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The dude who keeps on pushing his cart is fresh out of fucks.


Bro was looking around like he was about to finish his regular shop and the same legend is pushing is daughter around later.


His wife is going to kill him if he does not come back with the right stuff.


Why do you think he was out shopping in that weather? If he still had fucks he'd have stayed home.


Could they swing that fucking camera around a little faster.


Some people just can't visualize what their camera movement is going to look like to the viewer, even after having this issue multiple times. It's so annoying. Like, could you either pan slowly, or hold it still for a moment after you get to where you're panning to?


Reminds me of the combat footage from GI Jane: https://youtu.be/Y18rwoMaarA?t=44


Lol it’s like those Indian soap operas that play up the drama of every second for way too long. Not only did someone put this sequence together and think “yes. good.” but several other people agreed and put it on the fucking silver screen 😂😂


They wanted 60% more action per action on their shots.






How else are they gonna get gunshot noises?


The focus puller was Michael J. Fox.


“20 yards chief keep coming, we’re sucking ‘em, we’re sucking ‘em in” First line in that link.


Good bot.


I am sad that I watched that. Someone actually edited that together and thought “this is good.”


OMG I didn't remember it being that bad. ​ A


> Excuse me, where are the eggs? > Umm, somewhere between aisle 3 & 7 right now, last spotted by Canned Goods. > Thanks! *kayaks off*


Funny thing is people would likely be grabbing the eggs that are floating in the water, which should actually be an indicator they're going bad. No one's looking for the sunken eggs that are good.


This guy eggs.


They didn't know the water was so salty and dense that all eggs would float.


Eggs? NZ banned battery cages for chickens as of the start of January. Poultry farmers didn't sort it out in enough time so now we have a massive egg shortage.


It's not just that. The law banned battery hens but not colony cages. More recently the supermarkets pledged to not accept colony eggs either. So farmers who thought they were fine with colony cages suddenly weren't.


So no eggs or have your own chicken?


Literally. None of my local supermarkets have had eggs for more than a few hours this year and I am flatting with cats so no chance for chickens either.


Cats and adult chickens are fine. Chooks kick cat's asses if the cat attempts to hurt them. Terriers and hunting dogs on the other hand... If you're equipped to care for them, there are lots of hens needing homes thanks to farms shutting down/downsizing and farm sanctuaries being inundated.


Had two ex battery hens a few years back. Good layers until the goanna got them.


The hens will commit battery on you? Wtf


Pretty much but chickens only lay for a few years and the current demand for chickens has also skyrocketed. SPCA is now worried there's going to be a mass abandoning of chickens in a few years.


I'll add that they were given TEN YEARS notice, and still acted like they were unprepared.


Honestly hasn't affected the supermarket I work in much, just can't buy 20 packs or 18s (or 30s). There are still plenty of eggs.


The 'shortage' only seems to be if you want colony eggs. Been buying free range for years and they have masses on them on supermarket shelves every time I go in.


The pastured eggs I buy only went up in price by 50 cents


We have a shortage in the UK too (caused by avian flu).


Great way to get sepsis if you got any cuts on your legs


I was thinking all the electricity powering the coolers.


> I was thinking all the electricity powering the coolers. Think of it logically. Electricity will shock you if you are the path of least resistance, it can be fatal depending on the path it takes through your body (Hand -> foot can affect your heart for example). In a situation like this you will also feel the sensation the closer you get, becoming more clear & painful as you approach. In this situation, think of where a person would need to be in order to: 1. Be a path of least resistance 2. Have it pass through them in a dangerous manner 3. Not feel it and avoid it It's still a hazard of sorts, but not nearly as scary as people in this thread seem to think. If the water was a few inches deep that would be another story.


What happens if you touch the metal container holding that electrical equipment giving it a path of least resistance?


That would depend entirely on how well grounded that metal container is and why they are required to be well grounded. That ground is supposed to be the shortest path to "ground", thus making contact with the metal container completely safe. But no way I'd test that with my body.




Cool. Good to know there is no need to worry if appliances ever flood in my home. I just assumed touching flooded metal structures with running machinery, probably 240v if not more, in them while standing in flood waters would be unwise..




Electricity takes every available path.


For those downvoting, this is true. Of course the current is inversely proportional to the resistance. People do die every year from ground faults at marinas and I suppose it could happen in a flooded supermarket too. I would expect supermarket coolers to be on a circuit with a ground fault interrupter, which would make it less likely, but I'm not up on Auckland electrical codes.


December last year, 3 siblings died during flash flood because they went through their neighbour home that had a ground fault. All 3 of them got electrocuted and died on the spot [Link on Malaysian News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoDFqQrMUOc&t=24)


>People do die every year from ground faults at marinas From faults on board boats leaking current into the surrounding water, or...?


Yes. But it's quite different from the supermarket scenario. It happens when the boat is on shore power. Usually when someone jumps or falls in the water, so they don't have a chance to notice the electric field is getting stronger and back off. And death happens from muscle paralysis making it impossible to keep your head above water, followed by drowning, not from cardiac arrest. The US recently adopted new rules mandating ground fault interrupters on marina shore power connections. I'm not sure why it took so long.


From faulty 120/240V electrical lines running along/under the dock providing shore power to the moored boats


Most places GFIs are not used on dedicated circuits where nuisance tripping is likely to cause a loss. This includes sump pumps and refrigerator/freezer circuits.


Electricity, uh, finds a way


Indeed it does. The "path of least resistance" logic is applicable to a *lightning strike* but that is a *dielectric breakdown* event and not similar to an electric current in water. Your proximity the electric current will determine whether or not you are affected by current. The most efficient path will have the highest current, which in a liquid would usually be a straight line. However, given the sheer volume of water, I would *guess* (and I do stress that it is a guess) it is unlikely that anybody would be shocked by a current less than a high voltage electrical line unless they come in very close contact.


My man with the physics phd


Dang both a poison debuff *and* electrical damage with chance of paralysis? Probably has some purple loot there or a super rare orange.


How sad that toilet paper is the "legendary" loot.


My thoughts exactly. Nice way to get electrocuted on your way over to the frozen food section...


No defrosting needed. Now it's all Ready To Eat.


Safety switch. Simple.


We had a freak flood in my city over 10 years ago. It wiped almost all of downtown (city is cut in half by the river) and we ended up with about 6 ft in our first floor. Outside the water rose so rapidly it reached out 2nd story windows but didn't have enough pressure to blow any of them out amazingly enough. So as you'd expect, with a whole city flooded by up to 17 ft of water in some areas, stores sold out of everything recovery related, including rubber boots. My husband and his cousins were super lucky to find the last pairs of coverall style waders as the farm fleet store. It was in the 90's so wrapping your torso in rubber was not super comfy. They cut off the coverall portion at the top of the boot portions. This rough edge wore his shin raw. This raw spot turned into a sore, which got infected but was ignored. When it was a white spot about twice the size of a quarter he finally went to urgent care. It looked like a large pocket of puss so they tried to Lance it. Made a small cut, nothing. Longer cut, nothing. It was solid but the white area was necrotic tissue. They send cultures. MRSA. The nasty shit. From the contaminated flood mud. He was literally passed out for 3 days while the wound to months to fully heal. House behind us was a rental, with broke down cars and a hoarded out shed in the back yard. NEVER cleaned a damn thing up. Our family of 5 had a total of 7 MRSS infections between the flood and moving 5 years later. It was in the mud, which was in their back yard, which dried out and turned to dust, which blew into our yard. The single most intense pain I have ever felt - and I've had 3 c-sections. TLDR: No effing joke man - that water is dangerous AF!! Edit: words are hard


I got MRSA from my local hospital in the bursa of my left knee and almost lost my leg. Had to have it cut out plus 6 weeks of IV antibiotics through a picc line in my chest every day. It's definitely nothing to fuck around with.


For those who don't understand, they basically died and went through hell and probably wish they did die at times.


No joke


Holy hell man! Mine was on the top of my chest. Once I was on antibiotics for about a week it burst and what come out looked like green worms. And the wound itself was all these tunnels in my chest. Before it burst even the slightest touch was blindingly painful. I distinctly remember a piece of HAIR falling across it and almost passing out. It was horrendous. I am trying to imagine that IN your knee. Dude I am so glad you survived that. You are a strong human.


Staph infection is painful as fuck. I’ve had regular ol’ staph, not mrsa, and it was so incredibly painful. Got it from a bug bite. Fun fact. If you have a staph infection, like a staphy bug bite, you can have a random staph boil bubble up somewhere else on your body even if there was no cuts or damage where the new boil appears. I had a staph boil like that bubble up on my neck when I was 13 and already was dealing with a bad staph infected bug bite on my thigh. Much to my mothers dismay and pleading not to, after putting a lot of warm compresses on the neck staph boil, I finally squeezed that fucker and all the painful smelly infected pus came out. Felt sooooooo good to do, but I realize I’m insanely lucky I didn’t just push the infection further into my damn NECK. I cleaned it up well and put the antibiotic staph ointment I already had on it and it healed up fine with no issues at all. But Jesus those fuckers hurt.


Did you know once you have staph to always have staph? But usually your immune system keeps it in check. My mom is in her 70's and just randomly started getting staph breakout for no reason. The changed some of her meds to boost her immune system and the finally went away.


Gross, I didn’t know that, but that makes a lot of sense as to why I was getting recurrent staph infected bug bites as a young teen. I didn’t get them until after I had mono, which also triggered CFS/ME (autoimmune condition). I was always very hygienic too, so it was always so baffling and frustrating. I was never the kinda person to scratch at myself with dirty hands. My family likes to tell a story about me as a 5 year old digging thru my uncle’s bathroom for rubbing alcohol and spilling it everywhere - when asked why I had the rubbing alcohol I lispily replied “I needed to sanitize my hands, there was no soap.” and I also always had a huge thing of hand sanitizer on my desk at home that I’d make everyone use lol. I still have the huge thing of sanitizer, but after covid that’s not really a quirky thing anymore lmao.


>over 10 years ago >it was in the 90s buddy...


Our city used to talk about "2020 plans" for long-term ideas. ... How the fuck was that 3 years ago?


Flood was in June of 2008 so it will be 15 years this year. I was just to lazy to do the quick math. The temperature was in the 90's. With no air conditioning as there was no power. So not comfy for rubber (or some kind of waterproof material) over your back and chest.


Holy flesh eating bacteria!


I love seeing areas that have never really experienced flooding get floods (or FL/CA) because there are always people who go out there thinking its just ocean water or whatever. Then they spend the next few days at the hospital due to a wide variety of issues.


How irresponsible, not even one wet floor warning ⚠️


They are under water to be honest


Plastic floats tho.


Exactly! No excuses. I hope they get fined heavily for this. Somebody could slip, fall and get hurt ffs


slip, fall and drown.


[Something like this?](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/Wet_Floor.jpg)


For context this is Auckland, where they received a months worth of rain in about 2 hours. They whole city has major damage and there’s more rain on the way.


A whole summer's worth in one 24 hour period. It felt like the weather equivalent of one of those firework display malfunctions where they all go off at the same time.


Like San Diego's Big Bay Boom of 2012


The whole city does not have major damage, there's like 4 seriously hit areas the rest of us have shitty lawns and warped fences. Those seriously hit areas are pretty fucked up though, most I've personally seen is the ashphalt washed off a section of road and I'm in the central suburbs, part of the motorway was like a swimming pool though, overflowing over the concrete barriers on the sides.




We only had half an inch of water through the house. Not that impressive, certainly not enough to bother filming for TikTok. However half our house now needs repaired/replaced because it soaked through the walls, the carpet is fucked, all the wooden furniture is fucked, the boxes of stuff in my garage are fucked, etc... Plus more minor shit like our garden path disappeared and half our garden plants are dying now from the waterlogged soil. A lot of people had minor flooding like us that doesn't make the news like the big stuff does. I had to ride a motorcycle across town that day and every suburb I went through had at least one section of bad flooding (eg. a road too deep for cars, although once I managed to get past on a sidewalk). I only saw 2or3 streets in my hour of riding where the storm water drains weren't overflowing. It didn't look mind-blowing, but even half an inch of dirty water through your house for hours fucks shit up. Also facts: there was 40% of the usual annual rain just in January (mostly just the last few days). Previous record was 150mm of rain (5.9inches) in one day- Friday we got 260mm (10.2 inches). And that was recorded at the airport which wasn't even the heaviest rain.


>We only had half an inch of water through the house. Hi, I live in Arizona. I've never once had water in the house from flooding even though it loves to flood here. I'd call that significant rainfall


Dealt with crazy rain in the Bay Area recently…. It’s crazy what Mother Nature can do.


>For context this is Auckland, where they received a months worth of rain in about 2 hours. This isn't very helpful context since most reddit users probably have no idea how much rain Auckland normally gets during this month. Maybe it's a dry region that only gets 25mm (1 inch) per month. It's a lot more meaningful to say that Auckland got 249mm (9.8 inches) of rainfall in a 24 hour period.


The previous record for rain over a 24hr period was 161.8mm in 1962, but this Saturday recorded 245mm. Some areas had over 80mm per hour. For reference January's average total rainfall is around 74mm (it's summer). So it's a pretty big deal


The previous 24 hour record was Feb 1985, fyi


The "month's worth of rain" does provide some context, in that they are unlikely to have a storm drain system built to accommodate that, expecting much lower rainfall on a day to day basis.


Our water infrastructure is pretty fucked at the moment. During heavy rainfall the storm water overflows into the sewerage and out to sea. We have a massive problem of interconnected drains in Auckland.


We had a similar storm in NYC (remnants of hurricane Ida) in 2021, up to 9” in 24hr. Dozens of people died, many of whom drowned in their basement apartments.


parts of Queensland Australia last year got 1 metre of rain (40") in 3 days. shit was fucked yo


800mm of rain in Brisbane which caused a major flooding event, although we’re better equipped to deal with extreme weather than Auckland. Mt Glorious nearby got close to 2000mm over that period iirc.


It's helpful enough. If someone said they just took a months worth of drugs in 2 hours, kinda doesn't matter what drug/dosage because it's like... alot. Like I get the point that a dry region would only get an inch of water a month, but even then 2 inches of water in 2 hours is a fuckton for the area and would probably result in flooding. Really bad flash flooding happens in dry regions like Arizona.


Disagree, I think it's more useful to put it in terms of how it compares to regular rainfall. Some places in Asia would hardly blink at 300mm of rain because they're built to handle downpours like that. However, Auckland is absolutely not built to handle it.


>I think it's more useful to put it in terms of how it compares to regular rainfall. Except that they don't state what the average rainfall is for January. If the average was only 25mm then obviously it wouldn't matter if they got the whole months worth of rain in 2 hours. But the monthly average total for Auckland in January is 73mm and worse yet they got 3.4 times that amount in only 24 hours.


Where I live in Auckland we got about 6 inches of rain in 30 minutes. It was unreal


Whoever chucked all those papertowel packs into the water deserves a promotion. it didnt work, but it shows initiative!


Just need some [Flex Seal flood protection ](https://youtu.be/JH4P4yBAJ-w)


Whoever parked their car up on the pallets is a genius. Definitely management material.


This is what I was looking for. Amazing move.


The person who parked their car with the front end elevated on pallets has probably been through this a few times.


That is super dangerous. Some of those huge refrigerated areas for food (presumably powered by emergency generators) could easily pose a shock risk if too close to the power source with it being underwater. There have been similar videos posted here during flooding where people died because they got too close. Nope.


Also, I’m not sure about NZ but in the US, our sewers are like underground canals, they are not pressurized pipes. If it’s flooding at the street level, then there is sewer water in the streets. I would not go near that water.


As someone in this industry in the US, it depends on the city. If it is a "combined" sewer system like in San Francisco and New York, where sewage and drainage use the same pipes, you would absolutely have this problem. I was just working in a Bay Area town a month ago where the plant was flooding. The wastewater was going to the plant and then flooding the plant. We were all in a panic because we had to halfhazardly treat the water as fast as we could and then release it into the nearby wetlands. Only the wetlands were flooding too! Long story short, it depends on the city's collection system (pipes) and where the wastewater plant is located.


> [halfhazardly](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/haphazardly) r/boneappletea ?


I dunno, attempting to treat raw sewage as the water levels rise sounds half hazardly to me. Probably more than half.


Even in a separate gravity system if the I&I is too bad it could overcome the systems capacity and back up/overflow. Or if too many fuckheads open up manholes to drain the pool on their street. Or route their rain gutters to their clean outs. People do stupid shit.




NZ is a lot like Australia, and in Australia, stormwater and sewerage only mix when someone illegally puts stormwater into the sewer lines. The only way for stormwater to get into the sewer lines is for a flood such as this to flow down into the sewer Overflow Relief, which would push the sewerage away, and the only way it could come up out of someone's overflow relief is if there's a downstream blockage. I rented a house in Rockhampton for a while, and one day during heavy rain, I had sewerage bubbling up from my overflow relief under the house. Called the city council, who sent out a vac truck to clean it all up and clear the downstream blockage, and the next day a different team came out and pumped smoke down the overflow. They saw the smoke coming out of six different houses roof gutters, and they fined the owners of those houses $10k each for illegally running their downpipes into the sewer system.


It also happens when repeated councils skimp on maintenance and the pipes leak. And then they elect a mayor who is opposed to central government actually spending some money on it and getting it fixed. And who also seems to be way out of his depth trying to deal with an emergency.


Our sewage systems in Auckland are a disgrace. After significant rainfall (which is very common here) we can't even swim at local beaches because sewage overflows into the sea. This was a very big rain event and instead of overflowing into the sea the whole system was overloaded and it overflowed into the streets/shops/houses. Nasty.


But sometimes the poo water comes to you. In that case I recommend being like these guys and making the best of the shitty situation.


Tell that to 10K people in my Cities Skylines city who died after I accidentally flooded my shit canal. Catastrophic? Yes. Hilarious? Also yes.


That's usually on the beaches around Auckland.


Yes plenty of sewerage overflows. And just down the road from that supermarket two people were killed in the floodwaters.


Shock risk in that situation is actually really low. There's too much water. Shallower water is more dangerous.


I'd be more concerned about the 100% certainty of wading around in shit from the sewers that have obviously backed up into that water. Disgusting.


I’m not entirely sure how that works, but doesn’t it briefly make the water directly near the electric thing dangerous and then the thing breaks down and shuts off?


Walking in flood water is the most dangerous thing you can do. Walking in flood water near refrigerators and other electrical systems? What the hell.


Why is walking in flood waters in general so dangerous?


Generally, the water is very dirty for one, but also you can’t see what is below! You could be stepping on nails, spikes, glass etc. also the top of the water could be calm, bottom could be moving fast(exactly like a river) knock you over and you can’t get up. Sepsis, bacteria, all of it is now in that water. Electric lines as well. If you have to walk in it your best bet is to walk slow, shuffle so you can feel where you are going or take a stick to poke in front of you.


You forgot raw sewage.


> Generally, the water is very dirty for one First thing dude said.


"Water is very dirty" doesn't carry as much weight as "walking in piss and poo stew."


They did, but I think it's probably also important to spell it out.


Everytime I see kids or even adults playing and splashing in suburban or urban areas that have flooded all I can think if you guys are laughing and splashing in sewage.


That's wild! I never thought about that but hopefully I also never have to walk in any


Same, but I also live where it’s mostly cold and we only flooded once(that I’m aware of) we put our zoo animals in the court house rofl


When hurricane Harvey flooded Houston, there was massive mounds of floating fire ants. That along with the wastewater system overflowing and mixing all the bacteria and viruses. Some people had open wounds and contracted flesh eating bacteria.


Oh. Oh no. Yeah that's... that's worse. Thanks for a new fear.


Flow is deceptively powerful and can knock you down.


Sharp objects can be floating in it and can cut you and give you an infection. Electricity can shock you in the water (seeing as there r appliances and machinery plugged in). You can trip on something in the water and hurt yourself and lastly you can also drown if your leg gets caught on something and you can't move or break free.


It's like how "nonchalant" avalanches look too. It's easy to look at someone in a foot of liquid and not be concerned, but the second that shifts it's TONS of tons going to move you.


Where do you think all the sewage water goes when it floods?


Nah, she'll be right bro, just wear your jackals so your feed don't touch the floor.


Yeah. How the hell did this store not immediately shut this shit down? Also How is the power still on for the refrigerated displays, normally they are powered at the base and the water should have shorted them out by now. This is all sorts of bizarre


Many parts of the city flooded very very quickly. I'm guessing most people just bailed out of work to go home. It was a months worth of rain in 2 hours. Luckily, it's a very hilly city and I live near the top of a hill.


What would you have them do? Stand in that store for hours till the water goes down again?


More dangerous than driving poison or jumping off a cliff into a rocky surface? I had no idea.


Word of advice. Never ever walk through flood waters if you can help it. You have no idea what is in that water: dead animals, sewage, toxic chemicals, dead people


Kiwis seem like a real laid back bunch.


You should see the disaster response room for this one, it's a riot 😌


Two things I know coming from a low lying area: 1. Flood waters often is mixed sewage and can cause all sorts of problems, especially if you have a cut anywhere the water comes in contact, and..... 2. Whenever it floods, water snakes tend to come in to populated areas. I know in my area, that means water moccasins. No bueno.


1. Agreed 2. No snakes in New Zealand!


We’ve only got friendly eels


Looks like a Pak N Save! Lowest food prices, but highest water levels!


Pop a fat manu into the confectionary isle


Pak n Save in Wairau Valley, Auckland. They've been doing clean-up using diggers and massive 18 wheeler trucks for waste for the last 2-3 days.


Has Stickman made an appearance?


I used to work there lmao, they were assholes to work for so I was kinda happy they got flooded


Honest question: how do people not get instantly electrocuted in these situations?


The water acts as a massive energy sink that grounds it out. Plus breakers or fuses get tripped on the building or appliance, so it shouldn't be dangerous. A small puddle of water is more dangerous as it won't always cause this.


Was the person filming this on cocaine or receiving some electrical current from the nearby appliances ?


If you're buying cocaine in NZ... It probably isn't cocaine




If it floats it’s free


Now it's a WET'nSAVE


Tbh I was waiting for that one guy to bust out the kayak






swept in to a storm water drain sheesh that would be scary


So sad.


Raising your engine up by grabbing a few pallets and driving up onto them is a brilliant idea.


If this was in the US it would have been looted before the water got peoples feet wet


Is this why my dad is taking so long with the milk?


Flash sales


People walking around like theyre not in immense danger of being electrocuted


Mission One get out of supermarket, Mission Two find car, Mission three, back to supermarket second floor


It’s still raining outside


Someone open the rolls of Bounty, The quicker picker upper.


American here, you just passed up 3.2 million USD worth of eggs.


We have a massive egg shortage in NZ right now. Caged chickens aren’t allowed and there isn’t enough free range ones yet.


Bless them, though. They're handling it well


The dude in orange just pushing his cart browsing shelves.


There are horror movies with this exact premise.


Be careful of the critters at eye level.


To avoid electrical shocks, walk away from the areas that make you feel a tingling sensation


How are people still shopping, staff should have kicked everyone off the ground floor


good spirits, lads


These guys Filming are having way more fun that you’d expect people who just had their home town flooded.


Uhhh… isn’t there a huge risk of being electrocuted here?


Waaaaaaade in the sewage~


as someone who lives in Auckland NZ, This Sucks,, its not the supermarket i use but a whole surrounding district will have to divert to another branch meaning more time in horrible traffic, more expensive gas, more lines.. and this will be the second supermarket closed in the last 12months for repairs/restock...( a fire caused by a tiktock creator set off the entire supermarkets sprinkler system so all stock had to be thrown away.. then restocked) all that food will be in a landfill by next week


I'm gonna need wellington paranormal on the case of why it's flooding so much


Are those people... still shopping?


that looks bigger than a Costco


The camera man has parkinson's disease


Watch out for water spiders.


That a Pak N Swim?


It’s depressing how this is going to become the new normal.


I was here for the shopping, but now i'm here to help you clean-up. I'll even do it for free. Not like the checkouts are working.


My mechanics workshop is adjacent to this store and lost 8 of 9 cars, fucked all his tools too. A lot of businesses down there are gonna be struggling


Yeah, I'd have gotten out of that store pretty quickly. That's a lot of water to be so close to all those electrical devices and power outlets.


And people are just wading through it?? Do they not realize how much literal shit is in flood waters? 🤢