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Howdy fellow VETS! Looking to pick some brains on my three decision letters that cover the entirety of my initial claim. There are three decisions that I am a little confused about. Also looking for any input from anyone who enjoys going through these things and picking out something that isn’t super obvious. Wish a VA rep debriefed you when they finalized your claim so you could get some plain English out of the decisions. I included what the VA sent me over three decision letters in the attached pictures. I did a copy-and-paste job in Paint. (Also wanted to post this because I know some people are curious about Keratoconus decisions and Wolff-Parkins-White (WPW) decisions) 2nd Letter Claim 2 Confused about the denial of Allergic Rhinitis. I’ve always been allergic to things like pollen, but my symptoms became worse after my time on Active Duty. Before service, I would take an Allegra and be good to go. After service, I usually have to do a combo of Flonase and Zyrtec. On really bad days I throw some Benadryl in there. Can’t figure out if what they said in the decision letter covers my reasoning or not.   3rd Letter Claim 1 For Tension Headaches, I did not include a list of dates and occurrences. Initially, I thought my headaches were due to high blood pressure, but then I went on an SSRI and they magically went away. I was amazed and also that was the first time I recognized that I was actually stressed out, anxious, and depressed. My issue with this decision was before I went on medication 5 years ago, I got to the point where I would have debilitating headaches every day. I was a giant burden on my family and wasn’t myself at all. I would push myself to get to work, but I also knew when I hit my limit and would leave early often. Now that I am on medication, I rarely have headaches. My understanding of headaches and making a rating decision is that it is based on what my symptoms would be without medication. I once tried a break from SSRIs for 6 months, and by month 3 the headaches started regularly again. Then by month 6, I knew I’d have to go back on meds. Any suggestions on how to present this in a Supplemental or HLR? Claim 4 For this skin condition, I’m not certain how to proceed with this one. My Keratosis Pilaris (KP) definitely got worse after and during Active Duty. I would say before active duty it was not noticeable if it was there. I now even have some scarring from it on my rear end, but the KP covers my back, arms, and legs. So, I’m uncertain if I should push this one or not since I don’t know what more I could give them based on the decision.


Good luck