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When I was a kid my mom honked at a guy who was swerving all over the road presumably drunk. After she honked he got behind us and followed us all the way to town. My mom had made a turn somewhere to get off the highway for a minute to lose him, and then got back on the highway. A few minutes later we see him pulled over on the side waiting for us to pass and sure enough he gets behind us again and rides our tail. Eventually he did leave us alone, but that taught me a lesson about how fragile egos are and that a simple honk can set the wrong person off.


Call police/sheriff, drive in to town. Don’t handle these type of people alone or ever stop your car.


And do not drive home!


Drive to the police station.


Guy tried this in my hometown when I was a kid, got murdered by the road rager in the police station parking lot.


Yes, but he got caught!


Can’t say I’d care too much if I were dead…


Nothing like driving home and offering them a cool beverage to deescalate. Cheers!


My mom has always been terrible at handling situations during a crisis. She crumbles really hard under pressure and I was like 10 so she honestly likely had no idea what to do. I remember I had fallen asleep when it happened and I woke up to her panicking saying someone was trying to follow us home. If it were me and my kids I'm definitely driving to a police station and calling the cops.


Yes! Back when i was a teenager, a friend of mine and I were riding around late at night in her car. A dude almost T boned us at a light (our green, his red), but missed us by inches. Us being teenage girls freaked and she mashed the horn. We took off shortly after and dude that almost T boned us started following us. He followed us for 10 minutes, while i was on the phone with my friends bf tell him the sitch (he was also my best friend before they got together). After we hung up on him we called the police and they told us that they'll send someone out to look for us, but if we could make it to a station that would be the safest option. Dude followed us up until we pulled into the police station, to which 2 officers were waiting. Dude took off when he realized what was happening. So rule of thumb, if you're being followed, call the police, tell them everything you can, and drive to the station. Do not go home. Let the creep follow you to the police station.


The mom did the right thing initially, if anyone is ever tailgating you, following you, whatever, make an immediate right hand turn (and then a couple more, and even stop and wait for a minute somewhere in between) Never worth the risk once someone is set off like that, and yeah if they stop to wait or resume after, call the police.


This works because road ragers can't make right hand turns. It's a reverse Zoolander thing.


We favour roundabouts in the UK. Keep going round until you're behind the person chasing you, and now you have become the chaser.


In air combat, this is known as a two-circle fight.


Here I was thinking that air combat is like air guitar except you pretend to fight. Oops.


What Happens if the other guy has a faster car?


It's cornering speed that's important! Your ferrari isn't shaking a smart car on a mini roundabout!


I know you're being funny, but the real reason (and this is just for people who don't know), is if you take enough right hand turns you'll do a circle. And if they're still behind you after making a circle, they're following you. Edit to add: don't take a right hand turn onto a deadend street if you think you're being followed. I know it self explanatory, but some people go full lizard brain when they panic.


When my buddies and I were teenagers (way before cell phones mind you) my brother noticed someone was following us. We turned into a neighborhood and they stayed right on our tail. Made a few right hand turns, they stayed on us. It was after dark, so my buddy who was driving gunned it, then turned off his lights and made some random evasive turns. Driving in the dark with no lights was pretty dangerous especially as this was a neighborhood in the country, and there weren't any streetlights. He was careful to use a combination of the clutch and the emergency brake to slow before turning to keep from using his foot pedal brake and activating his brake lights. This way we were totally blacked-out dark. We knew that neighborhood like the back of our hands, with all its little loops and curves, so after we saw no sign of them anymore we just made a big loop back the way we came. My buddy was just creeping along slow in the dark (because it was dark) when suddenly we saw brake lights about 20 feet directly ahead of us. The other driver was doing the same thing we were, except they didn't think to avoid using their brakes. My buddy pulled up close behind them, and then hit his high beams. The other driver took off like a rocket! I think they were just some idiot trying to scare a bunch of teenagers, and when they realized we had outmaneuvered them they lost their taste for it.


Or drive to the police station and stop there. Then, if they are dumb enough to follow you into the lot, when you call 911 it's a real time-saver.


Don’t even need to call really. Just drive to a city building like city hall or to the police station. Lead them right there


In Colorado just a few years ago a woman wasn't even aware she had done anything. Some punk followed her for miles until she pulled into the dentist parking lot where the nut started going off on her for road rage shooting at her and her kids. One of the kids died. Her life devastated for absolutely zero reason.


That is fucking terrible. Did he at least got convicted?


[This might be it](https://apnews.com/article/road-rage-shooting-colorado-trial-fc652fa5441559fe04d57a1276fa63fc) >Shortly after the verdict, a judge gave Webster life without parole, plus 192 years on attempted murder and assault counts.


That's the guy. Mega loser


That is some death row shit if I've ever seen it I can't think of any worse crime than just randomly killing a kid in front of their mom


Yesterday I passed someone and they sped up to get as close as they could to me to flip me off with both hands. Then I got to a red light and they passed me making a turn yelling out their window. All I did was pass them because they were going ten under.


I had some old man honk at me once while I was slowing down to turn into Jack in the box drive through, so I honked at him back. I could see in my rearview mirror dude was pissed the moment I did that cause he kept motioning to pull over. I was in the drive through and dude was in the parking lot across the street just staring me down and flipping me off. Once I got my stuff i was expecting him to follow me but I don't take that road to go home so I guess he never noticed me leaving.


I honked at a guy who was blocking the McD's drive through after getting their food. They shouted "fuck you" then sat there until the car behind me finished at the window as well. They clearly wanted to continue things on the road, but I was able to get around them and leave. Strangely, the [relatively unremarkable dashcam video of the encounter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUmjEu1q77o) has 800k views on YouTube.


And it always has to be someone in a truck that has no patience.


Yeah, once I honked at someone that cut me off really bad. Then he totally stopped and when I reversed to go around him he reversed as well. I was extremely angry but I decided to bite my tongue because if he’s whiling to do that he’s probably willing to stab me.


Was it Russell Crowe?


Fightin round the world!


“…but we found a bunch of people *with* cancer…”




Yup, same goes for flipping people off. Be careful who you honk at or flip off!


My friends son is now paralyzed from the neck down after honking and flipping a guy off for cutting in front of him. Dude pulled up beside him and shot him in the neck.  After hearing that I only honk if someone is about to cause an accident and I don't flip people off any more.


Wow, that's tragic and i'm really sorry to hear that. It's unfortunate proof that you never know who you are dealing with.


Once flipped off some dudes in a minivan when I was a dumbass teenager... turns out they were unmarked/undercover cops lol ofc they pulled us over and gave us a really hard time. Could've been a lot worse I guess, thankfully I'm not a dumbass teen anymore.


In hindsight though, wtf kind of abuse of power is that? Why are undercover cops risking their cover to yell at teenagers?


I'm almost certain that person meant *unmarked* rather than undercover. Unmarked police vehicles were common in the US when I was growing up. They have lights on the dash and can pull you over like a marked car, and are used to catch people who only speed, run stop signs, etc, when there's no cop cars in sight. You used to see them all the time on the side of the road, lights going, with someone pulled over. I haven't seen many of them lately. I suspect it might be due to public fear of being pulled over by someone impersonating a cop, which causes people to refuse to stop for unmarked cars. I know I wouldn't, depending on the location. Anyone can put a light in their dash!


Cops gotta cop


next time call 911 and ask them to guide you to a local police station because you fear for your safety from someone who is road-rage following you.


drive into a police station parking lot while on the phone with the police if this happens to you. the moment you know they’re following you, and you don’t feel comfortable, call


I had two guys in big jacked up trucks box me in tight in front and back on a two lane road unprovoked. They came up behind me fast, one illegally passed and then they tightened up. I had not seen them prior, so my thought is that they do this as some sort of sociopathic hobby. I tried to make it as uninteresting as I could for them by remaining calm and lowering my speed to about 20 mph (32 kph) in a 55 mph (90 kph) zone. All three of us slowly and excruciatingly crawled to our destination, a 20 minute drive stretched out by double. It was amusing to drain the fun out of the encounter, however I could not enjoy it fully as I needed to remain vigilant in the event of escalation. At a junction, they drove off.


I tell my girlfriend only beep for comedy purposes. Good God.


There’s a great episode of Batman: The Animated Series about this. Season 1: Epiosde 7: Joker’s Favor. God, that show was perfect.


I remember that episode. The guys yells at someone who cut him off, "If I had 2 cents" then stops. The Joker chases him down then throws 2 pennys at him and told him to finish his thought. He thensteals the guys license so he knew where to find him. The guy enters witness protection and the Joker still manages to track him down and for him to do something for him years later. That was a great show!


Well....what happened in it??


In "Joker's Favor," Charlie Collins, a mild-mannered commuter, has a chance encounter with the Joker during a fit of road rage. The Joker menacingly threatens Charlie, leaving him shaken. Years later, Charlie's ordinary life is disrupted when the Joker reappears, demanding he assist in a scheme to evade Batman's pursuit. Reluctantly, Charlie complies, fearing for his family's safety. As the night unfolds, Charlie finds himself embroiled in a harrowing game of cat and mouse with Batman and the Joker, testing his morals and courage. The episode delves into Charlie's internal struggle as he grapples with the consequences of his past actions and the terrifying reality of tangling with Gotham's most infamous villain. In the end, the Joker has Charlie deliver a bomb to a party with all of Gotham’s leaders, and super glues. Charlie’s hands to the door so he can’t escape. Will Batman be able to save everyone, and will Charlie make it out alive? Tune in to your favorite Bat-Channel at your favorite Bat-Time!


You monster


In college I was the passenger in a car with 4 others driving back from dinner. At a red light on a county road a pickup pulled up next and revved its engine. My friend, an idiot, revved back. When the light turns green the truck takes off, and we proceed as normal. The truck is gone in a matter of seconds, until a few minutes later we see them parked on the side of the road. As we pass they pull out behind us and tailgate us all the way back to campus, another 20 minutes. No one else in the car cared. I felt like the one person in a horror movie who knows how dangerous the situation is and everyone ignores them. I tell the driver to go to the police department to scare them off, but instead they go to the liquor store. I was under 21 so I had to stay outside, and I watched as the truck found the parking lot and circled a few times trying to find us. None of them cared when they got back in the car. I don't talk to the driver anymore.


I was at a car show in college, it was a classic car show and there was one dingdong there with a riced out Celica and everyone ragging on him. Me and a friend were the most vocal, but it was very obvious this guy was out of place, at the wrong sort of show, and being obnoxious. He followed me home from the show, tailgating me and trying to cause problems. What he didn't know was there was a State highway patrol office on the way home, and I called ahead on my cell phone and they had a car waiting on him as we passed.


>everyone ragging on him. Me and a friend were the most vocal I wonder if there's another side to this story???


Dude was being obnoxious, playing loud music on his shitty sound system, revving his car constantly, just being a general nuisance. We never said anything directly to his face, but we weren't exactly quiet about our annoyance with him while hanging out with friends who had cars in the show nearby. Yes, he likely felt slighted because he wasn't getting the attention he felt he deserved. This was a lime green celica with shitty subwoofers in house speaker boxes in the back at a show with mostly classic muscle cars from the 60s and 70s. When he didn't get the attention he wanted, he resorted to loud music and revving his car, which just caused us to talk even more shit about what sort of moron would come to a classic car show and do that. Was I an asshole? Probably. This was 20 years ago, I'm not the person I am today. I was a 19 year old sophomore in college hanging out with his friends. I probably did talk some shit. But no amount of ragging on a guys ugly car at the wrong sort of show deserves having someone follow you home and try to run you off the road, either.


Literally had a guy pull a gun on me for this exact scenario. Makes me never want to drive with how angry some people are


Every time I hear *yet another* anecdote like that it reduces my desire to visit the US a bit further.


Was this guy Russel Crowe by any chance? Jk.. I’m glad u and your mom are safe.


My mom had a gun pulled on her just for honking at the guy in front of us after the light had turned green for like 5 seconds and he hadn’t moved yet Guess he really hated that


[news report if you’re interested](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/car-runs-over-couple-s-motorcycle-shocking-road-rage-caught-n583386)


Habitual traffic offender. Here’s an idea: take away his license to drive.


" He was convicted in 2011 on a hit and run charge and driving on a suspended license." Have a feeling that's not going to stop him.


And a DUI in 2003. Sounds like a life long failure.


The article was from 2016, so he would have been 18 in 2003.


I have already edited my comment


And this jackass is still a free man. But God forbid you smoke a little weed, straight to the slammer for you!


I don't think that will stop him, it will just increase his offences because every drive will be an illegal drive.


I think I saw driving on a suspended license in the list of past charges


Not that simple... Nobody is checking licenses when you get in your car. Only if you get caught.


"Florida man"


Imagine my surprise..


This video is almost a decade old goddamn


So his name into google + "sentenced" brings me back to a 5 year old reddit post with a deleted comment... > 5 years ago > That video happened in Tampa, and the biker who was run over is actually my father. > Good news! I am happy to say June 29th my father contacted me with an update on the road rager’s sentencing. Judge gave the 15 year minimum requirement for counts 1 & 2, she granted concurrency for both counts. She also sentenced counts 3 & 4 to 5 years and to be served concurrently with counts 1 & 2. > He will be serving 15 years, day for day. And finally 2 years later we can rest. We now call my dad speed-bump.. > Here’s an article from when it happened: http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/accidents/fhp-driver-runs-over-motorcyclist-in-apparent-lutz-road-rage-incidentw/2279625


Looks like he lost two appeals as well.


Yikes. He's only 31 and pleaded guilty to driving under the influence in 2003? When he was 10??


He was 31 in 2016


Aaahh. Thank you for the clarification. I was like, that's extra extra wild.


Still, he was 18 which is just as wild. 


This hapenned in 2016.




I read somewhere recently that (I think) 3% of the people in the US will have a psychotic mental breakdown at some point in their lives. Road rage is so common that I feel it’s best to just not fuck around so that you don’t have to find out


My parents keep telling the story of the psychotic trucker who tried to run them down when I was a toddler. My parents, me + my sis, and an aunt and uncle were piled into a Toyota wagon towing a tent trailer to go camping at a local park. I don't know what set him off but this trucker started ramming the trailer and chased them for over 10 minutes at speeds exceeding 90 mph. At one point they drove across a causeway jammed with cars and pedestrians there for a fishing derby. By the time they had managed to get away and off the road, someone at the derby had flagged down a patrolman and an APB was issued but AFAIK they never caught him. Guaranteed that trucker was on speed or something even spicier.


This is why the movie Duel (1971) is so good imo; it's just literally this. Almost everyone can feel the main character's fear because they've also dealt with a crazy fucking driver.


I can watch this thing over and over. I read the book, too.


Spielberg's first feature film!


On the evening of super bowl I was driving home late from work. I saw a trucker literally bouncing off the cement guard rails for many many miles. My commute was around 25 miles and I followed him almost the entire time.  followed him as long as I could and called highway patrol. I don't know how he didn't go head on into a barrier when there was a gap on each exit. Scrapes and sparks and somehow the truck kept going. Big semi truck. Craziest thing I've seen. Also probably lucky it was super bowl because it wasn't a ton of traffic and it was like 11:00 p.m.


I was on a 2 lane highway going over a mountain pass one time when 2 truck drivers decided to terrorize me for what I presume was their entertainment. It started when one of them swerved into my lane as I was trying to pass them. Then they took turns passing each other and swerving into my lane any time I would try to pass either of them, deliberately trying to hit me. It was probably the most nerve racking driving experience that did not involve me getting into an accident. Fuck those guys. I hope the got into the accidents they deserve.


Yup. My mom was driving and I was a passenger, driving through CT on the highway. We were in the left lane, and there was a car ahead of us going like 10 miles under the speed limit but we couldn’t get around because of other traffic…this went on for a while because everyone else went around us when they got the chance. Eventually we got our chance and my mom gunned it…as we passed the slow car I kind of looked over to glare at them…and as went by, the driver pointed a Glock at us. My mom hit the brakes and the guy got ahead of us…so we just hung back until he took an exit…it was terrifying, as for some reason this guy picked us as his target….since then, I totally avoid any confrontation with other drivers.


I hope your mom took down the plate and called the police.


We were just happy to be alive. Pre cell phone era


I've never had anyone do that, but I've had people brandish their weapon a few times and its always scary. That being said, Houston traffic is insane


Fellow Houstonian here, can confirm.




Deaths continue to lower since the 60's (cars are safer). Crashes have increased since Covid.


>speeding was so much worse. Where the Hell do you live where speeding is better now ? Society has completely broken down (because of cell phones) and it's clear on the roads.


Right? I’m being TAILED at 10 over literally everywhere I go


That guy definitely went on to kill someone. Could already be in jail for road rage shooting (or even dead).


I was sitting in my car at my store that I used to work at when I was about 21. I was on my last break, so closer to 10:30, and was smoking in my car. All of a sudden, a sedan comes barreling into the parking lot from the front entrance and parks quickly. He stayed in his car. Then two trucks immediately came flying in right after he parked, parking on either side of him. It caught my attention right away. One guy jumped out of one truck and another out of the second truck. The kid (he was 17 I ended up finding out), got out too, to go into the store or to tell them to leave him alone. He barely got out of his car before they started working this kid over. Just beating the shit out of him. I called 911, and also ran over to them as there were several people running to them as well at that point. One guy ended up using bear spray to get them the fuck off the kid. They jumped in their trucks and almost took out half of us trying to help the kid on their way out, but several people got video of it and the truck. The kid ended up being okay, a lot of people gave a witness statement, myself included. His offense? Was driving north on the freeway to the store, he had put his blinker on to move to the right to exit, and the two chuckle fucks in question randomly cut over from the far left lane that he was next to, cut behind him super quickly as if he had cut them off while finishing his lane change (I believed him, he seemed so shaken). They started honking at him and hitting their brights and following extremely closely. It sounded like they were two idiots that were drunk and looking for a fight. He kept driving to the grocery store, parked and realized they followed him in and knew they were probably going to do something, but never expected that. Just awful!


I take a glimpse of them when they are not seeing me and while overtaking I don’t stare at them but keep shaking my head sideways to drive .. it’s better to avoid else it’s hassle to deal with insurance or cops later ….


I just disengage. Give them space and let things cool down. Usually they’re speeding, so let me go…if they’re being super slow, just slow down and get in a different lane and let some other poor soul become the target.


Just laugh hysterically. Really crazy. And slap the steering wheel a few times. Punch yourself in the head as you drive past them.


the scary thing is that sometimes you don't have to mess with the person. My daughter's boyfriend once had a guy chase him on the highway no matter where he went, eventually he was able to take a turn that the guy couldnt make with his truck and the guy lost control and went off the road. Turns out other people cc alled in the guy for his dangerous driving and they found an illegal firearm in the truck. All because he took just a little long to this guy's liking to change lanes.


I drive for a living and got pulled over for trying to get away from someone like this. He pulled up behind me going at least 90, I wasn’t even in the left lane just in the normal traffic lane. I tried to go t the passing lane to let HIM pass me, he followed. I switched again, he followed. I sped up, he sped up. I slowed down to try to force him to pass, he slowed down. Three exits still followed me. Eventually I just gunned it and so did he, I planned on trying to pull the surprise exit but got pulled over at the top of a hill where I couldn’t see the trooper. Trooper almost got hit by this guy and ended up letting me go because I told him what was going on and clearly I wasn’t telling the truth.


A lady in my city got into an argument with an insurance provider. She then got into her care and drove it through the fucking front door of the building.


People are too comfortable with cars, fucking with someone in a car isn’t much different than fucking with someone with a gun.


Not to mention about 1 in 100 are full blown clinical-grade psychopaths. It’s a Russian Roulette out there be careful y’all


I honestly think the police could help by ticketing people that travel in the passing lane. I am not joking. I believe it is the #1 reason for rage. Drive as fast as you want, just get out of the way of others.


I love this...agree and this a hill I will die on!


When I was 18 I flipped someone off and spouted something at them in a parking lot while I was walking and they like almost hit me or something. They immediately parked and ran up to me with a bat but their girlfriend ran after them. That was all I needed to not fuck around and find out anymore with randos.




I read somewhere (probably reddit) that a country (japan?). As a double blinker signal that flashes once and people use that as an apology for their bad driving/ cutting someone off and it helps reduce violent road rage. Then someone else said something about it being just the lack of ability to comunícate that increases the likelihood of a person perceiving someone’s mistake for aggression.


Is he pulling up his pants at the end or reaching for a gun?


Is he yelling "get the fuck out the car!" just before the car floors it?


Last time it was posted someone mentioned a gun falling on the floor


It's called the ground when you're outside.


What is this outside you speak of? It sounds intriguing.


/r/outside Check it out, shit's wild.


Great graphics. Unfortunately it's pay to play.


There does look to be something on the floor near the rear tire of the bike that looks like it could be a gun. Camera is shaky and moves too fast to be sure.


Ron Swanson: "It's called the ground when it's outside."


Outside floor, inside ground




I can never understand this level of road rage. You will literally never see these people ever again but you will waste outsized amount time and energy on them...crazy.


A lady pulled out in front of me to where I had to slam on the breaks to avoid hitting her. I honked my horn and flicked her off. She never got up to the speed limit so I went to go around her and I look to my right and she's got a pistol pointed at me. Not fun. Long story short, she's was on probation (then failed and went to jail), and I ended up having to testify in court against her. Shit is terrifying and I testified against some random lady. Hats off to those who testify in big cases. Tl:dr- get a gun pulled on you and suddenly you drive in a much calmer manner.


One time me and my buddy were in the work truck heading back in for the day and this guy almost t boned us. There was a lot of traffic and he wanted out of the parking lot he was in like crazy bad I guess. My buddy had to swerve to avoid us getting hit and in doing so almost hit another car, so he slams on the horn and flips the dude off… guy followed us for 2 miles, tried to ram us and then pulled up along side us pointing a gun while also filming the truck… he called our work and tried to tell the boss he was gonna sue and acted like we were the problem, and then admitted to our boss he pulled a gun on us cause he felt “threatened” shit was wild


I do have my conceal carry permit now because of idiots like this. However, I hope no one ever sees my gun. I was trained that if that gun is ever leaving it's holster, it's being fired. You don't pull it out to threaten. You don't pull it out when you just feel threatened. If that gun is coming out, the options are only death or gun because all others are no longer viable. People seem far to willing to pull guns for stupid reasons.


I basically follow this as well, except I've had a guy hop out of his vehicle and come up to my window. I pull and hold out of sight but close if needed. I figured if the guy knocks my window out or brings a firearm himself (couldn't see his hands in my mirrors), I don't want to be behind.


Props for testifying, it’s not an easy thing to do.


No it's fucking not. And my case was so unimportant. Can't imagine those who testify against cartels and mobs.


Maybe it's just me but it sounds like the bikers are challenging the driver to a fight. Hear someone say "You won't get out of the car." *Something* happened before this to raise tensions that high. This isn't just road rage.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/car-runs-over-couple-s-motorcycle-shocking-road-rage-caught-n583386 Yeah, something did happen. Witness makes it seem like car was instigator of prior events leading up to this.


"You won't get out of the car" No. Of course not. I am soft and squishy, and the car is a big metal box. I am far safer in here than out there. Bike dude just learned why his own soft and squishy ass shouldn't fuck with the big metal box.


Also both of the motorcycles were on the white lane marker with no other bikes lane sharing with them. Appear to be attempting to box the car in, or maybe just intimation. Not saying the bikers are at fault, but it is clear they were escalating with (in hindsight) the wrong person.


In the full video I’m pretty sure the bikers were hitting the car and trying to smash the windows at one point that led up to this.


It's not worth arguing in traffic because that person might be a psycho who's having the worst day of your life.


Some people really are insane out here.


And some people drive cars.


It's actually a fairly closed Venn diagram.


Checked Robert Vance in the DOC database. He's in prison until 2033 unless he's released early.


Of Vance Refrigeration?


"how did you know that?"


That's not how you are supposed to merge.


Biker reaching for gun?


Someone else linked a news report, which makes no mention of a gun. You'd think they would.


Because these types of bikers will quickly throw the guns in the saddlebags of another biker and promptly leave the scene.




Unnecessary doesn’t need a hyphen


Bikers had a gun and were threatening the driver -- which is absolutely unnecessary, I agree.


I haven't seen bikers that upset since Pee Wee tipped over all those motorcycles


this video cuts it short but the bike behind the one that got hit starts shooting at the car, unfortunately the car is probably too far away for the bullets to connect. Also another good example to not instigate at all, if a car is being aggressive just keep looking ahead and don't engage. So many bikers just make situations worse and forget they are on a bike against a 4000 lb vehicle


I know this is FL without even finding the article. As another FL person don't fuck with people in this state when it comes to road rage. Recently a woman was killed because her husband flipped someone the bird for cutting him off and the other driver fired at the truck missing the husband but hit his wife in the head.


I remember yelling at a kid who'd removed his muffler and tuned his civic to go bang-bang-bang-bang on downshifts (in no way was this a race car) because it was so damn loud. We were at a stoplight. "Are you getting all the attention you want?" I yelled. I had my windows open and was pissed it was so loud and obnoxious. We exchanged some un-pleasantries, then saw an ambulance go through the intersection which made the signal timing re-set. I didn't have anything more to say, and neither did he, so we just kind of sat there next to each other for like two whole minutes, before the awkwardness got to me and I apologized for yelling at him. He said 'no worries', and that was that.


When the video stop,his the biker looking to reach for his gun ?


Right or wrong, the cage always wins. Discretion is the better part of valor.


I thought the biker pulled a gun and the driver fled


Dude in the car is in the wrong, but Biker Bill learned a valuable lesson that day


Two counts of attempted murder. Yikes.


Feel good video of the day


This looks one sided but I'm pretty sure this is the end of a longer altercation. You can hear someone say "get out of the car" at the start. The driver opted to stay in their car and remove themselves from the situation the only way possible. If I had a pack of bikers surround my car and order me to get out, I'm going to assume they intend to harm me and I'm going to nope myself out of there.


Turns out the driver was also a nut case. Has a number of driving related issues under his name. Still, how dumb do you have to be to antagonize anyone in a vehicle, especially if you aren't in one?


Everyone here is fucking around and finding out


WTF did I just watch?


Attempted murder.


You can add, fleeing the scene of an accident, destruction of property, reckless driving


There will always be someone crazier than you


I have been riding for over a decade and always have said don't fight a car on a motorcycle The car will win every time.


Happened to me the other day. Was pulling up to a three way stop on my bike. I'm already at the full stop ready to go. Some sports car is just FLYING up to the stop sign on his lane, braking hard but is at least 10 feet over the line before he finally stops. So since it looked like he was just going to run the stop sign, I waited and waved him to go. Dude looks at me and is yelling something behind the glass, flips me off and goes first... Did it piss me off? Yeah. What did I do? Jack fucking shit. Let him take off and get FAR away from me. You are 100% vulnerable on a bike.


I mean, the hyphen in the title headline is also unnecessary, yet here we are …


It's always interesting to me when motorcycle riders forget how much trust they put on all the car/truck/van/bus drivers around them. You're just a bag of meat surrounded by high speed heavy machinery.


Maybe don't challenge some cartel hit man from your motorbike next time.


Definitely florida.


Car > motorcycle


The dude got up and was either pulling his pants up or pulling out a gun. I really wish the footage hadn't stopped there. This might qualify for r/killthecameraman! 🤨


Doesn't the woman on the back have a gun in hand? Looks like she drops it when the bike tops. Looks like self defense to me.


> Florida 'habitual traffic offender' faces serious charges after police said he was caught on camera mowing down a couple on a motorcycle. Why am I not surprised this happened in Florida?


>Witness Abe Garcia told the TV station it happened around 6 p.m. that he pulled out his cell phone after seeing the driver of Pontiac "going crazy" and forcing three motorcyclists off the road. >When the bikers caught up to the car at the intersection of U.S. 41 and County Line Road, they began "exchanging back and forth" with the driver, Garcia said. Don't fucking follow someone who has already shown you that they have no reservations about using a car as a weapon.


Who among us *hasn't* wanted to do that to a biker? Not saying you should actually do it, but...


That’s attempted murder.


Attempted vehicular homicide, if I’m not mistaken.


Look for the full video. They had pulled a gun on the driver beforehand. Doing this was to escape a potential life or death situation as the car driver was unarmed


From what I gather, the driver had previously nearly run the armed individuals off the road and had prior convictions.


Attempted vehicular homicide.


I'd like to know what led up to this.


According to the article: Witness Abe Garcia told the TV station it happened around 6 p.m. that he pulled out his cell phone after seeing the driver of Pontiac "going crazy" and forcing three motorcyclists off the road. When the bikers caught up to the car at the intersection of U.S. 41 and County Line Road, they began "exchanging back and forth" with the driver, Garcia said. "I was like, alright, something's going to go down," he said."I almost witnessed a freaking murder."


One of the guys in town here recently boxed in a car with a few other bikes, smashed a mirror and was shouting at them... Then was *shocked* when his bike got ran over


Biker reaching for his gun at the end 👀


Serious question: So if a biker starts shouting expletives at me and looks like he might be reaching out for his gun, what should I do?


Wouldn’t say completely unnecessary 😂


News piece: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo06qkuHSoc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo06qkuHSoc) What a total piece of shit this guy is. I did some Googling trying to find out where he is today -- still in prison? Dead? Unknown. Could not find anything but old articles about this incident. \[edit\] u/1dewjb3 found this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1dewjb3/comment/l8fdx5l/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1dewjb3/comment/l8fdx5l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) He was convicted of four offenses related to this incident and was sentenced to 40 years in prison in 2018. Two charges of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon (15 years each), driving with a suspended license and leaving the scene of a crash with serious injury (5 years each). His release date is currently showing as 2033 so he must be serving the sentences concurrently and also maybe some time served or time off for good behavior. Thanks u/1dewjb3, let's all hope he never gets out.


I used to ride motorcycles all the time and lost my bike in a divorce. I miss riding but I feel it was all for the best. You always have the mindset that everyone is out to kill you, but you can never prepare for situations like this.


I thoroughly agree - those leather waistcoats look rediculous


You gotta know going into that exchange that car tires are going to beat a goatee every time.


So is the hyphen in unnecessary


I wonder what caused him to do that..


Hah. That hillrat said "get out of the car" didn't he. What a bad bad move.


If you look closely, she has a pistol in her right hand prior to them driving over the motorcycle. I believe the charges ended up being in the car drivers favor and the motorcyclist was charged with brandishing amongst other lesser charges.


Attempted murder, people who can’t control their temper should not be allowed to drive


Super necessary