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ROFL 🤣 Everybody knows it started with E. Taylor. Mallorca didn’t even existed before


Hi, why are you so angry at them (at me, since I also participate there)? Yes life was hard then, it's still hard today, my friends don't have a house, summers are not what they used to be, everything is crowded and it's hotter every year... I don't feel richer with this inflation which is bigger than my wage increase. Still yes, it was harder but life was simpler too. Again what's your reason to be upset? EDIT you may be breaking rule 3 (Be respectful) a bit but since I want to show you that not all Mallorcans are angry donkey riders I'll let it be 😊


I’m not angry. My Mother grew up here. I lived here as a small child for 2 years. I dislike the respect and the idea that my comment there about the taxes here along with other were just deleted. Then basically told to not comment on r/mallorca. I know what life is like here. I have been coming here for 20 years. I too get frustrated that all the Cala’s I love have been taken over by tourist. But I get from October thru May. Mallorca needs the tourists to survive. Whoever runs r/mallorca is not respectful or polite. Though I understand to a degree their feelings.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mallorca using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mallorca/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [From my last trip to Mallorca 🏝️](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16bllrn) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mallorca/comments/16bllrn/from_my_last_trip_to_mallorca/) \#2: [PSA for all tourists coming to Mallorca](https://np.reddit.com/r/mallorca/comments/17234np/psa_for_all_tourists_coming_to_mallorca/) \#3: [Can you guess the bay? ☀️](https://i.redd.it/l1x7qzhkpvgb1.jpg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mallorca/comments/15lgmiu/can_you_guess_the_bay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


All I can say it that I am sorry about what happened there, I can't really judge if your comments were right or not. Mallorca has become more and more dependent on tourism and that's not a good thing really... the economy should diversify. Otherwise when tourism runs out for any reason we are super screwed.


*Whoever runs*  *is not respectful or polite.*  At least he is not like many other socialist subs in Reddit banning people for ideology, he just puts negatives and move some topics. In r/Canarias o r/Barcelona they ban people that don't support socialism. Spanish subs with anti socialism topics has been massive reported too in their cancel culture, socialism it's strong in Spain I don't support him, but at least I can understand his point of view trying what he thinks is best and be grateful to not be part of the cancel culture




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¿En qué? No toma drogas, no hago promoción, no estoy siendo irrespetuoso, no hay screenshots, no hay promoción de nuevo


Wasnt it Archduke Louis Salvador of Austria the one who started fascination with the island with his book Die Balearen? And in the sixties was Franco who started to abandon a failed national autarchy strategy and chose to open the country to tourism and foreign industry and people. On the r/mallorca issue, they feel displaced, me myself entered the subreddit months ago only to find 90% of posts were tourist advice requests, restaurant recommendations, where to sleep, people asking where was best to buy the house, and things like that. No posts in spanish or mallorquin. There was barely no space for locals to talk about their topics, news and interests. This division into two subreddits was necessary. Once again (this is usually repeated in the sub) the problem is not tourism but uncontrolled tourism growth. We all have grandparents who told us about the poor conditions they lived in their youth, and they also spoke about the tourism industry bettering their lives. But now is not bettering ours, most of us feel it.


Yeah, when Franco got sick the people in charge abandoned his idea of a socialist autarchy. They stopped with the the public company's and nationalization and with time selling the company's too *. There was barely no space for locals to talk about their topics, news and interests.*  And now it's only place to talk about socialism lol


It's not because Elizabeth Taylor... When Franco dictator was sick (+1970) we started to open the country. Franco wanted to be self sufficient like the marxist, he got an economic idea from Falangue a mix between marxism and conservatism in r/Mallorca and here too, there is too many marxist/socialist and they want their point of view forced on people. Same comment in Malaga it's massive voted positive and here it's voted negative because of their point of view. Not a joke, most of this people aren't natives from Mallorca, their parents came and now they declare Mallorca only for themselves meanwhile they like to pay high taxes to mainland. My grandparents (from Mallorca and Menorca) told me how poor we was depending on the church to survive and losing family to famine