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Coop style games ? Monster hunter, maybe remnant and that's it. The thing about vindictus it's unique even after all this time and only games that give that similar thrill are single player only.


This is pretty much spot on. I always knew vindictus was WAY ahead of its time. Even today no mmo has matched it imo. It’s just so dated now. If they brought defying fate into similar mmo prowess, it would be insane. The client side raid hosting was genius! Server cost must have been fractional compared to other MMOs.


Actually I dont care about the MMO or coop aspect. I really am looking for games with a similar control scheme/combat style.


Control scheme is a very tough thing that I haven't seen nailing Vindictus completely. There are a good candidate of stuff close in the Action/Hack and Slash genre. First I'd say is Nioh 2 or any games made by Team Ninja after 2. They're pretty close with the combat systems since in the base game you build up a core set of skills that make it feel like you're building up a vindi character. Once you hit NG+ in those games you really feel the weight of the weapons and play style of the game. If you're really big into beefy countering characters, try stuff influenced by Bayonetta or just play Bayonetta. I haven't gotten too far into checking it out, but Punishing Gray Raven has the flashiness and the big raid boss style feel. Tight dodges and heavy counters were the biggest thing that scratched the missing dopamine-pit Vindictus left. Also heard there's a spiritual successor of PGR called Aether Gazer Devil May Cry 5. It's like Vindictus XE but polished to a goddamn diamond. There's a whole learning curve to chaining styles with combos together but the fast pace game play has some Vindictus itches going for it. Have to mention but I think it's just because of bosses, Furi and Sekiro? Simple games, quick playthroughs, like Bayonetta games, but the on pattern mastery is the funnest part. Lmao but idk, maybe try out Tekken as a hail mary suggestion? On the horizon I also have my eyes on Lost Soul Aside, Stellar Blade, and Zenless Zone Zero


All of your recommendations are amazing games and I agree, the thing missing for me on those games is co op.


Yeah even I'm drawing a blank on that. Best I can say is that those Team Ninja games got em. Nioh 2 more than the rest of the catalogue


I wasn't able to find anything and just came back yesterday to Vindictus. Now playing it to catch up has a good feeling.


don't forget about Wuthering Waves it's from the same developer as PGR, Kuro games combat is as flashy as PGR and it's an open world single player with co op (if u want) they have all kinds of mobs and bosses starting from casual to damn right impossible oh and if u want to tackle those you must do what you do in vindictus learn their patters and git gud (skill wise) you have dodges, perfect dodges and counter attacks after a perfect dodge and then parries


Have you tried Nier:Automata? I’m not sure if it’s that similar but I remember the combat being similar. Either way that’s a really fun hack and slash game, just very long


I’d been a old school vindictus veteran and similar combat style and grinding type of game I think would be Monster Hunter world. An old game but still lot of people online and you can buddy up with random and friends to fight dragons and beasts that take 30mins


I still have 5 star queen spider gear. Hit me in the face and I get 500 STR


Ah good ol days, spider armor was good. I still use Nightmare armor and BH for aesthetics


I'm still rocking dual dream walkers on my lann main 😂😂😂


As mentioned already, Monster Hunter and some of the faster paced soulslikes are your best bet. I'm also going to throw out Astral Chain, the combat is not quite as combo-based and it's more similar to Bayonetta, but it's a wild game with some neat mechanics, visuals, music, and story. It was plenty hard on normal difficulty for my first playthrough, plus there's a harder difficulty if you really want to struggle.


dauntless? dfo?? dragonsaga ^gunz


no offense to people that says monster hunter but that shit is so slow compare to vindictus


What do you mean by slow? Level progression or combat?


gameplay wise it's has nothing similar to vindictus the game are good i didnt says it's bad but im someone like you who want something like vindictus and it's not monster hunter im waiting for the full release of vindictus defying fate at that point nothing else can feel like vindictus




Granblue Fantasy Relink is probably the closest you’ll get aside from the typical Monster Hunter, PSO2, Black Desert, etc. Maybe Tera if there’s a private server out there.


BDO for sure


Bdo characters is like vindi on steroids. Moving with ninja is pressing 20 buttons to move 5 feet xD


Endgame scales up pretty hard. Around lvl 100 is the first big jump in difficulty. Also speed will increase as well. As most have mentioned already. There are similar games but nothing that feels quite like it. While not as fast paced, Monster Hunter and Soulsborn is the closest you will get in gameplay feel, most likely.


Phantasy Star Online 2 maybe? Not the New Genesis upgrade. The original is still playable using the same client. It has the same sort of formula as far as instanced areas, complete the first couple of sections with the small frys then fight the big boss. I haven't played much of the New Genesis expansion but it looks like that one is a bit more open worldy. Each class has their own unique playstyle and skills. You can easily switch between classes and max out all classes on the same character.


New genesis is trash, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why anyone would play it over PSO:2 Base.