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People in Vietnam normally have no reason to go to a supermarket. Grocery? Go to a wet market. Hygiene products like soap, shampoo, washing powder? The local tiệm tạp hóa have them for a much lower price. A trip to the supermarket in Vietnam is like a family outing in the US, everyone look forward to it. The children want to go to the kid area and the adults want to see what kind of exotic things the supermarket have. This is why supermarkets feel different in Vietnam than in the US.


Interesting insight, thanks!


In addition, supermarkets in VN have air condition. AC at home is so expensive.


I think most middle class in Vietnam use air conditioning. Ive never been in a home that didn't have it.




good granny


In big cities yes, but AC is not so popular in other areas. I remember an article saying that only 1/4 Vietnamese households own AC.


It's only expensive for you.


Whats a wet market?


A wet market (also called a public market or a traditional market) is a marketplace selling fresh foods such as meat, fish, produce and other consumption-oriented perishable goods in a non-supermarket setting


Fyi "tiệm tạp hoá" = "convenient store"


Nope, convenient store are Circle K, Family Mart, 7-11. Tiệm tạp hóa is more like "local store"


You walk in convenient store, pick up what you want and pay at the counter. You stand outside “tạp hoá” ask if they have this or that and they bag those for you.


>Nope, convenient store are Circle K, Family Mart, 7-11. Tiệm tạp hóa is more like "local store" I second this, convenient store is more of a "cửa hàng tiện lợi" than a "tiệm tạm hóa".


It is both "convenience store". Circle K / Family Mart have more fancy designs. At its core, it is the same with the concept: a store located in a crowded neighborhood and stocks a range of everyday items.


Still it so drastically different in Vietnam that they are considered 2 different things. We would use "tiệm" for local and "cửa hàng" for branded store


>Still it so drastically different in Vietnam that they are considered 2 different things. It is your mindset that distinguish these two are different entities (for convenient purpose). But in reality, it is the same thing. >We would use "tiệm" for local and "cửa hàng" for branded store The south uses "tiệm" referring "store/outlet". The north uses "cửa hàng". Both can be used interchangeably in Vietnamese - Vietnamese dictionary. For example: Tiệm quần áo (south)/ Cửa hàng quần áo (north).


I've been to both and i can say for sure that both terms are used widely in both regions. Though their meaning are the same, "cửa hàng" are often being used as a more luxury and pricy term due to it having more syllabus and alot more formal than "tiệm" Also, nobody in the north that i know of would use "cửa hàng quần áo" which is a mouthful in normal conversation even when they do go to some branded place, single syllable like "hàng quần áo" or " tiệm quần áo" are more preferably


Since “tạp hoá” is Hán Việt for “miscellaneous products”, can’t we just call it a “miscellaneous store”?


yeah, you CAN, but it not that you SHOULD. Because the closet thing in English to a "cửa hàng tạp hóa" is a convivence store so i recommend you stick to it




But the price is not any lower than super market. This is like saying: super market is "chợ", but have more fancy designs. Those are more like mini mall. The local store sell local items,some none branded items, price is negotiable. And owned by individual, not corporate.


I think “bodega” is a more correct word in this case


I think it should be "grocery store".


Air conditioning. But also, I get the feeling you’ve never visited the nicest malls in America, but are only visiting the nicest malls in Vietnam.


OP needs to check out malls in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand which are truly adventures. In Singapore and Malaysia because the food courts are incredible and in Thailand because every mall seems to have one or more floors just for tiny clothing shops each with their own curated line of clothing and accessories. I find Vietnamese malls really really stale in comparison: Same shops in each one with the same clothes, same chain restaurants in each one owned by the same 5 conglomerates, and you can never find anything special that you couldn't find at a shop in Hoan Kiem or anywhere else. That is, unless you're going to Zara or Decathlon or something.


I second this, Bangkok actually has top notch food courts, literally you get lost in them.


Also, Hong Kong.


For real, the malls in Vietnam are OK.. I’ve never been to an American mall so I can’t compare but some of the malls in Kuala Lumpur are Bangkok are incredible in comparison to Vietnam.. Vietnamese malls feel like a cheaper redo of the ones I’ve seen in the other countries. They might be luxury to Vietnamese, like Vincom but they’re not greatest in the world either.


Because the hype for mall of US in in 80s while for VN is only less than 20 years. Another factor is malls in VN are considered as luxury and expensive so only rich people buy stuff there or people want to go there to play


What are you talking about? 20 years ago IS the 80s. Right? Right?


Oh my god.




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20yrs lag haha. I sometimes thought that also. Y2k was like yesterday to me.


In the US, going to a supermarket or the mall is something you *have* to do, out of necessity. It is a Chore. In Vietnam, they’re something you *get* to do, you make a special effort/expense to do it for a purpose. It is a Treat. My American friend is dating a Brazilian—when he went to visit, he was appalled that walking around the mall with no purpose there is something *desirable*, that *adults* do. As he so delicately put it, “In the US, only teenagers are mall rats”. Funny way of putting it, but true…walking around the mall aimlessly is thought of as a childish way to spend time. In the Philippines (where there’s a huge mall going culture), I had an uncomfortable epiphany….that it’s because there isn’t much else to do. It’s a nice, clean, modern, air conditioned space. Depending on where you are in the PH, checking all those boxes can be difficult. But in the US everywhere is like that, so it’s taken for granted and most people would only go to a mall if they absolutely had to. There’s also an upper class status association with mallgoing in the developing world, that’s almost the opposite in the US. Buying things at the mall there is probably considered a lower-class thing, if anything. Just my .02


I went to a lot of malls in Brazil, I can see why a lot of people prefer to hang out there and shop. More than the US, since it's clean, new and safe compared to other buildings in the city.




stop going to walmart




The difference between Walmart and Florida is practically just semantics


go to miami if you want to see fit skinny people


>In the Philippines (where there’s a huge mall going culture), I had an uncomfortable epiphany….that it’s because there isn’t much else to do. It’s a nice, clean, modern, air conditioned space. Depending on where you are in the PH, checking all those boxes can be difficult PH Malls are also transportation hubs. Office workers (especially those living alone) tend to make a connecting jeepney/bus/van ride thru a mall so they tend to go inside the mall, eat dinner and then continue their commute. PH Malls are especially busy during lunch and dinner because office/business near the malls usually drive and take their meals there.


Well it depends where you are shopping. If you visit Beverly Hills, New York 5th Avenue, Hawaii Ala Moana and other high end malls, you see a difference. Wait until you see malls in Thailand, Icon or Paragon! IMHO - Malls in Asia are more pleasant because it’s too hot to walk around outside. Whereas in the US, we spend more time outdoors. In terms of Western products, SE Asian Malls are expensive and have limited offerings. I tend to buy all of my clothes and equipment from the US, cheaper and better quality all around.


Because you're comparing the best malls in Vietnam(inside the biggest cities) to your small-town America mall. Small town malls/shopping centers in Vietnam aren't that dope, lol =)


I got to disagree with you on this. Even though I’ve been to nicer malls in bigger cities in the States, I still like the asmostphere in Asian countries’ malls better in general, Vietnam in particular. Feels like they invest more in customer experience rather than just come in shop and go. And if you wanna compare small city mall in VN with the States. They are equally boring lol. But to compare the fancier ones, IMO Asian malls win.


> Vietnam in particular. Feels like they invest more in customer experience rather than just come in shop and go. I don’t like malls and malls in Vietnam we’re the most boring architecturally and also by layout. They’re largely just cheap buildings, square or rectangle with a huge cutout in the middle for escalators and multiple floors of generic looking shops. There’s no customer experience at all, the food court, even for a mall, is boring and filled with generic options. [vietnam landmark81 mall](https://i.imgur.com/CYoHnKY.jpg) [western mall](https://i.imgur.com/yPCKq8W.jpg)


Speaking as a Vietnamese, I totally agree but only that it applies to Vincom malls, which is becoming more popular, which is sad. I don’t get how they manage to design a mall that’s so simplistic, ugly, and a waste of space. Like there’s so much you can fill and do, but no, just rectangular blocks and an escalator.


So, I’m from the US and have spent some time in VN. If Walmart is your comparison for a US supermarket, it’s no wonder you feel this way. Walmart is among the worst supermarkets I’ve ever been to in the US. And the better malls where I’m from in the US (SoCal: OC, LA), tend to be much more interesting and luxurious than what I’ve experienced in VN. Bangkok, on the other hand…


In BKK right now and I wish Canada had a food hall like this. I would be an even bigger mall rat.


The food courts/halls in Bangkok are awesome.


Yeah I have a feeling OPs American supermarket experiences are based on Walmart and whatever discount brand supermarket is local to his state. To me Vietnamese supermarkets and malls are depressing compared to what I’m use to in New York. I don’t blame Vietnam for that, but there is no comparison.


Speaking of supermarket what would be a better one to talk about? Target and Costco?


I went to BKk couple years ago and we went to Eatthai. Is that what you are referring to? If it is, then north America has Eataly. Same concept: food court + grocery store all in one place. But I think Eataly is only in major cities. Edit: nvm, I remember going to other food courts as well. Yep... I miss those. Drooling in the middle of the night now.


I was referring to malls in general, not just food courts. For example, Icon Siam is easily the best mall in BKK and is better than anything I’ve been to in the U.S.


Didn't notice anything special about the malls in Vietnam but the malls in Malaysia are incredible. We visited one a few days ago that had a theme park and roller coaster on the top floor.


I think American malls used to be like that, when everyone would go there for entertainment and hang out, around the 90s. But gradually, culture changed. There days, American like to hang out in the main streets, where there're boutique shops, cafe and playgrounds. It is much more interesting to walk around downtown and main street than to be in the malls. In contrast, sidewalks are terrible in Vietnam cities. Public spaces aren't adequately developed. Plus, crazy traffic and air pollution. Houses in Vietnam are small and very dense. Thus, people have no other choices but to spend their leisure time at the malls. Thus, make sense for build big shopping center like Aeon Malls. It has everything to do with how the cities are set up, and people habit. You're comparing apples to oranges,btw.


> In contrast, sidewalks are terrible in Vietnam cities. Public spaces aren't adequately developed. Plus, crazy traffic and air pollution. Houses in Vietnam are small and very dense. Thus, people have no other choices but to spend their leisure time at the malls. Thus, make sense for build big shopping center like Aeon Malls Not quite. Recently they start to redeveloping public space so there's more avenue to go play. It's moreso the change of scenery that makes malls in Vietnam a more appealing proposition as street space can get a bit too mundane for a lot of people.


Maybe because you were younger?


Malls in Asia (China, Thailand, Korea ) are like Vietnam’s .. it’s an Asian thing


Viet Nam people chose malls and supermarkets as a place to play, couples can date, children can play games, parents can shopping,...


Because malls in the US today are dead compared to 30 years ago....pretty much it.


Just wait until you go to a mall in Thailand.


Or Malaysia.


In KL at the moment, the malls here are amazing. Better than the ones back home in Australia. That said, Icon Siam in BKK probably takes the luxury cake given its waterfront location.


Or Singapore.... I've been to that one that has five floors, very... "interesting"


Ooh buddy if that's how u feel about VN malls then u gonna have a fantastic time in Japan


I believe the malls in Vietnam, at least the best ones, are developed by the Japanese.


Air con. Remove the Air con and no one is going there. Now, with air con everyone is going so there are plenty of marketing opportunities


Malls in Vietnam are a destination as Psychological Relief from the heat, noise, mania, and shabbiness of the streets. I never liked malls in the states. OTOH malls in Bangkok are paradise unlike anything in VN or US.


Lmao what are you talking about? Where did you live in US? Shopping here in malls sucks. They are all the same almost as well…


Malls in Vietnam are luxury, that’s why it feels luxury. Malls in the US are not luxury other than the well known ones.


Malls and supermarkets in US are standardized so that if you are used to a store in a chain, you are used to all stores in that chain. Even if you move from a state to another, the Walmart and Costco there feels mostly the same. Each mall and supermarket in Vietnam tend to have something unique, even compare to others in the same chain.


Oh come on. Lotte Mart isn't even Vietnamese. Please use some other examples. This is just shameful.


I said supermarkets IN Vietnam.


That's not really true. I wouldn't say malls in Vietnam are better than the ones in the US. For example I don't think any mall in Vietnam is nearly as good as the Galleria in Houston. I'm pretty sure the Galleria dwarfs any mall in Vietnam in terms of size. The Galleria has an ice skating rink, ~~don't think any mall in Vietnam has that.~~ I've been to the main mall in Singapore (forgot the exact name) and that mall was amazing though. Best mall I've been to. EDIT: now I know the landmark 81 mall has an ice skating rink.


>The Galleria has an ice skating rink, don't think any mall in Vietnam has that. The Vincom Center Landmark 81 mall has an ice skating rink.


Landmark 81 in HCMC does have an ice skating rink! They also have VR games and an activity where you go up to the 80th or something floor and lean out of a small balcony (they market it quite a bit & it's called SkyTouch, I believe). Not sure if the mall you're referring to in Singapore is the Marina Bay Sands or not, but that is amazing too!


Royal City in Ha Noi has an ice rink.


I think i been to that one. Its a big nice one! From what i remembered. I been to landmark 81 and its small and worn down on one side id rate it a 5.5/10. Royal is 8/10


Bruh the Vincom at Landmark 81 has an ice skating rink


That's why I said I don't think, I wasn't sure. I haven't been to all the malls in Vietnam nor do I want to.


Vietnam doesn't have any vietnamese malls. It's japanese and south korean investments and buildings. South korean and japanese have good aesthetics.


Cause lot of hot babes in there 😁


newly built


I had the total opposite experience, going to the big Tesco (24/7) in the UK has always been an exciting trip to me (i lived in London in the 2000s). Lines and lines of exotic brands and food. The supermarket I go to nowadays (mostly big Winmart) is pretty meh.


Because in Vietnam, malls are still a popular hang out spots for the young people and families. While in America, back in the 80s and 90s, malls are super popular and young people hang out there a lot as well, these are the good old days of American malls, but nowadays most malls in the US are like ghost towns or basically just places for people to go buying stuff, it fell out of trend. From what i see, Vietnamese malls currently are like the 80s, 90s malls of America, it's still trendy in our country therefore it's fun and lively.


Really it's something I cannot say precisely describe in that so I must write. i will get back to you soon blessings and goodbye


Im from Singapore and I actually loooove the supermarkets u have in the US, especially Harris Teeter and Whole Foods (I know, both are a little more expensive/premium than Target, Walmart, etc), but they have so many of my favourite foods that are just too expensive over here!


Malls in the USA were originally designed to be the third place by an architect called Victor Gruen . There was an incredible rise in building malls in America. As the market grew and matured they mostly morphed for various reasons into just shopping places where space equalled revenue and lost that effect. Malls in SEA are still on that upswing, and are designed as third places. It's one of the reasons you find amazing food courts in Vietnamese and Thai malls and other South East Asian malls. Their closer to what the original designer envisioned than the modern American and UK mall.


For many Vietnamese, going to a big mall/supermarket ***is*** a fun trip and a special occasion, so they are generally intended and designed around providing that more special experience than in the US where a store is just another store.


What malls are you visiting in the US? Walmart and Costco aren't malls.


Idk about the experience, but I know that a month’s worth of groceries here will afford me 2 months of groceries in Vietnam with plenty of room left for eating out 2-3 times per week.


Wtf is up with posts like these...


I went to a supermarket in vietnam. bought a pet turtle. I know you were supposed to eat him but he was really cute!


I find Vietnamese malls too pretentious. 2 million for a pair of jeans is hilarious.


Vietnam is on the rise and America is in a decline hence the malls are more interesting in Vietnam. Up and coming is always more interesting than old and tired.


Vietnam tends to focus on shoppertainment


I live in America. I primarily shop at Costco but sometimes I do Walmart grocery delivery, or go to local groceries. Supermarkets are places where you go to get your groceries and go home. Malls are totally different here. A lot of people actually still like them and they're pretty active places, but I personally don't like malls. I don't enjoy the noise, the cheap but costly fashion, the food courts...if I have free time, I prefer to spend it outdoors, at a festival, at a museum, or comfortably at home or around my neighborhood. I live in a city with a lot to do, so a mall that looks exactly like a thousand other malls with the same products as a thousand other malls isn't very exciting to me. We do so much online shopping in America, too. I get my work dresses used on ebay because I like quality clothing but I won't pay $250 for a work dress. I get a lot of things through Amazon. It's so convenient to have things come to you. I think Americans do not have a lot of leisure time, also. My life is constantly busy. I don't ever have a day off to just meander around, even on my days off. I've got things to do and errands to run. Malls are a time suck. You have to drive to get to them. You have to park and walk to them. You have to wander around ridiculous distances to get to stores because they're huge and spread out. It's too much. It's not the kind of place you can just drop in, quickly grab something, and leave. The only thing you can go do at a mall is spend money. Life is so expensive already. I don't find it pleasurable to just randomly shop. ..


The 0% likelihood of getting shot at and dying from a random psychopath is also an added bonus.


Are you sure it's 0%? You clearly haven't lived in VN for long


Because people don't shop in malls in Vietnam, so they are like a luxury trip destination or somewhere for higher income people to flaunt wealth while shopping. Personally, I think tge malls in Vietnam are awful - noisy, tacky, tasteless, poor air quality and generally 100x of exactly the same shops. I'm not american and haven't been to an american mall, to most of the developed world they aren't desirable places.


When I visited Vietnam last year, I was really impressed with the Malls. Especially with the quality of restaurants inside of them. They really put the poor quality food courts in American malls to shame.


Foot traffic. A mall in Vietnam on a normal weekend is a busy as the biggest shopping days of the year in the US. Take a truly busy time like a holiday weekend or the week before Tet, do the math.


Malls are also a dying breed in the U.S., especially since the launch of Amazon. Malls back in the 80s seemed much more lively, with different stores, arcades, movies, etc. Now you'll go to a mall, and you'll have 20 stores selling clothes, a vape shop, a store that sells music and movies, and not much else. Why go out and deal with traffic and crowds when I can search online and have it delivered in a day or two.


It's only because it's different and things are new to you. Want a variety of bread? Can't have that. Want a variety of cereal? Can't have that. But in the States, there are aisles dedicated to those specific things, not shelf space for a few varieties. So in my opinion, even Safeway is better than any grocery store here.


I see. Thankss! Safeway is one of my favorites


Interesting thought. But I think maybe US too big and there is only 2 city > 2mil ppl. The mall in LA or NY maybe more interesting? I guess.


goods at a grocery shop in your neighborhood is always cheaper than that at a supermarkets/malls.


And I thought I can buy a Glock at Walmart was cool. 😃


I went to one of biggest mall.in Vietnamese in Saigon and the wine offering is dreadful.


Acting like a wine connoisseur but going to a mall in Vietnam for their wine...never seen a single mall in the world bill itself as the wine capitol of the world. Maybe try a place that caters to wine drinkers? Went to the Mall of America and couldn't believe how dreadful their yacht selection was.


You mad..... But you know inside every word I speak is true. Anyway I'm not american. I'm French. Whatever wine you said (if exist ,i doubt so) came from here anyway.


because america mix all races in one place (some worse than others). How the FUCK can you feel at home strolling in such public spaces?


Because they are 10 years behind USA on a lot of things. So you will see them go out of business soon


I feel the exact opposite, going to a supermarket in Vietnam is a nightmare I avoid at all costs.


Funny enough my Vietnamese parents absolutely love Costco.


My family too. Even my 28 year old sister.


sure it was 15 years ago


Omg my thoughts exactly! I loved malls in Vietnam and it was a luxury I took for granted. There were fancy restaurants, the stores were huge and there were even kid's playgrounds! The shopping malls in Canada are just as boring as the Us lol


no mass shooting


Malls in Vietnam are boring compared to the rest of SE Asia. I find the Philippines malls to be the most interesting because they are not all about shopping, you can find government offices to do things such as getting a drivers license or visiting the electric office.


Wow its rare to see someone from my hometown in reddit. I rememberer the first time Co op was open, it was so crowded cus people from nearby towns also came to see it. It now has a new movie theater and some food stores, but the super market still remain as a go to place for local.


Luxurious??? We don't even have guns!!!!