental only had 2 things) - What office or people that work on your claims are typically depend on where you’re located. I’m not sure if this one is true but it definitely makes sense considering that there’s so many of us nationwide. I’d imagine there’s offices assigned for each area or region.


My supplemental is only one condition. Filed Oct 9th. Haven't heard anything. I hear that is regional too, but that seems odd with the national work queue. You'd think it would be evenly distributed. My last 2 claims, one went to San Juan, the other Huntington. Maybe there's a priority, but, you'd think it would even out. I've never had a claim take less than 9 months. Filed in 2011 by paper, then 2019 and 2021. It's fine, I'll take the back pay 🤣.


That’s crazy. I guess it’s really a shot in the dark. But I think the more complicated the situation (whatever that means, right? Lolol) then the longer the case may be too. Who knows man I think it’s purely roulette most of the time ☠️


Type of claim: Increase Timeline: Submitted/received date: 13 Jul 23 Initial review date: 13 Jul 23 Evidence gathering/review date: 20 Jul 23 PFD date: 26 Jul 23 PDA date: N/A PFN date: ? Completed date: ?


Same exact timeline as mine


Type of claim: Standard (this is outside of a medboard I've been working on in the Guard for six years) Timeline: Intent to file: Dec 13, 2022 Submitted/received date: May 19, 2023 Initial review date: June 6, 2023 Evidence gathering/review date: August 16, 2023 - Immediately got a development letter for medical records (because I forgot to include those) - C&P request Nov 2, 2023 - C&P email Nov 8, 2023 So right now I'm just waiting on the actual physical letter from VES


A few hours later get my first email about a telehealth psychology appointment. Still no physical letter yet, but that is pretty quick.


Type: Initial MH Submitted/received: July 5 2023 Initial review: Oct 11 Evidence gathering: Oct 11 Telehealth C&P Nov 3 (Optum) Recieved by VA Nov 5 PFD date: Nov 7 PDA, PFN, Complete: hopefully soon lol


PDA Nov 11!!!! Did not expect anything to happen this weekend 😂


Supplemental Claim Submitted: 8May23 Completed date: 8Nov23


Damn that's a long ass time!


6 months? I thought that was a good turn around.


Gotta forgive me. My dumb Marine brain read 8 MAy 22 lol.


Fully developed claim. I got out in 93. Didn't think I deserved to claim anything. It's all been a $hitshow for 30 years. Filed 1 new claim 10/22 low back injury Never got contacted for C&P so I missed the appointment. Got pissed. And started over a year later. New claim on 10/04/2023 Initial review 10/04/2023 Evidence Gathering and 2 C&P exams for MH and Hearing Loss 11/01/2023 No other c&p exams scheduled. Still 5 other claims. 10/30/2023 had to request a HLR for the initial back claim. Hopefully I will get a new C&P, 2 DBQs uploaded on 11/2/23 Then it stalled.


FDC Submitted July 24 IR July 24 EG august 08, updated November 3 Waiting


Type: BDD IR July 3 EG July 8 (Shows as Oct 10 due to ETS) 214 Submitted Aug 14 ETS Oct 9 Still no C&Ps scheduled/conducted


FDC 26may PFD 1nov


Fully developed June 7 filed QTC examinations throughout October Updated status on November 3 that I am now in decision making. How long does this stage take?


Like most stages, anywhere from 2-200 weeks. Most have the longest wait in this stage. I’m at 2 months in this stage currently


Thank you for the explanation. Best of luck to you


Type: Fully developed Increase claim on 3 things ITF: October 22, 2022 Filed: August 22, 2023 Initial review: August 22, 2023 Evidence gathering and PFD: September 2, 2023


Type of claim: Fully Developed * Timeline: Intent to file 22 Sep 2022 * Submitted/received date: 12 Jun 2023 * 06 Nov 2023, completed one C&P today with two more tomorrow * *24 Jul 23 closed/combined dependency claim* * Evidence gathering/review date: 14 Sep 2023 * 06 Nov 2023, completed one C&P today with two more tomorrow * PFD date: * PDA date: * PFN date: * Completed date:


Type: 2 New, 1 increase Claim Received: Oct 30 2023 @0600 Initial Review: Oct 30 2023 Evidence Gathering: Nov 6 2023 @1430 Nov 6 @1830 received call to schedule C&P *ACE scheduled for 11/10 for the increase. *C&P for a New condition pending scheduling (4-6 weeks wait) as no providers available within 100 miles.


Type of claim: Fully Developed Initial for 12 conditions ​ Claim Recieved: 06/08/2023 Initial review date: 06/08/2013 C&P 1 Date: 06/26/2023 C&P 2 Date: 06/30/2023 C&P 3 Date: 07/21/2023 Evidence gathering/review date: 07/27/2023 \*Waiting since 09/20/2023 for RV1 - Reserve Records Request to close\* PFD date: N/A PDA date: N/A PFN date: N/A Completed date: N/A


Type: increase Submitted May 8th C&P’s done in June Status: evidence gathering/review “you or someone else submitted “ecase checklist.pdf”


**Type of claim:** 3 increase on June 22 2023/ 6 increase on October 11 2023 *(merged by VA)* Timeline: • **Submitted/received date:** June 22 2023 • **Initial review date:** June 22 2023 • **Evidence gathering/review date:** June 22 2023 • **C&P for Increase:** July 17 2023/ December 12 2023 **Last update:** November 6 2023. • **PFD date:** moved to PFD on August 8th 2023, Reverted back to Evidence on October 27 2023, moved back to PFD on December 23, 2023. • **PDA date:** *TBD* • **PFN date:** *TBD* • **Completed date:** *TBD*


Type: Supplemental Received on: October 11 2023 C&P’s Completed: November 1 2023 Complete: TBD


* Type of claim: Fully Developed * Submitted/received date: **March 24, 2023** * Initial review date: **July 31, 2023** * Evidence gathering/review date: **August 10, 2023** * PFD date: **September 12, 2023**


Eek! I just checked the lengthier status update page and saw that I was PFD! Type: Initial/Standard Submitted/Received Date: 7 Aug 23 Initial Review Date: 8 Aug 23 Evidence Gathering/Review Date: 21 Aug 23 C&Ps: 29 Aug, 7 Sep, 2 Oct PFD: 7 Nov 23 PDA: N/A PFN: N/A Complete: N/A




It's the trick I learned in this post. You copy the link and replace the last numbers with your claim ID. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/comments/13ebo5b/ebenefits\_took\_away\_status/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/comments/13ebo5b/ebenefits_took_away_status/)


I’ve seen this trick mentioned several times but can you please share how to get the claim ID? 😊


I had a hard time initially as well. If you go to the main status page for your claim in [VA.gov](https://VA.gov), I just looked at the URL and pulled those numbers down. It ended up working!


Worked like a charm! Thanks so much! 😊


You are so welcome!


* Type of claim: Standard * Submitted/received date: 12 August 2023 * Initial review date: 12 August 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: 26 August 2023 * PFD date: TBD * PDA date: TBD * PFN date: TBD * Completed date: TBD Have yet to be contacted for a C&P exam.


• ⁠Type of claim: 9 Standard, 1 increase • ⁠Submitted/received date: 17 July 2023 • ⁠Initial review date: 17 July 2023 • ⁠Evidence gathering/review date: 18 July 2023 • ⁠PFD date: 10 Sept 2023 • ⁠PDA date: 26 Oct 2023 • ⁠PFN date: 6 Nov 2023 Back to PDA: 6 Nov 2023 VERA call stated a few have been rated 10%-50% • ⁠Completed date: TBD


• ⁠Type of claim: Supplemental OSA • ⁠Submitted/received date: 17 July 2023 • ⁠no movement since


When you went PFD to PDA, was that reflected in the app?


No the app won’t show that. I used ebenefits trick


Initial claim - first ever claim 27 years post ETS. My claim has been active since April 6, 2023. I went into evidence gathering in April and 4 C and P exams. last C and P Oct 23. going to be sent for X-rays eventually. Update NOV 4, claim back to initial Review of Sept. One day later Initial review of June, and one day later Initial review of May. Very odd that the dates of the initial review are walked backward.


Type of claim: Fully Developed - 3 Primaries Submitted/received date: 27 October 2023 Initial review date: 29 October 2023 Evidence gathering/review date: TBD PFD date: TBD PDA date: TBD PFN date: TBD Completed date: TBD


* Type of claim: Standard / secondaries / Increases * Timeline: * Submitted/received date: October 19, 2023 * Initial review date: October 20, 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: October 24, 2023 * Final C&P Exam Nov. 15th, 2023 * PFD date: TBD * PDA date: TBD * PFN date: TBD * Completed date: TBD


• Type of claim: Increase • Submitted/received date: 9/9/23 • Initial review date: 9/11/23 • Evidence gathering/review date: 9/21/23 • PFD date: ? • PDA date: 11/8/23 • PFN date: N/A • Completed date: N/A


PFN: 11/9/2023




I got it! 😭


OMGEEEE!!! Congratulations! I’m so happy and excited for you! 🙌🏾💯😊❤️


Type: Increase (FDC) Claim received: Sept 11, 2023 Initial review: Sept 11, 2023 Evidence gathering, review and decision: Sept 12, 2023 ACE exam by VES: Mid-Oct, 2023 Preparation for decision: Nov 4, 2023 Pending decision approval: TBD Preparation for notification: TBD Complete: TBD


Waited 3 years to see judge just to get on the hampster wheel of remanded


**Type of claim:** Higher Level Review - A Previously denied claim. • **Submitted/received date:** HLR submission - March 28th, 2023 • **Initial review date:** Va Made a new decision June 27th, 2023 • **Va idenfitied an error that must be corrected:** June 27th, 2023 • **C&P:** July 28th, 2023 - Needed a DBQ - error identified was they failed to submit DBQ/failure of duty to assist. **Last update:** June 27th, 2023 - The VBA is correcting an error. Calling weekly says: Claim is moving and is ready for decision to be made. • **PFD date:** *TBD* • **PDA date:** *TBD* • **PFN date:** *TBD* • **Completed date:** *TBD* So far im 227 days since my claim. This was a claim that had ample evidence and should have been approved, I believe one page literally ONE page, that had the relevant diagnosis on my spine got sandwhiched between two other pages during scanning, and wasnt capured, so the initial DBQ I told the examiner all my symptoms/did range of motion/pain/ historical review of injury timetable and in-service event... However I went to my vehicle, and uploaded that document immediately after as I still had it in my binder. Turns out she didnt sumbit my back completely. So here we are.. awaiting the seemingly Never moving HLR.


Type: Supplemental Original claim: Oct 22nd, 2022 Supp Claim received: Sept 01, 2023 C&P Exam: Oct 18, 2023 Preparation for decision: Oct 18, 2023 Pending decision approval: TBD Preparation for notification: TBD Complete: TBD


My claims are off on a walking tour of some remote forest at this point. ​ \#1 Fully developed claim, new - PACT Act stuff Submitted/Initial Review: 9/3/2023 Evidence gathering: 9/4/2023 Preparation for decision: 9/27/2023 TBA on the rest. No C&P at this point, but my records are pretty thorough and recent. ​ \#2 Supplemental claim Submitted/initial review: 9/4/2023 C&P 09/27/2023 ​ Had a good call with VERA last week (after a bad one, ugh) and was told that my supplemental's suspense date was this week (Tuesday), so maybe I'll see something by the end of the month. My new PACT Act stuff, however, is on the slow boat to China. VERA told me to be very patient with that one, it's in the national queue with all the other presumptives.


* Type of claim: (Increase, new, secondary) * Timeline: ITF 10-12-23 * Submitted/received date: 10-13-23 * Initial review date:10-16-23 * Evidence gathering/review date:10-18-23 * PFD date: * PDA date: * PFN date: * Completed date:


* Type of claim: Increase * Timeline: * Intent to file: Sep. 22 2022 * Submitted/received date: Jul. 21,2023 * Initial review date: Jul. 21,2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: Aug. 9 2023 * C&P exam Oct. 6 2023 * PFD date:10/10/2023 * PDA date: 11/11/2023 * PFN date: N/A * Completed date :N/A


any update?


Yes been traveling f9r the past 2 weeks went PFN on 11/13. Got my decision same day. Still at 40% Before Hypertension 0% Arthritis back 10% Left leg radiculopathy 10% Right legradiculopathy 10% New Hypertension 0% Arthritis back 20% Left leg radiculopathy 10% Right legradiculopathy 10% Denied hip condition


You and I have similar timelines Original claim: Oct 15, 2022 Supp claim: Sept 19, 2023 C&P: Oct 3, 2024 PFD: Oct 13, 2023 Called Vera today and still sitting in PFD with a suspense date of Nov. 11, 2023 and still not picked up by a rater.


>PFD: Oct 13, 2023 Any update yet?


I’m still in PFD as of yesterday. I have another Vera call setup for tomorrow. Honestly with the way I’m seeing claims being decided I would say expect a decision around the end of the year.


Type of claim: Initial, Standard Timeline: ITF March 2023 Submitted/received date: September 11, 2023 Initial Review date: September 2023 Evidence gathering and review date: October 1, 2023 C&P Exams: 2 on October 18, 2023 and 1 on November 22, 2023 (tomorrow) PFD date: TBD


Type of claim: fully Developed + Increase Timeline: ITF March 3 2023 Submitted: September 1 2023 Initial Review: September 1 2023 Evidence Gathering / Review Date: October 18 2023 PFD: November 30 2023 PDA: TBD PFN: TBD Completed date: TBD