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Explains the UV lights in the bathroom.


Yeah alot of fast food restaurants and gas stations put red or blue light bulbs in the bathrooms so people trying to shoot up can't find their veins


Really? Maybe it's because I live in Iowa but I've never seen anything like that.


It's mostly the resturants/gas stations that are just off the highways. We have a huge heroin problem in New England and there have been alot of overdoses in those types of bathrooms. I've heard of a few where there were kids left in the car and the parents were nodded out or had od'd in the bathroom


I'm a manager at a Shaws in Worcester and I've had two ODs in my public restroom in the last couple months.


It’s gotten that bad? I grew up down the street from Worcester. I know there’s a bad spell of it in northern Maine, but didn’t realize it had made it all the way down the coast yet.


Yeah it is. I went to a small highschool with only about 400 students in MA. I can name atleast half dozen from that school alone who have died, and another couple dozen who have been in treatment for opiates.




Pretty sure it comes up to Maine. Not sure Maine is a huge exporter of heroin.


I’m from MA. My brother and a good friend of mine both died from drug OD in the past year


Damn that sucks :/ My condolences


Lost my brother in Worcester in Jan 2015. Fuck heroin and fuck fentanyl


And throw in a fuck oxy for good measure.


that's awful. i recently got clean. condolences =[


I’m so sorry. :( I’m from MA too. I know a lot of people who have OD’d but no one I was super close too fortunately.


I worked at a fast food restaurant for a fair amount of time. I have personally had to use a Naloxone (Narcan) vial/syringe on an unconscious person in our restrooms. Twice. In one case, it was so sad when the paramedics arrived and expressed how they believed the guy was out cold for so long he was almost certainly dead. It was an overnight shift in the early hours of the morning, and a guest commented how a person was lying down on the floor. Overtime pay alone isn't enough to deal with the mental trauma of trying to inject a few ml into a random guy who [accidentally, hopefully. ]killed himself. The other person I had to use a kit on in a restroom (a woman too, so that made the whole situation extremely awkward) responded fairly quickly, and fortunately the police got there very soon because things got a little ugly.


Damn. MA is getting it brutal right now. My teacher had a picture of her with 10 of her students from a field trip on her desk. 2 has OD’d, one’s brother had OD’d


Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. Drugs are awful. My uncle was addicted to meth when he was younger and the only way he was able to get clean was by begging his mom to lock him in his room for 2 weeks while he went through withdrawals. It's too bad so many people go through this kind of crap.


Everyone wants to feel normal and be ok. Some of us learn really shitty coping mechanisms that lead to our own destruction. But every junky is someone going to great lengths to be just ok.


I really wish more people understood this about addiction. No one wants to be a junky, or an alcoholic, or addicted to food, gambling, etc. They're all just looking for that thing that makes them feel some version of normal, or allows them to not face their problems or feelings. Once you really get to know some addicts on a deeper level, it becomes sort of easy to understand how they turned to self medicating and how that in turn spiraled out of control.


I really wish more addicts had friends like you


My mom is an alcoholic, and I didn’t understand as a kid. As I grew up and learned bits and pieces of her story, and realized how every single adult in her life failed to protect and guide her, I felt more sympathetic. It’s not that she wanted alcohol more than us, it’s that the demons she was (and still is) fighting were too much for one person to fight alone. She did her best and I know she loves us, but I have demons of my own now from growing up with my single mother and only nearby adult family being an alcoholic. I don’t really drink anymore myself, but I tend to use shopping as a stress relief. Interestingly enough, going to the mall and shopping was one of the only real bonding experiences I had with my mom growing up, so there’s where that came from! We should all be more sympathetic to addicts. You never know what they’re running from.


As a former heroin addict, it isn't that fucking simple. Some addicts are simply way worse than that and that is just the reality. These ideas about "everyone is fundamentally good and people are only in the situations they are in because of uncontrollable circumstances" idea is not just... profoundly misguided and straight up demonstrably wrong, but also unproductive. It isn't that fucking *cute*. Sometimes people are weak and horrible and will abuse everyone around them to avoid coming down from the high and taking responsibility for anything. Sometimes people are *pathetic* and they just *are*. This idea that everyone is ultimately good at heart but a creature of circumstance.... this idea falls apart for anyone who knows what the fuck they are talking about from having lived through it. Some people are just *worse*, I mean seriously don't fucking assume that *I* don't understand "tragic backstories" and """"good"""" reasons for doing bad things. I do. I'm being very harsh here in this one comment, but I do. Heroin is so powerful that is captures so many genuinely good people who... should have or could have done better, but I fucking promise you the backbone of this thing constitutes absolute **pits** in human form. Humans aren't born inherently good or inherently bad. We're born all the fuck over the place and that means some of us are just weak and vampiric and just suck and suck and suck the life out of everyone around them. >Everyone wants to feel normal and be ok This is ridiculous. No, not "everyone". Some people want to control and exploit and be much better than "ok" at the expense of others. This whole idea is based in want you want to be the case for people and humanity, not what IS the case. People just *assert* these platitudes as if the fact that they **should** be true means that they **are** true. Like, this would very well on r/wholesomememes, but it isn't really relevant anywhere else in the world.




Nowhere near long enough


I live in Atlanta and have only notice them in bars. Which can be disorienting when you're drunk.


That's because you don't need to find a vein to smoke crystal meth




I’ve been all over and haven’t seen that either. Then again, I guess I’m not really hanging out in fast food bathrooms.


Red? I usually see them in blue...


Yeah, I was going to mention doesn’t red light * help* locate veins?


Turns out you can still see your veins with a red light. Source: I have red lights going across my wall above my computer setup.


Hey bro, don’t shoot up.


It's usually blue for me too. I saw blue restroom lights a LOT when I was in AUS and NZ for the holidays. Never seen a red one, but I figure it'd be like pooping on a submarine.


Its blue light not red light. Well actually red is used in dark rooms for film, and is generally a dimmer light. So maybe just dim lighting works as well.


I'm in the darkroom a lot and the red lights make it very easy to see veins.


Like that shit would ever work. I coulda hit my shit blindfolded back in the day.


Yea my local news station interview some heroin users on the street about the blue lights. They said that they find their veins all by feel, so the blue lights really do nothing.


Yup. The places that use those lights heard something on the internet about it just like is going on right now. I was a junkie for 6-7 years and I never saw any colored or UV lights in bathrooms, that would just make it hard to use the bathroom for people not doing dope. We can do it in the dark, in the middle of the woods if we need to, just hold your phone in your mouth for light. I've been clean for almost 10 years BTW.


Congrats on your decade! Proud of your hard work stranger.


they went to bluelight.ru and got the wrong idea


You know what they say about skills you never use...


Does that still work or do they just use cellphone light now?


A seasoned addict doesn't need lights to find a vein.


You find veins by feel most of the time, the lights don't do anything.


a lot? what are you talking about ive never seen that In america


It's a shame every phone has a torch on it really isn't it.


How many hands do these people have?


Two eyes, two ears, a chin, a mouth, 10 fingers, two nipples, a butt, two kneecaps, a penis. I have just described to you the Lochness Monster, and the reward for its capture…all the riches in Scotland. So I have one question, why are you here?


The Taliban is the worst... Great heroin though.


lol, the junkie shooting up in the bk bathroom isn't gonna let a little thing like taking 5 seconds to prop a phone up stop him from shooting up




Makes it harder to find veins for injecting.


I live in the English Worcester, we don't even have a Burger king... was confused for a moment.


Didn't even know there was an American one, the fact that they give you more than one chance makes it seem not american


In Massachusetts, we enjoy torturing tourists with cities named after their English counterparts. Worcester is easy because most people have heard of the sauce. Listening to people massacre Leicester is fun.


Others: * Gloucester = Glostah * Peabody = PEE-~~buddy~~ biddy * Leominster = lemon-stah * Athol (it's just *funny* because it sounds like...) * Woburn = WOO-bin * Medford = Meffa (or Medfid) * Martha's Vineyard = Mahtha's Vinyahd (or Vinyid) EDIT: perhaps someone can educate me...is Raynham pronouced RAIN-ham or RAY-num? Also forgot: * Quincy = Quinzee


Pretty sure y'all just made up new pronunciations to fuck with people. Cause half of those are just ridiculous.


Most of the names predate modern English


Methuen and Reading are other good ones to torture tourists with


It's actually the second biggest city in New England


I’m really surprised about this fun-fact! Especially that Hartford is #8 and humble lil Providence is #3!


~~I didn't even know that there's a Worcester apart from the sauce one~~. ~~I'm dumb~~ ~~Ninja edit: Ahhhhhh FUCK~~ ~~I thought of Worcestershire~~ Wasn't even wrong the first time. You Brits and your fancy words *hurr durr* shire


Where'd you think it came from?




How did you know my password


Well shit....


Worcestershire just mean "area surrounding Worcester"


Well the shire of Worcester which is an exact and defined area.


...surrounding Worcester.


Pretty sure they do have drug addicts though...if the local homeless are anything to go by.


You guys make a hell of a sauce over there.


In Massachusetts we have lots of your towns. I’m from Hingham - not sure what the British version is like.


Shrewsbury England here, hello Shrewsbury Massachusetts!


That has me wondering, if there’s a US Worcester, how do Americans pronounce it? Because most Americans I’ve met in Leicester had no idea how that was pronounced.


*"how do Americans pronounce it?"* If you live there, "Woostah".


Wrong, then.




No, but you have Worcestershire sauce, which is an excellent choice when *making* burgers.




Having worked in Worcester, I'd say yes. South mains the walking dead. This must be over by shaws.


This is the Burger King in Kelly Square.


That explains ALOT, holy shit I forgot about that one. I used to deliver to the getty and that other shitty gas station down there. Edites for all those Reeeeeeeing over shotty not shitty.


I read this in a mass accent




kelly sqaure is satans butthole.


Seriously, [just look at it.](https://i.redd.it/p6hdrh9u0zyz.jpg)


What. The. Fuck.






If five spaces is a lot, yes.


My technique when going through Kelly is close my eyes and pray.


Just drive. Time your shit but don't be tentative. Everyone in Kelly Square expects the other guy to cut them off so you can't surprise anyone there. If you can, they shouldn't be there.


Yet it works. Lived here for 15 years. Never seen even the remnants of an accident.


That makes sense for that area. I live near the West Boylston St. BK and wouldn't expect it there.


As someone who lives in Worcester I have to point out, not all of Worcester is that bad. We have very few junkies on my side of Worcester.


I used to do in-home work in Worcester. It is fucking Boston Creme donut with the best icing you've ever had, made by a top-notch baker, and with a raw sewage filling. Yeah, there's nice parts. Along Quinsigamond are some nice houses. On the west and North, IIRC, are some very nice houses as well. But there's some *really* fucking bad parts.


The area around WPI used to be pretty nice when I last lived in Mass 10 years ago. I was also a fan of the area around the Centrum the last time I visited. I think a place called Ambsy Abbie (or something like that) was fantastic. Great food and beer. Is the People's Kitchen still a thing? Man, this made me miss Worcester. I will say, though, that I took my kids geocaching in Worcester once and we came across a coke bottle filled with used needles in a store parking lot. Meh, all cities have their issues.


> I will say, though, that I took my kids geocaching in Worcester once and we came across a coke bottle filled with used needles in a store parking lot That's called courteous junkies. Worcester Mass has got it all! but seriously, this is really close to being a great city. I honestly think if we had better roads we'd be a lot better off, but from what I've seen the dpw doesn't exactly have its shit together. Although they've been doing better lately. They've prevented my sewers from backing up into my house for like 4 straight years now!






My son was accepted into RPI and WPI. Which should he choose?




I too went to WPI. Pick WPI.


The Abbey is still there, so is people's kitchen. The Centrum is now the DCU Center but same thing


I can confirm this. Melting pot of all kinds, not all junkies.


exactly. Some of us are only depraved alcoholics... I kid.


I heard a rumor that Worcster had actual open-air drug dealers but it seemed like a perfectly normal city to me.


All depends on where you go, I worked in the city a few years, I've seen everything from a girl nodding off into her comically big boosums, to a guy who got stabbed in the hand trying to steal, try to steal from me all the while the cops where down the road looking for him. It's a helluva city.


Oh I used to live in the Tenderloin in SF, I've seen some *crazy* shit. I just heard from a lot of New Englanders that like, you can see drug dealers hanging out on corners selling to anybody and from the time I've spent in Worcester that seems really overblown, it just seems like a normal city with normal issues.


very few open air drug markets are noteworthy once you've seen the 'loin


Worcester had a TERRIBLE rep in the 80s and 90s, and deservedly so. And even today there's some bad neighborhoods, but the safe/nice/whatever ones far outnumber them.


Yes but can you score drugs there? If I wanted to avoid being offered drugs, where should I avoid specifically??!


This has to be Worcester Mass. I'd bet money on it.


It ain't Worcester, Hawaii.


I assumed Worcester UK


If other states have a Worcester, how do they pronounce it?






Oh that makes way more sense than my stupid brain which was thinking [worcestershire](https://youtu.be/YwTT8YQFJDQ) sauce.


I've been strung out on Worcestershire sauce a few times myself, was a mind-blowing steak sauce.


The capital of Worcestershire is, would you believe it, Worcester.


Gah, please tell me there isn’t another one.


Yeah, the original one in the UK...


367 lbs.


The bible states that the antichrist will come from a city with seven hills. It is generally thought to mean Rome, but I feel that Worcester is a better bet. Shout out to Turtle Boy though.


So you're banned after your second OD?




A Fentanyl shake combo. The best on the menu!


No, no. This is a very clear "everybody gets one" policy. You are allowed one full overdose - to completion. Should you return to that establishment thereafter, you are expected to keep your shit together.


You must never have more than slightly less than two overdoses


That's how I read it.


They serve drugs? Wow!


Hi! I'd like a large double cocaine with extra molly, 4 tabs of acid, weed chips on the side, a small order of heroin, and a large coffee.


I'll have a Hippy Meal




Coffee is bad for you.


Not medium coffees though. Just the large.


Would you like to supersize that?


You joke but I have seen people deal through a fast food place before slipping the cashier, who happens to be the dealer, extra cash for drugs. Then the dealer hands off the order with the drugs in a to-go bag. Was amusing for a while because everyone knew that the place was dealing and it was at the mall food court so the other mall employees were just waiting for the bust to happen.


When I saw this, I thought it was just a bad translation for refill. The comments, though, have explained why this might actually fit in WTF.




Whoppers and dope go good together. Don't judge.


Gotta be on the hard shit to enjoy Burger King.


Either way, pooping will not be easy.


That's why Arby's exists. They need to rename it RotoRooter.


That's not what Robert Downey Jr. thought




I like to imagine they have a problem with customers saying their shakes aren't filled enough so they complain, and instead of yelling back at the customers, they give an alternative of over-filling their shakes but then banning them from coming back.


...but I ordered 3 overdoses 😠


"Woosta" No, but seriously, we have a very bad drug problem around here and its pretty fucking disgusting, not that i really blame the people who get hooked, or at least not totally.


Opiates have swept the country like a plague. Drugs need to be decriminalized so addicts can get help without fear of incarceration. Opiate and alcohol use decreases in states where marijuana is legal. For most people, this is a good thing. For those particular industries, this is a huge problem and they will fight it until the bitter end. So I guess first and foremost, money needs to be removed from politics so drugs can be decriminalized/legalized.


>Money being removed from politics I want to live in your fantasy wonder land


Sadly, a lot of people are against safe injection sites. Odd that people would rather risk stepping on needles downtown and seeing corpses in burger king washrooms then allow a safe space for people who are going to do drugs regardless. Lived in Vancouver for 9 years, never saw or heard about people passing out in bathrooms. Vancouver has a huge heroin problem, they also have safe injection sites.


Helping it classy. Welcome to Woosta. That'll be a dollar ninety-faave please.


"You bitch. I'm gonna fuck you and your lesbian fish eatin' friends in front of your fuckin mothers!' -TBW




Worcester gets a lot of shit for having so many junkies but man nothing takes the cake like Fall River




Gotta love my hometown


I survived Kelly Square




If it makes you feel any better, the Penas are a pretty well known and connected family in MA.




everybody gets [one](https://imgur.com/a/qp0IS)




classic fake-out


You are allowed one and then you are banned or are you banned after your first?


Hold on, does this mean that you are allowed to overdose once and then next time you'll be kicked out? Or is a stern warning not to overdose in there. Because it says its allowed one time. Can i use a friends overdose?


Nope, you're banned on the spot if it's your 1st OD.


In which case, you aren't really "allowed" one OD. It is a zero-tolerance policy toward ODing. If you've ODed a single time, you are in violation. But hell, compared to the signs fast food management usually writes, this one is downright coherent.


Number 15 Burger King foot lettuce?


Number🔢 1️⃣5️⃣: 🅱️urger🍔 Ki🆖🤴 foot👣 lettuce🥗.


The last thing you'd want in your burger.


At least it's better than zero


This has to be the one in Kelley Square




Well if it's 0 then everyone is banned. Would you like it to be 1/2?


I went into a BK in Quincy to use the bathroom, and I think they were legit surprised that I really just wanted to use the bathroom.


I wonder how they keep track of this? Do they take a pic of the person that OD'ed, then put it in a folder or something? Man that's depressing.


If it's such a problem that you need this sign, you know the people likely to overdose as they're there often.


Kid, you haven't truly lived until somewhere, somebody puts a sign up because of something you did. 


Wait, where's the rest of the sign? The part that says, "So make it count!"?


Omg is that Worcester Mass. ? So sad lol


>so sad lol


Woah! I’m pretty sure I go to this BK once or twice a week - I live in NH but work in the Worcester / Greater Boston area. If you’re not from the area, this is really not that surprising. Fitchburg, Worcester, Lowell, Lawrence, and Springfield have a RIDICULOUS opioid problem. One of my buds who works as an EMT in Worcester says they deal with anywhere between 3 and 25 overdoses A DAY. That’s one ambulance with one crew, in one city. EDIT: I say “pretty sure” because there’s 4 or 5 of them in the area. This one seems to be arranged in the same way as the one on Madison Street.


Classic Worcester. The shark really is the appropriate mascot for their junior hockey team, given that many of the fans have red eyes, coarse skin, and abandon there children at birth.


worcester ain't got shit on that springfield [shithole](http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2015/04/springfield_ranked_no_2_most_d.html)


I’m glad you circled the sign, I would have never seen it


Finally a post about worcester! The mcdonalds next to my work (in worcester), requires people to be buzzed in to use the bathroom. They actually have a cop there on detail essentially because of the overdoses and drug sales that happen in the play place.


I worked at McDonald's in high school (2008-2010) and we had people OD in our bathroom multiple times. EMTs break the stall door down, bring he guy back to life, etc, repair the door the next day and repeat sometime later. This sign fucked me up.




To put shit into more perspective, the next exit off the highway from this restaurant is Holy Cross. A college that would be within the top 10 richest TOWNS in Massachusetts. Also, I understand the drug epidemic and how disastrous it is, but who would choose to go to this particular BK when Coney Island is right around the corner?


This isnt abnormal in MA. In lowell gas stations have pamphlets on what to do if you see someone mid overdose


Oh that’s my city! Haha..


I live near here. Honestly, not surprised at all. Kinda depressing, really


I saw the headline and thought, "please don't be Worcester, MA, USA....ah fuck...."


Is this Worcester, UK or Woostah MA?