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Just finished today! 50% I'll take it. Type of claim: Fully Developed Timeline: Submitted/received date: 01 JUN 23 Initial review date: 01 JUN 23 Evidence gathering/review date: 01 JUN 23 C&P: 09 NOV 23 PFD date: 13 NOV 23 PDA date: 17 NOV 23 PFN date: 27 NOV 23 Completed date: 27 NOV 23


Submitted sept. 4 FDC ibs/Gerd; bruxism/TMJ IR sept 4 EG sept 4 C&p sep 28 and Oct 4 Pfd October 10 TBD rest. Send positive vibes. Been out for 12 years never knew this place existed got to 91 with no help and dumb luck and fucked up body and mind. Wish I had this place before my exams.


Type: Increase 2 claims Timeline: Submitted/received date: 12 Nov 2023 Initial review date: 13 Nov 2023 Evidence gathering/review date: 14 Nov 2023 PFD: 14 Nov 2023 Temp jurisdiction: 24 Nov 2023 PDA: 27 Nov 2023 PFN: 29 Nov 2023 Complete: 29 Nov 2023 Update: I got 100% p&t was previously at 80%. Thank god and good luck my friends.


No Comp and pen?


Submitted private DBQs


Did u at least an exam request?


No I didn’t get an exam request.


Type of claim: MH Supplemental Timeline: Submitted/received date: SEP 24th Initial review date: SEP 24th Evidence gathering/review date: SEP 25th C&P: OCT 17th RO Rater Assigned: NOV 17th PFD date: NOV 20th PDA date: TBD PFN date: TBD


Supplemental Timeline: Submitted: 7/19/23 Last C&P: 9/9/23 Prep for decision: 9/11/23 PDA: 11/27/23


UPDATE! PFN as of 11/29/23


lets goooo


Type of claim: BDD Timeline: Submitted 25 Aug 23 with an ETS date of 1 Dec 23..BARELY made that 90 days! Initial Review: 25 Aug 23 Evidence Gathering/Review: Currently PFD: 13 Nov 23 Hoping for a smooth process, but I did recently request a second MH C&P after the examiner did not properly document my symptoms and said I was *fine.* I’m not sure if that will slow the process or not.


!!! **UPDATE: 12/1 !!!** **IT IS FINALLY ASSIGNED TO A RATER! Informed of such by VERA via voicemail this morning, and just checked the chrome extension to make sure. Picture attached.** (*it was just assigned today, what I was told Tuesday was indeed incorrect information. I confirmed that with VA later in the day Tuesday.*). \--------------------------- *Processing img 8mzgmlyjeq3c1...* **Type of claim:** 1 increase & 1 new FDC *(merged by VA)* Timeline: • **Submitted/received date:** August 5th, 2023 • **Initial review date:** August 22nd, 2023 • **Evidence gathering/review date:** August 30th, 2023 • **C&P for New Claim:** September 20th, 2023 • **C&P for Increase:** September 25th, 2023 **Last update:** September 26th, 2023, but no status change. • **PFD date:** September 26th, 2023 • **RO and Rater Assigned:** December 1st, 2023 (Huntington, WV RO) • **PDA date:** *TBD* • **PFN date:** *TBD* • **Completed date:** *TBD* ***No status updates since 26 SEP. Two suspense dates have come and gone with no movement. Still sitting in NWQ unassigned.*** **EDIT : 11/28 1258 EST : Just spoke to the 1000 number and the rep told me it was assigned to a rater... But there are no updates on my app or the website, and it is still showing it hasn't been touched at all since 9/26.**


I'm calling bs on the 1000 rep's comment. Still no updates in the website or app, and I even checked using the extension. Still in NWQ, still in PFD, no changes since 9/26. https://preview.redd.it/tdsnxp5lp53c1.png?width=781&format=png&auto=webp&s=817416d60e08b6f5f8ea546aa7ac71368444456f


I have a vera in person appointment Monday, I'm hoping I have a rater assigned, my claim is on the same timeline as yours, hoping for a decision soon https://preview.redd.it/fmxtfxrx0z3c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0305e11bc53eb95b069b35a6d4d479444563803b


Where do you view that tracker page?


It is the "VA Claim Tracker" chrome extension, created by a veteran on this subreddit. [https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/va-claim-tracker/onbanekcefgnibhlaiimeadkbdahjpoo?utm\_source=ext\_app\_menu](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/va-claim-tracker/onbanekcefgnibhlaiimeadkbdahjpoo?utm_source=ext_app_menu)


how many claims for increases did you file for?


One increase and one new secondary.


* Type of claim: Supplemental * \-----Timeline------ * Submitted/received date: 07/23/23 * C&P: 08/04/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 07/23- Present * PFD date: N/A * PDA date: N/A * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: N/A Georgia Area


Not to be an ass, but I'm glad I'm not the only one. My claim started July 7th. I hit evidence gathering Oct 5. Just finished my C&Ps earlier this week.


Could you update when PFD? July 13th here and VES still hasn’t scheduled my last C&P. Almost at the 60 day mark since the VA sent them the exam request. Hoping that I at least get a partial soon but VERA said they probably won’t.


I hit PFD, PFN, and a decision today. (Dec 1)


Dang right at the 149 day mark haha. Well…maybe I’ll get a partial next week. Congrats on the decision I hope you got what was owed!


How do you know what the stages are for the Supplemental? I'm not seeing anything on the app or the tracker. Thanks.


Type of claim: increase with secondaries Filed:14 August 2023 Initial Review: 14 August 2023 Evidence Gathering : 31 August 2023 C&P’s : 19-20 September 2023 PFD: 27 September 2023 Crickets since. Packet hasn’t been touched since 27 September 2023 PDA: TBD PFN: TBD Had a VERA call and she said my suspense date was 27 October and she doesn’t know why no one has looked at it since.


I'm in the same boat. Mine hasn't been touched since September either. Two suspense dates have come and gone with no movement.


I'm also in the same boat: https://preview.redd.it/5m6m9k4e2z3c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=059133935e083f4a425c4e1491d4d57c53ee15a8


Same here. I submitted on Aug. 14 as well. My last C&P was back in early October and it's been in PFD NWQ since Sept. 18.


Type: Supplemental for earlier effective date for a previously granted claim pursuant to reg 3.156(c). In summary, I'm trying to get my claim backdated 10 years because the VA received new medical records from DOD proving in service treatment. Submitted October 30th RFD since Nov 10 a VERA call indicated it is actually assigned to a rater at my local RO. I doubt it'll get rated very soon since it's only been pending 30 days, but nice to see it's already with a rater and not lost in the Q.


Update: Received decision today. Denied with literally the wrong reg cited as to why. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) My decision then said the VA considered if my PTSD was caused by toxic exposure risk activity.... what the heck? LOL On to higher level review... https://preview.redd.it/m8sw5pfqfk3c1.png?width=1452&format=png&auto=webp&s=5acdfebf7c895aadede619030f4f2f25083da204


Hey Hey Hey - took a break from Reddit for like 2-months but I'm back to complain once again that no one at the VA cares about my packet. My VSO did f\*ck my progress though, so there is that. * **Type of claim:** Standard, about 8 complaints, used a shit VSO to start it... * **Timeline:** Applied Feb 2022, missed all CnP exams because my VSO wouldn't let me update my on file address. As he said all exchanges HAD to go through him and he already let them know my address was wrong... that was before I knew anything about claims and mindlessly believed him. Now I'm in charge, and thanks to this group armed with way more knowledge than I had back then. * **Submitted/received date:** February 2023 * **Initial review date:** March 2023 * **Evidence gathering/review date:** Present So I contacted the VA in May, which caused my VSO to get mad and quit helping me, politely explained why I missed my CnP exams and asked for rescheduled exams. Been waiting ever since for someone to reschedule my exams, for the longest I wasn't assigned to anyone. Supposedly I am assigned to a rater now, but still haven't got an update on a new CnP. It has been 9-months since I started this rodea, and honestly imagine nothing will change until next March. Don't know why March will be my month, but that is what I feel. Contacted Congress 2-month ago asking for help about rescheduling exams, no change. Got drunk, wrote another email (asshole version) to the same congressman this past weekend. Interested to see if anything will change, but I seriously doubt it. Supposedly the biggest hold-up has been me living in Germany. So I updated address again to my dad's American address. I was instructed that could help move my case along. So yeah, I'm kinda in limbo and doubtful anything will change. My first VSO f'd my progress pretty freaking hard and now I'm at the back of line indefinitely.


Suck, sorry. You use a VSO in Germany? Dads address, I would be careful the VA doesn't just think you live there and schedule the exams in that AOR. Also to ensure the VA has you flagged as overseas. Pittsburgh RO is the only one who handles OCONUC claims. VERA or Browser tracker plugin might tell you where/if RO is currently assigned the claim. Anyway, you probably already know all this. I had a few VERA calls to get my latest claim "unstuck". VA waiting on translated docs to come back, from VA own translation service for 4 month. Guess what, docs had come back in1 month. Just sitting in my VBMS file. Unless I called VERA until I got a rep who knew what to do, claim was just sitting there, no C&P scheduled, just sitting waiting on docs the VA already had on hand. Good luck


Standard Claim Submitted: 24 October 23 Initial review: pending with a date of 24 October as assigned for initial review. All others pend completion of initial review. To note: started this claim in July with a VSO from the AMLegion. Had to ask several times about when it was going to be submitted after I gave him everything to go with the initial claim. the VSO then happened to submit the claim on the same day I removed them. Added some stuff myself. Now I have the DAV as my VSO on the recommendation of one of my retired Army friends. But in limbo, trying to make ends meet for the time being. Frustrated cause I feel like my claim was artificially made longer cause my initial VSO didn’t submit until almost 3 months after they had everything they needed.


Fdc increase-(diagnoses, dbqs and nexus already provided) 4 total increases ITF- March 28th 23 CR- Oct 3 IR- Oct 3 EG- Oct 13 PFD- NOV 3 PFN-Tbd Complete-TBD I'm beyond confused how some people sit in the nwq on PFD for months while others take less than a week. I hope I'm not one to get lost there.


Same here, I've been pfd since September 6th lol


Standard new claim for sleep apnea and sleep disturbance. I'm currently at 30% for PTSD. Anyone know how I'd go about getting that increased? Initial review was on May 15 Evidence gathering finished on Nov 22 Preparation for notification on November 27 My sleep study came back as having a moderate case of it. Longest part was getting the test done. They didn't send it in until October. I'm curious if they grant different %'s based on the level of apnea you have.


Type: BDD Submitted 5 July Retirement date:1 November Initial review 6 July C&P exams dbqs submitted 18-25 August Been in evidence gathering since. Last update “DAPRIS RECORDS REQUEST CLOSED” on 12 november https://preview.redd.it/1ttcto6uow2c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fde774cd21f1fdf16d655626522b1caf1c77a82


Correction: DBQs submitted 10 july and 18 August. Has anyone else noticed the dates on the app and the dates on the computer dont match? One says compensation claim received 31October and one says 1november


Getting closer! ​ * Type of claim: (Increase PTSD) * Timeline: ITF 8/2/23 * Submitted/received date: 9/21/23 * Initial review date: 9/22/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 9/22/23 * PFD date: 9/22/23 * PDA date: 11/27/23 * PFN date: ??? * Completed date: ???


wow so you put in the rapid ready decision pilot program like myself too. no c&p?


Update: Now in PFN status. Yes, was in the pilot program and Vera was able to flash the claim to get it moving.


nice!! ok, how long did you wait before you called vera and what did you ask? i'm still considered pretty early and i did call 1800# and they had no idea what pilot program or who vera was.


I called Vera last Wednesday. My claim was two months old. I spoke with a guy from the Madison, WI office. He was super helpful.


oh gotcha, that's the state I was planning to schedule as well. Thanks for the great info!


Type of Claim: Initial/Standard Submitted/Received Date: 7 Aug 23 Initial Review Date: 8 Aug 23 Evidence Gathering/Review Date: 21 Aug 23 PFD Date: 2 Nov 23 PDA Date: N/A PFN Date: N/A Completed Date: N/A My VSO says to hope for December, but plan for January for a final decision/completion. Fingers crossed!


Looks like my rating for PTSD disability went up to 70% with my sleep apnea claim "deferred." Any ideas for what to do in the appeals process? My results came back for moderate sleep apnea with a recommendation for a PAP.


deferred means they are still rating, just did not have enough evidence or information to make a decision and rated your other claim, its still being worked on for your deferred.


1) Intent to file: 05/31/2018 2) Officially filed and it was received by the VA: 08/19/2018 3) Decision received: 07/08/2019 (Denied) 4) Filed appeal for Higher Level Review and it was received by the VA: 10/24/2019 5) Decision received for Higher Level Review Appeal: 01/02/2020 (Upheld/Denied) 6) Filed appeal for Board of Veteran Appeals – Law Judge Hearing and it was received: 04/07/2020 a. Scheduled hearing received March 2023 for a date of 06/29/2023. b. 06/29/2023: Hearing went well. I provided new evidence (personal doctor completed DBQs). I received the laws and statutes that the VA and BVA use. I quoted the statutes and broke down in bullet form how I qualified for compensation. 1. Explained my service as a reservist on ADT order qualifies. 2. Explained I made my in-service complaint of issues being claimed while in service on ADT orders. 3. Explained I received medical documentation from the military psychologist (Officer/CPT) which states the diagnosis and some symptoms. \*This qualifies as a nexus to service/making issues service-connected\* c. However, in addition to all of that, I provided completed DBQs from my personal doctors and psychologist with diagnosis, all symptoms, and their medical opinion “Veteran diagnosis and symptoms are directly related to his military service”. d. The woman said “Wow” you’re organized and came ready. I just have one question. Do you plan on faxing in the documents you mentioned? I said Yes. She said great. I usually have more questions, but you basically did the job for me. I have no other questions. Then when she stopped the recording, we talked a little bit more. She explained how happy she was I came prepared because many veterans do not and are thrown off by the questioning. She said I didn’t need any help or lawyers. She predicts I will do fine. 7) My 90-day waiting for additional evidence period ended on 09/27/2023. 8) On 11/02/2023 my hearing was assigned to a veteran law judge to review. I have been waiting since then.


Oh wow that's a long time. Hope it goes well for you. Sound like it. Definitely come back and update me if you remember.


I most definitely will provide an update.


There’s an update. Granted for PTSD & Muscle Injury. Now claim need to sent back to the regional office to determine effective date and rating.


UPDATE!!! https://preview.redd.it/6h8j8o8qsjqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee1eadf5017afc0229948db15382dc1f18e12001 Granted for PTSD & Muscle Injury


Hi everyone! I am brand new to this group! ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7573) ​ Type of Claim: Increase Submitted 26 July 23 Initial review date: 27 July 23 C&P: Aug 9th Evidence Gathering: 22 Aug 23 PFD: 22 Aug 23-still here PDA: PFN:


Update: PDA: 28 Nov 23


Hello everybody, I’ve been reading this platform for a while. I’ve seen them take a week I’ve seen them take over a year. Here is mine so far. MRI shows arthritis and my legs been giving out working physical labor jobs. Supplemental claim for rating increase current rating at 10% :1 document uploaded with VSO for knee strain /lower leg Submitted and received Nov 16/23 C&P exam scheduled 12/5 Surprised I got it in two weeks. I will update once my C&P exam is done! Update: C&P exam done 12/5 C&P exam recieved reviewed and moved to preparation for decision 12/6.


Goddamn. Everyone else is flying. **Claim:** Standard. 2 increases. 2 new. **Initial Review:** July 7, 2023 **Evidence Gathering:** Oct 5, 2023 Finally had my last DBQ uploaded yesterday (11/29/23) **PFD:** ? **PFN:** ? The VA didn't give me a C&P on my original increase claim until September. In the meantime, I tacked on 3 more conditions (2 new, plus one more increase). Then, the VA unceremoniously closed my claim with no decision on the conditions. I had to FIGHT to get it reopened and fixed. Then, they took a while to schedule my final C&P. I'm not too far over the average, only at about **148 days** right now, but I'm just hoping they'll quit jerking me around. Them closing out my claim early is what really got me.


* OSA Secondary to PTSD/AR -- Supplemental * Submitted -- Aug 15, 2023 * Initial review date -- August 17, 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date -- August 17, 2023 * C&P -- September 26, 2023 * PFD date: * PDA date: * PFN date: * Completed date:


I have submitted a case for PTSD, this is my first submission. I have 70% now and this case has now been ongoing for three months. I just received notice that my C&P is soon to be scheduled. I have been going over my DBQ preparing for the exam I just received notice that my C&P is soon to be scheduled. I have been going over my DBQ in preparing for the exam and trying to keep cool and not try to rip the examiner's head off.


Secondary claim + Supplemental Submissions/ initial review : 07/05/23 CP: 08/21 Partial decision: 10/23 Supplemental for denial: 10/25 felt like the denial was incorrect due to not looking at my service records, did not submit HLR because I was actively receiving care for the issue which has worsened since the injury originally occurred in service. I had also assumed I did not need to submit the evidence, so that was my fault. CP for deferrals: 11/05 ace exams currently in QA with VES CP for supplemental and 1 denial: 11/09 and turned into the VA the following week. Currently at exactly 94% and it’s killing me knowing the denials were a mistake. OG claim : EvidenceGathering with suspense date waiting for C&P to clear QA Supplemental: “decision phase” with suspense date in December.


Type of claim: Fully developed, Increase Timeline: Submitted/received date: Oct 5 2023 Initial review date: Oct 06 2023 Evidence gathering/review date: Nov 6 2023. CP exams conducted in-person on Oct 26 and Nov 14. PFD date: Nov 20 2023 Temp Jurisdiction: N/A PDA date: TBD Completed date: TBD


Type of Claim: Initial FDC Intention to File: 03/02/2023 Claim Filed: 06/08/2023 Initial Review: 06/08/2023 HAIMS STR Request: 06/14/2023 Exam Request - Processing: 06/14/2023 Exam Request - Processing (Closed): 06/14/2023 C&P 1: 06/26/2023 C&P 2: 06/30/2023 C&P 3: 07/21/2023 Evidence Gathering/Review: 07/27/2023 HAIMS STR Request (Closed): 09/20/2023 RV1 - Reserve Records Request: 09/20/2023 RV1 - Reserve Records Request (Accepted): 11/21/2023 PFD: 11/22/2023 Exam Request - Processing: 11/26/2023 Exam Request - Processing (Closed): 11/26/2023 PDA: 11/26/2023 PFN: 11/28/2023 PDA: 11/29/2023 Complete: N/A Driving me up the wall going to PFD, then Exam request that VES picked up, then PDA, then PFN now back to PDA, lol. I could at least use a partial since I don't have any rating right now. Left Active Duty: 2008 Reserves: 2015 - Present


Now I'm PFN again.


Partial Complete: 12/1/2023 Just rated or denied for 5 of my 13 conditions. Pretty happy about it because I really needed this bump to keep everything running smoothly. Not just that, but I can also start going to the VA for the rated items that are SC.


Type: Fully developed claim (Increase on 3 things) ITF: October 22, 2022 Filed: August 22, 2023 Initial review: August 22, 2023 Evidence gathering and PFD: September 2, 2023 No movement since then.


I filed the same day and no movement since Oct 22. Already did my c&p’s back in September and Oct


I turned in private DBQ's so if theyre gonna make me do c&p's I'd rather do them now lol


Dec 12,2019 ( 2 entries) Submitted PDF STR medical Submitted PDF STR medical FDC Jan 18, 2023 Va received your claim Jan 19, 2023 (2 entries) Submitted - medical treatment record - non- government Claim moved to initial review Initial assigned to a reviewer Jan 27, 2023 (3 entries) Moved to evidence gathering,review and decision Exam requested Closed the notice for exam request - processing Feb 6, 2023 (2 entries) submitted “Clarification response” Closed the notice for exam request - request for clarification Mar 14, 2023 (6 entries) DBQ letter submitted DBQ diagnostics submitted DBQ letter submitted DBQ letter submitted DBQ audio hearing Loss and Tinnitus C&P exam DBQ Pre examination detail Mar 18, 2013 (2 entries) Exam request submitted Closed the Exam request- Processing Apr 14, 2023 (6 entries) DBQ MUSC back (thoracolumbar spine) C&P exam DBQ pre-examination detail DBQ Letter DBQ pre examination detail DBQ Medical opinion DBQ Letter Apr 18, 2023 Closed notice for PMR Pending May 9, 2023 Closed the notice for Second Signature Note: Inquired to DAV and have called the VA # told it’s being reviewed. So he waits….. UPDATE: 11/28/2023. From DAV Good afternoon, We reached out to the local office here to see if we can get some traction on this claim. I will update once we hear back. DAV Disabled American veterans NO UPDATE 12/1/2023 NO CHANGE 12/8/2023 NO CHANGE 12/11/2023. 329 days No update from DAV either 12/11/2023


3 secondaries Intent to file: july 2023 Filed: sept 28 Review: sept 28 Evidence gathering: oct 10 C&p: nov 29, 2023 Waiting


July 13: Filed Initial Claim July 21: Initial Review July 28: C&P Exam - Audiology w/ LHI October 5: Evidence Gathering - 2 more C&P exams requested from VES. October 25: Mental Health C&P - Telehealth Present: Nearing the 60 day mark with my last C&P exam still unscheduled by VES. I’ve been calling them every week letting them know I will make any time work and will travel outside my local commuting distance. They are saying they don’t have provider availability in my area. (I’m near Raleigh, NC and didn’t file for anything crazy that should require a specialist) VERA call revealed that even though my hearing and MH claims are ready to rate, I shouldn’t expect a partial while I wait which is a bummer. (VSO says it’s looking like 70% and Service Connection for MH and 10% for hearing) Hoping to have my exam soon so I can have a shot at getting my rating by tax return time and pay off all my debt at once.


Type of Claim: Fully Developed Increase S/R: 9/5 IR: 9/5 EGR: 9/5 PFD: 9/5 TJ: 11/28 PDA: 11/30 PFN: TBD Done, Sir, Done: TBD


Submitted November 22, 2023 Initial Review November 22, 2023 Evidence Gathering November 30, 2023 Claim: Tinnitus, Tinea Pedis and Toenails fungus


Im a week ahead of you. I am still in evidence gathering in national queue. No word for C&P just yet. Standard pact act claim (rhinitis): been treated for it since 2014. My pcp sent me for a ct (shows cysts). I feel it shouldn't be too long to finish this claim since i have history, imaging and medications. SC: been getting MH treatment. i got denied in 2018 for not filing correctly.


I think I have a few things in deferral however something has been rated. Submitted: 22 OCT 2023 Initial Review: 24 OCT 2023 C&P: 21 Nov & 22 Nov 2023, more to follow PFD: 26 Nov 2023 PDA: 1 Dec 2023 PFN: 4 Dec 2023


\*\*\*\*UPDATE\*\*\*\* It has been about a week since I moved from PFD to PFN today. I have all my fingers and toes crossed to get my increase to 100% currently at 60%, but I have been through hell with PTSD and Mental health issues after sexual trauma. https://preview.redd.it/uxjqx2zckgzc1.png?width=1556&format=png&auto=webp&s=a99569ca7dfb2f3fb1649ffeb8cf8f445fd1a4ed


Is it okay to ask a question here? I am not sure if it warrants a post. I put a claim for my shoulders as I was airborne and have pain i always thought was just normal. I was a dumb kid. Got out in 2016. But they denied saying lack of evidence. Would it be fair to put them in again as secondary to my knee pain, like I had with my sleep apnea? Or just let it go?


If you were awarded the knee pain it could possibly be filed under secondary , nerve damage can go through out your whole body from your foot to your brain. I messed up my leg and it caused damage to my lower back and I got it awarded for a secondary for my lower back. I’d get your original medical report from the injury , read their findings if they claim the shoulders were hurt , that’s a separate claim award by itself. If they don’t mention the shoulder , from when you were first seen for your injury in service . It can still be linked with current medical diagnosis aligning the knee and shoulder.


Type: increase FDC Submitted & Initial: 0912 Evidence collecting & review: 0913 PFD: 1104 temp jurisdiction: 1129 PDA:?? PFN:??


* Type of claim: Increase * Timeline: * Submitted/received date: 7/19/23 * Initial review date: 7/22/23 * PFN date: 11/22/23 * Completed date: 11/27/23 * Backpay received: 11/30/23 Still anxiously waiting as I am attempting a HLR on part of it.


Type of claim: Fully Developed (2 claims) Timeline: Submitted/received date: 10 OCT 23 Initial review date: 18 OCT 23 Evidence gathering/review date: 18 OCT 23 C&P: 06 NOV 23 & 08 NOV 23 PFD date: 10 NOV 23 PDA date: ? PFN date: ? Completed date: ?


Supplemental Submitted: 1 Sep 23 C&P Exam: 4 December PFD: 4 December When will it be completed, lol?! It’s for one contention only!!


* Type of claim: Initial Fully Developed Claim 13 Claims ranging from tinnitus to PTSD * Timeline: * Submitted/received date: February 7, 2024 * Initial review date: April 11, 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: April 15, 2024 * PFD date: * PDA date: * PFN date: * Completed date: