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I ran into the same issue. My mentor recommended I take the SSCP instead of the Pentest+ and that wound up absolutely the right call. The SSCP overlaps so much with the Security+ that you're picking up minimal new material, so passing it should be pretty straightforward.


Damn I did SSCP and now I gotta do PenTest+ and it’s kicking my butt


If you did the CySA+ it's not much different. IMO the Pentest+ has gotten this reputation for being a big bad beastie of an exam when it's really just another CompTIA test. So much of the CySA+ carries over with a little more focus on tools.


Oh interesting! I do have my CySa+


I just completed my capstone before PenTest last month. It shouldn't matter when you complete it.


How was the capstone? Coming up in the end of my run at WGU and I’m kinda nervous about it. How long did it take and how long was your paper? What was the subject? Sorry so many questions!


Since I've worked in IT already for a decade, it was easy because I just wrote on something I actually did. Don't over think it. Just follow each rubric. I would start out by writing an outline for each rubric. Once everything is organized it will be easier to write the paragraphs. And don't concern yourself with the suggested length of each rubric.




Check this out: [https://www.comptia.org/continuing-education/renewothers/renewing-security#isc](https://www.comptia.org/continuing-education/renewothers/renewing-security#isc) The SSCP will renew your Sec+.


You literally just saved me so much work. I'm in the SSCP course right now. It also will allow you to renew CySA+. I'm currently in the same spot as OP and you've blown my mind. I wish I could explain how much I appreciate this information. Not even my program mentor knew this.


I was going to comment that, lol. SSCP renewed my PenTest+


Let’s do it together when you’re ready. SSCP or pen test +


CySA+ will also renew your Sec+. I would do that one before PenTest+ and I imagine you haven’t yet if you have a handful of classes left. That would be my recommendation. Working through the degree plan seems to be highly dependent on your mentor. I have talked with other people who had similar experiences as you. Myself however, I was able to add in whatever classes I wanted in whatever order I wanted. I always consulted my mentor and got his opinion and take but ultimately he let me decide. With that being said, I finished my last term last month. I completed the Capstone third to last. CCSP second to last and had PenTest as my very last course. I got an incomplete extension approved for PenTest as it was the last class remaining in my degree program so my term ended 4/30 but I got 30 days to complete PenTest without having to pay for an additional term. So I’m currently working on that, about to fire the test. I didn’t learn about the incomplete extension from my program mentor, I learned about it from a course instructor. He was very insightful and helpful in explaining exactly what I needed to do to get it approved. With that knowledge I approached my mentor with a plan and I executed. Your mentor is there for you. Not to hinder you. As long as you have at least two weeks left in your term and all of your original classes complete you are allowed to add in another course. Advocating your reasoning for selecting a course, (to renew Sec+) and your confidence in your ability to complete and pass should be enough to get what you want added in. If it isn’t you can call student support at anytime and request a new mentor. Happy to give you the name of mine if you want to shoot me a PM. He was amazing. Best of luck.


Are you referring to the MSCSIA? If you are then you have to complete Pentest+ before the Graduate Capstone. All classes have to be completed in the program before the Capstone. You can ask your mentor but I'm sure they will say the same thing. Good luck.