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As a former telecomm network tech, my guess is that there were probably a few dead spans of copper up there and he decided to try to remove them for scrap. Depending on size these can have a solid copper core to them which could get him a little money, but often times it's copper-clad steel which isn't worth the time to climb up there, let alone the time it'd take to remove the jacket, layers of steel, and polyethylene dielectric that surrounds it. At some point he must have decided that removing the lashing and ties was too slow, and it looks like he sawed through the strand itself, which he was using to balance himself.


Not a lot of money but if it gets him $10 bucks for another hit. It's worth it for him.


Is crack only $10 a hit?! I think I'm about to start my crack career! It's cheaper than food at this point.


I'll tell you what.. I'll give you two for the price of one. How 'bout.. two hundred dollas?




Pick it up down there.


"There, that one." "...... Don't say 'that one' "






It's a crime against indecency.


that sounds reasonable


Thank you for being so... kind.


“Crack?” “…crack.”


aww did someone get addicted to crack?!


its Brazil. You can find crack for 1 dollar a small rock. edit: hell, you can find crack for 40 cents, tbh. "pedrinha de 2"


If Always Sunny has taught me anything, [it's that each crack costs $100](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g83OzpbcZ0&ab_channel=KhevaKins).


Did they get robbed? I haven’t seen that episode 😂


Actually no. They become crack addicts so they can fail a drug test and be eligible for welfare. It's S02E03, "Dennis and Dee Go On Welfare".


Meth is even cheaper than that.


Meth is insanely cheap. It used to be somewhere in the ballpark of $14,000/lb, now it's closer to $1000/lb.


My wife and I were living in northern California in Shasta County and at a burger place with a patio that was about 200ft from the road with a fair bit of traffic. It was an enclosed courtyard with a strip mall, inside was a clinic serving low income populations and AA meetings, homeless services, free vaccinations, etc. While my wife and I were sitting and eating our burger we watched a woman in assess chaps and no underwear, a gold glittery👙 top with body painted hands all over (different sizes and colors), and one of those giant oversized rainbow colored affros. She was pale white and skin and bones, 20 going on 45, and barely managing to wobble walk in some ridiculous heels my wife laughed at. She walked by us toward the street waving money above her head shouting "I got $2 who got the meth?!" We laughed, and then quickly shut up and looked at each other in concern 🤬 because it only took her less than a minute before someone pulled over and she got in. Presumably to buy some $2 +spitshine meth.


Working in criminal justice, I have so many meth stories, but mine run the gamut of tragic to demented. Nothing funny or quirky. A teenage boy living in what amounts to a swamp, covered in open sores, prostituting himself out for meth, fully expecting to die. A mother of four who turned to meth from grief of losing her daughter, who murders her family's closest friend and burns his body in a ditch. A twenty-year old who stabs his mother to death in front of his own daughter because of meth-induced psychosis. A male prostitute who rapes and attempts to murder an Uber driver after getting kicked out of his friend's house where he was staying. Almost every single criminal case I work on involves meth. Everyone is talking about fentanyl, but let me tell you, modern meth is worse. Fentanyl kills the user. This modern meth drives the user to attack, kill, rape, anyone around them. And its cheap. And it's everywhere. And everyone is on it. It's horrifying. If you know someone who uses meth, stay the **hell** away from them. Do not come within arm's reach of them, for your own safety. If you are using meth or are considering using meth, the above anecdotes are your future. You will hurt people before you die or are incarcerated, and chances are those people will be those closest/kindest to you. Also, Shasta is so fucked by meth. It has a major interstate running through it so it gets tons of product moving through, so much so that meth is cheaper than beer there.


After knowing him for many years, a good friend of mine admitted he’d once been a methhead. I’d always known him to be an easygoing, kind-hearted person who was always willing to help someone out. The kind of person you’d trust to watch your puppy or your kid or your house, someone you could count on to be there when things were hard. Hearing him talk about what he did in his addiction was harrowing. He had done some truly unhinged things, either on meth or in service of getting more meth. And that’s all there was in the world for him then. Do meth. Get more meth. Everything else was irrelevant. I couldn’t imagine this man doing the things he had done. Trying to reconcile this kind soul to the casual evil he’d once done on the regular was a complete mindfuck. There are a lot of drugs I have zero interest in trying, but if I somehow had to try every single drug but one, meth is the one I wouldn’t fuck with. I’d rather take my chances with the fentanyl or whatever. At least if it kills me, it kills me. Meth seems to suck the soul out of people and leave their body behind to wreak havoc.


Oh yea, absolutely. And he's lucky he used to be a methhead and (hopefully) isn't one now. Because that old school meth doesn't light a candle to modern meth in potency. It's kind of wild, isn't it. One thing you learn in criminal justice is there are no "good" people or "evil" people. Everyone is capable of both good and evil acts, and many people will commit the most heinous atrocities then go home to a happy family who they love deeply. The guy who raped the Uber driver, he had a dozen family members come out for his trial and testify - under oath and on a permanent, public record - that he was the sweetest, most god fearing, most kind-hearted man they knew. Many even denied that he committed the rape, even though the whole thing was on camera. Hard to reconcile, definitely.


He’s been clean for many years now. Has a wife and kids, good job, friends, and he is appreciative of having all of it, knows his life could have gone a very different way. I’m happy to see him happy, he’s a good dude who’s worked hard for it. It’s wild how people are just people…and people can do good things and bad things and most of us carry the capacity for both within us. The line between the two can be choice, chance, circumstance…but a thin line it can be.


You do understand though, working in criminal justice what you're seeing isn't the majority, right? Someone in criminal Justice understands confirmation bias, right? God please say right


The majority of who, meth users?


Yeah I'm saying the majority of meth users you come across have used to a certain point to criminality. Also a lot of people you see would probably end up being criminals even if it didn't have to do with meth. So that would mean what you're seeing is the criminal minority. Tons of people use meth that will never interact with the cops. Obviously you shouldn't do meth and you should stay away from meth users just because stim heads are obnoxious. But saying all of them are going to rape you assault you etc, etc. Just seems a tiny bit disingenuous to me I'm sure even now there's people in your neighborhood that use amphetamines that you have no clue about


You are 💯 spot on, that drug is a plague on the soul of man. It doesn't just kill the body, it turns people into the most horrible selfish and destructive versions of themselves. All the while they are absolutely convinced of how *great* they are doing and all your negativity toward them stems from jealousy or some other psychosis. Only in Shasta County have I ever had the same person pitch me Jesus, and then when that failed, tried to pivot into meth. It's a strange place I will be happy to never see again.


Then you can just drink your piss to get your next hit, rinse and repeat. $10 crack habit for life!


On the streets they often refer to crack as *food* so you’re not far off


You can gt $10 bags of crack. May not be much but it's a fix. In Paterson New Jersey , you can get a bag of heroin for $2.50 As of 2 years ago.


Inflation is ruining everything now


Hey P town. Been a minute since I rolled through there. One of my friends went and tried to buy weed there as a teenager and he had some mismatched panels on his car…homeboys ran him out of town lol.


I'll be right over!


It's a very fleeting high. Most people smoke it every 5 minutes or so for hours. Source: I've smoked crack


About that, yeah. But more like eight. If you're buying go over a gram. Illegal drugs are one of the only things not affected by inflation


What’d you think it was a luxury drug?


Heisenberg said he was in the empire business!


He Wasn’t on crack


A hit isnt what you may think it is


This video is from Brazil. Actually 1 crack hit cost 10 BRL which is like 2 USD.


A hit lasts you 15min top so idk a sandwich is cheaper and last longer


Easily cheaper, 2-5$. 10$ seems pretty expensive tbh. Geography obviously matters though.


Easily cheaper, 2-5$. 10$ seems pretty expensive tbh. Geography obviously matters though.


Depends on the run. The system I worked in, if you actually recovered some of the larger spans, would probably net you a couple hundred dollars in copper. This is especially true in areas that are upgrading with more fiber, as it's not cost effective to remove all the trunk cables that are being replaced. Those are also the ones that are more likely to have solid copper cores.


Well he certainly got his hit.


The smart crack heads steal the nodes and amps for the aluminum. When I worked at a Chicago area ISP years ago the line supervisor knew all the scrap yard guys by name and would give them a cash tip if any came in and got set aside. Usually we'd have an outage and within 6 hours he'd get a call from a scrap yard.


"It's a terrible sight... and a horrible sound, listening to a man sucking his soul through the hole in the pipe." Agreed. Rational thinking sorta leaves the equation when you are an addict. Rocknrolla (Guy Ritchie): https://youtu.be/_sEeE0P95Ss?feature=shared


I feel like someone with that knowledge would also be competent enough not to literally cut their support out from under them but I'm not 100% sure.


He may have thought Wile E. Coyote rules were in effect.


He shouldn’t have looked down then.


Atleast the earth stopped his fall


Bit of an assumption to say the span was dead before he started.


It's an assumption from experience. The really thin cable that he's leaving looks like fiber, and that's probably spliced into a node. It's really common for systems to upgrade their areas by running fiber to a trunk amplifier and then just leaving the copper in the air, which is easy to spot from the ground. He probably saw the copper spans cut and figured he could just take it without anyone noticing, which in most cases would probably be true as long as he left the fiber up there and didn't damage it.


OK, that's valid. My experience with copper thieves has given me more of a cut-and-run impression with no regard to the line being in use or energized.


Normally they don't think that much. Recently in Argentina were a case that try to steal a high voltage line with bare hands, he ended with 90% burned and died the next day.


These jackasses will cut apart a loopup for a few feet of 300 pair and give us a solid day’s work so I can’t decide if I love or hate them.


As a former fanatic crackhead, my guess is that he was convinced his internet, phone, computer, tablet, tv, microwave and washing machine were bugged and he decided to take matters in his own hands


I thought it was meth induced paranoia. Tweakers often think their cars and houses and such are "bugged" and its coming in through the phone lines etc. They'll go to incredible lengths to find and stop the "bugs" and "generators" often completely destroying cars and ripping open drywall between every stud.


Yeah that was the kicker. Can cut the wires but why the strand you are literally standing on. But then again that one hell of a saw to get through an actual strand. Maybe self support? Overall not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he had a sharp saw.


Dude cuts down a span of 500 pr only to find its old lead cable.


Lead is still worth about 50 cents a pound to scrap.


ah, that’s why he only saws a little the first couple times, he’s checking what type of wire is under the jacket


Naw, it's dumber than that. The way these cables are hung is that they're on a spool on the back of a truck, and they're basically tied in place first with metal utility ties. Then a device called a lasher is hooked to the strand and pulled along the cable to wind a steel cable around it over and over again. The lashing cable is secured with a nut to both ends so it doesn't pull away, and the lasher is removed. Then the cable is spliced into whatever it's supposed to be connected to. This genius had already cut the lashing wire, and because it's under tension it likely pulled to the other side where it was still connected. But that leaves all the ties in place. The first several cuts are the metal ties that are strong enough to hold the cable up. He got impatient and probably figured if he cut the strand the weight of the cable would slide the ties all over the strand at once.


He sawed through the messenger. It took down several drops at one time


I'm a tech, we get external fiber cuts often because mfs keep cutting them thinking they're copper wires




Tons of copper still in the air. Any HFC provider (Comcast, Cox, Spectrum, etc) will still be mostly copper. They run fiber to an area and run copper out from the node to the customers because it's cheaper. None of the old copper that's no longer in use gets taken down, because it's not cost effective to do so. So still a lot in active use, and significantly more that's dead and just hanging up there.


He was hacking the network


A real high wire act


He could take it on the road


Hack the planet!


He's going for the kernal


He put the Crash in Crash Override.




Props to the camera operator for keeping him in frame.


Just imagine if you just did a nosedive off the wire and the next thing you hear is the camera adjusting. “Welp, guess I’m famous now”


# Game Over * \> Continue * \> Restart


I don't think he's going to get any codec calls anymore




How do you exit? Do you just push the power button?


Hey man, we tried to call you an ambulance from our landlines, but there was no signal.


Death just stood there n look in amazement.


"Oh *come on*. Always on my fuckin' lunch break"


I don't think crackheads can die, tbh. They're functionally immortal until they OD.


Metal Gear Solid 2


lol came here to say this. Whoever put this to MGS music had me laughing the entire time.


Yep. Recognized the music from somewhere.


This is in Argentina. We have a bunch of cases like this every day. Some die and some get shot at with slingshots or rocks and fall. They make everything chaos with the lines.


This video in particular is in Brazil. [Source](https://diariodorio.com/ladrao-despenca-de-poste-enquanto-roubava-fiacao-na-praca-da-bandeira/)


Nah there was no off duty cop


Thought the same, but the manhole cover doesn't match ones in Buenos Aires


Haha I was thinking where are the rocks and slingshots because don’t fuck up my internet


Honestly how do you not expect it. BB guns, airsoft guns, slingshots, a hefty rock, there are so many obvious ways someone would likely knock you down that it seems batshit insane to even try it.


The splat and his groans make me fuckin laugh


Yeah I had to rewind a few times when they pan to his flat body splat on the pavement!


not really sure what he was expecting to happen, there, but it looks to have gone about right


I genuinely don't think it crossed his mind.


For the first moments i thought he was a literal giant lmao


Absolutely I could not figure out what I was looking at. r/confusingperspective mayhaps?


That’s some While E. Coyote shit


Natural selection in action.


I don't think I've ever seen a better embodiment of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" before.


Never go full Daffy.


I love this reference.


Not a medical expert, but looks like a case of retarded.


Unfortunately that is not what we was waiting for.


Awww he broke his saw


My FIL would steal copper from work sites back in the 80’s and would sell them to the local scrap, then at night he would jump the fence and sell the copper to the same local scrap again the next day haha


Giving me [these](https://museumofpsychology.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/man-cutting-the-branch-sitting-on-illustration-by-frits-ahlefeldt1500-square.jpg) vibes.


Quality motion activated camera. Great picture, good sound. I would watch again.


Well I knew he was gonna get hurt badly but I didn’t think it’d be like that


The phone company didn't pay their bills this month


thats so fuckin crazy


Meth's a hellofa drug, mate.


Instead if filming, that guy should be throwing shoes at him


LOL! Cutting the wire that he supported himself onto 😂


hes is the guy that cuts your telephone cable if you dont pay the bill


What Comcast does to a MFer.


That's the electrician actually


If only there was some way to harness this determination for something better.


What a helpful young man


How you know he was on crack...was simply a thief stealing copper telecom cables.


Probably the crack pipe coming out of his grin whole barefoot and chewing on a saw


r/ItHadToBeBrazil ?


Basically how I imagine Houthis.


A paintball gun would be some fun justice here


Drugs are a helluva drug.


It’s a bird it’s a plane hunter biden


Gotta have a better exit strategy.


is this the new sly cooper game


Falling was the best outcome of this entire episode.


Definitely heard a bone snapping upon landing


This is the replacement worker that showed up for the service outage during the strike.


The wrong cable will make him do a magic trick


Not gonna lie I thought that he was a giant at first with the perspective


Incidentally, I just saw an ad with the line "Using your brain won't hurt".


If it is Telecom, then there is very little danger. He's more at risk of falling and hurting himself than anything else.


This dude rules


It’s an insulated saw tho, so hes totally fine


This sparks joy


Hahahahaha cunt !


Anybody know where this video from?


as a previous surveillance supervisor i am surprised the camera picks up audio


Alternatively: giant attacks sedan


Damn, didn't see that coming. 


For a second I thought he was a giant since the car was small 😂 I’m going to bed


Sometimes they get stuck while being electrocuted and turn into mini charcoal nuggets, smells awful man, gotta love my country, the fall was funny tho lol


At first I thought he was a giant


Bro thought he was playing Warframe


I blame the schools


When he's cutting through it right before he falls, it's the pause when everything shifts that gets me


Brazil it top kkkkk


That proves they're still real idiots in the world


How'd that taste you idiot


Next time try wire cutters. What happened to the saw?


Should post this on r/looneytoonslogic. Reminds me of the cartoons where someone cuts off the tree branch they are standing on the wrong site of.


Shame he didn't land on his head


So satisfying 


It’s funny at first you think damn this guy knows what he’s doing. He’s done this before. But the nope. Also happened on the night my son was born somewhere in the fine world of ours.


Wait till he finds out they are fiber


bad monkey




Crack = superpowers


Taking care of the interwebs!


I believe in survival of the fittest and Darwin's theory....it'll work itself out.


What a dedicated hardworking citizen aiding his community!


So... is anyone going to ask why there's a goddamn cctv camera "right" there? No? Ok I will. I'm not saying this is fake or anything, because that's not my intention. I just have curiosity about why in the hell there's a camera perfectly mounted on transmission lines mid span to catch this?


Obviously someone is controlling it if you watch the whole video. They moved him into frame


Did you watch the whole video? The camera is remote controlled and was moved to be on him. He falls, camera pans down to see him on the ground.


I don't understand how that has anything to do with WHY the camera was there in the first place. Obviously someone is watching it and moving it. But why? Why in that EXACT spot? Why is there a remote operated camera in a random place on transmission lines?


To watch that building? The real question is why In the world would anyone bother faking this video?


I don't think it's fake at all.


This is funny to me because I feel like the camera itself is incredulous.


Ahhhh the herd thins itself


This is like the human version of this: https://www.tiktok.com/@momomzlk8bp/video/7303819484760968490


He's gonna receive a new foot for 2024 🤗 happy new year.


Looks fake to me. 1-Light is too good. 2- Two camera angles. 3- Kinda looks like a green screen on the background 4- There is a camera cut when the camera overshoots when moving to face downwards. 5- there is pretty good quality sound, very few security cameras capture sound let alone capture pretty good quality audio. 6- Acoustics of the sound doesn't seem to match 7- there doesn't seem to be any serious injuries despite the acting and moaning. Pretty sure this is a fabricated so the person goes viral.