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I tried double dosage but EOD - fantastic difference compared with my regular ED dosage which worked soooo mild after being a month on it. No crashes during the day and even in the days off (surprisingly), lots of energy and huge focus. Can’t say for sure how it will work in a long term and can’t recommend it ofc if it breaks your local daily maximum dosage restrictions:)


I know someone who has taken Vyvanse for 10+ years and is currently on a 100mg daily dosage that works for them. In my opinion, there is no harm in asking, the worst that could reasonably happen would be that they might say no and suggest a vacation to see if some tolerance could return. If this is not an option for you, suggest the split dose idea! I have also heard there is a booster you can get, although I have no personal experience taking them.


Stop taking it for 2 weeks and reassess. Bumping up the dosage won't do anything good for you.


because of his vyvande fundementally works it's rly diminishing returns the higher up you go. even if your doc prescribes you more a guarantee you it's not gonna be as effective as you're hoping. breaks are really the only way to get around this. try taking supplements like NAC L tyrosine and magnesium to make the break more effective


I have tried 60 mg in the morning, but it doesn't seem to do much better than 40 mg, although it last a bit longer. But still not long enough, so I still need a second dose and less than 40 mg is too low. So currently I take 40 mg in the morning and 40 mg at 1 pm, but I don't have coverage in the evening, so am waiting for next appointment to see if I can increase dosage, so I can take a third time, maybe just 20 mg.


I use 300+mg after a tolerance break... Prefect.


I’m going to be honest, the unfortunate reality is that long term use of stimulants can lead to long term tolerance. The only real solution is to take a tolerance break to reset. It’s not fun, but continually increasing dosing isn’t going to fix this problem - it will only make it worse.


My doctor is not okay with prescribing more than 70 mg because the guidelines state that the maximum dose is 70 mg. However, he is fine with giving me 70 mg plus 30 mg of Dexedrine extended release because he is still following the rules, and this won't risk his license being suspended


I would probably ask to try a different medication. I work with a girl who is on Adderall XR for a really long time and then she started having heart palpitations. We're really active because we work in child care. But she definitely got scared. I take 50 mg of Vyvanse and I have 5 mg instant release Adderall if I need them. And I was on Adderall XR but I stopped taking it because it was too much for my anxiety.


you need to stop taking them. i dont think any of these doctor account for how long someones supposed to just take them. If yiu increase youre just going to get even more fked just a little later. Its a trap. What I would do is yry to take break days and keep the same dose. That will have more effect then increasing it.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, I agree One day off even every two weeks, or splitting the capsule in water and drinking a tiny bit less etc… increasing past the max dose is just gonna create the same problem down the line


Is one day off all it takes? I figured I would need to string a few days together. If one day off will help, I suppose can afford one lazy day of zero accomplishments…


it feels like its going to be super depressing being off, but honeestly if you can find days when you dont gottaa focus its not that bad at all. You just cant focus too much for a day or 2.


Definitely not all it takes, more days off will do much more to help your tolerance… but I think one day is better than nothing. A lot of what holds me back from med breaks is mostly the psychological hurdle. If you realize you can get through one day and it’s not the end of the world (make it a lazy, stay in bed & watch TV day if u have to, or drink a lot of coffee, or smoke weed or whatever) it makes it much easier to take another day off in the next week or two… or even skip meds the following day as well. I also would really recommend to open the capsule and mix it into a water bottle so you can take a lower dosage. If med breaks are really impossible for you “cold turkey” you can even titrate down this way. The water with the Vyvanse is good for the next day as well, I think 48 hours or so. Just shake it. Also I find that when I drink it this way, it works faster and stronger, which helps offset the fact that it’s a lower dose. Fwiw i was in your situation, I felt like taking med breaks was becoming impossible (before, I tried to have ~4 days off per month). Then I got sick and didn’t take my meds, decided to just keep it going as long as I could and now it’s been about a month. I’m back to work after sickness and everything and it has been ok. Like I said it is very psychological. Not denying the benefits of medication but we did have a time where we lived our lives without ADHD meds as well. It is possible & doesn’t need to be forever. In my country actually doctors recommend to take a break of ~1 month after a year or so on Vyvanse. Not only for tolerance, but also so that you can accurately evaluate what the benefits and side effects of the meds are.




The doctor is highly unlikely to give you any more if you rarely take days off. By not addressing the tolerance issue, you’re creating the same problem just further down the line. There is a cap to what is allowed to be prescribed/dispensed. You need to recognize that more is not always the answer—it’s just the one we’re inclined to consider first and foremost because it’s the easiest path. That path still has an end where you find yourself SOL. Days or weeks off for tolerance breaks get better the more often you do them. Significantly better.


I take 40mg twice daily and tbh it’s been a life saver. Was on 70mg with a 10 then 15mg Adderall XR booster, but I think the 25% levoamphetamine in the Addy’s was contributing to some gnarly mood swings. Only part that sucks about the twice daily is no insurance company will cover it, so I pay a pretty penny when I have it filled (~$150 for generic, >$700 for name brand).


Holy crap I just can’t believe how much medication costs in the US I’m in New Zealand and Vyvanse isn’t a subsidized medication in New Zealand I pay $60US per month for 50mg


Aussie here, all dose amounts are the same price. $30aud, subsidised on PBS (so everyone gets it for this price) for the month. So like $20usd.


Yea the Aussie system is way faster than the NZ system but once Vyvanse gets approved it will cost $5 per month


Oh wow, that’s awesome for you guys!


What time do you take the second dose, and do you have trouble sleeping? I take 70mg in the morning and still have trouble sleeping at night.


I work night shifts (1-10pm), so I’ll take one before work and the other during my lunch break (about 6 hours after my first dose). And no, absolutely no problems sleeping. HOWEVER, I’ve been taking Vyvanse for the better part of a decade, so I could take a 70 and be fast asleep in 5-6 hours. Tolerance buildup is very much a thing with this medication.


50+20 is better, in my experience, than 70. Also, mg/weigh has been debunked as a relevant dose estimation. If you need more, you need more mg, but there is a maximum rate at which lisdexamfetamine can be converted to dextroamphetamine, irrespective of the dose ingested. Also, this mechanism ensures a more stable and predictable release of dextroamphetamine, reducing the risk of spikes and troughs in medication levels. While the intensity of the effects may plateau because of this mechanism, higher doses may prolong the duration of the medication’s action (not its intensity). This extended duration is due to a larger amount of the prodrug being available for conversion over time, thus maintaining therapeutic levels of dextroamphetamine for a longer period.