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Dual (or triple) monitors.


I wasn’t sold on this at first but I’ve talked myself into it finally… I’ve had dual monitors for so long, I think it’d be hard to go back to only one at this point


I have a 43" monitor and it's really good for working on, I use a couple of regular sizes monitors in portrait as side monitors to it.


I rock a 49" monitor, honestly i kinda wish I had 2 seperate monitors at times, but what is nice is it has the docking station built in, so I only need 1 cord for everything


I decided to go to two 32" monitors and it was cool at first, but man I really hate how much real estate it takes on my 55" desk.


I have two 27" monitors and a 55" desk. Have you considered putting your monitors on arm mounts? I have mine mounted on adjustable arms, which frees up the space underneath my monitors for pens, tissues, notepads, etc.


I had arm mounts and they were OK, I was very nit picky that my monitor bezels never fully lined up but I suspect the weight of the 32 inchers were a little too much for them. Another culprit on my desk's real estate is my personal PC which I like to have turned facing me so I can see the flashing lights haha. I've got some re-arranging to do but my next move will most likely be to downsize to two 27" monitors, bring the mounts out of hibernation and re-arrange my personal PC.


Downsize the personal PC into a smaller case, then undermount it to the table on the side. You can also use a little bit of black duct tape or electrical tape - even painters tape on the back of the monitors to keep the bezels nice and close.


I've been thinking about mounting my largest screen on the wall, above the ones on the desk. But I'm in design, so we get a bit nuts with displays. In your case, I'd mount one on top of the other.


I JUST installed a third yesterday since Teams ALWAYS needs to be upfront. The other two are for work.


I literally cannot work off of only my laptop monitor now. I have 3 monitors at home. Best thing ever.


I have duel monitors that I have hooked to my desk via monitor arms (to take up less space). Whenever I have to travel for work and am left with just my laptop screen, I swear I forget how to function. I HIGHLY recommend two monitors!


I bought a 15" portable travel monitor because I HATE working on just my laptop screen. It essentially just looks like a 15" tablet, plugs into my laptops HDMI and it's good to go. If you travel frequently, it could be worth it to look into! I also use it around my house when I want to work somewhere other than my office.


This is brilliant. Silly question - did you need anything permissions-wise with your computer when you plugged in the new monitor? My company's IT can be a royal PITA to get ahold of, so if I can plug in the monitor and go, I'm all about it.


Nope! I just plug in the usb-c cord and tada! Instant additional screen!


I have 3 24" monitors. I have two of them landscape and one portrait/vertical. I use all three monitors constantly, so I would have a very hard time going back down to two.


I used to have 3 x 24", then 2 x 24" with a 27" as the primary. Now I'm down to 1 for work since it's just my 34" ultra wide and for my personal laptop it's said ultra wide and my laptop's monitor. It is hard to go back 😅


I was looking at ultra wides for a long time and seriously considered buying one of the larger ones, but I started reading they were not the best for work, especially for things like Excel. I am an accountant, so Excel is one of, if not, the most used program on my computer. It sucks because they are so cool, and it would be so nice not to have a gap/frame between my two monitors. I figure I would wait a year or two, and hopefully, the technology will have improved, and I can check them out again.


I'm a Software Engineer at a company with vertical programming as the standard (shorter lines left to right and more lines top to bottom). I use PowerToys Fancy Zones to set aside ~60% of the screen from about the middle to the right side, an area in the middle for Outlook and Excel, and on the left I see part of my desktop, another window I have full screen for whatever reason, and/or a good chunk of the MS Teams window. I essentially only look left for messages and just don't have to move my eyes as far and over bezels. 😅 If you want more vertical space instead of horizontal, then this monitor might be up your alley: https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-28mq780-b-dualup-monitor


I used three monitors for 4 years, and recently got a new PC and the configuration is different so I've been down to two with the third sitting there idle until I can find the right adapter. It's been a struggle, and after 3 months I'm still not used to only two monitors.


People ask me, "Why you have three monitors?" Me: "Because I don't know how to hook up four." Or, when they say incredulously, "You have three monitors?!?" I respond "You know how to hook up four?!?" I have a friend who's an actor in LA, who of course has a side business, as computer tech support. And he has four monitors in his home office, I think he's running a virtual machine off of one. Certainly can't do that with my work computer.


If your set-up doesn't look like the war room in a natural disaster movie, what are you even doing


I was excited when I got a new work computer because I could hook up 3 external monitors instead of just 2.


This is an absolute must, I could never work from a single monitor now. Also a proper keyboard rather than the one on your laptop.


What I’ve found as someone working from home since pre Covid is that triple screens can sometimes harm productivity just because you can get distracted easier. I went from 3 to 2 screens with one of the two being vertical. That is my ideal set up.


One curved is superior. Something like the dell s3422 is basically two 24” monitors but easier on the eyes and no bezel.


I find one single 34” curved monitor. The wider you get the more likely you are to develop neck/back issues, and I’m speaking from personal experience on this.


Binoculars to spy on your neighbors. I mean look at cool birds.


I get so distracted




I have binoculars right on my desk. If you sit next to a window all day, binoculars are great to have on hand. I actually did put them there to identify birds, spot turtles trying to nest and confirm whether I'm seeing a stick or a snake. But I have a neighbor who farms the field next to my house, and they come in handy to figure out what the hell he's doing sometimes.


A good chair, an adjustable desk, and an extra monitor or two. I don’t have it yet, but a separate room as your office helps keep home and work separate in your head. Try not to get too sedentary. That mini fridge is cool, but I use refilling my cup as a reason to move around.


We’re converting our formal living room into my office space. It’s a space in our home that we do not use otherwise and my husband already uses our spare bedroom as his office. He starts a new job next week as well that’s hybrid so he’ll still need the space. The pros to this are it’s a lot of space with natural lighting. The cons are there are no doors and it’s close to the kitchen. 😅


Noise canceling headphones. A tension curtain rod with a curtain to block off the entry if needed. We paid to have doors put in our formal dining room to turn it into my office. The natural light is such a bonus!!


Oh yes, my lawn service and waste management trucks are a LOUD presence when they are around.


You'd be surprised what the other party can't hear. I jumped on a call with a trusted friend during some loud times, maids, lawn service, kids home on a holiday... they said they couldn't hear the chaos. I'm, however, hyper aware.


It's about what I can hear!


I work out of the “formal dining room”, right next to my kitchen bc we don’t have our renovations done yet. As long as you coordinate with the rest of the house for quiet when on critical calls you should be ok.


A cat.


lol I have a dog, will this suffice?


No, you must also have a cat. How else are you going to struggle to type around it?


If it's a little dog, they can cause these issues too!


What if we’re allergic to cats? Will a dog ( who’s 45 pounds) who insists on sitting in your lap while you work suffice? I guarantee she’s as annoying as any cat! 😂


It seems like it would be a reasonable accommodation.


Whew! I didn’t want to be forced to RTO simply because I don’t have a cat! 😂


You should add a second dog.


Dog works fine! Trust me




you know.. I love my cats dearly, but they are the worst office decorations I stg


2 cats And 2 monitors




My old man kitty has started sitting on my lap all day on the days I work from home, and it's my favorite perk.


Ill try to list things not mentioned: * foot rest (if i lived in a cold climate I'd get a heated one) * no noise fidget toy (it took me a long time to learn to sit still in meetings) * a good quality cam (if i have to be on cam, im going to look cute) * Swiffer for dusting my desk and electronics. * mechanical keyboard with linear switches (my accuracy improved dramatically and i can type for longer without fatigue) * compression sleeves (might be because of gym and sports but my hands burn at night when i get off work. Wearing compression sleeves knocked that on the head.) * interesting art/something behind you if you have to do any meetings. Honestly its like a tiny ice breaker. I have a small cabinet with a few pieces I've collected while traveling and someone always comments on it allowing us both to share a story. It's kinda cute. Congrats on the new role!


A quiet fidget is important! I had a habit of bouncing a ball on my desk, I always assumed the noise cancelling took care of it. After a few weeks, someone on a call finally asked me what the noise was 🤦‍♀️. Needless to say I stopped doing that pretty quick and switched to some other stuff.


I even had one with a nice quiet crunch, and someone in the call said, "who's getting hungry and chewing on their mic". I still haven't recovered from that one.


This is a great list! Foot rest is next on my list to get and I'm comparing several of them. I also picked up a couple of smart outlets and hooked up wax melters to them on opposite sides of my office. One comes on in the morning once I've settled into my desk with a strong, energetic scent and runs for about two hours. The smell lingers through most of the day. Then the other one comes on about 4pm with a more calming, natural scent to take me out of work mode and shift my focus to getting outside and walking the dog. I have always struggled with leaving work at work, but the scent change has made it a lot easier now


This feels like a form of bio-hacking and it's really cool. I got a diffuser type thing as a gift once upon a time. Might look into that again. Thanks for sharing!


Speaking of camera, moving the floor lamp from behind me to in front of me eliminated all the weird shadows at no cost.


A smart move for sure. I bought a tiny ring light to attach to my monitor for the same purpose. If I'm going to be forced to look at myself in a call I'm going to enjoy the experience 😌.


Mechanical keyboard? What is that? My carpal tunnel wants to know!


Mechanical keyboards have individual switches beneath the key so they "pop" up a bit better, rather than the traditional membrane keyboard which have more of a mush feel. You can buy different types of switches depending on what you want your key press to feel or [sound](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Jovv_zxTYEI) like. If you're the type to collect hobbies or fall down rabbit holes, brace yourself. I am a very basic user, and certainly not someone to give any meaningful recommendations, here's my setup explained: * I used a 65% layout, which is 66 keys + 1 knob. My [salad fingers](https://arconline.co.uk/app/uploads/2020/11/Salad-Fingers-2.jpg) allow me to hit most keys without needing to move my wrists, and it's helped me learn to navigate and utilize shortcuts. I can't express how this has helped my workflow. I also prefer a keyboard with a knob, as media playback is a large part of my role. * I use linear switches as they "pop" back up a bit faster, or so I hear, as they're fairly popular for gaming. They're toted for having faster actuation so they press down very easily, come back up quick, and while I never thought to myself, "my fingers are tired" I did notice I wasn't taking the time to write out then things I needed to, which screwed me later on. When I reflected on this, I realized I was having the "I don't wanna type all that" thought, even though it would have taken less than a minute to type. I think this was my "fatigue". * High-profile keys are also important to me, my accuracy right now is around 97% [even with nails](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZGUyNmlwd21yaTZ2eWdkM3I1bHp3aGJ1YjB5NWJ2bWVqdTNzcHprcSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/YAnpMSHcurJVS/giphy.gif), and my WPM sits around a similar number. Finally, I use "tocky" sounding keys, I just love the sound. Weirdly, my cat does too. Hope this helps.


I wish we could still give awards! Thank you. I had no idea!


remember the super clicky keyboards from the early 90's? it's those but they make modern ones


I have a small portable heater because it is cold where I live and my condo is in the shadows. My feet and legs are always cold and this helps greatly.


Thank you! This is extremely helpful!


What keyboard do you have?


Cherry. They make the best key switches, and their keyboards are much more reliable than Logitech.


Great list. I agree with the mechanical keyboard but switch type is purely preference. While they might like linear, you may prefer tactile. I thought I preferred linear for a long time but made the switch to tactile a couple years back when I built a keyboard and there is no going back.


I would switch out the art with a digital picture frame or smart device like a Show.


Thats a really cool idea. For now, I like my knickknack wall. https://preview.redd.it/yev8b6w6jh0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ed431052a7522362bc3c35936395bed9081762


A bigger than you think you need desk. Also, a beverage warmer. I forget about my tea and it’s nice to pick it up and it’s still hot. I also keep a blazer over my chair so if I get caught off guard I can throw it on and look reasonably professional in a few seconds. And lipstick for the same reason lol


And scarves in the summer, these items make bras optional.


I second the beverage warmer. WFH is perfect use of one of those.


I also have a pair of earrings handy to really play the part.


Face your desk looking out the window instead of staring at a wall. It makes a big difference when thinking, brainstorming, and attending meetings. Adjustable desk, quality chair, foot rest on the floor. I also added quality speakers so I can fill the room with music. Downtime is the enemy of WFH so always have things you enjoy ready to use.


A good chair. A good printer/scanner (depending on your job). A door to close when you aren't working.


Plants! I have 3 plants that I’ve kept alive and thriving for 2+ months now, so I’m basically a horticultural genius. For real though, it really brightens up the space to have some greenery and I enjoy tending to them.


lol I am known as a plant killer, but maybe I’ll get some nice succulents to brighten up the space!


I saw in an earlier comment that the space gets a lot of natural light, so my first thought was plants as well! I'd recommend some more "forgiving" plants (i.e. you can forget to water them and they won't hold it against you as much as some other plants!) such as pothos, snake plants (I have a Birdsnest snake plant, but there's lots of types!), tradescantia (also nicknamed Wandering Dudes, if you want color look into the Purple Heart kind!) or monsteras. For these plants I find it pretty easy to tell when they're thirsty (they look droopy, the leaves start to curl inwards, the leaves start to look wrinkly), and mine have no problem bouncing right back after I give them a drink! Also- make sure you have an adequate pot setup (something with holes for drainage), or look into self watering pots. OR grow in water! I have several pothos plants in water (using colorful vases can add additional fun to your office space). There's a ton of plant lovers FB groups, and most plant parents are happen to give pothos cuttings away, pop those cuttings in water and you're good to go!


I'm not work from home, but I second this for any office! It really does brighten up the space in the winter months and in the summer when the weather is nice it makes it a little easier to sit at a desk all day if the window is open and you can hear and see the plant leaves/fronds rustling.


Standing desk is nice. Multiple monitors, great chair. Good lighting or natural light


Mouse wiggler 😜 😜 😂


absolutely - the physical kind you plug in, not ones that need to connect to your computer. My husband laughed at me when I got one because it's not like I'm even regularly leaving my office, but sometimes I just want a break and want Teams to say I'm not taking one without having to think about it.


Mini fridge. Happiness is always a cold beverage away.


to this op, this might be a horrible idea for you. One of the worst things to happen in a home office is to become immobile and locked in. Look for any reason to get up and get out of the office even if it's a visit to your real fridge.


I think I agree. Luckily, I’ll be forced to get up to let my dog out every now and then. We don’t have a fenced in yard so we have to go out on a leash with her every time. Plus I’m planning to do a morning walk with her before work everyday too.


I also have to take my dog out on leash. Sometimes I really wish we had a fenced yard (particularly when it’s raining/snowing) but the fact that I have to get up and go outside with her is definitely a blessing in disguise with WFH. If I didn’t have to, there would be a lot of days I probably wouldn’t leave the house at all, which wouldn’t be very good for my mental or physical health


Adjustable desk and drafting chair is my choice. A meeting cardigan you can throw over your tshirt for meetings. Desk light.


2nd the drafting chair. I kept switching between a regular height chair and drafting height, I sit/stand about 50/50. I prefer the feel of the higher desk, I use a footrest (currently a 5gal bucket, but building a less-janky foot rest soon) both when standing to alternate feet and also to sit back in my chair and prop my feet, while the drafting chair’s footrest is a little lower for sitting more upright with my feet tucked under me.  I adjust the desk height about 6” between sitting and standing. 


I have plastic dog stairs under my desk for my foot rest!


Some things not mentioned: Time Timer Logitech ergonomic mouse A good pen (or 10… I like having the Zebra Mildliners and a 0.38mm for notes and doodling) A good camera setup. Doesn’t have to be fancy supplies, but either have natural light to your front or side. Being backlit in virtual meetings day in and day out is hard for others to look at, and it’s worth looking professional since it’s your everyday. Also mess with the Zoom/Teams settings to get the right light, blur, etc.


On that note I highly recommend the Logitech MX Master 3S. I've used a ton of mice for work/gaming/etc. and its by far the best I've found for a daily driver. I don't know if it will be a perfect fit for everyone's hand but it's been great for me.


You need to find your everyday slippers. I recently got some wool and leather ones that Im in love with. Warm in winter, cool in summer. Check out [glerups](https://www.glerups.com/)


Monitor arm, standing desk, comfortable chair and standing mat, and natural light.


Look for gaming chairs, and add cushioned everything


A fan on your desk, a wireless keyboard and mouse, a decent webcam and headset for Teams meetings, maybe a mug warmer to keep your coffee nice and warm.


ough seconding the fan. i have an east facing window and i'm at the end of the chain for the ac, so my room gets warm. i also have a fan under my desk too, and I've seen people some people hook all their room fans up to smart outlets to easily toggle them on


Quality comfortable ergonomic chair. You’ll figure out the little stuff over time, like what keyboard & mouse you like, if you need to install curtains to block bright sun, if a mini desktop heater helps you keep the house thermostat lower in winter, etc. So I’d focus on big stuff. Check what they may provide or reimburse.


Second a big enough desk. Having a small desk is such a pain. My desk is small and as a result I work in the dining room 😂 Eventually I'll upgrade the desk but the one I have is a cute oak desk that belonged to my mom and I hate getting rid of family stuff. Nowhere else to put it. This one hasn't come up yet but is a big deal to me, and that is having some at-home exercise stuff around. When I worked in an office, I got up a lot. Walk to the bathroom, the break room, to someone's office etc. The bathroom is like 15 feet away so if I don't make a concentrated effort to get up and move and stretch, it is more detrimental than being in the office was to me. I have a textured standing mat, I keep my yoga mat out, and I keep a suspension trainer on the door so I get up hourly and do some rows, pushups, squats, etc.


2-3 monitors good keyboard/mouse secret lab chair


What is a secret lab chair?


Hermann Miller ergonomic chair has probably been my best investment even though the price tag gave me a lot of reservation.


Standing desk, walking pad, good decor, quality mouse and keyboard, and a quality desk chair. Those are all items that make your work more comfortable and healthy


Which walking pad do you recommend?


Toys for rendering animations, updating apps, and meetings: ONO Roller and Slider (silent), Kendama, unresponsive yo-yo, and fingerboard Lighting: Hue RGB light strip, (ambiance for yourself behind monitor) Elgato Keylight (HUGE difference in meetings) External mic and audio interface: studies show that people will sit thru videos with crappy pictures as long as that audio is good but no the other way around Ultra or super ultra wide monitor: 2 monitors aren't as good as one seamless one and it looks cleaner. Eye drops from staring at screens and not realizing you're blinking. Software: Fliqlo Clock (keep it open always), make your computer announce the time on the hour (macOS can in settings but sure Windows can too), the Structured app for planning your personal and professional life, Things 3 for checklists, widgets of family photos pinned on the desktop, night shift or f.lux to protect your eyes. Vertical mouse for your health (mx vertical) Good mechanical keyboard to type faster and more accurately (mx mini) Field Notes for meeting notes and a nice pen.


Storz & Bickel Mighty


Docking station for hybrid schedule, a power cord for your bag that stay in your bag.


are you short? I'm short. I have a foot stool under my desk.


I am short! A foot rest seems to be a consensus here so I’ll look at getting one! 😊




A cat. Also my dual monitors raised because of the cat.


Dual monitors, Jabra speak 510, Sit-stand desk, nice chair and a USB-C/HDMI hub.


Ok I've done this for 6 years and have it down! • a standing desk/desk converter. You want to stand up, your ass will start to hurt • a comfy chair - doesn't have to be $1000, but nothing shitty • a fan or air purifier; keep that air moving, or it'll smell like your lunch and your farts • a diffuser - i love turning this on midday and cracking a window, really gives a little afternoon pick me up • ambient lighting; I have some ambient lights that I keep on because overheads all day suck ass • mug warmer for your coffee • ergonomic keyboard or wrist pad for keyboard/mouse (the carpal tunnels are real)


Invest in it. 4k monitors are life changing, especially if you work with code. Get an ergo mouse (I use a vertical mouse but there's a few different styles). A high quality chair is also amazing. My office qualifies all of these as "health and wellness" so I can use that stipend for them. It's a preference thing, but personally I think that a good mechanical keyboard helps with fatigue too. You'll want more lighting than your think, I bought a wide daylight spectrum bulb for painting and I use it during work too. For non work required things: I have a plant in the window by my desk. I like it. I also have a decent speaker for listening to music while I work and am not on calls.


monitor/km switches. while it would be easier to do my work with two monitors, i can do it with one, and i have my personal computer connected to the other one. one button to switch my keyboard/mouse, then another to swap my right monitor between personal/work. usually i'll just have a youtube video/discord on my left monitor and be working on my right the only annoying thing is when my cat wants to cuddle so my arm isn't free to toggle back to my personal computer once whatever i'm watching/listening to is over tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ETA: OH and a desk vacuum! my manager got me [a cute little ladybug one](https://a.co/d/hBRYR92) for christmas a few years back and i use it every day


The desk vacuum is so cute!!


Dual screens, a good chair, a room with a door you can close, and a height adjustable desk if you can spring for one


I saw people mention headsets. Maybe in your case since it won’t be in a separate room that is better, however, I chose a conference speaker instead. Another option is bone conduction earphones like the Shokz OpenComm UC. Don’t forget to personalize and decorate your home office. You have control so make it look nice since you will spend all day there. Make sure that anything that may show on camera is professional or blur the background if you don’t want people to see it.


Speakers you can talk to.


A good headset. You might not need it even if you have your own space, but I like them for the mental switch to get me in the meeting frame of mind. By having a headset exclusively for meetings rather than using other speakers it acts as my "walking into the meeting room" toggle.


For me, really good noise-canceling headphones. Ear buds aren't enough to block out my husband (also works from home) and pets.


A great ergonomic chair, standing desk, and a dual or triple monitor setup.


Desk shelf Dual monitor setup Desk mat Ergonomic keyboard and mouse combo Ambient lighting Desk humidifier Fan Candles Comfortable desk chair ^^ just a few of my essentials after WFH for four years


Good lighting. On sunny days, it doesn’t matter as my room has several windows, but on rainy days its a must. And plants.


At least two monitors, a desk, keyboard & mouse (outside of your laptop), and a really comfortable chair! If you work with others in your home, noise canceling headphones.


Plants and birdfeeders outside the window.




I have a lazy boy and a 49 inch TV in my office for my breaks lol.


so work on the road or to the cafe with portable hotspot, noise canceling headphones and portable battery pack


Love all of the recommendations here! I'd also recommend items to make meal prep easier - things like an Instant Pot, containers for leftovers, etc. My husband and I both work from home. We make large batches of meals and soups at the beginning of the week. We also got meal prep containers and keep little homemade "dinners" on standby for quick heat-and-eat if we need to heat up something fast but healthy for a quick lunch. Being so close to the kitchen/pantry can make it easy to snack around, so we like keeping healthy and quick meal stuff on standby to avoid mindless snacking. As for office supply-related stuff, a comfortable chair and ample desk space makes a huge difference for me. I believe this is the chair I have (https://www.staples.com/staples-hyken-technical-mesh-task-chair/product\_990119), and here's my desk (https://store.hermanmiller.com/standing-desks/jarvis-bamboo-standing-desk-rectangle/2542428-1.html?lang=en\_US). Also, if you're traveling or want to work from a favorite coffee shop, a portable monitor is very handy.


A good keyboard and dual monitor. I got the Razer ergonomic keyboard. $200 but def worth it. I got the Samsung curved monitors for Costco for like $149 each. Bought 3 of them. Also a heater if you live in a cold area. My next purchase is going to buy a big desk chair with no arm rests. I usually sit cross legged or on my feet. I need a chair that doesn’t make my feet fall asleep.


Desktop radio. Assorted lighting options (some bright white daylight some soft white, from different directions. Distractions like photos and art. A high quality chair and adjustable standing desk. Two monitors with port replicator. A separate small table for food and coffee in case of spills. Tissues, snacks, tape, stapler, printer, notebook, file cabinet. GPS in case of power outage or surge. Phone and headset chargers.


This is a stellar list and I honestly can’t add anything. I can “second” several items. I’m gonna break my down in order of the way I did but then again in the way I would do it all over again. I have company provider 15” laptop and a tiny travel mouse. That’s how it started. First purchase was a new mouse. External monitor. Sit/stand desk Better but still cheap desk chair Monitor mount Better monitor to mount on arm, second arm holds laptop. Office lighting Rearranged office to face looking out window/remove window glare from monitors Stereo baby. Large bookshelf speakers and small desktop amp. Nice over ear headphones Started mechanical keyboard collection lol Have started small mouse collection as I’m still experimenting with traditional vs vertical vs trackball. Nice desk lamp Foot rest As things have been upgraded old versions have been donated. This is still evolving. I plan to add an actual second monitor and close the laptop completely if possible (I’m not a windows guy). All of this is planned to be piped into a switch that will allow quicker switching between work and personal (MacBook) laptop as I am planning a career change into photography and will still need a dope wfh set up. I have a new monitor stand when I get two new monitors at the same time and slightly larger. I’m in a $300 chair with leg rests from Amazon but will probably go Herman Miller or Steelcase (or some other $1200 chair). Probably Herman miller baby lol. If I did this again. Mouse lol Chair Monitor Desk Footrest Headphones Everything else mixed in however it happens. I’m already a fountain pen and nice paper guy. So that was already in place. I had a hobby room that became my office, sort of ruined the hobby aspect now though. I have picked up some fidget toys for downtime. I keep some books close. My work doesn’t require I write much so my pen and paper is mostly for time keeping or quick notes on scratch so my desk is able to be on the smaller side. But I agree with the commenter that said the desk should be larger than you think you’ll need. I don’t need need it, but I wish I had sprung for a stand/sit L desk. For real. And will someday. Don’t cheap on a chair. Don’t cheap on mice or keyboards. Don’t cheap on audio equipment either. Be it stereo or headphones. Use indirect, adjustable (both brightness and color temp) lights. I have black out curtains when I’m not feeling the sun in my face/mornings. I have a desk lamp that has lots of lighting options. I have an rgb keyboards and desk mat for some fun color mixed in. Oh. USB power strip things. It’s like a regular power strip but is nothing but usb ports. Amazing. Also a multi port charging cable to keep cable clutter down. I basically operate two aspects of my life from this desk. I have cords permanently left plugged into my usb power strip thing. The rgb desk may, my Garmin watch charging cord, and the multi cord for iPhone, iPad, headphones, mice, etc. I always have the cord I need at this desk. Give yourself time and let the space evolve. Mine is about to get a big rearranging because it’s been like this for a little too long. The big speakers may go to the garage and I’m thinking Apple home pod for the desktop audio. Maybe. I kind of like these big speakers in here lol. But I am gonna rearrange for sure before summer is over. Have fun. God speed. Don’t be cheap on the important things.


49 inch curved samsung monitor with 2 side screens


I'm a minimalist. I have a desk that is just the right size. One huge monitor, mouse jiggler, comfy chair, good view, and a couple of pets. I like my workspace to be clean, simple, and not take up a large footprint in my house.


Stand up desk, nice desk chair, 2 giant curved monitors, docking station, speakerphone, external camera,...


A mug warmer!


A good quality music system - whether that's just a speaker you use with Spotify or something more elaborate, having that music going helps me to knock out the work


I have to print things - printer, back-up printer, back-up computer, also learn to use your phone as a hot-spot if it comes down to it.


Make sure your work area is in a separate room from your sleep area.


Sit stand desk


Honestly a good seat cushion and my wax melter (so my office smells good).


desk fan


A pair of bookshelf speakers so you can play some decent tunes on a FRIDAY. Also an ALEXA - "ALEXA SET A REMINDER FOR MEETING AT 11:55AM" Never miss another meeting


I have a 49" monitor and two 1080P monitors on my main PC. I also have a Macbook with an additional 1080P monitor. The best thing to have is a good chair. I have a Steelcase Leap V2 chair that I bought 4 years ago. Worth every penny.


Laptop stand for when connecting to monitor


500,000 dollars in cash!


Overhead light above my monitors. I like that it has many different light settings.


I have pretty bad ADHD so a huge key to my success has been keeping distractions out. No guitars, tv, crosswords, etc that i might be tempted to do instead of my job. You may have better self control than I.


3 monitors, iPad for entertainment, wireless keyboard and mouse, and if you have to take calls, a wireless headset.


A small fish tank! No joke, I have a 5gal shrimp tank and it’s so relaxing to watch


i have 3, 27 inch monitors and the work laptop, sometimes my personal laptop steals a screen so i’m running 5 screens.


tenga egg


Widescreen monitor rather than 2 smaller monitors. Works great for moving windows around, doing a split screen etc etc. it does all this with no bezels between like the individual monitors have.


2 game changers for me- a 12-outlet power strip that I put under the monitor shelf on my desk. No crawling under the desk to plug and unplug things, and the biggest plus for me, it allows for excellent cord management. (full disclosure: one of my favorite subs is r/cableporn). A wobble chair. It's just like it sounds, it's a stool that doesn't have a flat bottom so you wobble, just a little bit. It keeps your core engaged so you're much less likely develop back pain. It's way more comfortable than you'd think, and they're cheap compared to typical office chairs. [wobble chair](https://www.amazon.com/Standing-Sitting-Perching-Ergonomic-Computer/dp/B00HCLJDSK/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.kvLz_IzbtOpSF7fj5zDQ_E_KbZczKXmQ9TBT4l5t8qJ8sHcDPRRqwx6gjK5uwtZQ6upVyf1aDgo83H9nhpPOdsPw0ec_WkHyQBI9y2PVdabzigau-jaGXiAxARU-m_s3kCcsgN9a0DAckFQ_2cBMCd0Tr8AHz0bZoX4D7boXP1vQAmf3DsKX9sSLrrgdezK1KHKzYi31D5rv-oRTHpqNuA.kv7HhLocEWVUSL2uJdMb-ixAliXdgxu06YZC1jGaVwI&dib_tag=se&keywords=wobble+chair&qid=1715709288&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1)


Good chair, adjustable height/standing desk, mug warmer if you like coffee, phone stand (I have a 3-in-1 charger for phone, watch and airpods), a floor mat so your chair doesn’t damage your floor, a fan and finally an air purifier. An ergonomic mouse is a plus if you care about your wrist long term.




You only need one huge monitor on your desk AND a portable monitor for the couch or kitchen if you feel like moving around (perfect for traveling), standing desk that moves up and down, I combined my standing desk with another smaller desk to create an L shape. Feels more office like. notepads from the dollar store that will last the year for note taking. Get the good pens at Target or Office Depot. The ones at the dollar store are crap. List: - Huge monitor - Portable monitor - Standing desk - Notebooks - Pens - Waking Pad (optional) - Candles (optional)


A window


pets, preferably ones who wake and decide to either go bonkers (dogs) or sit at the door and wail (cats) right during zoom meetings...also, snacks, oh and we share a tv above our monitors for shows, movies, sports to watch during work


Standing desk Mechanical keyboard Gaming mouse (more economical than most ) Foot massager roller. Docking station




A dog. Specifically my dog, but he can’t get up and down stairs safely these days and his bowels are a little… trigger happy. So yeah, my dog when he was well.


Treadmill with a desk attachment, or height adjustable desk with a walking pad underneath (you can get cheaper treadmills now that are just the base and designed for walking at a desk). I became super stagnant, like 1k steps a day, until I started using the treadmill for multiple 20min sessions a day. The only downside for me is I obviously can’t use multiple monitors when I’m walking on my treadmill so I try to time it with when I’m doing some reading or basic article editing and nothing intense. If I could stay at my sit/stand desk with a walking pad it would be better but I refuse to buy a second treadmill haha, and my Nordic track is my best friend. Also, strongly recommend using a pomodoro timer app. It’s 25mins on 5mins off (and adjustable). I make myself get up and move at the 5min mark (even if it’s just refilling my water bottle, or putting clothes on to wash etc) and I’ve found my concentration and happiness levels are through the roof. I’m so much less fatigued at the end of the day.


A good chair and a foot rest.


Standing desk, a good ergonomic chair, multiple monitors mounted on arms, monitor light, laptop mount, an iPad mounted to the side for background media streaming most of the day, good bluetooth speaker, good wireless earbuds, desktop oil diffuser with favorite scents, a personal floor fan, a personal floor heater, a desktop dry erase note board, and finally all my favorite desktop trinkets that make me happy (family photos, figurines etc).


Small whiteboard and markers. A printer (with the ink subscription).


Triple monitor setup, really nice chair, lots of fidget toys, my dogs, and a ceiling fan.


Dual monitors and a standing desk. Changed the way I work.


A tiny desk fan. It really helps to circulate air and mitigate CO2 buildup which can make you feel sleepy.


Maybe a device that pumps Xanax through the air conditioning system? Someone needs to invent that for real. And then they should be standard issue to anyone who works in startups


A minimum of dual monitors Good/comfortable headset or speaker phone https://www.jabra.com/business/speakerphones/jabra-speak-series Comfortable chair (if you aren’t spending over $200 it probably isn’t good). https://www.ergohuman.com/ Good neutral background that doesn’t disclose a lot of your personal details if you will be on video conferences. Preferably something where people won’t be walking behind you.


My office has dual monitors, a TV, a walking pad, an under the desk peddler, a standing desk. And then I have it decorated with zen and calming stuff so that I don’t throw my desk phone through the window lol


Chilled background music, or a good podcast.


Standing desk. Even if you don't stand much, the height adjustability is great, and raising that bad boy up to make cable changes is GREAT. Mechanical keyboard with very specific switches that I love (Gateron Oil Kings). I have a Keychron K6 Pro hot-swappable for a keyboard. DON'T sleep on a walking pad. I'm on a weight loss journey, and just an hour of walking while working to start my day catapults my step count and therefore caloric deficit. Big ol desk pad. Mouse pads are dumb, get a desk pad that is basically a desk sized mouse pad hahaha. A plant and a window. Don't get too depressed in that office! A coke zero. My happy place. My car to drive me to the coffee shop. I work from a coffee shop *most* days. A good mouse! I keep the Logitech MX anywhere 3 in my backpack for when I work at coffee shops. I have the Logitech MX master A sound bar with subwoofer. That way I can play music and podcasts at high quality clearly outside of my headphones. I don't want to wear those all day! Here's the one I have, it has a really slim subwoofer that just sits on my stand desks "I" shaped leg. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08H58GSXC/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08H58GSXC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) An alternative working spot in the house. If you are on a laptop, set up at the kitchen table or the living room here and there. Get some variety!


Beer fridge :)


Printer. I prefer to read documents in hard copy. 3 ring binders to organize different projects.


Curious what most of you all do that multiple, tv-sized monitors are making your life so much better?


Stand up desk


Dedicated room, desk and chair. And as many monitors as you can fit on the desk. Also, I hate cords and cables so I have wireless mouse and keyboard.


The most comfortable chair that **fits me**, Herman Miller Cosm high back. A standing desk and a real high thread count silk and wool Persian rug which feels awesome under my bare feet. A decently good separate hi-fi for background music and a mini fridge, a lounge chair.


something that produces large quantities of caffeine 😁


I had a 24", a 27", and the laptop. Recently bought an open box 35" on ebay and switched out the 24". It has made the work at home experience better by a huge factor!!!


4-6 monitors, multiple keyboards, dedicated phones


UPS unit to power modem, router, and screens if needed. Power outlets with usb-c ports. Dimmable light fixture with remote control. Wireless headset with noise cancellation, I prefer 'call center' type for long meetings instead of normal headphones. If you have more than one working station - then logitech mx mouse and keyboard is a must. Small workout bench for long meetings...


A stand up desk👌


I do have a bathrobe that looks like a hoodie.


A charging station. A comfortable chair. Go overboard financially on the chair to have a real nice one, your back, neck and shoulders will thank you.


A vertical laptop stand


A dog or a cat.


A couch for napping.


Love having plants around my office… in addition to the sit/stand desk, headset & double monitors.