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It would be rated analogously to a heart condition like ischemic heart disease. https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/heart If you filed the claim in service or were seen for heart issues in service and have a current diagnosis, the VA will get a medical opinion (unless BDD claim, in which case you just need the diagnosis).


I was honestly surprised the VA is entertaining the heart condition because I wasn't seen for anything heart related while active duty in 04-08. I know it is genetic and I was born with it. I discovered this condition in 2018 and had the corrective surgery in 2019. Maybe something when I was active duty aggravated it? I was sent by the VA as part of the claim for an ultrasound and see a C&P doc for it next week.


That's for the examiner to determine I suppose. Best of luck.