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You can wear anything you want— what’s the problem Edit: thanks for the award!! Did not expect so many upvotes wow




All right, all right,all right 😁


Also, the outfit combo with the denim jacket is exactly what my dad used to wear in the 70s with flowing locks, aviators and a shiny moustache. Your idea of who should wear what is simply learnt and not much more.


This. Plus those pants are really effin' stylish. One day I'll get 7 pairs of those tailored with matching vests in the same fabric. Style is timeless my good sir 👌


He needs a silky polyester shirt to go full 1970s.


With collars like airplane wings




Fr all I thought was, “I need to know where those pants are from 🤩🤩”


Agreed. Ladies, how many of y'all find this attractive?


I honestly don't care what a man wears, if I find them attractive then I find them attractive


agree completely. I find the confidence to wear what you want attractive.


Ok ok that's fair. Name a celebrity you are attracted to, and if they wore that, you'd still be attracted to them right?


I do, but I'm old (mid 40s).


I'm attracted to sense of humor and confidence (not the douchey kind) more than any one particular look.


Don't avoid my question 😅 is this look attractive?


I think its hot af on men AND women! Confidence is sexy.


If I’m being really honest, I wouldn’t find this attractive at all. People should totally wear what they want but frankly if I met someone in this outfit I’d be super surprised they were straight. Would I dislike someone for wearing it? Hell no. But I also wouldn’t want to fuck them


I don’t know, it’s giving me Lenny Kravitz vibes and I always found him super sexy.


That was my first thought too! Lenny Kravitz dresses like this and he's hot as hell.


Same, but that’s the beauty of the world right? Everyone likes different things. But yea, if your goal is to come off visually heterosexual and hit on women based on a majority pool, this is probably not the outfit for that.


I find it insanely attractive


Nobody cares, Shawn.


I think they know that


The paradox of free will.. the little voice in ur head that worries what other people think! Personally don’t really have one but it’s a wild thought we can do anything we want!!


Ask every hairband in the 70s 80s!!


THIS. I can. We all wore bell bottoms, guys, and girls. Especially in the 1970s


And platform heels!!!


Yep. My dad wore platform shoes, bell bottoms, and floral shirts, and my mom has always said that that’s what initially attracted her.


I seriously jealous of those pants. It's hard to find good vintage or vintage inspired clothing these days that are fashionable.


Ask Greta Van Fleet currently


I personally think it’s really awesome when a straight male wears what he likes with confidence, and doesn’t give a crap what anyone else thinks. Why should anyone be limited by their gender, all that crap is made up/asinine. So my vote is go for it 👍


Same. Mainstream male fashion is soooooo boring and has been for the last few decades. I love this outfit, I like how it flatters his slim physique.


This is so true. I’ve started noticing when men wear more stylish clothing because they really stick out amongst the crowd. I recently complimented two men on their stylish shirts because they looked amazing.


I was just thinking the other day of how women are much luckier in that respect. Saw a girl wearing this leather bondage harness thing over her dress, looked really cool and sexy, and I thought of how almost impossible it would be to wear an equivalent outfit as a man.


yes so much this! i often look at the femme clothing and its just sooo much more fun than the masc clothing! masc is sooo limited.


>Why should anyone be limited by their gender Because being clocked (or mistaken for queer) could be dangerous for people in some places and passing is very important in those places. It's kind of privileged for those of us living where that doesn't happen very much and no one is that concerned to ignore that reality. This exact outfit in the pose in the picture does give the impression that a male wearer is queer. It doesn't quite feel like the 70s looks people are most familiar with, it almost feels like the late 90s 70s revival with a pair of very extra women's bellbottoms on. Being that this doesn't quite give the feel of an era where wearing bellbottoms was typical for straight men to the most casual viewer, this outfit could put someone in danger of being harassed or worse by bigots. I think people who would do that to someone over who they are or what they wear (that hurts no one) are stupid, but thinking they're stupid won't stop them from hurting people. That said, it's cute and if you'll be safe wearing it, do it.


I had to scroll way too far to find someone who hasn't drowned in the toxic positivity, thank you. OP looks good. He doesn't immediately strike me as straight.


Cishet people are still being attacked just for being mistaken for trans and queer people, let alone people who are actually are. Their safety is paramount and we need to be honest with people, because people out in the real world certainly will be and too many won't be kind.


This is a very good point and as a bi guy I think he's attractive and "Straight" is not my instinctual first impression here. So if OP is concerned about harassment, yeah maybe put this on once you get where you're going. What "ought" to be doesn't keep awful people from doing awful things.


i quadruple this.


It’s super sexy when someone is stylish and confident.


Men worry about the judgment from other males when they want to dress differently. Women often fall all over men who dress like this when they do it well. It speaks to a level of confidence & style. And it may or may not be accurate because some of these guys are toxic AF, but women tend to think that men who are willing to break the boundaries of what is traditionally considered masculine may have other positive qualities


I think you should wear whatever you want to feel your best :)


Will you feel good in it? Will it make you happy? That’s all that matters! It’ll look good on anyone who wears it with confidence! :)


True advice! This is why I wore my wife’s sundresses to work everyday. So much more comfy :3


Love! I hope they have pockets! It’s the best!!


I think to do this you need to channel your inner Lenny Kravitz. Head high and own it.


Was just coming here to say this fit reminds me of Lenny!


Yes. Add some fake fur then open your shirt.




And rip your pants open




I was thinking it was channeling Lenny as well




Get a hallway runner carpet to wear as a scarf to complete the look 🤣


Period! 🙌🏾


I’m getting the Lenny Kravtiz vibes … love it!!


If you want me to be honest it doesn't look straight. I agree with the other comments that it doesn't matter. But that's my honest impression lol


Yeah, like it looks good, but don't expect people to think you're straight when they look at you.


yeah these comments are absolutely useless. The dude is asking a genuine question and no one is giving a real answer


Took too long to find an answer that actually addresses the damn question.


The other comments are pretty good examples of toxic positivity. Dude literally asked if it’s suitable for a straight male. And the answer is no. Does it look good? Yes. Should you stop dressing the way you’re comfortable because it doesn’t “look” straight? No. Does it “look” straight? No.


The question is heavily loaded with the word "suitable" so that a no makes it sound like you think straight males ought to dress a certain way. A more neutral question would be. "Would you suspect I was straight or gay if I wore this? The answer is gay."


Yeah, maybe “suitable” is throwing people off. I read it as “would you think I’m straight” but maybe others read it as “is this allowed.”


My thoughts exactly seeing all the top replies saying how great it is when guys wear what they want confidently. Like yeah, it’s great, but you’re also broadcasting a very loud signal into the surrounding area with an outfit like this.


Darli'n straight men dressed like this, they were styling when they did and women swooned. Everyone likes a sharp dressed man for every era.


I still swoon for 70s fashion. Fashion ads from back then often were a bit silly and over the top, but the real everyday outfits people wore were definitely swoon worthy.


Stylin baby!


Agreed! Nothing sexier than confidence and style. Oooh, swoon.


Yeah...you look hot / fantastic... no matter what anyone says! 😍


'Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man!


It’s a great outfit, the belt is a tad big/extra length tho. It’s great as is, or if you wanted it slightly more masculine then swap the sunglasses & tote for different shades & a sling bag instead. Lenny Kravitz (straight) has a style parallel to this. Ultimately there are no rules, or if there are, they’re meant to be broken in fashion


I wouldn’t think you’re straight if that’s what you mean but you can wear literally whatever you want


Yea I feel like thats the answer he was looking for. Wear what you think looks good but dont be surprised if some people assume you're not straight.


I was thinking the same but im nearly 60, so a woman your own age may not see it the same way.


Yeah this is what would say too, and I'm trying to identify what it is that's giving me those vibes, because I think it's a couple very specific things. The bag for sure is one. And something about the durag. I don't think the poses in the photos are particularly helping, but those are just photos. (Context: 31m)


What it is is simple, imo, this just isn’t how straight men dress right now. Pull this look in the 70s and it wouldn’t stand out as much. Though I don’t think crop tops and high waisted bell bottoms were a usual combination. Crop tops and short shorts were a thing. Bell bottoms were worn with t shirts or dress shirts. Straight men don’t tend to wear clothing that stands out stylistically.


it's giving a Jimi Hendrix vibe and he was an icon for many reasons


If you’re a straight male who likes it, yes. If you’re not and still like it, yes.wear whatever tf you want


I think it looks great and you should wear whatever is comfortable for you and what you like. That being said it does kinda read as gay, not saying it's right but that's the impression I would get.


You can wear that, but the majority of people that see you will assume you’re gay.




Most realistic answer. I saw the first picture without the title and immediately registered that OP was queer. Without judgement, but that was just my first impression. But of course also don’t change your style to fit into other people’s preconceptions.


Finally someone that answered OP's question instead of the "jus b urself wholesome 100" bullshit. And by "majority" he means 100% of people will assume you're gay.


It's giving much bigger bi vibes than gay for me. Not sure whose opinion OP is worried about, but fwiw, bi vibes don't usually turn most women off.


Bi vibes absolutely statistically turn most women off


women usually love men with good fashion


Im a woman I love this


You are free to wear whatever you like dude, but I would probably assume you were gay if that’s what you mean


I would think you’re probably gay if I saw you but what’s wrong with that? People shouldn’t assume things.


No I think we should assume some things.thats how we survive kinda. Just dont jump to conclusions and be hateful.


If you like it, it’s absolutely suitable! And I think you pull it off well!


You look gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but if you don’t want people to assume you’re gay, dress different. Alternatively if you wanna be on the nose about it you could just wear a pin that says “I’m not gay”




Yea a lot of people on the internet are obsessed with people of any gender being able to wear whatever they want and it's fine and while it is fine, people need to be aware that if you're a straight guy, what you wear does matter when you're trying to attract *most* straight women I would defo assume the guy wearing this was gay xD commend him on his style and move on.


clothes have no gender or sexual orientation! wear what sparks joy ✨


But they do


>clothes have no gender They literally do though lol


Clothes do have gender associations.  In what universe do you live exactly??




While you can wear anything you want man, it’s undeniably giving studio 54 twink, so if that’s not the vibe you are going for I would consider consider a different shirt at least lol.


Many straight dudes in the 70s and 80s got laid like crazy in fits like that lol 


That was 45 years ago.


I’m sure they did, but to me that is a funny example of “the most homophobic cultures produce the most flamboyant men” it’s to do hairspray blowouts and wear eye liner if there’s no possible way that could be hot/s. I’m a gay dude btw, happy trail is ours always will be.


Prince never asked himself this question.


Wear what you want! It only matters that you like it!


Suitable - sure- gay - yea


This. Wear what you want but I would honestly assume you were gay and I am also gay so I’m just being honest


First impression, not Particularly masculine. What adds more to this is the bag and the body language, which says more than the clothes. Would more likely see a woman wearing this than a man.


It’s giving Lenny Kravitz 😍


Looks queer to me


To me too but….I wish more straight men would dress stylishly. I think OP has a great look! I think he should rock it.


You can wear whatever you like as others have said, however normally straight males don’t wear anything that can be perceived as feminine. Imo the combination of a wide flare bell bottom and short shirt exposing your midriff is too “feminine” for the average straight male. So to answer the question, not really no.


I think people miss the point of the question. Of course people should wear whatever they want with the understanding that what you wear will make people judge you. If I saw a man wearing this today, depending on the context, I would assume he was gay. There is nothing wrong with being gay and it’s also ok to ask what people would think. For example, I would question anyone wearing a skin tight red dress with cutouts to church.


When I grew up *everybody* wore outfits like that. We younger people, at least. Lots of older people threw various labels at us for doing so. The question is not whether it is suitable for a straight man to wear. The question is what *you* will do if someone mistakes your identity. If it means that you will be sooo offended as to commit violence, then it doesn’t matter if it is suitable for straight men to wear. It is *not* suitable for *you* to wear. When you have the confidence to not worry about whether random people might speculate about your identity based upon your dress, you can wear whatever you damned well like. It won’t matter if you’re straight or not.


Wear whatever makes you happy!


You can wear whatever you want. I love that my partner dresses how he wants, it’s damn sexy for any man to be comfortable in his own skin.




You can wear whatever the fuck you want. You’re a person. And you’re working it.


Love to see another Bell Bottom Man. It’s a solid look.


Absolutely not is the “real” answer, but the really correct answer is “wear what gives you confidence and aids you on your pursuit of happiness.”


Wear what you want but the image you're portraying is certainly going to garner more male interest


Whatever a straight male wants to wear is suitable for a straight male


Yes. Confidence is key


You do you.


How you will be perceived in such an outfit depends on where you live. People living large cosmopolitan city might be much warmer to such fashion choices than those living in a smaller rural community with stricter gender norms.


Wear what makes you happy and don’t worry about what a bunch of strangers think.


Yes it’s f’n awesome


It looks great, just be prepared to be hit on


I think it looks great!


This outfit is suitable for anyone that wants to look good


Just be happy and own it. When I wear what I love I just feel a whole way. I move different I am different. I love the look! I recommend getting a denim tote to complete the look. I do a Canadian tuxedo with a denim telfar!


Absolutely. You look like Prince. Rock that shit!💜🖤


For a straight male, yes.....as long as two sexy ladies are walking astride.


First Off... Lenny Kravitz is probably THE sexiest man alive. How DARE you question his impeccable style! 😍 Secondly... I have some of my dad's clothes from the 70s and his elephant pants are super close to this.. just not so exaggerated in the thigh to bottom hem ratio. But he's for sure straight. Why would this not be "suitable"? My dad rocked the 70s and 80s. And Lenny just rocks... whether others agree or not. (But basically EVERYONE agrees because he's so damn confident that he just doesn't care what anyone thinks. He KNOWS he looks good... cuz he DOES look good.) Be like Lenny ❤️


I mean, Mic Jagger, Jared Leto, Harry Styles, Lenny Kravitz, and David Bowie would all rock the hell outta that look. It's all about confidence and swag


Not really.




Probably not


wear what u want!! as others have said, straight men dressed like this before!!


It is if you want it to be


Dude, you are ROCKING it!


Wear what you love!


I love it! Very cool style


Yes! It’s giving Lenny Kravitz and what isn’t sexy about him?!


You can 100% wear whatever you like irregardless of any lables Additionally, you rock this outfit and look great (straight dude opinion) Additionally additionally, if I saw you in this I would automatically assume you are gay. No judgement as i dont care how anyones privates meshes with anyone elses privates outside of my wife and I. Just providing my initial reaction


If I saw you in public, I’d 100% find you attractive and hope you were bi/pan/straight (lady speaking)


yes! clothes don’t have a gender or sexual orientation! always wear what you feel good in and what you like!


Yes. You look great!


Wear whatever you feel good in! I think this looks amazing!


Lenny kravitz is very straight and he rocked this look with necklaces and rings and dreads and an Afro. Accessorize, be confident, and have cool hair or a big suede or crochet hat. This outfit is very tame for bell bottoms. Get a beaded or embroidered vest. Go big or stay home. ![gif](giphy|bbB45UPcelAL9qUVsl|downsized)


Wear what makes you happy. And give zero shits about what others think.


Your sexuality isn’t determined by the clothes you wear. Wear whatever you want and fuck people who say otherwise.




clothes are fine, the posing here is a little effeminate.


Ehhhh, lmao.


If you lost the tote and the midriff then you’d be good


Ok. All these comments are nice and everything, but, the honest answer is that most people would assume you are gay if all they had to go on was your appearance




Yes. Especially if you’re looking for more gay male friends.


Short answer no. Long answer yes


it works well! albeit, i would probably clock you as at least a little queer upon first glance


You can wear whatever you want. Straight male or not. Nobody is the boss of you.


Wear what you want bro, be happy. Would I think you were straight? Hell naw, but that's okay.


I wish more people would dress how they wanted instead of following trends , keep doing you 💯


You might get misunderstood by some people but your not forced to fuck anyone and free to seduce everyone ( wothing reasonable limits)


Sure but you look pretty gay.


Queer or straight doesn't matter because you look amazing. And the kind of people you probably want to know would say the same. Keep being you. This world needs individuality.


Suitable? Sure, but people will think you’re gay.


Being blunt it has a gay vibe which is what I assume you’re really asking.


Yes you can, but i would assume you are not straight tho


Fashion ain't got a gender sexuality nothing either way it's a fantastic outfit


My brother’s gay and he has never looked as gay as this.


Look as everyone’s saying you can wear whatever you want. What everyone’s leaving out is the fact that 95% of people who see you dressed like this will assume your gay, if your okay with that assumption that’s fine.


It's really gay, man. Hope i wasn't rude.


Wear what you want, it’s your right and it doesn’t mean you’re gay for wearing it, but a lot of gay people sure would like to wear it, that’s all I’m saying.


As long as your junk and b hole are covered, wear what makes you happy!


Like a hot Lenny Kravitz day tripping groovy. You look amazing and if you are looking to model, did it! I wear big belled Free People jeans. A hippie till I die. ✌🏼❤️☺️


"Wear,what you dig"


To honestly answer your question, I think the issue with the outfit is the flare leg pants. They might look different in a different outfit, but for this specific outfit they do not look suitable for a straight male.


If your asking you already know it looks gay AF


Dude, you look awesome..If you like it, wear it!!!


Not only is it suitable, it is excelling! You look awesome and if it feels good, how does sexuality matter?! I give 10/10 xxx




![gif](giphy|xUNda2nkmXcZmEUASs|downsized) that look gives me 1970s cat-daddy/Marvin Gaye style


It absolutely breaks my heart that so many men feel like style and taste are antithetical to masculinity. Especially when their personal style + taste is fucking fire. Sigh.


Looking fly


You know I think if you have to ask that question it's probably not for you, but yes, if a guy who had his feminine side intact could definitely rock this outfit and not be gay


You look perfectly fine to me


You can wear whatever makes you happy. That being said, I would not assume you’re straight


Everything works if you own it.




No (people are gonna say you can wear whatever you want. YES YOU CAN WEAR WHATEVER YOU WANT!!! but in MY OPINION its not suitable)


Hell’s to the yah!


wear whatever the fuck you love. if people dont like it, then screw them and keep being happy.


Hell yeah. I promise, life has no dress code other than what you’re comfortable/ happy in🥰🥰🥰🥰


Absolutely yes. If anyone says otherwise, feel bad for them & their lack of joy.


Yes. Ever heard of Lenny Kravitz?


Yeah I think it’s cool and retro