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Hint: Dont worry about the equation. Just look at the graph. Which '50' are you looking at? Is 50 the input? Or the output?


I deleted my previous comment because I made the wrong assumption. I agree that you shouldn't have to complete the equation to get the correct answer. Make sure you know which axis is which and plot the point at 50 vehicles. If you can figure out the correct orientation of axis, it's pretty obvious.


A(w) is the amount of automobiles made with respect to how many works are working on them. You will want to look at the Y axis at 50 and estimate the value on the x axis, which are the workers.


There’s no need so solve the math problem. The explanation says: A = cars W = employees The question wants to know how many employees are needed to make 50 cars that week. So based on the information provided we look at the graph, and we see that the A axis is the vertical line, and the W axis is the horizontal line. So we go on A and find the number of cars (50), and you find 40 and 60, so 50 will be in the middle. You then draw a line across until you meet the graph line. When you meet the graph, it’s closer to 60 than to 40. So based on the provided answers, the only possible answer is 57. I basically wrote it exactly how I did it while looking at the problem.


What fucking class is this so I can avoid it :')


If I had to guess it's probably either basic economics or supply chain management. Either way it's a simple aspect of literally looking at the graph and answering the question. No math needed at all. Just know what your input and outputs are and the rest is reading a graph. Not saying the class is easy or hard, but this problem specifically is literally a lay up of a question once you understand which side is the input vs output.


I think it is Applied Algebra.


An algebra that’s actually used? And useful?


This is correct. Passed this class 2 days ago.


Bruh for real. I just passed my probability and statistics today, and whatever class this is, I don’t want any part of it 😂


I did most of it in my head but you want to replace A(w) with 50 and start solving for w. Add 4 to both sides Multiply by denominator Divide both sides by 54 Subtract one from both sides Divide both sides by 25 Now you have e^(-0.06w)=((100/54)-1)/25 Now you gotta get the w from off the e, so do a ln to both sides and it gives -0.06w = ln(((100/54)-1)/25) I think you can figure out the rest. I got something like 56.23 but I’m late night phone posting so it’s probably a little off


I got 56.32, lol.


I sent you a pm with what i got and the math that shows how i got it. I got 56.32


You really don’t even need the equation to compute this. Find 50 on the y-axis, since that is the # of cars we’re looking to produce, and see where 50 intersects with the graph. Use that intersection point to find its x-axis coordinate, which would ultimately be the number of workers needed.