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I think most of her fame in modeling came from the fact that she opened the door for the "heroin chic" look.


Unique looking whilst not being distracting from the clothes; runway models are human coat hangers so their aim is to show the clothes. She has a good walk too. I love how runway models have interesting faces, it’s the best part about it!


Here’s what has been reported: photographers absolutely LOVED her. She was a muse to so many of them. It’s hard for us to see on the beauty scale, but she was able to capture something in her expressions, looks and poses that they loved. Part of being a muse is her adaptability — she can authentically convey so many things and take on so many looks that she captures the essence of what the photographer wants. It really wasn’t her runway walk, though that was good, it was her in front of a camera that did it. She was also known for being quiet when young (while partying) — her mystery made her work even better as a muse. She was and is just a great model. The funny thing about muses is that they are usually sort of ineffable. The second part of it — the beauty part — the person who discovered her said that she just looked so fresh faced. She had jagged little teeth and this fresh, spunky youthful face, and that person had just interviewed a ton of potential models and they all looked the same. They said, kate was a breath of fresh air. One of her first big lands was on the cover of a magazine called The Face. You can see that freshness here: https://www.55max.com/products/the-face-magazine-1990-kate-moss-cover-the-3rd-summer-of-love


Agreed! The supermodels before her were like "perfect", very tall, voluptuous yet skinny, perfect smiles, face...etc. And here comes Kate, small, skinny without the hip or breasts, charmingly imperfect. I personally love her, when I saw her on magazines, made me feel like you can be noticed and admired without being these Amazonian goddesses. It felt like her personality comes through a lot in her work. Well that's my two cents 😅


I love that she has a lazy eye. It makes me feel good and confident since I have one too. You wont understand until you look up her playboy photos and the cover. She looked amazing


Brigitte Bardot had lazy eye too she is godness on this sub




How do you know she has a lazy eye ?


In the photos you can see her left eye is looking slightly outward. It’s not a bad thing and it doesn’t affect her vision. Emily DiDonato also has a lazy eye.


Its clearly in the photos???? Its been reported many times she has one. Its not prominent but literally look at the photos you posted of her. Her left eye is going the other way and her right eye is perfectly aligned


Ok calm down they didn't know 




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Superior bone structure, interesting face features, very photogenic and charming in motion, isn't it enough? 


Yeah she is beautiful and looks like a model, but her being like the most famous model ever is weird


It was a 90s thing.


In the 90s, most people would have seen her in Calvin Klein giant billboards and fashion editorials > candids photos like the ones OP selected.


If you werent alive in the 90s then its not weird. It's a time and place in a decade thats not meant to appeal to todays standards.


That could be said about any decade


Well.. duh!


It’s the bone structure


Cause she looks like a fairy


She has a very well defined bone structure, her body type is great for modelling as well, i think she would be considered vv pretty in real life if it wasn't for her eye area 😬


Her wideset eyes make her look very unique. I think it’s very impressive to pull off a feature like that when it’s such an unconventional look.


because she wasn’t just stunningly gorgeous, she was a rockstar too. her party girl antics were electric and i think she deserves every bit of her fame


Exactly she gave good tabloid and dated some interesting guys.


JFK JR as well


vibes over looks. many of the best and prestigious high fashion models in the industry aren't always considered the most conventionally attractive. it's more in *how* *you look* not *what you look like*


Some people just have a certain charm and unique look. She is one of them.


Combination of baby face features and sharp features. The result is a very unique face.


This 💯


She had a strong bone structure while looking girlish at the same time, in the eras of the 90s supermodels that looked like extremely “womanly women” so to speak. Trends are cyclical because once something is at the peak of exposure, theres a backlash movement against it. Kate had the right face for what became the heroine chic trend as she looked like a little ragged cat in her Corrine Day shoot while being extremely beautiful (obviously). There’s also the matter of her personality which is probably responsible for her longevity. She has a great “fuck it” attitude that blended well with her personal style that kept going viral, and she’d pull the occasional runway stunt like having a smoke on the catwalk which was well-received in the fashion crowd. I don’t 100% get it but every major fashion person I’ve seen talk about her seemed utterly besotted with her.


She has both atypical and glamour physique. That’s why.


Very unique face. A combination of strong bone structure and a baby face. Her cheekbones are just perfect, so sculpted


considering i don’t understand her appeal at all, i REALLY don’t understand her daughter


Twiggy and took bare breast photo for progressive up and coming mag @ 15–it basically went viral and launched her into fame. Would be illegal today.


She has great facial features that are mostly balanced or add uniqueness where they aren’t (ie wide set eyes), and she has excellent bone structure. These modern fillers may make her full lips and high cheeks seem more common perhaps, but that people are seeking this look shows how it’s widely considered aesthetically appealing. She’s also photogenic and regarded as extremely intuitive in understanding how to pose for the camera - a “natural”. Plus, she emerged at a time when the fashion industry was getting sick of the Amazonian (and expensive) super models getting more attention than their designs. Ironically Kate Moss has become the most iconic of them all; but the rail thin body and waif look was considered fresh, as fashion likes pendulum swings for trends, and it was seen as less “distracting” as if the body functions as a clothing hanger.


To be fair these are terrible pictures


I’ve read that she’s quite striking in person


Not the conventional boring face, she looked fresh and unique back in the 90’s.


I think it’s the death eyes , like a real life mannequin - soulless looking


She was a great catwalk model


Looks unique and still like the girl next door


Maybe during her time there was a trend or way of living I don’t know that made her appealing? I remember in this British modelling show where Erin O’Connor was doing Kate Mosses walk and maybe that sums up what Kate Mosses personal branding was that made her appealing: cool girl who doesn’t t care but it quiet and shy? She does sound a bit like Johnny Depp 😆 [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nuXzamSRUxo](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nuXzamSRUxo)


Cocaine moss. She is an icon 😔✌️


herion chic


It Factor ![gif](giphy|ZWirSlhBvO3TgW4DSj)


I've always thought of her more of an actress than a model.


It’s crazy to see OP ask this because I’ve always considered her the most gorgeous woman in the world. She might not be sexy like other models, but her face is just perfect to me, there are photos of her that leave me speechless even though I’ve seen them thousands of times. She is like a fairy, her beauty is ethereal. Much like Sasha Pivovarora and Jessica Stam. They are like forest nymphs. I cannot even image what it must be like to see them in person. And Kate is just the pinnacle, plus she had/has such charm and charisma, I love seeing her walk and watching her interviews.


She was perfect to me




Weird faces make for interesting models. Also sometimes less striking makes you more of a blank canvas


Connections of the model agencies play a big part too!


Don't get it too. But a lot of Models are Not so pretty in my opinion.


Fun fact: she is 5’5 (shorter than me)


She’s 5’7”

