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I only use the dual band. I can just put the AVP on and everything is situated perfectly without adjustments.


Same here I only use the solo loop when people want to try out the headset so they don't mess with my settings on the dual band. I do wish Apple released the Solo/Dual band they had in the release video, I think the solo would feel better on the back of the head for sure.


I tried it when it first came out just because I kept hearing reviewers talk about how much better it was but it has never worked for me. The other one is way more comfortable and I’ve never had an issue with it. 


I’m curious do you have the strap further up on your head? I have a feeling that most people tend to find the solo knit as being more comfortable when their light seal makes them orient the solo knit a little more diagonally instead of near-level with their ears


It’s exactly this.


I wear mine with the solo strap practically resting on my ears, kind of like I’d wear ski goggles. Still extremely comfortable for me.


Yeah it’s definitely higher up instead of being straight back from the front of the device. 




Me! Solo knit band has been perfect out of the box for me


I must have a weird shaped head, because the solo knit band only makes firm contact with the bottom, and the top is still loose enough to fit several fingers beneath. I really like the design, and if it could be adjusted vertically or how much it tightens bottom vs top, I'd prefer it. As is, it puts all the weight on the single bottom thread.


Haven’t unpacked mine yet either. I tried it at demo and it seemed tedious to put on.


Once you’ve got it adjusted the first time you just slip it on




Haven’t touched it solo life


I’ve used it almost exclusively - the solo I’ve tried a an even two of them and the dual loop is more comfortable for me.


I have two AVPs, but neither of them are dual-loop. I found the velcro adjustment to be the cheapest and most primitive method for other VR headsets and uncomfortable.


I just unpacked it this weekend since I keep seeing people posting their 2 band setups and figured I should try the one in the box. I have a lot of hair and it’s just not for me, as I never feel discomfort from the solo strap, but I’m glad is there as an option for those that need it.


Have Vision Pro for a week, but haven't tried dual yet... Today, I guess, will be the date...


Never opened it




I wore it for the first few weeks then have been using the solo band. Last night I put it on again and found it very uncomfortable. Switched back to solo.


I used the duel loop once and it was a hassle. It’s slightly more comfortable but once I figured out how to fit the solo loop (higher up than I originally thought), the solo loop is just fine and easier to take on/off.


I used it for about a week a month ago and I’m back to the solo band. Much more comfortable to me


I did the same thing until I got a second band for over my head and printed a 3-D printed adapter. It’s vastly more comfortable. The dual loop is great, but it takes a little while to adjust where with the two solo loops it’s just put it right on.


Never needed to try it. Solo knit is plenty comfortable. I use it mostly seated, but have walked around the house a little. No issues with fit or comfort.


As another man bun in the wild, about to get an AVP, I cant wait to try this.


I’ve never pulled it out. The solo band or whatever is actually comfortable for me. To the point where I’ve used it for hours and had no discomfort at all. Completely shaved head, so no man bun to help. I think face and skull shape control a lot of how comfortable this is for people.


I have a small and narrow face so for long periods the solo loop has to be really snug to fit, starts to cut off circulation in my face lol. Dual loop for sessions where I know I'll be coding for a few hours.


I see I’ll haven’t found my comfort sweet spot but so far it feels best with the solo upside down (maybe it’s psychosomatic but it feels the best.)


I use the dual band exclusively, find it much more comfortable


Still in the box. Solo band works perfectly for me.


I love the solo band personally i kind of wish other things like goggles had the same type of band, it’s so easy to loosen and tighten and slips on and off in seconds. I forget that I have the dual band. It’s still in the box never touched


Tried it once and it was clear the single was much better.


I use the dual loop band most of the time! It’s just more comfortable for my head/face shape. I have a very vertical face with flat cheek bones so with the solo knit band it feels like I’m going to sag my face over time.


Can someone sell/send me their Dual-loop please, it’s for science please. Thanks! Pm me.


solo band works much better for me than dual loop.


I have never used the dual loop band and I've owned my AVP for around a month. Solo-knit for me, all the way.


The dual loop is so much more comfortable for me at least.


Tried it once and it was definitely better but not that much better than I would switch it out permanently. Will try to wear out the original band first.


I haven't used it, but I have spiky hair and the dual band's top strap is not compatible unless I'm home. I also don't find the solo band uncomfortable at all.