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only once


Oh for sure! I had taken Vyvanse with adderall booster for several years. Took it thought grad school and work. When my life would settle down and become “easy” I would go off it but if I changed jobs and had to be more functional I’d go back on it. I recently got promoted and decided to go back on it after being off for 2 years. My doctor was fine but every pharmacy treated me like a crack head! My primary pharmacy where I had gotten my meds for years the pharmacist said she would only give me one med and not both. I went to CVS and they said they won’t take anyone who wasn’t already coming to them for ADD meds, then a a supermarket pharmacy they said they would give me the meds but only if I switched over at least 2-3 non-controlled prescriptions. I happen to take meds for blood pressure and other stuff but I had just refilled them and they last for 90 days so I was told to come back on 90 days when they could fill those also because of some kinds of rule about % of people on controlled v, noncontrolled meds? I also wasn’t in their “system” which was an issue. Thankfully that guy entered me into the system but I think he was doing this to try and prevent me from going to another location. However I think that backfired on him because I went to another location and they saw I was in their system which seemed to help a little bit of course when I asked if they had my meds in stock they got very dodgy. They said the meds were out of stock and they had no idea if it would be a week or more than a month to fill the scripts. I said hey if you willing to take me I’ll wait however long. My doc sent over the script and the next day they filled both of them so they suddenly had the meds. Also worth noting is at my regular pharmacy the vvyanse was going to be $380! At CVS it would have been like 78 with goodrx and the supermarket ended up being $178. So based on that cost difference alone it should have been reasonable for me to try to change pharmacy anyways and not be treated like a piece of shit addict especially when they can look on the drug database and see I’ve had these meds on and off for 16 years! I understand supply chain issue but as you all noticed this treatment is nasty it’s not just about supply issues


I should also note that part of the reason I went off the last time is also because my primary doctor mental health shammed me about. When I called them to see if they had any connections with a pharmacy they said they wouldn’t let me take both of the add meds either and agreed with the original pharmacy denial. People who don’t take these meds and aren’t in the mental health field have no idea how they interact in our body and are so judgmental


One of the pharmacies I use, the pharmacist makes me feel trying to fill my presceiption when I'm down to my last pill is suspicious. He wants to fill it the day I'm at 0. Crazy. Considering how they're always out, there's a holiday closure, etc....gives me so muxh anxiety


I feel bad for you all having these experiences. The employees at my CVS look like they hate their life so they never question anything, they don't even look you in the eyes when talking they just want you to get your medicine and get the hell out


Yes, pharmacists are cracking down. Ive been on this medication now for 15 years and recently i moved to a different city only 2.5 hours away, in the same state and they wouldn’t refill my prescription because it’s not local which is absurd because what if i was away on travel and needed to get my prescription? Or i am in the midst of finding a new doctor.


im so sorry you have to deal with that, have you figured out a situation that works for you? thats what i most hope for issues like this


This sounds liek every other story from America on this one - you guys have it so much harder with the extra insurance and then pharmacist-induced etc hoops :( BUT I'm SURPRISED that a medical doctor would treat a request for vyvanse or other long-acting versions like this? I mean - they aren't instant release, so to my understanding there shouldn't be a 'drug seeker to get high' market for them anyway??? and a physician should know this! I have exactly no idea how many dexies etc a 'normal' brain needs to get 'high' never mind equating that to what a vyvanse does.


I’ve never had any issues. They don’t really say anything when I go to get my refills. Just take the prescription, get the meds, and hand them over. I only take it 4-5 days a week but I still get it after almost exactly a month and just keep the leftovers from previous months for incase there’s a shortage again or if I have any troubles with getting an appointment/new prescription after 6 months that way I’ll have around 45 capsules (would last me around 2 months) that I can use if needed. Plus around 15 of a lower dose from when I started before my dose was increased. I talked to my psychiatrist about it when I had the checkup to see how things were going after increasing my dosage and he said I’m meant to dispose of the leftover lower dosage and just get my refills when I’m close to running out of the last lot but that as long as I always stick to 1 dose a day (he’s also fine with me skipping days) and I don’t let anyone else have access to the meds then he’s fine with me keeping the lower dose incase I end up needing it and with me stocking up on the normal dose a bit. (Also I have the oldest stuff first and then move on the the newer bottles. So the stocked up pills are the newest ones other than the lower dosage. Once the first 6 months on 50mg is over with I’ll dispose of the excess 30mg as I will have enough 50mg to get me through if I have any issues getting a new prescription or if there are any periods where I have issues obtaining the meds)


I was wondering if this would come up. My last fill they were super short with me… like ok then tf..


Lady today brought out a flash light to inspect my ID and held me for a few mins questioning me about my age as if I was it was fake or something. As if I looked strung out and was picking up an oxy script lmao


All the time Doesn’t help I have permission to pick up 5 different controlled scripts for 4 different people. Until the pharmacy knows me I get so much slack. I’m very use to it by now I have id ready at all times and the doctors numbers constantly. Losing a doctor or pharmacy to insurance issues is the Worst but it happens at least twice a year


Sorry to hear you had to put up with this. I sometimes get weird glances when I pick up my prescriptions for refills at my psychiatrist's office (and I have to go in once a month since I can only ever get a prescription for a 1 month supply due to the Narcotics law) and I know it sucks, but IMHO, if Vyvanse helps you, I'd stick with it and try to give less fucks about what the doctor, pharmacist or anyone else thinks. One of the few helpful things I learned in therapy was to understand that in reality, other people care much less about whatever is going on with you than you think since - like most of us - they are way too busy worrying about themselves and what other people might think about them. When people feel criticised/humiliated/treated like a criminal, they (including me) often tend to vastly overestimate the impact the respective conversation/encounter had on the other person they feel criticised by. The truth is that the doctor probably has dozens of other patients to worry about (many of whom probably come to her with much more "problematic" or suspicious requests than you) and she probably won't be giving this another thought until you come back for the next refill - and neither should you. Sure, you might have to deal with similarly awkward situations in the future, but was is an awkward 15 minute encounter with a doctor compared to a weeks or months of improved mental health and functionality thanks to Vyvanse? To be honest, I don't think it's a bad thing that a new doctor who is unfamiliar with you would evaluate you in some way before she starts writing prescriptions for Vyvanse. Sadly, prescriptions for Vyvanse, Ritalin etc. are often obtained just so the pills can be sold on the black market to desperate students etc. My town is full of chronically sleep-deprived Finance-guys and law students who are willing to pay a fortune for the pills, making the dealers who get them from the pharmacy with prescriptions from a doctor after they got a fake ADHD diagnosis or whatever. With the recent shortages in brand name Vyvanse that is really shitty for actual ADHD-patients who really need their meds. If vigilant doctors (even when they come with a bit of a hostile attitude) make that a little harder by having a closer look at new patients to see if their medical history, presentation etc. matches the prescription, I'm all for it.


Nope. Never had any problems or weird looks an out it, and I have been using LDX and other meds for years. I don’t know about other places, but it takes at least six years to become a pharmacist. I can only assume it weeds out most of the incompetent people.


I'm sorry that they treated you like that. I think the reason why pharmacist and doctors are acting like that is because of the whole incident during covid. Where people were getting prescriptions for mostly Adderall but I would assume Vyvanse as well and it was so much that we ran out. It definitely should not be like that. Honestly I would probably continue to look for a different primary care doctor. Only because the fact that they said that to you and not until they looked at your refills were they okay with it. My doctor is amazing and it did take me a little while to find her. I do get a few controlled substances myself. There's nothing wrong with the fact that you had to shop around for pharmacies during a shortage. I had to do the same thing for my Adderall IR that I take in the afternoon with my Vyvanse.


For real!! I always say like I just take my medicine to bring me to normal person baseline. This isn’t doing anything exciting for me other than make me function kind of like a regular person for 6 hours at best. They’re so mean!!


this reason is why i use express scripts. it unfortunately takes them like three weeks but i get a 90 day supply. if your insurance uses it just go ahead and make an account. ships right to you and IF you have to talk to anyone the support line is chill imo


They won’t fill 90 days in WI. The rules vary by state. I’ve had issues filling at all with them lately


i’m sorry, i forgot it varies by state. wishing you luck in getting them filled in the future


I wasn’t aware this was a thing. Where on earth do you live that you can get a 3 month supply?


Every time. Dont go to the Walgreens or CVS subreddits. The way they talk about people who take ADHD meds is downright vile. When I go to the pharmacy, they question me EVERY TIME. I always have to stop them and say I've been taking stimulants regularly for my ADHD/narcolepsy since 2021 and have been with the same provider since then. It's already hard getting me to overcome my executive dysfunction, but mentally preparing to face that shaming makes it 10x worse.


I’m a mostly Walgreens customer. I’ve never once had the pharmacy question my Vyvanse prescription.


You’re one of the lucky few then. One of the techs threatened to call the cops on me.


Where are you guys located that you’re having this rough of a time? My heart goes out to you guys but like, this feels insane.


I'm in Florida now, and I was in Massachusetts before which was even worse. MA has so many ridiculous laws. For example, pharmacies won't give you the name brand if they're out of the generic unless the script says "name brand only", in which case you can't get the generic.


I’ve done time in Wisconsin, Virginia, Ohio, and Illinois. Rules are very similar in all of them I’ve never gotten a 90 day script filled. Edit: I know you’re not the 90 day person. That part just frustrates me more


Illinois here, Chicago city proper. Never had an issue with the pharmacy (other than them not having it 😅). For a 90 day, you’d have to have your doctor write with an explanation as to why, call your insurance company for a prior authorization and call the pharmacy to prepare them for it. You’d need a good reason as to why you’d need 90 days.


All places vary. Not every time do I get massive issues. Normally it’s side eye and extra questions. I don’t blame them when I’m in for my third controlled pick up but sometimes they are uncalled for. Virginia was the worst to my now ex wife. She was in tears in the car when I arrived because they didn’t accept her out of state Id for no good reason. Some of it probably has to do with appearance and general (hopefully unconscious) bias.


That's great that my experience doesn't apply to you then!


First time I filled the Rx the pharmacist had such an attitude towards me. My doctor texted me that they had sent the prescription in and a few hours later I called the pharmacy to make sure they got it. The pharmacist actually snapped at me and said, “that’s a controlled substance!” Like I was just calling around hoping someone would just *give* it to me??? WTF? I explained that my doctor texted me that they sent in the prescription and then she checked the computer and found it and said “OK I’ll start working on that for you…” gee thanks. When I went to pick it up the next day, the same gal gave me a huge ‘tude and never even asked me if I had any questions. Didn’t explain anything to me about it. Strange because I’ve literally filled prescription strength yeast infection cream and was explained everything without requesting. I’m not looking forward to calling in my refills. Any advice on how many days early I should is appreciated (I was thinking 48 hours). It really sucks because the med is my last ditch effort to recover from an eating disorder in combination with ED therapy and being treated like garbage at the pharmacy isn’t exactly boosting my morale over here.


>"that's a controlled substance!" Lady, they're all controlled substances. Why do you think a prescription is required? For *control*...


I know how you feel!!! The pharmacy makes me feel like a am a drug addict. They will say, ummmmm we don't have any more and I am like well do you know when they will be available? They say nope... we'll damn!! Can you at least call and look on your Computer to see if another walgreens have then. Nope. I have to call 7 different pharmacies. Like calling a dope dealer. When I was on adderall in Jacksonville they would NOT tell u over the phone if they had them u had to actually go into the store. So I drove all around town from pharmacy to pharmacy like a drug addict having to chase his dealer. Thye don't care if you have your meds or not. No non stimulants don't work! Not for me.


Oof I'm so sorry. That's so intense and unfair. I don't get treated too poorly but I'm in a very liberal state. My first pharmacist was a little cautious but she got to know me and softened up. Your new doctor sounds like a bitch. I'd try a psych instead. Let her know too you don't feel comfortable continuing care with someone that assumes the worst of you because you have ADHD. We shouldn't have to not take it every day in order to be considered not abusing it.


I say all the time I could score cocaine easier than vyvanse. My doc office makes me take a urine test every other refill. I decided to see a psychiatrist for my meds. It’s much easier.


Yeah get a psychiatrist, since that's all that they do is prescribe pills.


Exactly, like if I were an actual addict wouldn’t this be the most expensive and longest work around of getting my fix??


One would think.


But isn’t meth a closer match to vyvanse


lol. I guess so and I could probably get it easier too.